• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 17,861 Views, 821 Comments

Land of Friendship and Magic - Archmage Ansrit

Who would have thought that dressing up as John Egbert and attending conventions would get me into this mess.

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A party and a parting of Two Winds - Part 2 of collab

With the ponies

Rarity was dressed in a black and red dress with a high collar, her hair done with a slightly darker tone, and red contacts and fake teeth completed the vampress look.

“That was… thrilling.” She commented, trying to maintain her dignified aura. It was much different, seeing it happen so close.

It could be felt through the wind, so she knew that both of Typhon’s claims were at the least honest.

She was… curious. This Gilgamesh fellow looked fierce, yet there was an elegance to it, likely because of that image of strength it conveyed. She would like to take a closer look.

What she found made her heart stop for a moment, only to quickly subside. The warrior was up on the main platform of Town Hall, battling Pipsqueak, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and her own Sweetie Belle in sword fighting. Thankfully the multi-limbed warrior had traded in his weapons for eight sticks while the three fillies wielded the same, the colt wielding his plastic sword.

The warrior's movements were quick and graceful, but were not anywhere near deadly, making a sensational performance as the foals dodged and countered his strikes.


"Never!" The colt cried before hurling his 'weapon' at the warrior. The warrior caught it, only to hold it under one of his arms.

"Nooooooo!" he screamed, falling to his knees. The Cutie Mark Crusaders jumped behind him and 'ran him through' with their own 'blades'. “Curse you, Pipsqueak! Curse you and your companions!” he shouted before falling forward to the ground. “And now I am the dead. Bleh.”

The young colt jumped up onto the warrior's back. “And so the seas of Equestria will never have to fear the Vile Gilgamesh ever again!”

The foals, and some of the adults, cheered. Gilgamesh quickly rose from his position on the floor, grabbing and lifting the four foals above his head. “Three cheers for these brave warriors! Hip hip!”

”Hooray! the crowd roared back.

“Hip Hip!”


“Hip Hip!”


“Not much more… eccentric than Pinkie, although definitely a surprising style.” Rarity muttered, her pulse back to normal at last. Sure, Nightmare Night was meant for scares, but some things…

She trotted over to them, noting that he was talking about how real courage was standing up to fear and doing what they believed was right.

It was rather deep - not that she thought him a fool, but he had the same ability Pinkie had to derail entire minds with his… exuberance felt like a proper way to describe it.

“Excuse me, mister Gilgamesh?” She called. “Would you allow me to take a closer look to your armor? The first one, please?”

“Hm? Ah, of course! How could I refuse a request from a lady, much less the esteemed wielder of Generosity herself?” he proclaimed. He put the four foals down before transforming back to his original two-armed form in a flash of light. “For what purpose, might I ask?”

“I found myself intrigued.” She replied, eyes sweeping over the metal and bright cloth. For all of his energy, he certainly knew how to talk to a lady. “Stylish, functional, and with a strong character to it.”

“Please, dear Rarity, you're making me blush looking upon me with such scrutinizing eyes.”

“I meant nothing by it, simply making an observation, dear.” She hummed. “The scarf you are wearing right now… it feels like something is missing…”

“Ah yes, well. I didn't have much time to work on it,” he explained, holding the long fabric in front of him. “I was lucky enough to get just the kind of red I wanted. Thankfully, the color hasn't dulled much over the eons. Not sure how, actually.”

A certain blue-garbed pegasus heard that one, thinking that it could very well be the same reason they had internet in their devices and the fact that they didn't seem to need batteries. But only under certain circumstances.

“Oh my.” She was startled. Sure, she knew that the princesses were ol-experienced, but the last one to so casually speak of age like that had been Discord.

Nevertheless, an incomplete ensemble would just bug her for eternity.

“I seem to recall that I have cloth of that very shade back at the boutique; if you would be so kind as to…” She was about to offer him to come in, but remembered that he wouldn't fit very well inside. “Accompany me for a moment?”

“Indeed! To Carousel Boutique, is it?”

She nodded in response, leading the way.

Meanwhile, Luna was inspecting the grass bracer. She needed something to distract her and calm down, and the events had managed to eliminate the crowd's fear towards her - the unintentional one, though, given that Twilight Sparkle had made a rather interesting proposal.

“How does this operate?” She asked out loud. She could feel the magic, she had seen it in action, but it was not responding to her. “This does not act as I command.”

“Have you tried asking nicely?” Dash said. She had hung around Luna… well, because she had many things to think about, and the princess might have answers to some of the difficult questions.

“Asking?” Princess Luna blinked. “The blade?”

“Sure, I mean, that's the answer we keep getting to, like everything weird they do.”

“Only the Super weird.” Typhon said, getting a face full of Royal Wing Slap for sneaking behind them.

“Ow. I kinda deserved that.” He rubbed his nose.

“How did you procure those injuries?” Luna noted that one of his hands was wrapped in bandages, and the faint scent of ointment reached her nostrils.

“I over-extended a metaphor and used a touch more power than intended.” He smiled that infuriating knowing smile she had seen so many times after he had plotted his escape but before her actually made a move. “But it was oh so worth it.”

“Where were you?” Twilight asked, trotting away from where she had been trying to discern Prosperity's actions.

“Getting a very reluctant informer to tell me what I wanted to know, unknowingly, but I managed to give her something she didn't know she wanted in return, so it's all good.” He nodded. “I'll tell you some time in the future, once I can actually use it.”

He scratched his head with his uninjured hand.

“I need a drink.” He didn't get to drink the wine, so he was in the mood for something harder. “If you excuse me, I’ll be in a bar, or something.”

He ambled off, trying to put some distance between them before he lost control and… possibly laughed like a loon. Again. He did, however, notice Gilgamesh off in the distance - he was too tall to miss.

“Now what is he up to?” He whispered, changing his course towards, apparently, Carousel Boutique.

“Hey.” He waved at him. “How are you holding up?”

"Oh, hey! I'm doing pretty- what the hell happened to you?"

“Let me warn you: A thaumaturge needs to keep an eye on the metaphors and definitions he's using.” Typhon waved his injured hand - the one with Suzaku's ring, obviously. “Just because you can do anything, doesn't mean that you don't have to keep an eye on the way you're doing it.”

The armored warrior just stared for a moment before shaking his head. "OK, so magic's a lot more abstract in your dimension. Noted. Anyway, the lovely lady Rarity has so generously offered, as is her nature, to complete my armored ensemble with a scarf worthy of magnificence. I owe her greatly for it."

“Not the magic of this place; thaumaturgy, but that's arguing semantics. And I thought Rarity usually spent a good portion of the day resting from the build up of work.”

“Ta-da!” Rarity trotted out. “One scarf, ready for use!”

She levitated the item towards them, allowing Gilgamesh to take it and inspect it. The scarf was the same shade of red, but it had an image of his shield's emblem embroidered in golden threads.

“I do rest from the… stress of preparing and repairing so many costumes and special orders, but I recently came across a very helpful gentlecolt with a rather interesting breathing exercise.” Rarity said.

Typhon's hand twitched, but shrugged internally.

"Truly such a fantastic piece could only be stitched by one with insurmountable passion, such as yourself, Lady Rarity. This could not have turned out any better!" The warrior threw the scarf up and began to spin in place at a blinding speed. The accessory disappeared when it met him, only to be appear worn perfectly around his neck when he stopped, his previous garment now in his hand. "One good turn deserves another. Feel free to use this fabric for another fabulous piece!" he declared as he handed it to her.

”Oh my, thank you!” She said, taking the proffered scarf.

“Say, since I'm reasonably sure that there is wind back in your dimension, I'm now declaring that it's going to billow dramatically in The Breeze no matter where you are, so long as you need it.” Typhon chuckled. “I just hope that I can pull that 'I am the sky' shtick across the dimensional divides.”

"Well, considering my attachment with the wind, I think it'll work fine. Now then," he began, putting his arm around the smaller human. "I could use a drink. Despite my exuberance I do need a few in me before I'm willing to make a complete fool of myself, and you look like just the guy to help. Would the lady like some champagne as well? Perhaps a glass of wine or a martini?" he asked the unicorn.

“So sorry, dear; I still have to take care of Sweetie after the celebration is over.” Rarity replied, simply nodding. “Thank you for the offer.”

“I do need something to drink.” Typhon said. “Though I don't know if you'll fit in the bar… I think Prosperity is carrying some alcohol with her, though.”

"Eh, probably for the best. Don't want to ruin anyone else's night just because it's too cramped. Besides, I don't like sitting in place for too long, especially when I'm buzzed."

“There's always the park, since the festivities are around the market instead.” Typhon offered. “And I've got everything, from girly drinks with flowers and umbrellas, to vodka that's called things like 'Winter’s fury' and tequila called 'La venganza del escorpión'.”

“Sounds good! I could use some brain-erasing liquor, especially since it's been ages since I've had anything alcoholic! I hope your power of Breath doesn't have the same smell as yours, because you and I are gonna get plastered! Say it with me now!” he shouted as the two walked. “ONE TEQUILA, TWO TEQUILA, THREE TEQUILA, FLOOR!”

“I'm in a celebratory mood, sure.” And oh boy, did he have good news for Prospit. “Now that I think about it, if my Prospit doesn't start screaming and hollering, she's going to drink a lot too.”

She was standing right where Gilgamesh had left her, scratching something into the sides of the compass with a claw.

“Good news!” Typhon shouted, causing Prosperity to fumble the compass as she barely managed to keep it from falling to the ground. “Moony is alive!”

That made her drop the compass, but it was caught in a blue glow, pulling it into Typhon's hands.

“He what.”

“I got offered a lot of unsolicited information, including the fact that tall, dark, and smoky is not exactly what we thought.” He flicked his wrist, and there was a bottle in it. “And it can be done! The plan is underway!”

She jumped into the air, squealing, and launched herself at him, hugging him tightly.

“I'm not sure- no, forget that, I'm god-tier, I know that I can do it.” He would have patted her in the head, but couldn't do more than move awkwardly with his hands occupied as they were. “Care to drink with us?”

“Heck yeah!” She released the hug, took the bottle in her claws, popped off the cap, and drank hearthily.

“Nothing in this sleeve…” Typhon flicked his wrist, and another bottle was taken from his inventory, presenting it to his Displaced friend. “For my next trick, some glasses, and then we'll make this liquor disappear.”

“Um… not exactly sure what we're celebrating this time, but hey, alcohol!” the warrior exclaimed.

“Tall, dark, and smoky is actually a colt- well, teenager-almost-adult, but his father is part of our group, but… well, one thing led to another, notes on magic were stolen, and I thought that Moonshadow died-”

“Who wouldn't? After all that…”

“Regardless of that, Smoky the pony is actually two, but the other one is very much alive, and I can do something about that.” Typhon served a glass for each one. “For Crystals!”

“For friends!” Prosperity exclaimed.

“For, uh… let's see… oh hey, for freedom!” the taller warrior shouted before taking the whole shot. “DAMN! What the hell is that!? Harder than any tequila I've ever had, and believe me I've been around!”

“Whew! Huff! It's called…” Typhon turned the bottle around. “'Ira de Quetzalcoatl'. Good God, you know the stuff is strong when it's compared to the mood of a sun god.”

“Wait, so… 'Quetzalcoatl's Rage?' My Spanish is a bit rusty.”

“Yup!” Prosperity giggled. “Moonshadow was the advisor for the city, and liked to drink strong things. Likes, since we can rescue him.”

“Say, is that a crystal on the needle of this thing?” Typhon inspected the compass as he poured another shot. “Ah, I see… this should work perfectly to find anything that can be thought of as 'yours', with the caveat that one of the inscriptions is pointing in the right direction. Dragon to the east, tiger to the west, etc… the symbols glow, so you know if you're pointing them right.”

“It better. Auric made it based off of Jack Sparrow's compass, so it has a lot to live up to,” Gilgamesh explained before burping. “Holy crap. Um, hey, there's one thing I've got to do tonight before I leave, and I want your opinion on something before I lose my ability to think rationally.”

“Did we ever have it?” Typhon chuckled. “I wouldn't have done half of the stuff I've done if that were the case, but go on, I'm listening.”

“Heh good point. OK, let me rephrase to 'something incredibly stupid even by our standards.' Pinkie Pie and alcohol, yes or no?”

Typhon squirmed as if something had gotten inside his clothes, and Prosperity shivered.

“Preferably not; I heard that she is one of those laughing drunks.” Prosperity said. “And ponies get touchy in general… and if you get one doing it, it will cause a chain reaction - remains of the herd instinct and all that.”

“Good point. Glad I asked,” he said before swiping the bottle and pouring himself three more shots in quick succession. He snorted and the fumes of alcohol were almost visible. “OK, definitely loose now. Excuse me, I need to find a pink earth pony and have a talk with the local DJ.”

“Uh, just what are you up to?” Prosperity asked.

“Oh, you'll see. Feel free to join in once you see it,” he answered cryptically, handing her the bottle and the glass before walking away.

“Tell Vinyl I sent you!” Typhon shouted, sitting down as he poured himself another shot. “Owes me nearly a leg and an arm!”

“That was awful and you should feel awful.” Prosperity deadpanned, punching him in the shoulder.

“Still accurate.”

“True enough.”

“For secret plans.”

“For mom.”



Town Hall

Princess Luna approached the stage that had been made for the festival, along with most of the citizens of Ponyville. A blue maned unicorn known as a “deejay” informing everypony that their latest arrival was going to put on a show for them, and so a crowd had gathered. She wondered just what kind of performance this boisterous and dramatic warrior could possibly put on, and silently hoped that it wouldn't be something like his original introduction that would terrify the local populace.

The curtains began to recede, curiously enough with the sound of creaking door, before she heard the sound of floorboards creaking under hoofsteps. The stage was still dark, making the silhouette of the large warrior more intimidating. If that wasn't enough spooky sounds like the howling of canines and thunder rumbling came along with the beginning of music. As it struck a powerful chord all the lights shone, revealing the armored human, before he began to dance.

And what a dance it was, certainly not like anything she'd ever seen before. Even many of locals appeared to be confused, but no less entranced. The lyrics were terrifying by themselves, but the way they were sung certainly wasn't. In fact, it was rather fun. As the dance continued Pinkie Pie joined in as well, her avian costume looking particularly ridiculous paired with the intimidating lyrics. How she knew the dance steps, especially considering they seemed to be for a biped, she hadn't the foggiest idea, but soon Typhon and Prosperity joined in onstage. Luna couldn't help tapping her hoof to the rhythm, and several of the ponies were bobbing their heads as well. Even when the lyrics changed and a horrifying narration began she saw a look of enjoyment along with the fear growing in her subjects' eyes as the four performers began to approach the crowd, shambling like zombies.

Suddenly the lights cut out, along with the music, only to followed by classic evil laugh. After a moment wait the crowd exploded into thunderous cheers, stomping their hooves with approval.


Everypony stopped cheering turned around to see Gilgamesh, now behind them, waving his arms like a ghost. Nopony moved and everything was silent before he laughed.

“Gotcha good!”

The ponies all sighed, some of them laughing along with him, or at least chuckling. Luna couldn't help but think that despite his hulking appearance he truly was just a child at heart.

Speaking of which…

“Umm… Princess Luna?” The little pinto colt - ah! Pipsqueak! - approached her with a small amount of nervousness noticeable in his voice.

“Yes, little one?” She said, slightly apprehensive… until she saw him smile.

“Could you come back next year and scare us and stuff again?” He asked with a spark of light in his eyes.

“Child, art tho-” Luna cleared her throat. “Are you saying that you enjoy being scared by me?”

“It's really fun!” He chirped, then glanced to the side. “Scary, but fun!”

“It that so?”

“Nightmare Night is my favorite night of the year!” He cheerfully jumped up and down.

“Very well, then.” She smiled at his infectious happiness. “This shall be a yearly occurrence!

She winced at having let 'The Voice' slip out back there, but Pipsqueak looked at her in wonder.

“Whoa… you are my favorite princess ever!” He exclaimed, then turned and ran towards a group of foals. “She said yes, guys!”

Luna was stunned… favorite princess? Her?

“That's right!”

Luna was caught off guard by the tall armored warrior wrapping his arm around her neck, and also from physical contact in general.

“All you need to do is get out a little more, fair Mistress of the Night! There are tons of ponies who are just waiting to become your fans! You need but introduce yourself to them!”

“Ah! Well… there has been much change since I last walked among the-”

“Citizenry.” Typhon offered, appearing behind her once again.

“Yes… I suppose that the modern pony would be more knowledgeable of the current state of affairs than mere books and periodicals.” Luna mused… besides, she would be able to keep a closer eye on Typhon himself, learning more about his motivations like… when he… was asked…

Princess Luna had some very unladylike thoughts.

“Well, I see you are enjoying yourself!” Typhon clapped his hands, a little too cheerful. “I'll leave you to that, bye!”

And he ran away, further into town.

“So then, would the Princess care for a drink?” Gilgamesh asked, breaking her out of her trance. “Or perhaps you need to stay sober for later in the evening?”

“We- I have to oversee the safety of the children; perhaps in another time.” She replied, scowling in the direction the other human had ran off. “I could not help but notice that you speak with great familiarity… are you from a world similar to this one? A recent… exploration of memory reminded Us of how he would often speak of Planes so similar they are indistinguishable, and W-I have reason enough to believe the population draws such parallels as well.”

“Indeed, that is the case,” he replied removing his grip from the Princess, much to her relief. “There appear to be many Equestrias across the multiverse, some very similar with but the slightest of changes, but others with greater ones, from changes in history to altered anatomies. I myself am only familiar with some of them though. And of course, the same can be said of the populace: some exactly the same, others drastically different.”

Princess Luna simply nodded.

“It might even explain some of the peculiarities of Typhon's actions.” She mused. “And the changes brought about in Clover and other ponies after... certain events.”

“I'd rather not know. I try not to interfere too much in the multiverse, especially those not my own. Now fair Luna, I bid thee a wonderful evening and Nightmare Night,” he said with a bow. “I'm gonna go get crunk.” And with that he turned to walk into town.

Luna stared for a moment. The constant switching of respectable linguistics that she was used to and much more modern ones at a moment’s notice was certainly distracting, as were the many new euphemisms. She turned to Rainbow Dash, who was still present with her as she had been since the battle with the phantom. “What does… 'crunk' mean?”

“I think he may have meant 'drunk'.” She said. She had a lot to think about… but the answers she wanted could very well be a simple question away, so she shook her head and simply went off to enjoy what remained of the night. “See you around, princess!”


Main Plaza, Next Morning

“Hey big guy, you getting up?”


Gilgamesh awoke to find Typhon smirking at him, the light giving him a bit of a headache. After groaning and standing up, he realized he was on a park bench which he had apparently slept on. Some of the decorations from last night were still up, but most were already taken down and put away.

“Wow. I think I actually have a hangover. It’s been a while since that happened. Not since I claimed twelve kegs of mead from a defeated bunch of bandits over a thousand years ago. And drank it all in one night.”

“I know my limit, so I just stopped.” Typhon shrugged, offering a hand. “I'll get properly smashed once my nebulous plan which I'm not speaking until it's already completed is… well, completed. I'm devious like that. And dragons burn off the alcohol so fast, Spike is of legal age for that, although he's not allowed near sulfurous liquids for now.”

“Huh. I may have to remember that for when I finally get in the good graces of my Equestria. But now, time for my hangover cure.” The warrior cast Shell on himself before firing a lighting bolt straight upwards. A moment later it came crashing down, striking him and causing his body to convulse momentarily. “WHOO! OK, I'm good!” he said while smoke rose from his body.

“That's creative.” Typhon said, chuckling. “Say, at what point in your timeline are you? If it hasn't been twisted too much, that is.”

“Actually I've kinda been going out of my way not to interfere too much, so things are pretty much on course for now. Last thing that happened before I came here was the Dragon Migration, so mostly I'm killing time until the wedding happens. Might be a good chance to prove I'm actually not the bad guy for once.”

“Shhhhhooot...” Typhon rubbed his forehead. “If your timeline is going in order, and is not a divergent beta line like mine, then the breakout already happened. Not good. Ask your princesses if they have any defense against magical drains, and, if they don't or if they think hiding the magic is a good idea, bop them in the head.”

“Hm? OK, um, I'll try, but we're not really on speaking terms. Honestly I'm still trying to build their trust in me by helping out and being nice to Twilight and her friends. Well, that and making myself look like an idiot. Which is quite fun, actually.”

“Well, just keep that in mind. I've had to kick a few succubi and other baddies.” Typhon sighed. Knowing the future could be so troublesome… “Do keep in mind, I'm friends with two queens, so try not to enjoy the beatings too much.”

“Well, from what I heard Auric managed to get some relations between the Changelings and the Ponies to get built, so I’m hoping it'll be possible to do the same in my realm. Oh, and I don't know if you've been keeping up with what the other Displaced are doing now, but Auric's a unicorn now. Or so I've heard.”

“I have a level of awareness. I have methods, including dream-hopping, which is kind of like dreamwalking. And unicorn? Hah! Did his contention fail or something?” He chuckled. He just knew that something was just waiting to happen, especially after he confessed to the 'incident' in the royal bedchamber.

“I really don't know the details, I just heard if from another Displaced. Speaking of, I think we should get each other up to date, which ones do you know of?”

“I've pretty much only interacted with Auric and you, but I have gotten word of others through memories and dreams from other-worlders I have visited when I was bored or stumped in my research.” Typhon tried to recall. “Well, Auric warned me of the triad of madness; dangerous, possibly unstable, and I don't want to test Truth against their artifacts… I think I saw Nemesis in a memory? Once or twice… I was there when Solaire and a steampunk inventor disappeared, and I've been trying to find a few others, but I guess the dream-hops are too convoluted for me to be able to make it without seriously putting effort on them.”

“Huh. Solaire and the inventor I don't know about, but I do know about the Triad. Met one of them actually. Pyramid Head was… well, nice, oddly enough. I think there's something screwed up with his timeline, because when I met him he hadn't met the others who told me about him. I honestly hope its not a precursor of things to come. And Nemesis is good friend of mine, he's got it really rough in his version of Equestria, what with Celestia thinking the bad guys he's trying to take down are actually the good guys. If you two meet, just tell him Gilgamesh said to trust you and it'll be fine.”

“Good to know. Fighting bad guys with good PR is a nightmare; I'm glad my Celestia doesn't have that problem, since her Elements are Kindness, Generosity, and Laughter, so she's wary of them being exploited - at least in others, according to what I've heard.” Typhon grimaced at the thought of having to go through that on top of everything else; he could do serious damage to reputations through catching and releasing whispers, since not everything he could manipulate and destroy had to be physical, but it would be much harder to move about.

Gilgamesh nodded. “Of those I know about that you don't seem to, I've been told there's a demon lord out there named Nocturne who does favors for a price and has to be summoned through a mirror. Despite the title Auric vouches for him, so I wouldn't worry. There's also a Ghost Rider going around, though I don't really know anything about him. Another is a lich mage who has the longest damn title ever whose name is Xante. Goofy guy, despite his appearance, and seems to at least be on agreeable terms with his version of the Princesses, so it's cool. His magic is more the runic stuff, wards and all that. Also, his Equus is anthropomorphic. So yeah.”

“Xante… lich, right? I once wandered in a dream- well, a nightmare, about a cadaver-grey guy proclaiming to be a Rainbow something or the other while stripping; the dreamer was babbling incoherently, so I couldn't catch everything.” Typhon scratched his head. “Maybe we should compare notes, since I use runes and diagrams very heavily… and I'll keep an eye out for any Nocturnes.”

“And finally, there's… Kat Shifter.”

Typhon was surprised to see the warrior loose his vigor so completely.

“Kat… her character is based of a game called 'Gravity Rush' and can manipulate gravity in several ways. She was student of mine in combat for a while. We got along really well, and she's friends with the Mane six, especially Fluttershy who sees her as a grandmother.” The warrior smiled sadly before returning to his somber demeanor. “Unfortunately, she's a bit emotionally damaged. She had a really rough life before she came to Equus, and it seems that Celestia and Luna were tricked into betraying her in the past after they had become friends. She's hell bent on revenge, though she doesn't seem to want to kill them. I think Auric helped with that.” He sighed again before continuing. “If you ever meet her, just… please, have a kind word for her or something. She really needs help, and I feel personally responsible having trained her before I knew of her plans. I know she's good deep down, but she's just so filled with pain and anger its blinding her.”

“I'll do what I can; my abilities are not restricted to the literal manipulation of wind, so maybe I could suggest a better Direction.” Typhon bit his lip. “I can't promise anything, especially if she's still set on her way after talking to two of you, but - maybe - I can turn her a degree further away.”

“Thanks. I understand if you can't change anything.” The warrior took another deep breath before returning to his more upbeat demeanor. “Well, I have no idea how different the flow of time is between our realms, so I better split. Thanks for the help and allowing me to party. I really needed it.” He cut a rift into the universe before turning back to the smaller human. “May the winds of freedom carry your wings.”

Typhon chuckled.

“May the Winds of Fortune be at your back.” He called back, laughing softly at the similitudes of their parting words.

The warrior chuckled before stepping into the rift, closing behind him soon afterwards.

Author's Note:

The reason Typhon is secretive of his plan.

I liked this crossover. I hope you do, too.

Next, a letter.

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