• Published 30th Dec 2013
  • 2,143 Views, 42 Comments

Pony of a Different Color - Sparky Brony

Equestria gains a visitor from another universe, and it's up to the mane 6 to help him get home.

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Chapter 3.


“And we can discuss channeling while we eat, or is it impolite in Equestria to mix food and work?”

“No, in fact, stimulating conversation is always appreciated.”

We found places at a cafe near her tree and ordered food. After a life of an omnivore, the idea of a complete herbivore diet seems rather daunting to me, but for now, I'll have to deal with it. When our food arrived, I decided to get into my magic with her.

“Allright, my magic, it's divided into two halves, one controlled by women, the other controlled by men. Obviously I control Saidin, it's the male half of the true source. It is further divided into five powers, or elements. They are earth, air, water, fire, and spirit. Those names are deceiving though. Earth would be more accurately described as matter, because it involves anything that is matter, to an extent. Air would best be described as all gasses, not just specifically the air we breathe, I can use it to isolate the oxygen or some other specific element out of the air, and use it for some purposes. Water is obviously any liquid, or specifically any fluid. Fire would easily be just energy, because I can use it to power electronics, like that ipad I showed you earlier, the electronics I brought with me will eventually need a charge, I hope we can figure it out, those saddlebags of mine have a lot more in them than most ponies would guess. And lastly, there is spirit, which is pretty self evident, it's everything to do with the mind, and spiritual energies, it is the thread that I use to make gateways as well.”

Twilight just sat during my monologue and then took a while to digest the information. “That is nowhere near how magic works here in Equestria. I'm sorry Sparky, I don't see how it's possible.”

More than a little panic starts to enter my voice. “Twilight, I know the situation seems daunting, but there has to be a way for the source to be accessed. Perhaps if I explained how traveling works...”

“Well, hello again Sparky, hi Twi” Applejack says as she sits down at the table with us. Ugh, I wasn't looking forward to this meetup again.

“Hello Applejack, how are you today?” Twilight asks.

“Well, except for an unexpected visitor late last night, just peachy.”

I cleared my throat. “Well, Applejack, I'm sorry about last night and especially this morning.” Twilight urged us to head to the library as I stumbled out an apology. “I was disoriented from my loss of my magic and I really didn't need any probing questions as of yet, but I'm ready to come clean now.” Applejack was apparently able to take a lot in stride, she didn't even react. “Aww shoot sugar cube, I could tell that you weren't telling me everything, as I said, you'll tell me in your own time.” She stopped walking for a second. “Wait a minute, you lost your magic? What the hay are you talking about?”

“I'm not a pegasus, not even a pony really. I'm a human, a human with a special gift, look at my cutie mark. That's a representation of my magic. I've never in my life been a pony until late last night. I let the gateway that I used to come here close, and it closed off my connection to magic. I'm scared, no... that's not enough, I'm terrified. I'm under a death sentence without my magic, and I have to find a way to fill this void inside me. I've got to fix this.”

I feel tears leaking from my eyes. Dammit, no, I’m not this emotional. “I've loved this world, this My Little Pony show for a few years since it premiered at home, and I don't know what I'm going to do to get this fixed. Your world is so interesting, it's so beautiful” There are more than just a few tears in my eyes now, they are streaming down my face. “I'm just terrified.”

I completely break down, I'm unable to talk. I hear them shifting, and then I have three ponies enveloping me in a hug. I never noticed Rainbow Dash coming back in. They all hold me as I sob. I don't cry, especially not where anyone else is around. But here I am, bawling like a baby. After a few minutes, the emotions subside to a more manageable level and I break away. I really don't want to, their friendship is so welcoming, so warm. But I've got to continue on. I look at them, they all have tears in their eyes as well, but I can tell, they don't pity me, they don't look down on me, they are concerned about me.

After being alone in my life for as long as I have, remember, jumping between universes really is not conducive to long term relationships. I've been alone for a long time, and for the first time in decades, I've got real friends, even though I've known them for just a few hours. I hate to say it, but certainly in this world, friendship is magic.

A knock at the library door, and it opens to admit three more ponies. Oh no, the entire mane six are here. I take a moment to look at the new arrivals, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. Once again I'm struck by how the animation style of the show is completely inadequate to show these ponies. They all sit down as Twilight once again goes through my sad sad story. I can see the skepticism of the new arrivals, until my ipad is floated in front of them, and another episode is played. One of my season three favorites, Too Many Pinkie Pie's. This time it was six mesmerized ponies while I watched their reaction. After twenty two minutes, they all just stared at me.

Rarity broke the silence. “Are you seriously telling me that we are a cartoon show? That is intended for young fillies?”


“And how many adventures of ours are in this Television show?” This came from Pinkie Pie. Didn't really expect to see her angry.

“About sixty five, not all of them are adventures, most of the episodes are what are called slice of life. Not big ones where you and your friends defeated Discord. I don't have all of the episodes on that device, most of them are at home, where I can't get to them.”
“Amazing” This from Rarity.

“I'm throwing it all on you girls, I can't get home without help, and while I may love staying here, it's not my world, and without my magic, I am going to die, a horrible death. I need your help.”

It was amazing, I watched all their faces, I knew that Rainbow Dash and Twilight were completely ready to help me, but watching the others work through their own feelings kept me feeling on pins and needles, I hoped they would agree, but I was anxious. I really didn't know what would happen.

“Of course we will help you Sparky, what else could we do?” this came from Applejack. All of them nodded their heads. I let out a huge sigh of relief.

“What do we need to do to start?” Fluttershy asked.

I looked at Twilight, “I think we will need to go through all the books on obscure magical theories, Spike probably knows where they are.”

“Ohhhh, small problem with that, Spike just left for Canterlot for Royal business at Celestia's request, he said he'll be back in a few days. So we will have to figure this out without him.” The newest Princess of Equestria said.

For the next several hours, all of us were going through the library and every old tome there. Twilight and I doing most of the actual reading, and the rest gathering books. I was able to understand some of the magical theory in these books. Similar to magical theory in some other universes I have visited. I was actually encouraged by the reading. I'm still trying to figure out how these hooves work. I can pick up things, but only if I'm not thinking about it. Turning pages is a snap, I can even manipulate the ipod quite well, and yet, hooves are certainly a different way to manipulate my environment.

Well after the sun had gone down, I slammed a book closed, startling everyone. “I am exhausted, I think sleep is a good idea.” The others nodded, some of them stifling yawns. Ponies started heading for the door. I pulled Twilight aside.

“Any decent hotels in Ponyville?”

I had to explain the word, when she understood, Twilight looked at me as though I'd grown a second head. “You aren't staying anywhere but here Sparky, I need to keep an eye on you.”

That wasn't going to happen. “They last time someone tried to put me under house arrest, I made them regret it, I may not have my magic Twilight, but I'm not your prisoner. I will show you all the courtesy you deserve, but do not try to keep me here against my will.”

I saw her temper start to really rise, then she understood. “You are feeling claustrophobic aren't you? You miss being outside?”

A quick nod from me, confinement really bothers me.

“Allright Sparky, you are free to stay here if you wish, we really don't have any real inns here in Ponyville, most who visit stay with family or friends. I think a couple of families have spare rooms they can rent out in case they are needed. But nothing on an organized basis. The nearest actual place that is like what you are talking about would be in Canterlot. It's a good hour to fly there, and with your limited flying time, I wouldn't suggest it at night. Of course, you are a Pegasus pony. You can simply gather up some clouds and make a place to rest.”

I thought about what she said. “If it's okay with you, I'll stay here tonight, and I'll make some more permanent living accommodations tomorrow, sound good?”

A nod from her.

I grabbed my saddlebags, I pulled out a hoof full of gold, as I turned to hand it to her, her horn glowed and the gold floated quickly back into my bag. I shot her a dirty look, and reached in again, this time my hoof was grabbed and pulled out of the bag.

“I get a stipend from Canterlot to cover my expenses, since I don't really do much outside of the library, most of it sits and doesn't get spent. I have far more gold crowns than I could ever spend. I don't need, nor do I want, a single bit of your gold Sparky. When you visit here, you are my guest. Applejack told me earlier how much gold you gave her for just a few hours, and your silliness about paying your own way. As far as myself and my friends are concerned, your gold is worthless in Ponyville. If you want to waste it, go ahead, but my friends won't take any, do you understand?”

I opened my mouth to protest, and subsided when I saw the look on her face. Did I say how expressive pony faces are? I knew this mare was not going to brook any argument from me. I finally subsided, “Understood Twilight.” Have I said recently that a happy smile from her can outshine the sun?


The sun just went out as she glowered at me.

“I insist that I will pay for a big celebration some time soon. It is okay if I spend my gold on fun things that benefit everyone?”

Another big smile from Twilight, “That is certainly okay, Ponyville is not a poor town, so it will have to be a pretty big celebration.”

That sounds good to me. “Agreed.”

I ended up sleeping on a couch in her study. Pretty comfortable I guess.

Author's Note:

I don't think I'm going to be able to keep up the pace of a chapter a day, but this story is itching around my skull, and the trouble is, as I type, I find more and more I want to add to this story. Oh well, Discord will be in the next chapter, I hope you like this one. Trust me, the story is picking up, I hope you enjoy.