• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 2,390 Views, 11 Comments

Maybe Love Bites Twice - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to Maybe Love Bites... series, part 61. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the consequences of his influences on Equestria; and how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – Following after

The cheerful sounds of Club Luna's music and the chattering ponies that occupy it. However, its not the allure of a quick conversation that has drawn a certain stallion into the building; instead the armor pony has his back to the majority of the room as he just stares into the abyss of the drink in front of him.

The noises of the room behind him does however hold the stallion's attention as he continues to indulge himself in the meaningless conversations that chime in around him.

But, the random bits the young stallion can put together do little to bring any real distraction to the day he has had today.

"What are you doing Arrow?"

The voice from behind the counter in front of him quickly brings Aerolight's eyes up, "What do you mean?"

The tan unicorn stallion floats the white towel to drape around his neck as he speaks up, "I'm not going to go back and forth with you Arrow."

Aerolight just blinks to the stallion as he speaks up, "Alright Taffy."

The stallion takes a step towards Aerolight's seat as he shakes his head, "Alright Aerolight, what's the deal huh? Even Gust has been in a better mood then you." His hoof extends as he points to something in the room behind Aerolight.

The hoof slowly brings Aerolight to turn his head as he looks to the other armored stallion in the room who has seemed to have continued the conversation with the light green coated and lime highlighted maned pegasus mare he started talking to when they first walked in.

Aerolight holds a slight smile to the stallion's nervous looking face, but he only looks over his friend for a moment before he turns back to the stallion across the bar top, "Just been a long day."

Taffy's ear flicks to the comment as he puts his hoof back to the ground, "Long day? You kidding me? I have to be in here and listen to drunken ponies jabber on for hours upon hours until they eventually fall down or are dragged off."

The unicorn quickly snaps his hoof back up as he points to Aerolight, "...And when you don't help drag some of these ponies out of here, I have to hear them longer."

Aerolight just gives a little chuckle as he turns his head towards the drink and helmet in front of him, "Sorry Taffy."

"Sorry?" Taffy blinks to the comment as he wiggles his hoof, "Ya ya, don't hoof me that. I mean really, how hard can being a guard really be, heck you can do it."

Aerolight just holds a little smile to the comment as he shrugs, "Not always."

The comment just rolls Taffy's eyes as he speaks up, "Who knew you would gro-..."

"Hey c-can...Can I get another drink?" The wobbly stallion that stands a little down the bar on Aerolight's right holds a dopey smile as he wiggles the empty glass towards the bartender.

Taffy squints his eyes to the young pony as he speaks up, "Sure, just wait a little more down the bar."

The stallion starts his wobbly start up as Taffy turns his head back to Aerolight, "You know what Aerolight how's about you and Gust start dragging some of these stallions home with you. I mean there's got to be something with you guards, just look at the pretty little flower you get for moving up in the ranks." His hoof wiggles to the helmet sitting on the counter with the dark magenta almost purple flower.

Aerolight however just holds a little smile as he nods to the stallion's mane, "I think those highlights in your mane are starting to mess with you."

Taffy squints his eyes as he raises his hoof a little, "Don't push me Arrow, I still got your balls for that tab last week."

The comment holds Aerolight's smile as he nods, "That reminds me, go ahead and put this drink on my tab, i'm leaving after this."

Taffy just rolls his eyes as he trots a little down the bar's length. To the absent stallion Aerolight turns his attention back to the drink in front of him.

But just as he goes to take a sip a pony on his right slightly bumps into him. The spiky maned stallion does not even notice the gold armored stallion as he continues to talk to the pony on his right, "...Totally dude, I heard a few guards talking about earlier."

"...No way, that's not true."

Aerolight's ear flicks to the stallion's words as he turns a little to listen to the spiked maned pony, "Ya, it's true. Nightmare Moon is back! And everypony is keeping it secret!"

The young stallion's excitable voice sparks Aerolight's hooves as he pulls his helmet close to him as he quickly stands from the chair.

Neither of the two ponies take notice to his movements as Aerolight starts towards the exit of the club. As his trot passes by Gust he gives a little nod, which goes unnoticed to the pegasus's locked eyed gaze to the mare in front of him. This little fact brings a slight smirk to Aerolight as he moves the helmet to loosely sit to his head.

His pace quickly brings him out of the music booming club as he takes his first step back into the dark night world.

Despite it being much later in the night the line outside of the building seems to have stayed the same, and as the young stallion trots pass the red velvet rope line he can not help but smile to all the still waiting ponies.

- - -

(A little later)

The large white moon hangs high in the sky, despite its keeper being locked in the Canterlot dungeon; or wherever Celestia has moved her since this morning when ever guard was put on high alert.

A low nightly chill runs down most of Canterlot's side streets with the same gust as the main street, thanks to the tall building's draft. Of course though the heavier gold armor that sits to Aerolight's body wards off any unwanted cool air.

However, the world around the young ponies has started to turn the outer part of the armor into an almost ice cube like shelling, that his legs unfortunately have to make contact with.

Luckily, the stallion's journey through the city has started to near its end, as his eyes turn the simple two story normal white stone made house on his left. The torch street light flickers that stands in front of the house flickers a little to light the majority of the house's front door.

Aerolight's young legs quickly bring him to the door as he dips a hoof to the hidden pocket for his key. Within moments he brings the house key to the door as he starts inside of the dark house.

But just as the stallion closes the door and sparks his horn up to turn on the house's lights his eyes lock to something in the room before him.

"Hello Aerolight."

The well spoken southern accent lofts towards the stallion's ears, but he remains unmoved as he just continues to stare.

To the stallion's eyes the freckle nosed brilliant yellow mare with her two blue shaded mane speaks up again, "I see that you have finally taken your career seriously." The mare holds her green eyes to the gold armor as she squints to the flower on the helmet, "And what is this?"

Her gaze holds as she takes a hoof forward, "Did you cross breed a Lupine?" The mare flashes a happy smile as she continues to take a hoof forward, "I know that you are an earth pony, but I had not thought you had a green hoof." As her words come down her hoof comes to raise towards the stallion's helmet.

However, her hoof is stopped as a yellow magic wraps to her hoof to hold the mare in one spot, "What are you doing here..."

The stallion's hard stare and deep voice drops the mare's smile as she moves her head a little closer to Aerolight's, "You seem stressed Aerolight...When was the last time you had any fun?"

The comment brings no change to the stallion's face as he brings his deeper voice out again, "What are you doing here Milky?"

Milky's ear flicks to the name as she smiles, "So you have not forgotten me?"

Aerolight's magic drops to the mare's hoof as she quickly put it back to the ground to help her balance, "What are you doing here?"

The mare just holds a low smile to the stallion's face as she looks over the stallion's pink eyes, "Tell me why I'm here." Her low well spoken southern voice rings the stallion's ear as Aerolight just stares silently to the mare for the moment.

To the stallion's silence Milky brings herself a little closer as she stares deeper into the stallion's eyes, "I'm waiting Aerolight."

The young stallion turns his head as he speaks up, "I don't know."

Milky just holds her smile as she inches her head closer, "Tell me Aerolight, how many ponies have you been with since we last saw each other?"

Aerolight's stare falters a little as the mare's voice and eyes slowly start to work over him, but he gives no response as he just stares to her.

"Do not lie Aerolight...You never know who you were really with." Milky's eyes flicker to her words as she holds her little smile.

The mare's smile slowly coxes a response as Aerolight swallows, "Three..."

Milky slowly runs her hoof to the stallion's armored chest as her voice turns into a whisper, "I must say Aerolight...I am surprised at how low a number."

Despite the fact her hoof has no effect on the stallion's body Aerolight finds his own head starting to drift a little more towards the mare in front of him, "And will I be surprised about you?"

Milky moves her hoof from the stallion's chest as she takes her head a little back from his, "I think there are other things that would surprise you then just something as trivial as that."

Aerolight continues to drift his head a little closer as he sparks up the flashy smile that has laid dormant to his face for far too long, "Then show me something surprising Milky..."

The stallion's approaching head cringes the mare's back for a moment. But as the impending kiss finally makes contact the tensed up muscles of her neck loosen for the moment, and she soon finds herself giving into her own feelings. The light sparks of magic that rings from the stallion's lips shines even to the well lit room as the two ponies continue to indulge themselves on the other's unique taste and sensation.

End of chapter 3