• Published 30th Dec 2013
  • 2,143 Views, 42 Comments

Pony of a Different Color - Sparky Brony

Equestria gains a visitor from another universe, and it's up to the mane 6 to help him get home.

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Chapter 7.

It's judgment day, as far as I'm concerned. I'm hobbling around Rainbow's house, the sun is about to rise, I know Twilight is going to be here soon. I wish I could actually pace, but I am in to much pain. Rainbow is laying on her couch, watching me stagger around.

I can hear her amusement in her voice. “Sparky, Celestia doesn't have a royal executioner. Both Twilight and I have told you that you are as much a victim of these evil people as we were. She has no reason to be really angry at you. There were too many circumstances beyond your control.”

That is a term that I truly hate, I am more of a control freak than most ponies would understand. I huff and turn around. I get my cast caught, I end up planting my face into the cloud floor. Ugh, I hate being injured.

“There's nothing wrong with your wings Sparky. Just fly.” She fell to peals of laughter from the absolutely shocked look on my face. I never even thought of the wings. In the last month I probably didn't fly nearly as much as any other Pegasus in Equestria. I shake my head and spread my wings. I get to a stable hover and there's a knock at the door.

It's Twilight, she's early, I think. I haven't been paying much attention, all my attention is directed inward. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her sit down next to Rainbow Dash. I let them talk to each other. I'm just worried. I'm pacing, I guess you can call it that when I'm simply flying back and forth.

“You ready to go Sparky?” Twilight says, breaking me from my funk.

“No, but I guess it's time.” I try a smile, I'm happy to get one back. I'm out the door before they are, I know my way to the train station. I left my saddle bags back at Dash's house, I really don't have much else to my possession here in Equestria. I land at the train station, the train is huffing and puffing as the locomotive takes on water. I used to think how quaint the technology in Equestria was until I found out that because they are ponies, they are better suited for most short range travel, they really don't have need of the variety of transportation that is available in my world. Especially when you can hire a Pegasus drawn carriage, and get where you want faster than any airline could back home. I settle into my seat, Twilight has my ticket, and all of the Mane 6 join me in the car. The entire trip is undertaken in silence on my part. I really don't want my first visit to the ruler of this land to be under these circumstances. Before the battle, I had tried to drop hints with Twilight, and Spike, that I would like a visit with her former teacher and mentor, but either Twilight wasn't catching my hints, or she didn't want to introduce me to her.

I don't know if it was my own anxiety, or what, but I feel the level of dread in my rising as each mile passes. I lay down on the padded bench and try to rest, but the movement of the train produces random jabs of pain as I try to get comfortable. It's impossible. Every scenario that I imagine is running through my mind. And of course, it gets worse by the moment.

Presently I'm sitting on a bench outside of Celestia's audience chamber. All of the mane 6 around me with the exception of Apple Jack. And shortly Pinkie Pie is called in, and the rest in turn until it's just Twilight and myself waiting. I really don't want to be here. If I had access to Saidin, I would be gone, no question, but all I can do is sit here and wait. Finally, Twilight is summoned. I'm all alone. I look around frantically. I see the windows all around. I've crashed through a few windows in my time in Ponyville. But I know there are Pegasus guards all over, I wouldn't get a mile before getting caught. I sit and try to pass the time by thinking of every pony I have met in my time here. I'm doing the mental equivalent of twiddling my thumbs, and with no thumbs to twiddle, I'm stuck.

“Sparky, it's your turn.” A gruff voice intones. I nod to the Unicorn guard and slowly hobble into the audience chamber. There she is, with her flowing mane, her wings are spread. As I get closer, I can see the very displeased look on her face as I approach. Already slow progress due to my injuries is slowed even further. I can barely move. After way too much time I finally am in front of the Princess of the Sun in Equestria. I am literally in awe. I had thought Rainbow Dash was a beautiful pony, but she is but the dawn compared to the bright light of day in Celestia. I have to think quite a bit before I'm able to compose myself.

“Sparky, as you are usually called here?” She asks.

A gulp, “Yes, Princess.”

“What is your real name?”

“William, Princess.”

“Your full name, please.”

“William Turnbull, maam.”

A small smile from the ruler of this land. “I want to know about those that invaded my realm.”

A deep sigh from me, I try to be quick and concise about the attackers. I wind down after a few minutes.

She continued to look solemn, “And you had a gateway to your world open at that point. Why did you not escape home?”

I looked down, “They were attacking my friends here. I'm not going to escape like a coward and leave my friends to fight without me.”

“Even if those soldiers had followed you as you ran? Couldn't you have ended the attack by leaving and having them chase you.”

I looked up, “I've been thinking on that myself your Highness. I know the reputation of those who have tried to catch adepts. They are ruthless, they are vicious. I don't believe for a second that my leaving would have ended the battle here in Equestria. We were standing against them, they would have wiped out any pony they could simply because we didn't submit to them.”

“And you surrendering to them would have done what William?”

“Absolutely nothing Princess. As I said, they are ruthless. I watched as they tortured a village elder who had no knowledge of me to get information. He was executed when they understood that he didn't know what an adept was. The reason I revealed myself and killed more than a hundred of them was because of that old man. I thought that he would be released after they realized he didn't know anything. He did not deserve to die. My goal was La Rouche, and I failed in that. But he was able to get away, they didn't have much more than a hundred soldiers at that village, and I wiped out every one of them, except for La Rouche, that man has the luck of ten men. In my experience, and the experience of the only other adept I've known, the only way to survive an encounter with these soldiers is to wipe them out with as much prejudice as you can. They are very dangerous people.”

Her tone became more commanding, “Tell me about what happened when Rainbow Dash here was shot.”
I gulp again, I look back at my friends. Every one of them look worried, Twilight and Rainbow both give me encouraging smiles as I turn back to the Princess.

“I couldn't let her die Princess. I just couldn't. I saw the effects of the bullets on her, and it was like those bullets were going through me. I used the only weave that I knew that might be able to save her.”

She rises from her throne, her wings extend. “Could that have killed you in the process?”

I nod, I can't talk.

She nods back, she comes down from her throne. She ends up standing right in front of me. As she came close, I crouched lower to the ground, I'm completely ignoring the pain in my body. I'm waiting for the worst as I am as low to the ground as possible.

She says two more words, I have to play it back in my mind to understand. Once her soft thank you penetrates my mind, I force myself to look at her face. Gone is the stern countenance from her throne. She's simply standing there. I really don't understand what she meant.

“Pardon me Princess?”

She shakes her head a little bit and then, louder, she says, “Thank you Sparky. You would willingly have sacrificed a potentially very long life for not only my subjects, but for a fellow Princess of Equestria.” She turns and heads slowly back to her throne. “You could have made your life easy by abandoning Equestria and left Twilight Sparkle here to fight. While she would likely have prevailed, I had a squadron each of Pegasi and Unicorns of the Royal Canterlot guards on their way. They, along with the Princess' abilities, would have most likely defeated the invaders. But the number of lives lost in Equestria would likely have been severe. You stayed and fought, at great personal danger to yourself. And then when a close friend of Twilight, myself and others was severely injured, you further risked your life to save her. To the point where you stand before me in severe pain while your body heals from those injuries that you took upon yourself. Is that correct?”

“Yes Princess.”

“So, again, Sparky. Thank you for your sacrifice. You had access to your power, and you saving my little ponies has made it impossible for you to have that power in the foreseeable future. You used your power to combat a threat to my subjects. And you very nearly lost your life in that struggle.” She lifted a hoof and indicated the rest of the mane six. Every single pony sitting there, and others I've talked to as part of my investigation, have said that you acted with the utmost in honor and integrity. They also said you were devastating in battle, that you used your power to protect the ponies. So, thank you Sparky. This will conclude my investigation.”

“Nay, sister.” Came a strident voice from above me. An indigo shape slammed down in front of me. Silver clad hooves slammed into me, knocking me down. I fall to the marble floor, stunned for a moment. I look up, Celestia is holding back Luna. And the Princess of the Moon looks ready to do murder. “While his actions in the battle were noble, we cannot forget the fact that his actions in coming to Equestria are the reason those monsters visited. His coming here is why six ponies are dead.” The last words come as a shout from her. Every word stabs into my heart. I was expecting those words from Celestia. But the passion of Luna's words hits me hard. I was already on the point of tears.

“I'm sorry Princess.” I sob. “I did not know that they would follow me. I had moved my home, I had covered my trail. I still don't know how they could have found the residue of Saidin from me coming here.” I don't like to cry, yet the emotions of the last few days just overwhelm me. “If I could simply turn myself in to them...”

“No!” a shout from both Twilight and Rainbow Dash. All six of my friends rush to me. Rainbow helps me back to my hooves. Twilight puts her muzzle right in my face. “Surrendering to evil will only allow it to grow. Who knows how many would die if you were to let yourself be captured by them.” She turns back to Luna. “With the power that I used to help Sparky defeat them, I have no doubt that I would be a target for them now. We need to prepare for them to come back. Sparky is the only pony who knows about them. We need to find a way to help him get his power back. We need to get ready to combat their greed for power.”

Celestia gives her sister a very sharp look, Luna subsides for a moment. Celestia looks at me. “Do you think it possible for them to come back Sparky?”

I search my memories. “From what I've been told, and what I've learned by fighting them. They probably have the ability to come back. And they are relentless. If they come back, it will be with a larger force. They will not quit until they are stopped, or they achieve their goal. They want adepts, and I agree with Twilight. They will likely want her, and probably any unicorn they can get their claws on. They must be defeated.”

Twilight turns to Luna, “While they did follow him, he had no knowledge that they would actually succeed and follow him to Equestria, he is as much a victim of their evil as myself, my friends, and the six ponies who died in the battle.”

Luna harrumphs, “Mark my words Sparky, I think you are a danger to Equestria, and in fact, any world you choose to visit in the future.”

Rainbow Dash jumps up into the air, her wings flapping slowly to keep hovering right in front of Luna. I am quite certain that the cyan mare is furious. “Sparky nearly died to save my life Princess Luna. In battle, he was nearly perfect. He fought as hard as he could, and he saved far more lives of your subjects than anyone else here.” She slams down. “I don't think he really wants to talk about the magic he used to save my life, but I am going to tell you.” She looks back at me, stomps a hoof, and completely ignores my pleading look as she turns back. “The magic was a link. Once the pain from me getting shot was removed by him, I was aware of every memory, every thought, every part of his soul. Not a single time has this stallion been wantonly cruel, nor has he ever hurt anypony on purpose for his own gain. In fact, he's been more than kind. With all the power he has available to him with his magic, he's only fought to free others when he was a soldier. He's only killed to save lives. He had a wife once. He met a woman and fell in love with her. He spent nearly thirty years with her. When she became sick with something he couldn't heal, he was frantic to try to save her, and her death has been a continual source of pain for him for decades now. This pony.” She points at me. Rising again to face the taller Luna.

“This pony, right here, has comforted the dying, he has saved lives through his healing, and has fought to protect life more than anypony here can imagine. And I love him.”

Gasps from those assembled. Even Rainbow Dash seems shocked by the words she just spoke. Her wings clamp to her sides and she falls a few feet.

“I love him, Princess. Please, don't banish him from our world. In fact, I would love for him to stay here permanently.”

I'm in shock. I never expected those words out of her mouth. And, looking around, nopony else did either. She turns and comes next to me. I'm very unsteady on my hooves, she helps me steady myself. I look in her cerise eyes. I can see her feelings there. I've only seen that look once before. I rest my head on her shoulder. This emotional roller coaster has really drained me.

Celestia steps forward. “Luna, this pony is welcome to stay. And Sparky, we will do our utmost to allow you to gain your powers back.” Luna, seemingly still unconvinced, finally nods acquiescence.

Author's Note:

Well, another chapter. I've got a few more chapters planned out before I build up for the final climax of the story. Hope you enjoy.