• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 2,390 Views, 11 Comments

Maybe Love Bites Twice - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to Maybe Love Bites... series, part 61. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the consequences of his influences on Equestria; and how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10 – Ready or not

It has been a half an hour since you and Shining left the dining hall, and despite the fact Cadence came in to comfort Twilight. However, the light conversation has done little to help quell her own regret for not wanting to go and see Aerolight.

"...So will you be sending a letter to Celestia?"

The words shake Twilight from her stare as she speaks up, "What?"

Cadence blinks to the mare's quick voice as she repeats herself, "About the Crystal Heart, will you be telling Celestia it can not be moved?"

Twilight slowly nods to the comment as she speaks up, "Y-yes, we can't risk moving it. I'm sure Celestia will be able to bring the crown here once we tell her."

Cadence gives a sweet smile as she tries to reach her hoof from her seat across the table, "Twilight I can't imagine what this is like for you... And I will not pretend like what happend did not. But right now we need to make sure we don't make any mistakes."

Violet and Sparky just watch the conversation in silence as Cadence continues, "You don't have to worry about Aerolight...We can break any spell a changeling put on him."

A slight laugh comes up from Twilight as her head drifts towards the table, "Of course..."

Just as Twilight's words come down the dinning hall doors open.

It only takes a few seconds for the lavender mare to jump from her seat as she watches you and Aerolight coming into the room, "Aerolight!"

Without hesitation Twilight wraps her hooves around the young stallion with no intent to let go.

You take a step aside as you turn your gaze to the three ponies at the table, but their eyes all shift to the other ponies that come up behind you.

Twilight slowly brings her hooves from the young stallion as she watches the white mare trotting in beside Shining and two other crystal pony guards.

A bright crystal horn band sits to the unicorn's horn, but this fact does little to curve Twilight's defensive gaze.

Shining turns his head to the open doors as he sparks his horn up to close them, just as the sound of the doors closing rings to the room his voice comes up, "She has agreed to talk in exchange for breaking the spell over Aerolight."

The words bring a slight smile to Milky's face as she waits for her turn to talk.

Twilight quickly swings her eyes to the mare as she speaks up, "Alright...Then talk."

Milky nods as she holds her eyes to the lavender mare, "You can not move the Crystal Heart from the castle."

"Did the changelings mess with its magic? Is that why the Crystal Heart has been acting strange?"

The white mare takes a deep breath as she shakes her head, "It is preparing itself for a fight, how it can know what is about to come is something I do not have the answer to."

Cadence cocks her head to the comment as she stands from her seat, "What fight?"

Milky shifts her eyes to the mare as she continues, "Princess Celestia is about to release the Crown's current magic, when she does all magic will fluctuate and the consequences will be catastrophic."

The room goes silent for a moment as everypony's ears shoot up, but Twilight's voice quickly shatters the quiet as she brings her voice up, "And HOW do you know this?"

Shining's voice rings out next as he squints to the mare, "Celestia would never do something that could potentially harm anypony."

Cadence nods to the comment as she speaks up, "Yes, and why would Princess Luna turn if this was Celestia's plan. She would have known before you."

Twilight holds her head up as she shakes her head to the mare, "You are just trying to scare us to let you go."

Everypony continues to go back and forth until Milky's voice comes up and over theirs, "WHY would I have allowed myself to be caught?!" Milky quickly continues as she rushes her voice, "Luna is not Nightmare Moon, she must have tried to stop her sister."

A slight laugh comes from Twilight as she speaks up, "Oh and how do you know this?"

Milky squints her eyes a little annoyed to every ponies quick dismissal as she shifts her eyes between the poines in the room, "We have spent the last few years getting our kind into positions of power throughout Equestria. I would not give this information out unless there was a direct threat to the changelings." The mare's posture perks up as she continues, "If Celestia is allowed to go through with her plan we will all be exposed and-...."

Shining's voice quickly comes over her's as he turns to his guards, "And there is your reason for wanting the Crystal Heart, guards take her back to the dungeon."

Milky's ear flicks to the words as she turns her head to the armored white stallion, "I WISH the heart to stay here!"

Her words do little to Shining as he shakes his head, "Why would I believe somepony who has tried to harm my sister and everypony-..."


The bright bolt of green magic slams into the wall beside Shining, making the stallion like the two guards take on a quick glow to their horns.

However with the same instinct you have jumped in front of Aerolight as you scream out, "WAIT WAIT!"

Aerolight pushes past you as he swings his head to everypony in the room, "Then don't believe her, believe me!"

Twilight slowly trots towards the stallion as she speaks up, "Aerolight you're not you just sit dow-..."

Aerolight takes a quick step from you and Twilight as he brings his voice up, "I'm fine really."

The words quiver Shining's mouth as he just stares to the dark cream coated stallion not knowing how to act on his confession.

However the tension in the room is quickly broken as Milky's low voice comes out, "Send a letter to Princess Celestia." Her eyes turn to Twilight as she continues, "Just tell her you have the heart...If I'm wrong tell Celestia I give myself up."

Twilight blinks to the comment as she turns her eyes to Aerolight for the moment, but she slowly nods her head as she brings her voice out, "F-fine..."

To the mare's words Shining’s voice comes up as he nods to one of the guards, "Bring us some paper."

As one of the stallions moves from the doorway Shining's magic comes over Milky and Aerolight's bodies as he directs them to trot to one of the seats at the table.

Milky and Aerolight do not hold their eyes to anypony in the room as they just stare to the table.

It only takes a moment for the guard pony to come back to the room as he floats over a light blue piece of paper and a pen to Twilight.

The lavender mare quickly takes the two items into her magic as she swallows and starts to write something to the paper.

Her quick magic makes short work of the paper as her horn glows a little bright until the paper on the table disappears with a slight pop sound.

Twilight slowly brings her eyes up as she nods, "T-there, I told Celestia that we have the crown and that we are on the train."

Milky brings her head from the table as she nods, "I wish there was another way to make you believe me..." Her head turns down the length of the table as she stares to the large and open crystal window that sits to the other side of the room.

Through the window the east side of the city can be seen, as well as the rolling hills of the grassy plains that lay on the outskirts of the empire.

A light sigh comes from Milky as she starts to turn her head back to you and Twilight, "You know I'm actually surprised you two have not seen Celestia's manipulation over the years..." Her eyes come to you as she smiles, "Stories have been told of The Destroyer over the years, and if they are true why is it you have never picked up on everything Celestia has done?"

You and Twilight both stay silent to the mare as you find yourselves listening a little harder to her calmed and slightly defeated voice.

Cadence and Shining notice the long stare as the stallion speaks up, "That's enough."

The words do nothing to alter the mare's words as she continues now with her eyes focused on you, "Her intentions may not be as bad as ours or Discord might have been, but she still has her own agenda." Milky squints to you as she smiles, "Didn't you find it strange she needed you to charge the element of harmony?"

Shining's voice comes up a little more as he blinks to the mare, "I said that's-..."

His words fall flat as Milky turns to Twilight, "And did you really think it was just bad luck that you found that one spell book all those years ago?"

The room starts to get a little brighter as Milky continues to stare to you and Twilight.

However, the room's new light is not just from the sun moving from behind a cloud. Instead the lights now Shining into the room are almost like a rainbow of bright colors.

Sparky is the first to turn around towards the window as he stares to the aurora borealis of lights that seem to be dancing across the sky with a wavy like form.

The pegasus's heart starts to thump a little harder as he reaches his hoof to the light purple mare's hoof that sits next to him.

Cadence's voice comes up as she trots towards the window, "W-what is that?"

Milky turns her eyes towards the window as her confident smile starts to fade, "Like I said...Magic will fluctuate, even the magic that holds the sun at bay."

End of chapter 10