• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 2,390 Views, 11 Comments

Maybe Love Bites Twice - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to Maybe Love Bites... series, part 61. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the consequences of his influences on Equestria; and how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9 – Revelations

The day has rolled on slow and dismal since Aerolight and the changeling were taken. Despite yours and Twilight's words Violet and Sparky ended up staying in the castle with you, which was actually the best thing for Twilight seeing as how she has started to beat herself up for not noticing some difference in Aerolight.

You may not have broken down and cried like Twilight, half because you can not believe your own son would help a changeling and half for Twilight's sake.

However, talking with Violet and Sparky about how Aerolight and the mare acted around them has started to lead you to believe Aerolight knew what she was. This fact along with Twilight’s own fear to tell Celestia has sent chills up your back and you have been trying your best to avoid that thought as you instead try to pass the time in the dining hall Shining told you to wait in.

Twilight's eyes still show there visible sadness, but the constant conversation brought on by Violet has helped to keep her mind off of her thoughts.

You slowly start to drift your mind from your thoughts as you turn your attention from the table in front of you and instead to the light conversation the two ponies across the table have held with the mare next to you.

"S-so you haven't started thinking about a name?" Twilight's voice is a little lower than normal but it holds to a steady tone.

Sparky shakes his head as he speaks up, "Well we've talked about a few things...But it's to hard to pick a name until we find out if it's a colt or filly."

Twilight holds a little smile to the comment as she nods her head, "Just make sure you have a name...You never know if something will bring a little surprise."

As the mare's words ring to the large room the doors of the dining hall comes open.

Shining now trots into the room as he brings his low voice up, "Aerolight should be awake by now...Are you ready?"

You can feel Twilight's body shutter next to you as she stays silent.

A few moments pass as Shining just stands near the doorways awaiting a response. But the moments of thinking are over for you as you stand up from the seat, "I'm ready."

Shining shifts his eyes to Twilight as he looks her over, however she does not change her set gaze to the table. You turn your head as you put a hoof to her back, "I'll be right back."

The words spark Shining’s legs up as he trots towards the door, his trot quickly brings yours up as you follow after him.

- - -
(elsewhere in the city)

The underbelly of the castle or wherever the two ponies were brought to has a hard musky smell of iron bars that have mixed with the heavy and slightly hotter air.

However the bars that Aerolight's head leans to slowly starts to tug against his mane until his eyes start to open.

Aerolight takes a deep breath as he brings his hoof to his head, "Ugh...."

As he continues to rub his head he stares to the mare sitting in the cell next to his. Like his, her cell is nothing more than a simple bed, his stare prompts his voice out as he leans forward from his spot against the cell's bars, "Did you hit me?"

The mare just blinks to the question as Aerolight continues to rub the back of his head, "Because I could have sworn you hit me." A slight laugh comes up from the stallion as he shoots a flashy smile to the mare, "You could have warned me."

However the mare just shakes her head as her low voice comes out, "Do you have any idea where you sit right now?"

The words flick Aerolight's ear as he turns his head around the cell he sits in, "Well it's not Club Luna...and the color scheme is too nice to be your house so-..."

"Do not act coy Aerolight."

The young stallion just chuckles to the words as he drifts his head down to the ground, "So...Is this who you really are Milky? Because everypony seemed to know you."

"You have put yourself in great danger Aerolight-..."

Aerolight starts up in a laugh as the mare tries to continue, "...And you have no idea-.."

"Ha ha ha ha."


"Ha ha ha ha."


Milky stands from the bed as she trots over to the bars that separate them, "Do you have any idea what they are going to do to you?! They believe you helped me, and I do not know if I can save you-..."

"Save me?" Aerolight's head pounds a little from his loud tone but he continues as he jumps from the bed and towards the bars Milky stands at, "...And what was your plan Milky?! To show yourself and hope they will listen??"

The mare slams a hoof to the bars as she speaks up, "You can not know my plans!"

"Why not?!"

Milky's voice stalls for a moment as she just looks through the iron bars and towards the stallion in front of her, "Because you should not have to pay if I fail."

Aerolight studies the mare's face as he slowly nods, "Then stop worrying about me."

The stallion's sure words and confidence makes the mare take a step back as she just blinks to the stallion, however before the mare can speak the sound of the heavy doors to the dungeon sound.

Milky quickly moves back to the bed as she holds her eyes from Aerolight's stare.

The sound of hooves gets closer as Aerolight turns his head towards the hallway into the one exit room.

However a feeling of guilt and remorse comes over the young stallion as he looks over you and Shining coming into the room.

Your eyes lock to his as you swallow and turn your head to the stallion beside you, "C-could you give us a minute?"

Shining nods without hesitation as he turns back from the room and trots away.

You hold your eyes to the stallion's trot until he's too far to hear anything, and once he is you almost jump towards Aerolight's cell as you fiddle with the lock on the cell, "Aerolight listen to me..." The low and rushed whisper you hold burst through your mouth before you can really even think about your next word as you continue, "...I can get this cell open, when your out of it you can teleport just get out and meet me at-..."

"I'm not leaving dad."

"Damit Aerolight listen to me!" Your voice echos to the room and you shoot your eyes to the hall just hoping Shining is not coming, but your mind is at ease for the moment as you take notice to the empty hall.

You take a deep breath as you turn back to the young stallion, "I'm going to get you out of here do you understand me?"

Aerolight just smiles as he shakes his head, "You can't do this, you need to be their for mom-..."

You poke your hoof to the bars as you bring your sharp voice up, "Right now you're who I'm here for and you're going to listen to me do you understand?"

"I have always admired how much you can love..."

The mare's voice turns your head as you stare with a built up rage to the mare at the bed, however as you look her over you feel a strange calmness come over you.

Milky smiles as she continues, "...You two have a lot in common, especially how stubborn you can be."

The mare's words flick your ear as you feel your magic starting to build, "And how do you know us so well huh?" Your trot move to her cell as you continue, "H-have you been following my family huh? Trying to finish your task? Huh? IS that it?"


You snap your head to the stallion as he shakes his head, "Don't."

You blink to the stallion as a thought runs to your mind, "A-Aerolight...How do you know her."
Aerolight turns his gaze as he tries to formulate the words he wants to use. However before he can speak up the mare has stood from her bed, "Do you want your son back?"

You slowly turn your head to the mare as you just stare to her not knowing how to deal with her if she were trying to get into your head.

"...Then allow me to explain myself."

The words ring to your head as you stare to the unicorn that still sits trapped in the magical cell, "How do I know you won't just leave."

Milky lowers her head as she slowly speaks up, "Because a pony can only run so long..." Her eyes flash as she slightly glances towards Aerolight, "...And a changeling can’t hide forever ."

End of chapter 9