• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 2,390 Views, 11 Comments

Maybe Love Bites Twice - Fat1thatyoulove

The sequel to Maybe Love Bites... series, part 61. Follow our main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the consequences of his influences on Equestria; and how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – Didn't this story used to be simpler?

The sounds around you boom with an almost bass like tone and your upper chest grows tighter and tighter with every breath you take. Of course, this is to be expected when somepony has been bound and blindfolded to a chair, like you are now.

Truthfully you have no idea how long you have been sitting here, but the ache in your tailbone would suggest you have been at least on this hard wood chair for a good hour or so.

However, your mind has not really been focused on the time for the duration of this little torture game. Instead you have been focusing your mind to every sound in the room, which seems to have paid off seeing as how you have counted at least four ponies around you...Or maybe just one...Counting the sound of hooves has never been something you thought you would have to do, it is kind of interesting though.

Your ear flicks to your last thought as you think to yourself, okay...I just said listening to a pony walk is interesting, ya I have lost it.

With this new thought boiling in your head you speak up, "Twilight...How much longer are you going to make me sit here?"

Your ears stay up as a faint response from up stairs trickles in, "Just one minute!"

The answer brings a little groan from you as you speak up again, "Can I at least untie these ropes? It's not like I'm going to move, and this feels really unnecessary."

"Nooo...And stop asking."

You sigh as you just go back to trying to squint through the black ribbon that the lavender mare put around you. Truthfully when Twilight first blindfolded and tied you up you had the strange idea that some how you would be getting lucky or something...But that thought quickly was kicked out of your mind when you heard the sound of Twilight's magic starting up.

Now you just hope that whatever she has planned does not involve you bending a lot.

That thought brings another slight groan from you as you shake your head, am I really getting that old?

As you realize how much you have been thinking since you were tied here you bring your voice up again as you call out, "Twilight I don't want to sit here anymore."

"You're such a foal...One minute!"

You squint to the blackness in front of your eyes as you think to yourself, did she just call me a foal??

The sound of Twilight's hooves coming closer stops your thoughts as your ears instead perk up to the slow trot.

"Okay Mr.Whiny."

Your ear flicks to the word a you chuckle, "Mr. Whiny?"
A slight one ha laugh comes from the mare as she speaks up, "Yes, you are." The sound of her magic sparks up as you feel the ropes around you starting to undo.

The absence of their weight brings a sigh of relief as you speak up, "Great now I can take this blin-.."

"NO!" Twilight's voice is quick to stop you as you drop your hoof back to the ground.

"What? Why can't I take it off yet?"

Even through the blindfold you know Twilight just rolled her eyes before her voice rings out, "Because, it's a surprise."

Your slight smirk fades from your face as you speak up, "Twilight...You better not be pregn-.."

A hoof to your stomach quickly ends the comment as the mare speaks up, "Wouldn't you know?"

You rub your hoof to your stomach as you shrug, "I never know with our luck."

Again you can feel the uncanny presence of Twilight rolling her eyes burning to you as she again speaks up, "Just follow me."

You put your hoof back to the ground as you give a little chuckle, "And how do I do that? I can't see."

A little giggle comes up from Twilight as the warm feel of her magic starts to form around you, "You have to trust me."

The tug of her magic quickly forces your legs into motion, but you still give a nervous laugh as you speak up, "W-why is this the test of trust?"


You slowly trace each hoof across the wood floor of the library as you continue, "I'm pretty sure everything we've done together should count...Meaning I should take my blindfold off."


Damn, why did I think that would work? Your trot continues across the room for what feels like miles until Twilight's voice comes back up, "Alright, these are the stairs."

You give another slightly nervous laugh as you speak up, "Great."

The warmth of Twilight's magic runs to your legs as you continue to just stare into the unholy amount of nothingness this one blindfold can bring to you, "Just let me guide your legs."

You groan a little as you slowly allow Twilight's magic to bring you to the first step, however just as your hoof makes contact the sound of a low crunching sound flicks your ear, "What's on the stairs?"

A little giggle comes up from Twilight as her voice comes out, "No questions...Focusing."

You give a little smirk to the comment as you think to yourself, yep...This is how I die, this time i'm sure of it.
The slow trot up the stairs take a lot longer than you would have thought, but as your front right hoof moves to the leveled hallway your fears start to wash away.

Your body slowly starts to loosen as you give into Twilight's magic a little more. However, just as you get use to the straight path you feel her starting to direct you to turn to your left.

Naturally you do it, but being blind to the world around you still makes it feel weird. But, for the moment your thoughts shift to something else your heightened senses bring to you, the room you have just stepped into has a strong sweet fresh smell to it. Almost like wild flowers or something, but at the same time you can smell a more wax like scent, "Candles?"

A little giggle comes from Twilight as she speaks up, "No peeking."

The feel of her magic comes from your body, which prompts you to turn an ear to the sound of the mare's trot. Your ear flicks however to the sound of her figure coming to the bed that must lay a hoof or two away from you.

"Alright...You can look."

To the words you bring a hoof to the blind fold as you remove it and look around the room. Your thoughts about the candles was right as you stare to the slightly melting candles that sit to every free spot in the room. You blink to the bedroom as you quickly turn your eyes to the strange feeling at your hooves, but you just stare even more confused to the bright rose red petals on the ground.


The mare's lower voice brings your head up as you turn your eyes to the mare one the bed.

"Are you going to just stand there?" Twilight's voice matched with her side ways lay and half closed eyes widens your own gaze for a moment as you just stare to the lavender mare.

However as your stare trails on for a moment you find a smile starting to crack to your mouth followed by a little laugh.

Twilight's sexy little persona is quickly lost as her eyes open a little, "What?" She looks around the room and the rose petal covered bed as she continues to look for some kind of mistake, "What's wrong? I followed the book?"

You hold your smile to the mare as you speak up, "What's the catch Twilight?"

The mare just blinks to you as she shakes her head, "What do you mean?"

You bring your hoof up a little as you wiggle it to the room, "Do I have like a lot of chores? Did Celestia send you some letter saying that me and you have to go and talk to an army of undead ponies? Or something?"

Twilight shakes her head as she speaks up, "No no, I just thought this would be something nice. Everypony is out of the house, the library won't be busy until noon and Spike is gone for the week."

You slowly start to lose your smile as you start to feel like a dick for not immediately complimenting her on her hard work. The raised hoof you have falters as you nods, "O-oh..."

"And I also thought this would be something nice, seeing as how next week i'll be in heat and-.."

Your ear flicks to the comment as you start to turn from the room, "Nopenopenope."

Your retreat into the hall is brought to an end as Twilight moves from her laying position to a more upright sitting, "Wait." Her magic pulls to your tail as you turn around.

"I'm not in heat."

You nod to the comment as you speak up, "Your right, because if you where I would be sleeping in the other room tonight."

Twilight just rolls her eyes to the comment as her voice dips into her know it all tone, "Do you really think I want to have another foal when Violet is having one??"

A wide smile comes to your face as you stare to Twilight's expression, "D-do you feel old?"

Your words turn the mare's head as she now stares to something else in the room, "Violet deciding to have a foal early does not affect my age and I-..."

"You do?!" The wide smile on your face holds as you take a step forward.

Your step forward quickly turns the mare's head as she squints to you. Her front hooves cross as she speaks up, "I guess we're not going to do anything...Good thing, I think i'm starting to get a headache."

Your ear flicks to the comment as you squint to her, nice move Mrs. Sparkle...But this game is not over. The smile on your face holds as you quicken your speed a little more to the mare sitting on the bed, "Oh really?"

Twilight holds an unamused stare to your closer proximity as she dramatically rubs her hoof, "Yes, all this work must have taken a lot more out of me then I thought. I think i'll just lay down."

You lower your head as you stare into her eyes, "Mind if I join you?"

You can already tell that Twilight knows she has the upper hoof right now, and to your surprise she actually plays it off quite well as she turns her gaze a little, "I don't know...It's a bad headache."

The mare's words bring you a little closer as you plant a little kiss on her neck, "Are your sure?"

Just that simple touch already careens the mare's body, but she continues the little game as she speaks up, "I don't know, it really does feel bad." Her eyes turn a little to you as you start to slowly bring the mare's back to the bed with every simple little kiss.

You close your eyes as you start to move a little more to the bed, all the while continuing your playful assault to her neck, "Mhhmm..."

The wordless acknowledgement brings a slight giggle to the mare as you feel her front hooves start to wrap around your own neck.

Her motions spark your lips to part a little as you begin to work the one side of her neck a little more into a sloppy mass of fur.

Your position in the bed shifts a little as you and Twilight find a more comfortable spot near the middle of the bed.

However as you continue your assault on the mare's neck you start to notice her horn starting to glow.

The sight of it brings a slight smile to your face as you take your mouth from her for a moment, "Getting a little excitable in your age huh?"

Your words bring no response from the mare, however you do take notice to the continued glow of her horn as you continue to kiss a little further down her neck.

But just as your lips near the base of her front legs Twilight jerks forwards as the sound of a magical pop rings through the room. You just barely miss a quick hoof towards your face as you stare to the scroll of paper that her spell shoots out.

You blink to the paper as Twilight catches her breath a little. Your own magic sparks up as you float the familiar sealed paper over to you, "It's from Celestia." A slight sigh comes to you as you turn your eyes back to Twilight.

"Why did you stop?" The slight pant to her words blinks your eyes as you just stare to her.

However you do not question it as you toss the scroll of paper aside as you lunge your head forward to her lips.

The wet heated kiss pops a little as you pull your lips from her and continue your little teasing game.

Twilight gives a little giggle to your slight tickling as she slowly loosens her hooves to lay to the bed as she lets you take full control.

But, unbounded to you the glow to her horn starts up again like before. Twilight's voice however does not come up as she clenches her eyes to her excitement and to the spell growing on her horn.

As you slowly start to work your way down though you feel the mare's body tense under you a little, and as a result you cock your head back to her face for a moment.

Bad move. Just as you tilt your snout a little towards her, her body jerks and her right front hoof bashes you at the tip of your nose from the spell and scroll that pops to the room.

You quickly snap your head back as you feel a warm feeling rushing to your nose.

The absent weight over her a little brings Twilight's head up as she reaches a hoof to you, "Sorry sorry...That spell is still new to me."

You nod your head as you tilt your head up a little to stop the blood from rolling out of your nose as you move from the bed.

Twilight sits up a little more as she watches you quickly moving into the hall and darting towards the bathroom, her hoof races to her mouth as she gives a little giggle and calls out, "Sorry, a-are you okay?"

She stares to the door as the sound of your voice rolls back into the room, "Yep, just drowning in my own blood."

Twilight's ears flop down a little as she tries to wipe the smile from her face, "I-is it bad?"

The sound of your hooves coming back to the room holds the mare's attention as she watches you come back into the room with a rolled up piece of toilet paper poking out from your nose.

She holds her hoof over her mouth as she looks you over, "Oh...I'm sorry."

You cock an eye to the mare's stare as you speak up, "What? Am I not sexy enough?"

The mare sparks up in a little giggle as she tries to hold a little smile, "I never said that." She lowers her head as she tries to bring up her lower tone, "In fact...It's um...Kind of different. And it matches the rose petals."

You shake your head to the mare's comment as you sigh, "I don't think we should do this...I don't think a higher blood pressure is a good thing with a nose bleed."

Twilight tries her best to hide the little smile as her horn sparks up to tug you a little forward, "Well...We can always go slower."

You shrug to the comment as you give into the little tug of magic, "Sounds fine."

The little giggle comes up from Twilight as she extends her head a little towards you, but you both find it a little harder to get a kiss. This fail brings another light chuckle from you both as you eventually just give up and start to both fall back to the bed.

However from your new position your eyes catch something in the window, and as you get a good view of it you flop back to the floor, "Rainbow?!!"

End of chapter 1