• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 17,861 Views, 821 Comments

Land of Friendship and Magic - Archmage Ansrit

Who would have thought that dressing up as John Egbert and attending conventions would get me into this mess.

  • ...

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Royal Blood

(Blueblood, day before the letter)

The letters had been sent, the requests were being processed, affairs and permission were getting ordered... in but a few days, he would be in front of her doorstep, then he would be away to look for a rock freezing somewhere north of Equestria.

Granted, it was a space rock, thus inherently more interesting than an Equestrian rock, but a rock nonetheless.

On another day, he would be beside himself with joy and excitement at the prospect of of going out in an expedition such as his currently-planned enterprise.

She, however, was occupying far too much of his mind to leave enough of it available to get giddy at the call for adventure. Boy, was she mad when they met again.

He had, as Dagger Strider would so elegantly enounce it, 'royally messed up when (he) slammed that filly, bro'.

And not to forget Beloved Strider's succinct 'you've spent way too much time with those obsequious flatterers, to the point you automatically assume similar intent from everypony; it's turned you into kind of a git'.

Let it be known that the Striders were not ones to mince words, even if their choices of eyewear were strange.

He still remembered, though.


(A couple of days earlier, at the door of Twilight's room in the castle)

"I'm not talking to you." Twilight's angry scowl and cutting tone wounded him more than any gossip-mongering noble's whispers at his back when they thought he could not hear them.

"Please, just listen... give me five minutes." He pleaded just as she was starting to turn around to slam the door on him. To his relief, she considered it.

"Fine, five minutes." She grumbled, but to his dismay didn't open the door any wider... he was going to have to fight an uphill battle.

"I never would have done what I did if I knew she was a friend of yours." He said, only to suspect it had been the wrong thing to say after Twilight got angrier.

"You shouldn't have done it anyways!" She yelled, and he reflexively gulped; Twilight had developed, perhaps through imitation, the same ability Celestia had to make him feel small when she was scolding him.

He pawed at the carpet and lowered his gaze - never mind that he was a full head taller and almost two whole years older.

"The Blueblood I knew would never do something like that." She said, and her disappointment made him feel uncomfortable with himself. "The Blueblood I knew would have treated her like royalty; I was happy for her because I knew that you would treat her with kindness and respect, even if you didn't return her affection. The Blueblood I knew was the perfect gentlecolt, even to ponies he didn't like. The Blueblood I knew was sweet and a little clumsy, and he was always so helpful..."

Oh, he remembered. So many ponies trying to become 'friends' with her only for her closeness to auntie Celestia had left her distant and unwilling to become friends with anypony else... he couldn't - or rather, didn't dare - to get too close for fear of stirring the hornets' nest that was Canterlot politics and upset her even more; she was enough of a hermit, all things considered.

It did not stop his own awkwardness from making her laugh every now and then... it was heart-melting-ly adorable, and it just reaffirmed his feelings.

"You used to be such a sweet colt... What happened to you?"

"..." He opened and closed his mouth, trying to say something, anything, but figured that 'anything' would sound like an excuse.

Therefore, he told her the truth.

"I... I was- am sick of all of the high-society mares just making line, approaching me one after another, fighting for my affection - when they are really going after my status." He slumped as he spoke, ears folded back. "I couldn't just speak to them - they took it as a challenge to 'melt the ice around my heart' and 'make me see the wonders of love'. And not to mention the country fillies that cannot see past my titles to the real me... I get letters from all over Equestria, and every last one of them are cookie-cutter love letters extolling virtues I know I don't have; all of them are written to some fantasy prince constructed from fairy tales and gossip."

He took a small measure of comfort in Twilight's look of indignation. That, and she was cute when she was mad (at somepony other than him).

"I started driving them away by pushing them with... abrasive behaviour." He grimaced; he was, after all, reminding her of the reason she was upset with him. "For all of their thrown stones, they live in glass houses; at the slightest hint of resistance, they give up in disgust. They have no patience, no tolerance, and no ability to compromise."


"I... got used to it. I see I shouldn't have, but I was just so tired..." He drifted off, head hanging low. "She looked just like another of them, spoke like them, and even whined like them! I thought she was presenting a mask just like the others."

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't know." Twilight placed a comforting hoof on his shoulder, making him feel a tightness in his chest and a knot in his gut.

"Please, forgive me, Twilight." He whispered, somewhere between ashamed and tired, but glad that she felt concern for him. It was a good sign.

"I'm not the one you should be asking for an apology." She said, making him feel a tiny bit of anxiety at the lack of an answer.

"I- I'm going to make it right by her, obviously." He replied, trying to keep calm. "I will apologize to her; in person, too."

He gulped. He was not out of the woods yet.

"I am sorry for treating your friend like that. Please, forgive me." He tried to avoid sounding too pleading, though he honestly wished for it and his tone may have reflected it, so she could have noticed.

"Uh... why is my forgiveness so important to you?" Her question told him that she, indeed, noticed.

"Oh, well, that is..." Blueblood hesitated, and cleared his throat to stall for a few precious seconds.

'Alright, I just have to say it: I like you, and I can't stand the thought of my mistakes upsetting you.'

"The truth is..." He took a deep breath to gather courage.

'Say it, mouth, say it: I want to go out with you on a date, and I want you to know that I can change.'

"It's slightly embarrassing to admit it..." His lips twitched as if to smile - from sheer, nerve-wracking anxiousness - but he managed to school his features so that he would be taken seriously.

'Mouth, you are doing a terrible job. Say it: You are an amazing girl, I like you and would chose you over any of the ponies that have vied for my attention, and I want to know if I can still be in your good books.'

"The truth is... I admire you." He said, relieved that the words were out.

'Damn it, mouth!'

"Wait, you what?"

Unbidden, words still poured from Blueblood's mouth.

"I admire your dedication, and I am not wholly surprised that you were chosen by the Element of Magic." He pause just to inhale deeply and continue speaking the words as they came. "Ever since I have known you I could see that you loved magic far more than any wizard I have ever seen - even including Aunt Celestia, just so that you are informed and won't attempt to belittle yourself. Your passion for magic and learning is nothing short of amazing, and your skill and dedication, your hard work and raw talent inspire awe while your selflessness makes me feel like I should strive to become like that as well."

'Hmm... acceptable; proceed.'

"And you are wonderful not just in magic, but everything that is magical; it is clear for all to see as you interact with your friends. Aunt Celestia always spoke highly of your kind and noble heart, and anypony that takes the time to get to know you for who you are can see the same. You are wonderful, and amazing, and the thought of losing your respect wounds me far more deeply than any scathing remark or sarcastic comment I have ever heard."

'Did I just say all of that? That was far better than anything else I had in mind! Mouth, you have redeemed yourself.'

"Gosh... I-I don't know what to say!" Twilight blushed and looked away in embarrassment, chuckling lightly. "I didn't know you held me in such high regard."

"But of course." He said, smiling a little. "You are special, and that is why I want to know if I can have your forgiveness for my transgressions."

"Oh- well... that... if- if everything you said is true, then I guess I can give you another chance - but you have to apologize to Rarity, too."

"You have my word. I shall make reparations for my behaviour as soon as possible."


Sure, he meant it, but 'soon' was getting ever-so-near and he was starting to panic!

And the stink-bomb that Spike had somehow managed to slip in his suit felt like an appropriate estimation of the levels of their... displeasure.

Most of her visit was spent going over what happened to auntie Celestia and how to get her out of it. It just didn't feel right to ask her for a walk through the gardens while his dear aunt wasn't feeling well.

However, now he had no real obstacles. The road was clear for him to take that small detour, knock on the doors of her home, and ask.

Ask the cutest, most delightfully bookish filly for a da-da-... date. Simply a question of asking a question to one of the sweetest, nicest, and loveliest of mares and find out if she would give him a chance.

In Beloved's words: 'No biggie'.

The fact that Twilight herself didn't seem to know how great she actually was made him feel a paradoxical mix of relief (she would automatically treat him as an equal) and indignation (please! She deserved to know she is most noble and brave! A paragon of harmony and that it is an honor to be able to be called her friend!)


(Ponyville Library, also the day before the letter)

"Please, you deserve to know, Twilight Sparkle; you are most noble and brave, a paragon of harmony, and I am honored to be able to call you my friend." Princess Luna nuzzled a blushing Twilight as she once again tried to dismiss her courageous actions as merely doing what anypony would have done in her stead.

"Yeah, she's pretty awesome." Rainbow Dash nodded sagely from her position (hovering over the table). "Not as awesome as me, but still pretty cool."

"We are all super-duper-tacular!" Pinkie bounced in place as Twilight managed to step back from Luna's attention without the princess following her.

Princess Luna looked just like the first time they met her - taller than most mares, yes, but shorter than when they saw her during Nightmare Night; dark blue, but not quite as dark. It was because it was still daytime, so she allowed her magic to rest rather than constantly draw upon her connection to the moon to maintain her form. It itched, and not being at her full power due to the combined secondary effects from her banishment and purification did not make it any more comfortable.

"Here you are." Spike said as he brought the just-brewed tea to the table.

"Thank you." Luna nodded and accepted the cup offered to her. "Now that pleasantries have been exchanged, I am here to deliver this."

With that, princess Luna presented them with a wooden scroll case.

"It was intended to be bestowed upon... an ancestor of yours, then recently came into my possession." Luna felt like she should clarify, although that drew a look of confusion from Twilight.

"Uh... How long ago would that be? Because, depending on the span of time, we might need a few hundred copies of it." Twilight said, at first confusing Luna - before the princess managed to process the statement.

She knew just how many ponies could descend from a single one. She had seen the records. Pansy's firstborn son had been... prolific - even though only a few had a legal hold over the assets of the main family, many pegasi could claim such ancestry. Hurricane had a 'smaller' line, and many overlapped... and about a third of the line were Wind family (they didn't pay that much attention to Hurricane, though).

'Others that you won't recognize' indeed.

Luna shook her head.

"Nevertheless, I believe you should have it first. After it is appraised, We shall see to any additional measures." Luna glanced at the case as Twilight took it in her magic.

'You choose what you want to see.' Read an engraving on the lid.

"Do you know what's in it?" Rainbow Dash asked, leaning closer as Twilight gently popped the case open.

"After opening the scroll, your heart will be stronger than any mountain, you will hear laughter in every stream and a song in every breeze, your will shall turn into fire and steel, you will see the light in the deepest cave, and feel the flow of life around you." Luna recited the words that had been etched into her memory.

Twilight and the others stood still for a few moments, turning slightly to the unassuming wooden case that had just been opened.

'I wonder if my expression resembled theirs... it is highly amusing.' Luna's lips quirked into a smirk.

"That is nothing compared to what would happen if you open it with your friends." Luna continued, making everypony snap back to her in a way that almost made her laugh. "You will discover the secret of the Elements of Harmony, you will find the greatest joys of life, and a source of strength more powerful than you can imagine."

"What kind of magic is in here?" Twilight spoke with not a small amount of awe, which made what came next more enjoyable to the princess.

"None whatsoever." She shrugged, and the confused reactions of the others almost managed to get her to smile despite herself. "It is straightforward. There is no secret message, or hidden methods, or anything that you cannot see immediately with your own eyes."

They said nothing, and Luna started to gain some appreciation for Typhon's way of announcing things.

Twilight gingerly slid the scroll out of its container. It was of an intense red with golden accents in some shape, although it was hard to tell with it rolled up like that.

Feeling somewhat nervous, Twilight figured that the best approach was to gather her friends around herse- if the pressure was any indication, they were already close to her. Way close. A lock of blue hair spoke of the princess's location.

Well, no sense in delaying the moment - she, too, was curious.

The scroll, thick and sturdy, flew open.

Rainbow Dash gasped, Luna hummed thoughtfully, Twilight's eyes widened and Spike muttered 'clever'.

Pinkie, however, said "It's blank!"

There was no writing on the scroll, only a bright golden patch.

"Wait, you mean that I am getting something that confuses you?" Dash turned to look at Pinkie, incredulous. "I need to savor this moment."

Getting invited to fancy restaurants by Rarity could be a bore, but she was a good friend through it all.

"Rainbow!" Twilight frowned as she scolded the giddy mare. Pinkie pouted.

"Alright, alright!" Dash waved her hooves in front of her in a placating gesture. "I'll stop!"

Dash pressed a hoof to the scroll, directing Pinkie's gaze with the other.

"Look, it's all here. Our friends." She said, aiming her sight at Pinkie's reflection, making Pinkie realize what that meant. "Frankly, we already knew that one."

Luna nodded, smiling tenderly as she remembered the night the six ponies had saved her from her mistakes... and noticing that she was seeing herself in the reflection, not Nightmare Moon - she chose to see herself, instead of her past.

"That's nice. So that means there is no secret?" Pinkie asked, turning the scroll about.

"It looks like it's merely symbolic." Twilight nodded. "The scroll is a mirror, and mirrors are used and considered special depending on what is reflected on their surface. Whoever opens the scroll, in this case."

"Better than-" Windborne was interrupted by the wooden case smashing right in between his eyes, making him clutch his face and drop to the floor.

"Gah! Why do you keep doing that!?" Twilight shrieked from her place in Luna's hooves, as Rainbow and Pinkie giggled at their expense.

"I was reading." Windborne said as he stood back up, rubbing the spot Twilight had hit with the surprisingly-weighty box. "Then you learned that Luna was coming, went into a cleaning frenzy, commanded the 'freshest cushions' be brought out, took the one I was sitting on with your magic and threw it into the laundry room - with me still on it."

Twilight's glare turned into a sheepish avoidance of eye contact, blushing as she was deposited back on her own hooves.

"You also sprayed disinfectant air-freshener on me." He turned to his side, where a faint lavender stain was on his otherwise-bright-white right hock.

"Sorry." Twilight mumbled as she tried making herself small.

"Do not worry." He said, straightening and speaking with mock-formality. "Revenge is a concept that my teachers do not support."

"Oh, good!"

"Shame that my teachers aren't here." He added, making Twilight give him an expression of pain and betrayal. "All of the books in the library have been turned upside-down. Now, if you excuse me, I need to wash my coat."

"Wait, please." Luna called after the retreating pegasus, while Twilight looked all around herself in mute horror, with the others chuckling at her. "You are one of Typhon's allies, correct?"

"It would be weird if I wasn't." The statement didn't make much sense to Luna, but it was nonetheless an answer.

Twilight, in a spot-on imitation of Rarity, brought a hoof to her forehead, rolled her eyes, and allowed herself to fall sideways into a cushion. Spike sighed in dismay at the extra work to be done.

"Is he one of the 'teachers' you speak of?"

"I... in a sense? I was talking about the Four Guardians." He tapped his chin in contemplation. "I think the name 'Suzaku' should ring a bell or two."

'Hey, princess! Why are you so surprised? A single salamander is barely lukewarm to one wearing the ring of Suzaku.'

"Ah, shoot! This thing is gonna stain!"

Author's Note:

Ugh... Sorry it took so long, but I couldn't find a way to make the words form properly! I'd think up on what I wanted to happen, and the scenes would play out in my head, but they were all... disconnected, even if they were part of the same conversation. I think it still shows, but it is nowhere near as bad as it was in my head a while ago.

Yes, it's a Kung Fu Panda reference.

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