• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 17,861 Views, 821 Comments

Land of Friendship and Magic - Archmage Ansrit

Who would have thought that dressing up as John Egbert and attending conventions would get me into this mess.

  • ...

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A Study of the Strange

Author's Note:

Somewhat info-dumping, but I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me.

A lot of this are things I have wanted to say for a while, too.

(Day after, just before dawn)

Consciousness returned to Typhon like a light bulb turning on. Click, and he was awake, not blearily confused about his whereabouts, not groggy and wishing to extend the period of rest, just awake.

He felt the warmth of the mare keeping him company, and smiled; her mane was messy, and she let out soft little neighs as she slept the last of the darkness away. He ran a hoof at her sides, feeling her breathing.

He knew how to wake her up, too.

A while later

“Now, I’m pretty sure you miss some of the comforts of Earthen cuisine…” Typhon, fresh out of the shower, guided Kat to the kitchen. “But it just so happens that I have access to a matter-replicator.”

He inhaled, rising on his hind legs and held something on high as a fanfare sounded out.

“I have HAM. Also, bacon.” He announced.

Kat blinked. “Did you say bacon?” Her mouth began to water at just the very thought.

“I did, yes.” He smiled. “Don’t tell my daughter, though; she goes a little crazy.”

He placed a black pocket watch, shaped like a turtle’s shell, on the counter, as he levitated a bowl and some eggs. He also used his inventory to near-instantaneously put on a blue apron with the blue symbol of his clothes.

“Cheese and ham omelette with bacon on the side is OK?” Typhon asked, although there was something strange on his voice - it was higher, and it looked like he had shrunk slightly.

“Yeah that sounds good,” she said as she moved to take a seat at the nearby table. “Are you feeling alright? You seem… different.”

“Hmm? Oh! I’ve been doing this so long, I stopped noticing.” Typhon giggled. “Sorry if it’s weird, but I haven’t cooked as a guy since I left Earth.”

The brown unicorn turned her head, showing off her shorter, rounded muzzle, then twirled in place - the stockier, straighter lines had been replaced with curves…

“I asked Genbu - that would be the clock, or a fragment of him - if he could do something like this… and then I began experimenting.” Typhon smiled at Kat. “I can go back if it bothers you…”

“No, not really,” Kat said with a little blush as she noticed Typhon’s flank. “I’m… um, well you could say I go both ways, as it were.”

The cook smiled and batted her eyelashes. “I should tell you some of the things I was up to… and that I still fit into the lingerie.”

With a bubbly giggle, she began to work on the breakfast, leaving a deep red-faced earth pony in her wake.

“The Sisterhooves Social is coming up, did you get to see it back in your own timeline?”

Kat shook her head. “No, don’t even know anything about it.” To busy herself, Kat got up and decided to make herself some coffee. She always thought better with caffeine.

“She has a bit of an argument with Sweetie Belle, or will have anyways, and I kinda need magic from Rarity to finish an artifact, and after she learns a lesson in generosity would be the perfect time.” She poured the first omelette into the pan. “And there is milk in the fridge, bought about two days ago, although I have to warn you - I don’t have cow milk after I drank the last with yesterday’s breakfast.”

“Thanks. One question though: who’s Sweetie Belle?”

“Wait, you lived in Ponyville and did not run into the Cutie Mark Crusaders?” Typhon asked, shocked - her emotions were more pronounced than as a guy. “Sweetie Belle is Rarity’s little sister, and one of the cutest little mini-corns ever, with a pink and purple swirly mane and Rarity’s marshmallow-white coat.”

“To be fair, I didn’t live in Ponyville. I lived in the old castle in the Everfree. I mostly only visited the outskirts or Sugar Cube Corner when I was in the mood for something sweet. Sometimes the library, too. I didn’t even know Rarity had a sister.”

“There’s also Applejack’s sister, Applebloom, who wear a huge pink bow, or a ‘diabeetus’ inducing blue bonnet.” Typhon sighed. “And a little pegasus filly named Scootaloo, who, as you might have guessed, rides a scooter; she idolizes Rainbow Dash.”

“Never would have guessed,” Kat said as she mixed her coffee to just how she liked it. “The things you learn everyday.”

“They are… enthusiastic, about getting their cutie marks, and might attempt to rope you into their schemes.” Typhon shuddered slightly. “I suggest emergency teleportation. There are going to be a few… events centered around them, and I’m planning on keeping an eye on them.”

“Duly noted,” Kat replied with an affirmative nod. “Guess that’s one benefit of being a human-turned-pony, thinking on it. We already have our marks.” Kat indicated the starry cat mark on her flank to emphasize it.

“Well, I got turned back into a thirteen-year-old, and my powers didn’t come with an instruction manual…” Typhon glanced at the Breath symbol on her side. “And my body is fluctuating - this is the first time I blatantly use the Breath symbol, since the sisters would have noticed a pony wearing the insignia of the guy knocking down houses.”

Breakfast was served, two omelettes with four crispy strips of bacon each.

“I still feel weird - a Breath character that relies on others for direction… way too passive.” Typhon sighed. “How do you do it? How do you get yourself to move like that? Even my magic research was spurred on by my friends, then continued simply because it was interesting.”

“I’ve just gotten used to it,” Kat answered simply. “I’ve always felt like I was on my own, so I just did what I needed to still have a good life. I did have others there to help me, but it just wasn’t the same as having my family by my side. Rita and the Masters’ family were as close I came to having an actual one again. I suppose I just... fell in whatever direction I thought would work.”

“Huh… not that different, yet, I’m the one filling sails.” Typhon poked at her food with a fork. “I like helping others, but if there’s no-one, I just fall into habits.”

“That’s what I like the most about these powers,” Kat said as she munched on her bacon. “I can finally help people. I don’t have to let bad things happen anymore. I can… I can make a difference for the better. Or at least, that’s what I want to use them for.”

“Power is just power. Power can neither corrupt, nor does it come with any responsibilities that you didn’t swear to uphold to gain it. That you can see people as… as others that are walking the roads of life with you, and want to help them... “ Typhon let the words drift away, and placed a hoof on Kat’s shoulders. “I love you just that bit more for it.”

Kat’s cheeks burned red. “Y-y-y-you love me?” she managed to squeak out.

Typhon blushed as well. “I think that, while you might find it abrupt, I really like what is inside your heart.” She caressed the other mare’s shoulder. “I’m still willing to try a traditional approach, of course… first of which would be treating you to something nice.”

Typhon gestured to the breakfast table.

“Something nice.” She smiled, sighing in contentment.

Kat blushed even more, turning her head away and reminding Typhon of Fluttershy for a moment. “I… I’ve never felt like this,” she admitted. “Sure, I’ve been with a few people, but… none of them ever felt like this. I.. I think… I think I love you, too, Typhon.”

“If that is what you choose, I respect it.” Typhon nuzzled her cheek, holding her closer. “I might seem pushy when others are hurt, but I really do respect the choices of others… they are just finding their way through the roads of life, after all.”

Kat returned the nuzzle. "My choice, huh?" She whispered to her. "Then I choose..." Kat booped Typhon's nose. "You. Just so long as you choose me, too." Kat gave her sweet little kiss on the cheek.

“For as long as you want me.” Typhon brushed her lips against Kat’s, nothing heated or passionate, but nonetheless affective and pleasant. “I’m not leaving your side, however; I’ll always be there to help you out when you need it.”

Kat smiled at her, perfectly at peace. “So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

“Well, other than checking on Twilight, I was just intending to check on the Leylines of Whitetail Woods… we could turn it into a picnic.” Typhon smiled, then squinted. “Huh, I forgot I’m not wearing my glasses; I’ve gotten used to seeing through my powers, I guess.”

“That sounds lovely,” Kat said as she ate the last of her breakfast. “It’s always fun to see what Purple Smart is up to.”

“She must hate me right now.” Typhon said as her glasses, now larger and rounder, landed on her face; she had to put on a long coat, as she needed the pockets for Genbu’s clock, and somewhere to pin the tiger’s badge. “And I just know she’s dying to ask me more things… let’s see if she can get over the fact that I’m a girl. Oh, and this arrived for you.”

With a flick of her horn, a green sundress and hat flew in from another room.

“Courtesy of Rarity.”

Kat took it in her stasis field, eyeing it up and down. “Hmm, it’s not my usual style, but at least it goes past my flank.” Kat teleported out with the dress, coming back after a minute wearing it under her black leather jacket, the hat placed nicely on her head. “How do I look?”

“Absolutely adorable.” Typhon smiled, nudging her with her shoulder. “And you shouldn’t be ashamed - your flank is very nice.”

“Not shame, exposure,” Kat corrected. “I don’t exactly like everything being visible, whether it’s common or not. Now then, let’s get a move on, we’re burning daylight.”

“Very well; after you.” Typhon replied, not only out of politeness, but because the coat framed her… figure.


“Alright, I have the list read- is the list ready, Spike?” Twilight paced back and forth, ready to go there and demand some answers - as soon as Spike made sure her list of questions ordered by relevance was ready.

“Sheesh, yes.” Spike huffed, carrying a really, really long scroll in both arms. “You went over it three times already, and rewrote it twice.”

“Because it’s important! He’s had access to a powerful magical artifact for over a thousand years, and he’s studied it - just think of all of the wonders we could learn from that!” Twilight would have spoken about the possible outcomes in greater detail, but was interrupted by a knock on her door.

Either it was one of her friends (most likely), somepony looking for a book (sadly not as likely as she’d have wanted), or - maybe, just maybe - Typhon.

Closing her eyes and concentrating for a second, Twilight teleported right in front of the door, list in tow. Spike overcompensated from the sudden lack of weight and fell on his rear.

“This is a public libra-” Twilight’s words died as she opened the door to reveal a brown-eyed unicorn mare wearing a very peculiar ring on her horn, accompanied by a red-eyed earth pony, whom the brown unicorn gave a kiss on the lips.

“Hello, Twilight.” The brown mare said in a voice remarkably similar to Typhon’s. The mare tapped her glasses. “You should see your face.”

“You are a mare now - why are you a mare?” Twilight asked, not changing her expression too much.

“Because I wanted to be.” She sauntered inside, followed by a smiling Kat. “I’m the magician of Yin and Yang, and how better to experience it than to switch between states?”

“Hi Purple Smart,” Kat greeted as she walked in.

“Purp- wh- huh?!” Typhon could hear the gears of Twilight’s mind grinding against each other as she tried to understand two different situations at once. “I’m not purple, I’m lavender.”

Typhon busted out laughing, remembering when she used to say that as a filly.

“Of all the things, you answer to that one?” Typhon laughed, as Twilight puffed her cheeks in annoyed embarrassment.

“Well, excuse me! I’m not used to seeing somepony changing genders overnight!” She huffed, poking him- her with a hoof. “How did you even do that? Is it the ring?”

“Nope, my pocket watch.” She answered sincerely.

“Geez, she was right - it’s weird.” Spike mumbled from the stairs.

“Hi Spike,” Kat waved.

“Umm… hello. Kat, right?” Spike waved back; he remembered from the day before, but he was still disoriented from the surprise.

“Want a gem?” she asked.

“Do I?!” He quickly descended the stairs and passed Typhon without even a second thought to her situation. “Do you have turquoise or ruby?”

“Spike, you’ll spoil your appetite.” Twilight, too, managed to briefly ignore Typhon in order to enter a motherly mode.

“Gems are healthy for dragons.” Typhon remembered her… and simultaneously slightly disturbed her as she sounded far too much like a doting mother for her image of Typhon to handle.

“How about something a little more… exotic.” Kat wove her hoof, opening a tiny portal. She reached in and pulled out a slender purple crystal. “Here ya go, full of nutrients.” She floated it over to Spike, dropping into his claws.

“What kind of-?” Twilight couldn’t even finish her question as the gem disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, albeit inside Spike’s mouth this time.

“MMmmm…” Spike held his claws to his face, astonished over the flavor, the texture… it was a super gem! Right up there with the magical crystals in terms of quality…

“Spike, you’re drooling.” Typhon gave a step back. “Did you even taste it?”

“Of course!” Spike shouted, full of enthusiasm as he waved his arms about. “It was amazing! Kind of smooth like a Snow Diamond, but with this energizing feeling like a Storm Sardonyx, and- and- it was great!”

“Wait, how did you know what those taste like?” Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow; those things were rare, and valued for many of their qualities - she knew of the Fire Ruby he was aging, but it seemed he was more of a gem connoisseur than she had thought before.

“Oh, well, back when I was little- well, younger, the princess sometimes gave me gems after she was done with them.” Spike awkwardly made circles on the floor with his foot. Princess Celestia raised him for much of his life, and was the mother he didn’t have - Twilight was more of a big sister, but she, too, looked out for him.

Kat smiled at Spike’s enjoyment. “Most dragons enjoy my gravity crystals. Though I still get a little defensive around them, I’m practically an expert on their culture.”

“That would be your worl-” Typhon was knocked to the side by a rush from Twilight.

“You made those?! With your powers?!” She asked with an eager smile and glittery eyes.

Kat nodded. “Mmhmm, I can make three different forms of rare crystals. The one I gave Spike is called a gravity crystal. They don’t really have any uses, but if harnessed right they could be used as a power source.”

“The formation of some crystals reflect…” Twilight began muttering, listing of principles and formulae… again.

“Well, I should say that I don’t make them.” Kat pointed a little bit away from them and a little, crab like monster warped into existence. “They do.”

“Dear Christ, I forgot about those.” Typhon moaned, trotting up to it. “Before I forget and seem rude, do you want to? Or should I get it?”

“What are those?” Twilight gasped, feeling something was… wrong about that creature. It was dark, with a strange aura or coating around its body, and seemed skittish… and then it turned to them, and began to aggressively run at them. Just before it lashed out, Kat drove her hoof right through its massive red eye, destroying it and dropping a bright green crystal.

“Sorry about that, still some glitches in that power.” She levitated the crystal over to Twilight. “Dropped a heath crystal though.”

“Health- crystallized healing magic?!” She gasped, again. “But that is incredibly difficult! And these things just have it inside of them?!”

“Not sure if ‘magic’ is the right term, but yes.” Typhon nodded. “I think it might be a special, command-structure-like piece of the fabric of reality, kind of like my powers and some of my weapons, but in crystal form.”

“I need to study this.” Twilight gave a one-eighty turn and screamed at the top of her lungs. “SPIKE! Get the notebooks! I will be in my lab!”

Then the door to the basement slammed shut.

“Do you want the stamina one too?” Kat called out, holding a blue crystal in her hoof.

The door opened again, with a disheveled-looking Twilight poking her head out. “What does that one do, refresh the body, or does it work for magical stamina too?”

“It’s been, what, ten seconds?” Typhon whispered to Spike. “And she’s already like that?”

“I think you humans are going to break her forever.” He whispered back.

“I… don’t know really. Never attempted to see if it refreshed magical stamina. Never had a unicorn test that aspect. Hey, I have an idea! Why don’t we find out together?” Kat suggested getting a look from all of them. “See, I was recently exposed to some very… potent energy. I haven’t had a chance to make sure there were no complications. So if Twilight is willing to run some tests, I’ll give her a QnA in exchange.”

“Then we have no time to lose!” Twilight pointed to the skies with a hoof. “There is science to be done!”

“And we’re still talking.” Typhon said, chuckling. “Let me warn you, I reserve the right to make comments or nuzzle Kat if I so much as see restraints, be they medical or not.”

Kat chuckled while rolling her eyes. “Typhon, I think you and I have a real future ahead of us. Let’s get going Twilight. Before somepony else decides to take your subject of study.”

“Enter at your own peril, past the bolted door, where impossible things happen that the world has never seen before.” Typhon said in a dramatic, low tone - slightly spoiled by her sweet voice.

Down in the lab, Twilight prepared her machinery - most was donated from discontinued equipment from the Royal Canterlot Academy of Magical Studies, but it had been seriously overhauled by Twilight and Vinyl.

“If you would please put your hooves here.” Twilight pointed to a blue device with blinking light on the side and hoof-cuff-shaped sensors at the top. She then levitated a helmet lined with electrodes on the inside and lights on the outside.

“This would be a bad time to remind you that, as a pony, I am into a little bit of everything so long as it’s sanitary.” Typhon commented. “Which is weird, since I’m almost asexual as a human. Almost.”

“I’m still not hearing anything that’s a turn off,” Kat said with a sly smirk in Typhon’s direction. She did as Twilight instructed and put her hooves up.

Twilight coughed into her hoof, trying to ignore the burning blush on her cheeks as she strapped the… restraints…

“Dang it.” She grumbled, seeing them flirt with each other was something she would rather not think about… yet- EVER! Not ‘yet’, ‘ever’.

She cleared her throat, breathed deeply, and flicked a switch on another device, which began to spit a ream of paper it draw some waveforms on.

“What was the nature of this ‘energy’ to which you were exposed?” She asked in her best professional tone.

“I believe it’s called artron energy,” Kat explained. “It’s a form of time energy. I was given a high intensity dose when my body was recreated.”

“Oh? I heard of that one.” Typhon said. “I don’t know if this piece of reality uses it, or even can exists in it, although it should. It makes your immune system stronger.”

“Really?” Twilight said without taking her eyes off from the readings.

“I believe it can also be used to make toast and helps your body heal faster.” Typhon nodded. “My own body is linked to a form of energy that oversees Eternal things, although I’m not too keen on obtaining any information on that.”

“What?!” Twilight shrieked, turning to him- Her. “Why not?”

“Because it only manifests if I get killed and not die.” Typhon deadpanned. “You might see why I’m not eager to find out more, even if there is the possibility that I don’t need to ‘resurrect’ and merely use it to regenerate.”

“Please don’t talk about regenerating,” Kat said, her whole body shaking. “Bad memories.”

“Believe me, I don’t plan on doing something like that any time soon.” Typhon pressed her side against Kat’s, giving her a gentle nuzzle. “I’m not going to put that to the test.”

“So… you can’t die?” Twilight asked in a low voice.

“Only if my death would be Heroic or Just, or going against something more in control of those energies than I can handle.” Typhon scowled. “Thankfully, the one method I know of is impossible to achieve in this reality.”

“Uh, can we please stop talking about this?” Kat said, certain memories coming back into place. “You’re reminding me of a certain stallion I met during my travels. And I would feel much better if I never remembered him again.”

“Shh… it’s alright.” Typhon cooed. “I’m here. I’m not going to let you get hurt.” She then turned to Twilight. “Please, we can talk later.”

“Um… OK.” Twilight swallowed, the forceful tone reminding her that, for all of his peculiarities, Typhon was still more than what the entire Equestrian army could handle. “The… the readings don’t show anything hazardous to your health, and this energy just seems to have amplified some of the natural energy fluctuations in ponies - or that could be a secondary effect of your own powers, even though I’m trying to filter out any anomalies caused by gravitational disturbances.”

“Well, as long as there’s nothing bad. Just had to make sure.” Kat let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. She had secretly been worrying there would be side effects to how her body was reformed. “And Twilight, before we start the QnA, I have a little request of you.”

“Oh, sure- I mean, sure!” She tried to sound less apathetic, remembering she hadn’t been too nice lately. “What is it that you need?”

“Could you send a letter to Celestia for me? I’d like to meet her because I have a question for her.”

“Hmm? Very well, although I am not sure how fast she will reply or be able to see you.” Twilight scrawled a quick letter, choosing to wait until later to tell the princesses that Typhon was apparently immortal and simply going to the point.

“I can take you to her dreams, or I can also deliver the letter.” Typhon pipped in, taking the letter and folding it into a paper airplane. “And here it goes.”

She blew on it from behind, and a blue breeze carried the plane through the door, the nearest window, and off to Canterlot.

“Is there something else?” Twilight simply didn’t acknowledge the strange method of delivery and turned to Kat.

“Not that I can think of, so ask away Twilight. I’m an open book.”

“Alright; first off, what was that creature? That crystal eye was far too flexible and organic, and that aura was just… wrong.” She added to last word in a small voice - it had been odd, being in that thing’s presence.

“A nevi,” Kat answered. “Gravity monsters that are basically mindless beasts. They’re a part of the more… darker aspect of my powers.”

Twilight shuddered. “Can’t you… control them? Make them peaceful? Princess Luna said that Light and Dark aren’t even on opposite side of the coin; they just have to be in balance.”

“There’s a reason the symbol for Yin and Yang is a neat circle.” Typhon mumbled to herself. “I have the feeling it’s not that easy, though.”

“If I focus, I can to an extent. It’s more like I just point them in a direction and they take it from there. I don’t dare trying to create the more dangerous ones just yet. The one you saw was a Minion, the weakest of the nevi.”

“Wait, a direction? That’s…” Typhon was pacing about excitedly. “That could work better than you think! That’s what I do for most of my magic! Instead of controlling it like- like a sword or wrench, use the energy as if you are drawing a bow, directing it like you’re aiming it, instead of willing them to act, give them a will to move, coerce them if you can; I align myself to the weave of things, and then work from that!”

“Hmm,” Kat put a hoof to her chin, thinking on it. “That… could work. It would still require a lot ideal testing before I implement it in the field. I take it that answers your question, Twi?”

“And some I hadn’t gotten around to asking yet.” She replied, scrawling notes on some parchment. ”But how can you do that without magic of your own?”

“Well, the Chinese and Japanese have this concept called ‘Chi’ or ‘Ki’, which means ‘Breath’, and is suffused into Everything.” Typhon smirked as Twilight dropped her quill.

“That is a little scary.” She admitted. “Kat, have you used magic personally?”

Kat shook her head. “No. You see, my powers have actually replaced the magic that would normally be in an earth pony. When I first turned into a pony, I was unable to use my powers until I learned how to access earth pony magic. Took a fair while, I’ll admit, but as you can see I did it.”

“Interesting; my own powers are translated from- and to a kind of mental energy when I’m human.” Typhon chimed in. “That’s the reason so many spells cannot even register me - save for mental magic -, there is nothing to find.”

“So… you’re psychic?” Twilight asked.

“Kind of.” Typhon nodded. “I can’t outright read minds, but the construct of reality I call The Breeze can, to a degree, receive information like that, which then is relayed to me. It’s the reason I can dodge and block pretty much everything thrown at me with ill-intent. Well, that, and the fact my body doesn’t rely on the chemistry of neurons; similar to pegasus magic, only with mental energy.”

“So, Kat, can your powers make you faster or stronger than a pony - or human - of your physical complexion?” Twilight asked as she scribbled some more.

“Yes, actually. Even when I was just beginning, I fell from the stratosphere, landed on a rock. I was completely fine the next day.”

“I think your powers protect you from fall damage.” Typhon pondered as she put a hoof to her chin. “It’s not the fall, or even the sudden stop - it’s that the parts of you that are still moving hit the ones that are stopped too fast, and your body essentially crushes itself.”

Twilight looked a little green at that, and stuck out her tongue in disgust.

“Maybe what your powers do is that they help decelerate the rest of your body, making you seem - from the perspective of physics - a lot smaller, mass-wise, than you really are. I do something similar with my own levitative powers to help mitigate blows, and my ‘defense stat’ protects me in the same way.”

“That’s a ‘yes’, in summation.” Twilight nodded. “Typhon mentioned his- her- whatever powers having a physical impact on… the bodily aspect of things as a pony, possibly because of the conversion of energies within him. Do your powers have a similar impact on yours? And is it any different as a pony than as a human?”

“When I first started out, my powers required a cool down time, but over the years I’m able to use them so long as I can remain focused and standing. And, like I said, it’s harder to access my powers as a pony due to not being drawn out the same way. As a human, I just had to think about my powers and they would work, but as a pony I needed to learn the basics of earth pony magic to do so.”

“Have you seen any interesting developments in earth pony magic while out there?” Twilight asked, but Typhon put a hoof on her shoulders.

“Ah, Twilight, lemme warn you. I interfered big time on the development of magic in this planet. While you and everyone else has been aware of the magic of ponies in general, and the myriad ways to draw it out and use it, there are others that are… behind. Mostly, because, by the time a reliable means of detecting and measuring magical power came out, the ‘unicorns are the only ones able to do magic’ way of thinking had become sooo rooted into mentality, that the thought of an earth pony mage was either ridiculous, or even wrong, leading entire worlds to instill a form of secrecy upon the practitioners of earth-shaping, should it even exist.”

Twilight stared at Typhon with wide, watery eyes. Magic was her life, an integral part of her; to think of a single place, not to mention a world, where magic was limited like so, made her feel queasy. Celestia herself had repeatedly told her to always look at things from several angles, and to take care when talking to others, as their approach might not be like hers, and might even be better.

She was slightly aware that the princess had not taken her own advice at times, but that was neither here nor there.

“I- I don’t know what to say.” Twilight gulped. “I need to think about this some more. I… I’ll see you later for other questions I might still have.”

Twilight took her notes and trotted out of the basement, shuddering still.

“Spike!” She could be heard through the door. “Could… could you help me take a letter?”

“What was that about?” Kat asked, a little surprised by Twilight’s reaction. “I haven’t seen Twilight so shaken since my own found out about Celestia’s warmongering.”

“Well, in this world, thanks to my interference, the branch of the Royal Academy that teaches ponies about spells and other applications of will is called ‘Princess Celestia’s School for Ponies Gifted in Magic’, and is open to everyone.” Typhon began. “Magic is something to be shared with everyone, and the studies of the nature of pony magic are something… special; magic use is centered around that piece of your soul touched by magic itself, so, when she found out that there are whole worlds out there that deny other ponies it, when her own special talent and Element is Magic…”

“Oh… wow. My own world never really had much focus on magical study. It was at war every other century, even without me around. Equestria was more of a military country than anything else.”

“Hmm… while this one has had her own share of armed conflicts, there was never a shortage of ponies trying to discover the mysteries of magic, even if it was to help protect themselves from… external threats. Which reminds me of something, and it’s important.” Typhon turned to Kat with an unusual intensity. “I need you to remember this one.”

“Okay,” Kat said with a little unease at Typhon’s change in attitude. “What is it?”

Never call a pony a gelding, or imply it. It might seem silly, but in this world, you’re not only calling them cowards or impotent, you’re also calling them puppets, and cripples, and saying that they are inherently untrustworthy. Back on Earth, geldings were such because it made them easier for a rider to manipulate, and less prone to distractions and tantrums… here, it’s the same, yet worse, as it leaves them at the mercy of mentally-altering magic and substances; a pony who becomes damaged there is thus unable to hold a position that requires reliability or secret-keeping… thankfully, knowledge of cellular structures and… other things relating to the body and alchemy, even restoring it is not impossible save for the foulest of magics being involved. The reason I was reminded was because a Minotaur Warlord decided to usurp his father, saying that he had gone weak in his old age, and enslaved the ponies within his borders and… I guess you can imagine what he did to the ponies to keep them from fighting back.”

Kat gulped. “Point taken. I don’t plan on causing any trouble here, so thank you for letting me know.” She gave Typhon a little kiss on the cheek. “So… about that picnic?”

Typhon sighed in contentment. “Sure, let’s go to Whitetail.”

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