• Published 23rd Oct 2011
  • 4,008 Views, 180 Comments

Behind the Gypsy's Veil - Gypsy

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Into The Forest And Through The Bad

Chapter 11: Into The Forest And Through The Bad

Twilight grabbed the map of the Everfree Forest showing the location of the old castle. I went inside the kitchen and grabbed a few knives. "Kriece why are you bringing my knives?" Twilight stared at me. "To protect ourselves." Not my best answer. "We aren't going to hurt anypony Kriece, put them back." I hung my head down and put the knives back. "I worry about you sometimes Kriece." There's a lot to worry about when it comes to me. "What should I do Twilight?" Spike asked. "I need you to watch over the library Spike." He looked sad that she said that, poor guy. "Sure thing Twilight."

We neared the Everfree Forest and as we reached the border, all the girls stopped. "The Everfree Forest ain't natural." Applejack said. "I heard that the animals fend for themselves! How horrible." Fluttershy said. I was losing my patience. "I heard that-" That's it. "Shush it and let's go in already!" Rainbow Dash closed her mouth and we all went in. The forest was more of a jungle, humid air, exotic plants, and weird creatures. "Alright Twilight do we know where we're headed?" I asked because so far we were walking on a dirt road. "Yes, all we have to do is follow this road and when we reach where it splits we head right." Knowing Nightmare Moon this wont be as easy as saying where the elements are.

Five minutes down the road and we reached the fork. We all immediately were going left but as we were doing so suddenly I felt a wind coming up. "Hold on girls." I looked around and noticed the wind was picking up. "We need to go and now." But as we were beginning to move a miniature tornado came up out of nowhere in between all of us and swallowed everyone inside. All I was noticing was blur of colors. I fell to the ground with a loud thud and then laid on the floor, all the others landing on top of me. "Get off! Get off!" I yelled trying to breathe. We got up on shaky legs and dizzy heads. "I feel like vomiting, oh gawd I hate being dizzy." Ever since I went to one of those family owned carnivals and got on the tea cups. I asked the operator to spin me fast, he asked me if I was sure and I told him yes. I regret that I did. I felt like I was being spun at five hundred rotations per minute. During the ride my head violently swung backwards outside the tea cup due to the G's and was held there for thirty seconds. As the ride stopped, I walked out the teacup only to fall down face first then tried to throw up only for me to swallow it all back down. Severe neck whiplash, burning throat, and the worst most head splitting headache of my life.

"She's trying to stop us. Let's hurry up." But as we regained our composure we noticed something, the road split into three at perfect angles. "You have to be bullshitting me." Although I admit she did get us good but it was childish. Maybe I should underestimate her. She doesn't really know what would happen if there was eternal night, right? She is probably to clouded by that Nightmare thing to know. "What are we going to do now?!" Rainbow Dash said as she was flying above me. "Herp a derp! Dash fly directly straight up above us as high as you can till you're able to see Ponyville." Logic is awesome. "That's brilliant Kriece!" Oh Twilight you don't humble me at all. Rainbow Dash flew up and we waited. Within ten seconds she was back. "Ponyville is that way." She pointed to the east. "Then that means we still go right!" All that thinking was worthless. "Let's get going then!"

As we went deeper into the forest/jungle, I was noticed the trees were looking more and more decayed as we walked. "Wowie! These trees don't look so healthy!" This looked familiar. "If mah apple trees looked like this-" Applejack never got to finish her because another wind began to pick up. "Brace yourselves girls." They all gathered behind me. Of course, let me die first! A red mist appeared from the trees and was closing in on us. I instantly recognized the red mist trope, it kills. "Girls get closer to me, don't let the mist touch you!" We huddled even closer. The mist stopped moving. "I think we're stuck here."I said protecting the girls. Then the trees looked as if they were sucking it up. "Look the trees are moving! Treants and six of them!" Treants? In the way of my quest? Awwww hell nah! "Twilight got any fire spells?!" We needed these things on fire and now. "What?! We can't hurt them!" She yelled back. "What the hell do you mean we can't!?" Better not be some stupid reason. "They're on the brink of extinction! For all we know these might be the last ones in all of Equestria!" Uhg it had to be something like that. "Twilight if you don't do something we are going to die!" Twilight realized if she didn't do anything we would die and Nightmare Moon would win, all for the sake of a bunch of trees. It tore her apart. She didn't want to be responsible for killing off a race but if she didn't she would be responsible for what would happen to all the ponies in Equestrian and more importantly, her friends. She went into a battle stance (why don't I have a battle stance?!) knowing it had to be done. "EVERYPONY GET DOWN!" Twilight yelled and almost immediately as we heard, we hit the dirt. I was staring in amazement at what was happening. Coming from the tip of Twilight's horn was a circle of fire with an incredible radius seeing as it hit the Treants that were ten feet away in all directions. The Treants were set ablaze and retreated, running back inside the forest. "That. Was. Awesome! If I was a unicorn I would have done that only twenty percent bigger!" Rainbow Dash said as she was flying around Twilight making pew pee noises. I saw Twilight looked slumped. I went up to her. "You did the right thing Twilight, thanks for saving us." She smiled. "Thank you Kriece and now if we might be forgetting, we have Nightmare Moon to stop."

We came upon a bridge that expanded nearly three hundred feet and below a even farther drop to a river. On the other side the castle wasn't there. "The castle must be farther than I thought." Twilight said. "Everypony let's cross it, it looks stable." In actuality it looked perfectly fine. One by one they crossed the bridger safely, myself being the last one left to cross it. I felt a breeze. "Oh crap." Then the bridge collapsed. "Son of a. What do we do now?!" I yelled to the girls on the other side. "I think Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy can carry you over!" It sounded like a good idea but I wasn't sure the weight those two can carry seeing as I was taller and heavier than them and remembered that Fluttershy wasn't used to carrying a bunny or two so I didn't want to take the chance. "No I don't think they can carry me that far and for that long. I can see a way around the bridge! I'll go along the ridge and see if I could get back on the road to meet up with you girls at or near the castle." Thankfully I snuck a knife in my coat when Twilight wasn't looking so I felt confident of myself. "Don't worry I have a knife!" I levitated it in the air. Twilight was not amused. "I told you to put them back, All OF THEM!" Me with a knife didn't quite look calming. "I know, I know. Don't worry I won't hurt a fly unless it's a last resort!" She sounded calmer. "Well oh kay then. Be safe Kriece!" This was going to be fun. I didn't tell Twilight but anything that got in my way was going to pay dearly for it. I watched as they trotted away from sight. "Deep within all of our minds lies complete and utter madness. " I sang as I merrily went my way.


Chapter 11 all up in this place!

Plans to Miami have been canceled due to work! yay~ (Never take California for granted) so I managed to get this done early.(I had this done yesterday but I had to wait for my very first (and best ;3) pre reader NeverKnown to fix anything wrong)

Now I already have this planned out ahead by I think 2 or 3 chapters and it will get dark. Don't worry though no ones gunna die , sort of ;D you'll see.