• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 17,861 Views, 821 Comments

Land of Friendship and Magic - Archmage Ansrit

Who would have thought that dressing up as John Egbert and attending conventions would get me into this mess.

  • ...

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Third of Five Colors, and Two Winds - Part 1 of collab

Prosperity’s cave, Artifact Storage Section

“'Pick your service with the whites', mom said.” A blue changeling (dressed like the Zorro) grumbled as she riffled through a stack of index cards. “'They have the best medical coverage', she said. ‘Their friends the yellows have the best clothes for those that enjoy being female, like us’, she said.”

Cave-sitting for a dragon was supposed to be easy. Sure, the first chamber had its rugged charm, with its craggy appearance and the bookshelves interspersed with the traditional piles of treasure, but the back was where the things were kept for real. Her supervisors, currently appraising the selection, had dragged her along to show her the procedure for emergencies.

“Why is he calling for an emergency, anyways?” She passed a card to the white changeling (dressed like Chell, complete with boots) next to her. “Isn't he like… an alicorn or something?”

“Celestia and Luna are exceptions, not the rule.” The white passed the card to a yellow (dressed like a Jedi), who proceeded to look through several security boxes. “Alicornhood and immortality are not synonymous, even if it is easier to become one if you are the other. There are several ways to extend your life indefinitely; one of the academy professors is about to turn fifty for the third time…”

“And there's a spell to turn ponies into alicorns - didn't take much to find it, either; compared to us, the place had minimal security.” Some guards and a librarian with too many work hours, making her likely to sleep on the desk - piece of cake. “It's not something that's easy to do, though.”

“Still don’t see why he’s interrupting our 'Cave-sitting NMN party'; the DJ is rather good…”

“He still needs to get used to his new powers, and the data says that he’s underground, so the rate of magical extraction he’ll get is going to be severely limited. Though your other assessment wasn't that far off the mark.” The yellow said, deciding on a box that contained a pair of gauntlets, passing them on to the white.

“Becoming an alicorn, just like being immortal, reinforces existing traits; harmonious souls become paragons, mentally healthy ponies become capable of withstanding great trauma… those that aren't…” The white trailed off as she teleported the gauntlets to Typhon's marked location.

The blue changeling shivered as the implications hit their mark.


A world away…

The armored warrior waited patiently in the river, hunched over slightly to allow himself to reach down. After another moment, a fish came within his grasp and he quickly threw it out of the water, right onto the pile of thirty or so others.

Right, that’s probably enough. Don't want to destroy the local population.

He didn't think it could happen, but the eight foot tall fighter had actually gotten a bit tired of eating meat all the time. No doubt the local manticore, cragodile, and cockatrice population would be thankful for him going to make some salmon jerky instead.

“Alright then now to-” he thought aloud, only for a voice in his head to cut him off.

I am Typhon, Heir of Breath; the presence, the absence, and everything in between. And I could use a bit of assistance right now, if you don’t mind!

He sighed. “A hero’s work is never done,” he muttered before taking the fish that were still alive and putting them back in the river. The rest would be a free meal for whatever carnivore or scavenger came around.

Let’s hope he can feed me too, he thought before cutting open a rift in the air with his naginata and and jumping inside.


Back to Typhon

Bugs tended to respond… negatively to fire. Hence, Typhon was wielding the sunny half of his scissors, while the other hand was occupying itself with one of the antlion's pincer jaws, with a foot on the other.

The gauntlets, recognizable as the Genji gloves from the artwork he had seen online, were rather comfortable - an odd thought to have after backhanding a flying centipede.

The larger worm, though, might have found the situation less amusing, since it was rearing like it was about to try to swallow him whole, antlion included. The good news? No more antlion. Bad news? It had the size to do so, and being eaten wasn't going to be a fun experience.

Then, a rift in the air, like it had been cut out, allowed a really peculiar figure out.

”DYNAMIC ENTRY!” he shouted, slamming both his feet into the worm’s head with enough force to smash it into the far wall. He spun as he fell and posed dramatically. “Man, that turned out better than I thought!”

“A fan of a good gag? You don’t see one of those every day.” Typhon responded, slamming the giant half-scissor on the bug holding him, producing a flash of light and a sizzling sound.

The bug backed off, releasing him at last, allowing him to punch the centipedes trying to get his back instead of just trying to scare them off with a hot blade with a bad angle.

“Gilgamesh fan, I take it? Or are you the real deal?” He asked.

“Nah, I'm just a guy who turned into his costume, but I've been trying to live up to the role as much as I can. Speaking of which, when I heard the name ‘Typhon’, you weren’t really what I was expecting. Aren't you from that one webcomic? What was it?” As he brought his finger to his chin the Abyss worm recovered and charged at him, only to be smacked away with a backhand from the warrior. “‘Homestuck’, wasn't it? I thought your character’s name was like Jack Eggbert, or something?”

“John Egbert, and I had the mixed blessing of becoming my class, I think because I was not wearing contacts to look like him.” Typhon responded, batting a centipede into a mass of them with the flat of his blade, leaving behind a sizzling mark on the projectile. “Problem is, I was supposed to have my class assign me powers, but, like almost everywhere else, a class is defined by what you can do, no viceversa. A mixed blessing, I tell you.”

“Huh, looks I was luckier than I thought. I've been able to do stuff like this,” he began, turning to face the Abyss Worm before shooting a beam of fire from his eyes that incinerated it, “Since I first arrived,” he finished.

“I have an expanded repertoire, though I can’t do the whole ‘drill through a planet with a tornado the size of Canterhorn mountain’. Even if I did have a lot of control issues whenever I tried to destroy something.” Typhon pointed his blade, then made lightning dance through the antlion's pincers, sending it into a twitching fit; he drove his blade on its head, now free to do so. “My 'personal growth/myth arc' gave me weather powers as I progressed through it, however.”



“Welcome!” Prosperity called out, waving at the recently-arrived princess Luna, carefully stepping around the prostrate ponies. “My name is Prosperity, and I wish to extend a warm welcome to the one night where ponies willingly embrace their instinct to panic at the slightest sign of another pony panicking!”

The way she so cheerfully exclaimed made a few ponies cringe. After all, she was absolutely right.

“The spike of adrenaline from your arrival was a great start, but why don't we do something else? Something fun! Are you with me, Twilight?”

Twilight gave a start at suddenly being addressed.

“Huh!? Well- I mean, sure! That's what friends do!” She shook it off quickly, giving her, and then the princess, a warm smile.

“Fun?” Luna questioned, repeating the word as if trying to taste it. “ What is this 'fun' thou speakest of?”

Luna hid a wince, the nervousness from having her appearance cause everypony to fear her having made her forget the 'modern speaking tips' she had been given by the Bearers a few days prior.

“How about carving pumpkins by waving swords at them?” Prosperity suggested, gleefully ignoring Shining Arm- Silver Shine and the evil eye he was so intent on giving her - she had to make an active effort, though, since he was doing an awful job at being subtle. “We can also toss stuffed spider dolls, and pull pranks!”

Luna didn't have to think too hard about the answer.


Back at the cave

“Hey, can I ask you something?” Gilgamesh began, absent-mindedly cutting an Abyss Worm in half vertically. “Why did you need my help? I've met Auric Fulcrum and he described the Typhon he met as 'God-Tiered'. And now that you’re not handling this all yourself you seem to be doing pretty well.”

“Oh, sure, I'm a living dream, and can basically tell Heroic Spirits to suck it, but I have a long history of collateral damage, and this cave is being held up solely through the powers of the artifacts I carry.” He drew the second half of his weapon, and simply cut the pincers of a centipede in a flash of white and dark energy. “Plus, the Nightmares want to co-opt the mechanism; the construct that gave me my powers may not have absolute authority here, but it does have rules; they have been sending 'phantoms', though some come on their own. More than likely, I'm about to be set up for a boss more on my level. I need help with those.”

“Ah, so problems with control eh? And I'm basically the unexpected party member who shows up to take care of the latest 'Master of Evil'. OK, I can get my head around that.” He replied, stabbing another worm through the head before it spasmed and fell. “By the way, where exactly are we that you’re afraid to destroy with your power?”

“The nearest building is like two hundred meters south, some… few hundred meters above, and it's Nightmare Night, so there are foals out there.” He kicked… what looked like the exact same centipede he had burned with the flat, cracking the chitin. “And don't feel bad - if I'm right, it’s going to be a Viera with assassin abilities, and Equestria is saturated with magic.”

Typhon turned and saw that the warrior hadn't moved an inch.

“Um, are you OK?” he asked.

Gilgamesh turned around slowly, his eyes shining. Even with his face guard, he could easily tell he was smiling. “I'm sorry, but did you say 'Nightmare Night'?”

“Um… yes?”

The warrior let out what could only be called a fangirlish squeal before casting a series of buffing spells on himself. Within seconds he grabbed and threw all the monsters in a pile before unleashing a massive beam of fire, incinerating all of them. Before the other Displaced could even react the other warrior grabbed his shoulders and shook him violently.


“A-a-alright! M-m-my da-daughter sho-sho- STOP SHAKING!” He dissolved into the wind to reappear outside of Gilgamesh's vice-like hands. “As I was saying! My daughter is there, probably sick to death of talking to the ponies about me, though Shining Armor is pretending he's hiding who he is. Few rules: Don't do sudden movements, Luna is there; due to my involvement, and Clover inventing the font-detecting spell millennia before it's time, tribal differences no longer exist, even in the snootiest of noble houses; due to me giving a pony access to the internet, the butterfly of doom's actions mean that you should not be surprised if you see ponies getting awfully affectionate to each other, particularly if they are drunk; if at any point during the night, you are surrounded by bubbles and hear dark whispers, you are inside Ditzy's attack range, so hit the deck if you can't get out.”

“Oh, so she's called Ditzy in this dimension? And she's actually badass?”

“She has seven names, actually; one for each bubble.” Typhon replied. “We are more prosperous, but have more monsters. Cherilee once punted - yes, punted - a wolf through a wall; Thunderlane is really good with a cloud, even if it's not a thunderhead; a good portion of the Wonderbolts can move faster than Mach One, even if they can't do the rainboom, that’s going to leave a mark… and yes, I trained Ditzy to be like Ceasar Zeppeli like she wanted - trained all of the Wind family, actually, since I'm the reason there even is a family.”

“Um… I'm sorry, but I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up with all this. The important parts I've picked up on are it's Nightmare Night, Luna's here and so is Shining Armor, don't do anything too crazy, a Viera assassin is likely gonna show up that we're going to have to deal with, and you've got supporters in town that are likely to help us out, including your daughter, who I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume is not human. I'll be honest here, I'll do my best with the third one, but once things get past the introductory stage I'm gonna want to party.”

“Party is fine, just don't break anything. And the main reason I'm… reluctant to go alone is that they are part of an actual group and tipping my hand now will just make things harder for the inevitable all-stars showdown.” Typhon looked around the cave, seeing the cracks in the walls… then just shrugging. “Seiryu's magic will hold a while. Come on, let's see if we can get there early enough to derail it even worse than Prosperity can.”

“FOR NIGHTMARE NIGHT! FOR JOY! FOR CANDY! LET US RIDE!” Gilgamesh proclaimed triumphantly.


Ten minutes later

Pirate Pipsqueak fell inside of the apple-bobbing tank, only for a hand to fish him out.

“Aren't you a bit sma-” Typhon was cut out by the shrieking colt, only for him to respond by shoving a chocolate bar on his mouth. “If you don't scream for like… ten minutes, I'll give you a fun-size chocolate bar.”

Pipsqueak nodded hurriedly.

After all, if one has the advantage of coming further ahead in time, one can change one of the greatest paradoxes of candy-making. Instead of being 'bite-sized', fun-size bars refer to quarter-pound bars.

“Oh, he's just so adorable! I wish I got a chance to say hi to him in my realm!” Gilgamesh cooed. He quickly lifted the colt up into the air. “Behold! 'Tis the Dread Pirate Pipsqueak!”

Pipsqueak chewed on the chocolate, while Typhon tapped his chin in contemplation.

“We are men of action, lies do not become us.” He said, turning to the frozen crowd. “Prospit! Are you there?!”

The dragon was, of course, towering over the ponies, thus giving him a flat stare.

“Do remember to always have an adult chaperone you.” He said.

“Dad! I'm like fifteen hundred years old!” She yelled, making the ponies chuckle despite themselves.

“I'm letting you stay up until eleven.”


“Fine, whenever you want, but remember to tidy your cave and do all of your homework.”

The ponies started to laugh, while Prosperity clapped a claw to her face.

“Fine! But you are getting me the dollhouse!” She shouted back, making Luna arch an eyebrow.

“Heh. So you've already got the annoying affectionate parent thing down, huh? Bet it feels nice,” Gilgamesh said with smirk. Unexpectedly he winced for a moment before muttering “I hope the two of them are getting along as well.”

“What?” Typhon asked.

“Um, nothing. Maybe I’ll tell you later,” he replied before gently setting down the pirate-clad colt. “Fair Princess Luna!” he began, walking towards the alicorn. “'Tis a pleasure to gaze upon thy splendor, no matter which realm I may see thou in!” He removed his face guard and, before anyone could process what was happening, gently grasped Luna’s foreleg before bending down to give her hoof a kiss. “'Tis an honor.”

Princess Luna hid her bewilderment behind a face of calm acceptance. Taking a few seconds to perform a quick examination of the new… human, she cleared her throat and inhaled.

“Not the voice!” Prosperity whispered with a hiss.

Luna calmly let out a bit of her breath.

“Well met… warrior of a distant… world.” She said. “For what purpose have you been brought to our land?”

It was a trick question, having already a good idea; her eyes scanned the crowd as discreetly as she could, looking for any splashes of translucent green.

Shining was choking on his spittle, but managed to keep the noise below a soft gurgling of impotent rage.

The armored human refitted his face guard before continuing. “I, Noble Princess of the Night, have been summoned to aid my fellow Displaced, Typhon, in defending thy subjects against threats to their lives and also this glorious holiday! Just moments before we had defeated a rabble a burrowing monsters that strayed far too close to this quaint village. And since thou shall no doubt ask, allow me to introduce myself!”

The warrior hopped back to a part of the town not as densely populated to allow himself room before unclipping his naginata and spinning it rapidly, switching between several stances. “GAZE UPON MY SPLENDOR, MY MAGNIFICENCE, MY MIGHT WHICH SHAKES WORLDS! I AM THE TRAVELER OF INCOMPREHENSIBLE DISTANCES WHO’S WEAPONS, FISTS, MAGICS AND ARMORS HAVE FOUGHT AND DEFEATED COUNTLESS OPPONENTS!” He threw his weapon into the air before unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks in all directions. “ALLY TO GOOD, NIGHTMARE TO EVIL, THE EVILS OF THE MULTIVERSE FALL BEFORE MY GREATNESS! BASK IN MY HOTBLOODED SPIRIT, FOR YOU HAVE THE PLEASURE OF MEETING THE ONE! THE ONLY!” he caught his weapon before striking several poses unleashing beams, lighting bolts, and even magically created missiles into the air, thankfully away from not only the residents but from any buildings as well. He unclipped his weapon before taking one final stance, thrusting it heroically into the air. ”GILGAMESH!”

Typhon snapped his fingers, and cherry blossoms started to fall - courtesy of Seiryu's plant magic.

“He’s also a huge ninny and has no inside voice.” Typhon said.

The ponies, quite a few actually scared, heard chuckles. Prosperity was laughing softly, and managed to get Ditzy to imitate her.

As expected, a few ponies started to laugh - first the ones in genuine awe, like the foals, then even the ones that were considering running.

Get one pony doing it, and most of the rest will soon follow.

“Ouch dude. Harsh. But whatever, I enjoy laughs as much as I do applause,” the armored figure replied before clipping his weapon to his back again.

“Well, I'm not the one throwing lightning bolts in the middle of a pony herd during Nightmare Night; they are in the frame of mind to be scared, you know…” He glanced around, spotting Rainbow Dash… with her face hidden behind her goggles.

Huh, so it would not be as easy to read her. Oh well, that was what powers were discovered for.

“Ah, it's going to have to be some other day, in any case.” He mumbled.

“Dad! Do you have something to give a good scare? We don't want to overuse the lightning.” Prosperity said, while suddenly remembering one of the ponies next to her.

Twilight had an odd expression, halfway between shock and confusion.

Prosperity flicked the bell on top of her hat again.

“Stop it!” Twilight shouted, holding her hat - just like Starswirl.

“Magic later, when the Green King comes.” She whispered, getting Twilight to give her a begrudging nod.

"Speaking of, you said she was a Viera assassin?" Gilgamesh asked. "Should I be expecting shadow magic and back stabs? I ask because that kinda looks like her," he finished, pointing towards town hall.

You've been invaded by Verre, the Green King of Cinquleur.

“At least I don't have to worry about being in the middle of my experiments.” Typhon mumbled.

“She's got some powerful skills, like an instant-knock-out dark-magic-power strike, and maybe an Ultima-derived attack.” Prosperity commented. “And you really should moderate your comments in front of the ponies.”

“So you are the one to thank for Bliu's situation?” Verre chuckled. “I am Green King Verre, wielder of green magicks!”

“Don't worry.” Typhon called out. “Verre is actually the up-and-personal sort, so there is nothing to fear about if you are not me.”

He let out a small groan, though only those close enough could hear it.

“Up-close-and-personal, you say? Sounds like my kind of fight!" The armored human gloated, but a hand held his shoulder as he prepared to dash.

“Whoa there!” Typhon actually strained to keep the huge guy from taking off; Gilgamesh was even stronger than what he had thought. “At least let us get to the park!”

“Stop!” Twilight shouted. “Why fight at all?!”

Verre, another viera like Ruuj, was wearing an orange tunic resembling a dress, a green belt, green knee-high boots, a green cape, and a green beret. In her hands, she had a few rings… and a large hammer that Typhon recognized as a Mjolnir model, one of the stronger ones, although it was lightning elemental.

She chuckled, allowing her foe the choice of battlefield.

“We of Cinquleur seek battle with the strongest of warriors!” She proclaimed, throwing out her arms… making a few ponies nervous at the ease with which she handled the hammer. “We of Cinquleur were drawn together by a shared love of Victory and strength in battle… Do you not know joy when victorious over your foe? That is all we seek - not reward, not fame, but victory.”

A chill made its way through Dash's spine, since that had sounded almost exactly like something she herself would have said.

“I do so to help my friends.” Typhon smiled and shrugged; he wasn't the type to take up arms, not normally, not even after centuries, yet he did so because the situation called for it. It was an odd sort of pride, but it was his. “Plus, letting a phantom run around is not a good idea.”

"Huh, guess we balance each other out then, 'cause as much as I like playing the hero I fight for fun." Gilgamesh said to Typhon. Some of the ponies grew anxious and Prosperity shot him a look but he was oblivious to all of it. "Actually," he continued, turning to Verre, "fun is pretty much my raison d'être, and fighting is just one of the ways I get it. I can understand your warrior mentality, but if all you think about is victory then we're not quite the same. I don't care if I lose so long as I have a good bout." Suddenly his eyes hardened. "Killing, however, is something I reserve for mindless beasts and those whose sole purpose is bringing others misery, so count yourself lucky in that respect." The ponies relaxed, if only slightly, still worried about the tall warrior.

They arrived to their destination; the park was larger than the one in Canterlot, although Typhon doubted that they would use that much space. A crowd of curious ponies, particularly those that had listened to Verre's proclamation, watched intently from behind trees, bushes, or even clouds; princess Luna, however, stood well within sight, with Twilight and the other Bearers behind her - it was slightly surprising to see Fluttershy 'sticking around', but it seemed like she took Luna’s presence as comfort enough.

Shining Armor stared impassively.

As Verre drew her law card, ready to forbid interruptions… Typhon allowed his awareness to seep into the air around him, but, instead of creating the spherical shields representing his territory, he wrapped it around himself as an aura. Luna was starting to piece together the way it worked, while Shining was also getting there. Typhon allowed his emotions to calm down, much the same way one would fall silent to listen better, and focused on reading his opponent.

He could tell that both guests were anticipating the fight with great gusto, even over the wave of law magic.

Prosperity had a much easier time reading the nature of a being's spirit, since she had magic of her own; she was rather conscious that the many class powers combined with the Breath aspect were nothing to sneeze at, however. Typhon combined it with his training; the ego fades into awareness, which included awareness of the rhythm of his foe...

“Beware.” He said in a rather neutral tone of voice, yet still focused. “A viera in an area this saturated with magic is much faster and stronger than normal.”

“The truth reveals itself not in chatter, but battle!”

"'You cannot truly know someone until you fight them', as the saying goes," Gilgamesh stated. "Let's get to know one another. Intimately."

He then dashed at the Viera with impressive speed, his weapon raised.

The Mage smirked and cast Tranq on herself, a golden shine covering her for a moment.

"WAIT!" Typhon shouted as she cocked her arm back, but the warrior was already too close.

At the last moment he flinched and stopped himself, sliding to a halt and unclipping his shield just in time to block the palm coated in the dark red aura. He quickly jumped back, all the way back to his fellow Displaced.

"W-What was that?" he stuttered. "I've never felt a killing intent like that before!"

“Last Breath, it will paralyze your lungs or your heart with dark energy, if it hits the right areas. The other spell, Tranq, makes it more likely it will hit a vital area. I can revive you, possibly, but It's not going to be pleasant all the same.”

The warrior simply held still before doing something no one was expecting: he laughed.

“Now this is real interesting! It’s been a long time since I've looked death in the face!” he shouted before continuing to laugh. Many of the ponies became exceptionally nervous.

“I see you're not going to make this easy, but neither am I!” he proclaimed before planting his weapon into the ground and taking a pose with his arm outstretched. “For the Mighty Gilgamesh, it’s Morphing Time!

The warrior shone brightly, everyone shielding their eyes briefly before the light faded, only to gape at his new multi-limbed and multi-armed form. He quickly took a battle stance, his eyes practically burning with excitement.

Suddenly music started to play, initially somewhat intimidating before blaring into full on aggressive.


The warrior dashed forwards again, even faster this time. Verre's reaction was quicker, dashing forwards with her hand radiating dark magic again. Just before they collided Gilgamesh cut a rift in the air in front of him with his spear before dashing inside, the rift immediately closing behind him.

The Viera looked shocked for a moment before chuckling. "So for all his bluster, it seems he was just a cowa-!"

"TAG!" Gilgamesh shouted, appearing from another rift right behind her. Before she could even turn her head the warrior's flail slammed into her face, sending her tumbling to the side. "No tag-backs."

Verre sprung back up with an ease and speed that made ponies shiver, since most expected it to be over. She showed a feral grin that quite clearly meant she was enjoying herself.

“Phantoms are projections; hitting them destabilizes them, but, until then, the only way to keep them down is to whale on them.” Prosperity explained as Typhon danced around the blow meant for his head. “And that's without taking into account that they use their life-force to shield themselves.”

A crude explanation of how a Hit-Point-based system translated to their reality, but functional enough.

Of course, the thought made Typhon miss his mark, fist barely grazing her hair, allowing Verre to swing her hammer through what would have been a blind spot in nearly anyone else. Typhon was forced to fly out of the way, although it allowed Gilgamesh to rush in and stab at her with his claws. She dodged the blow, only to take a hit across the chest from his axe.

Although she took the hit she seemed to almost immediately recover, using Blink Counter to nail him in the chest with an electrically charged strike and stumble back a few feet. She followed up with another strike of Last Breath, only for the taller warrior’s two free hands to catch her by the wrist. Though a guard covered his lower face it was obvious his mouth was curled into a smile that would've sent any lesser fighter running.

"THAT ALL YOU GOT!?" he shouted before dispelling all his weapons in flashes of light, leaving his now six free arms to wail on her face with lightning fast punches as he held her in place. Some of the spectators actually winced at the brutal display. Soon he stopped only to point eight fists at her.

"ROCKET PUNCH!" he bellowed as eight boxing gloves appeared and struck her point-blank, only to immediately turn around and strike him. Despite the force sending him back several yards he still managed to remain standing.

"What the hell!? I didn't see reflect being cast!" He complained, summoning his weapons again.

“She's got a reflect mail equipped.” Typhon said as he placed a palm to the ground. “A special ability lets her use it, and don't bother asking why it's not visible.”

“Well that's annoying.” Gilgamesh groaned. "On the other hand, it does make this more interesting. Heh. Been a while since I had to think creatively," he chuckled.

Typhon gave Seiryu some magic, and the grass of a small patch converged onto his hand and formed a long, straight, double-edged blade. A yard and a half blade of grass was rather light for all it could be done with it.

The larger warrior dashed forward and cut another rift before entering. The Viera turned, expecting another back attack, only for him to exit from the same direction he was before, now at her back. He stabbed her in the back with his claws before lifting her in the air. He quickly withdrew them before spinning and smacking her in the stomach with the flat of his broadsword, sending her flying.

"Heads up!" He called, the phantom flying towards Typhon.

“Nothing flies without my say-so.” Typhon concentrated and, on the apex of her flight, jumped up, causing blue waves to ripple through the air, quickly slamming into her and driving his blade through her.

“For Victory.” He twisted in mid-air, kicking her off his blade and sending her crashing back down.

“Vicious…” Verre groaned as she started to fade. “Definitely entertaining.”

“And with plenty of time to spare…” Prosperity muttered as the various gem-like 'reward' constructs filled the area.

“Irony. Nice,” Gilgamesh complimented, his free right hand in a thumbs up.

“I just saw the chance; didn't get one with the other two.” Typhon said as he landed, the blade twisting and braiding itself into a bracer. He sighed, and the aura around him vanished. “I need to prepare for a very important experiment, but you are free to stay for the party.”

He tossed the bracer towards Luna, who almost did not catch it in time after witnessing the ferocity of the otherworldly human. She held it in front of her with magic, and could feel something pulsing through it.

“When you unfold that, we should go for a walk through that place.” He said, once more dissolving into the very air, sweeping over the shimmering gems, and leaving.

“WAIT, HOLD ON, I… could use a hand with something…” Gilgamesh finished weakly.

“Is something the matter?” Prosperity approached the large man, though not without first shooing away the ponies.

Save Shining Armor, who was still kind of shocked into stillness… as well as Twilight.

“Uh, well you see, I need some help locating some objects of mine in my world,” he began before pulling out a compass, one that seemed particularly familiar to the dragoness. “It worked for a while but I think there's a range problem because it's not working anymore. Auric told me about Typhon, and I kinda figured he might be able to do something to supe it up.”

“Really? Well, there is 'yours', and then there is 'Yours' - which is it?” She asked, and the emphasis was laced with a rather ticklish feeling in the air.

He stared for moment, raising his eyebrow, before it clicked. “Oh! Oh they're a part of me. That is what you meant, right?”

“Then, with a little extra something, it should be possible to track the direction that the connection between you pulls, rather than the object itself.” The comment apparently annoyed Twilight, since it was a much clearer answer than any she had gotten out of the dragon. “Technically, that has no limit, and it would take something seriously powerful to obscure.”

“Sweet! How long will that take?”

“Not too long, hopefully; mind if I see what I have to work with?” She asked, extending a claw towards him.

“Sure,” he responded simply, handing it over. “By the way, gotta say you're, like the nicest dragon I've ever met. Aside from Spike, but he's an exception. Usually they don't give me the time of day until I smack them around a bit, and then they're only nice out of a mix of respect and fear.”

“I was raised by Typhon.” She deadpanned, inspecting the compass. “We had our fair share of dragon trouble. And other craziness like dealing with Clover's really messed up gender identity, Starswirl's exuberance, and having to travels through the frozen wasteland to visit my best friends.”

Her face hardened for a moment, but even then she was not distracted enough to miss when Luna's ears perked up, even though the princess was pretending to be heading back slowly.

“I bring up the point because one of their things would go really well with this.” She sighed, withdrawing her own wallet, and a card from it.

A card with a black back. It was a material that could not be replicated… by the normal means available to them.

A small shard of crystal.

Placing the card, and the wallet, back where they came from, she pressed a claw to the side of the compass.

“So, I hate to sound pushy, but what's the time frame on this? Minutes? Hours? I ask because, well, Nightmare Night and all.”

Prosperity saw a glint in his eyes, much like the fire that burned during the fight, but noticeably lacking any form of aggression.

“I need to add an inscription around this thing, and then charge it. It shouldn't take too long, but I can always find you.” She said, the claw pressed against the metal started to glow with her fire. “You are eight feet tall; you couldn't hide here even if you could fit through our doors.”


“If you ignore his appearance, he fits right in.” Prosperity said, turning back to her new project. Ignoring the ponies that remained, and they could see that they would not be getting much out of her if she did not offer first.

'Silver Shine' said nothing, but knew that he had to get closer still.

So did a few of the others.


A very special chamber

Typhon simply allowed himself to fall on a chair. It had been made specially for him, given his proportions. That, and a simple pedestal table - similarly proportioned - were the only pieces of furniture.

He sighed, looking at the system clock displayed on his glasses.

Still rather far from midnight… but it never hurt to start early.

Who knew? Maybe beating a phantom like that had been enough.

He extracted a bottle of wine and a glass from his inventory, and poured.

He sighed again, slumping on the chair as he swirled the wine.

The runes and diagrams on the walls, ceiling, and floor lit up. Thanks to the spell, born of Seiryu’s Room magic, the chamber now existed outside of the princesses otherwise world-wide protection.

The trap was set. He would be glad, in some other set of circumstances, but the sole fact that he needed to do it at all was almost as disheartening as the event.

Author's Note:

This is the first part of a collab with shinigamisparda's The Mighty Warrior of Epicness, so go check it out. Among other things, Gilgamesh is under the effect of a spell that plays out any tune he thinks of.

Green Mage - A supportive class, with spells that allow other classes to do their jobs better. There is a spell that improves movement, to help front-line units and other damage dealers get there quickly, or help your mages retreat. Verre is the least threatening of the Cinquleur because of her low attack power and lack of outright offensive spells... however, she knows Tranq, which is a green magic spell that boosts accuracy of every action, like the Concentrate ability used to do in the prequel game. This. Is. DEADLY. Her secondary job menu had a lot of dangerous abilities that are offset by their lower hit-rate - in the best of cases, they have 30% chance to hit... Tranq can easily boost them to at least sixty! Last Breath is OHKO, I think she also has petrification and sleep abilities. There are some items that prevent instant-death, and a few others that absorb or nullify the element of darkness, keeping you safe from that, at the very least.

Verre, however, is cheating, by means of an ability called Tank, which allows the character to equip heavy armors regardless of class. She has a Reflect mail, providing her with a permanent reflect status, somewhat limiting your attack options. She also has Blink Counter as her reaction ability, allowing her to follow up any offensive action taken against her with a physical attack (provided her attacker is within range of her weapon), which will knock the unit back one square barring obstacles or special circumstances.

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