• Published 23rd Oct 2011
  • 4,008 Views, 180 Comments

Behind the Gypsy's Veil - Gypsy

  • ...

Meeting With A Fortress

Chapter 20: Meeting With A Fortress

"We're almost there just a few more minutes." One of the draconic guards had reassured.

"UHG! Why'd the castle had to be on top of a hill?! My legs are hurting and I'm hungry, I haven't eaten since yesterday." Rave complained. She turned to Nightmare for a response but the only response she got was silence as Nightmare looked at Rave and shook her head.

"Girls, are any of you awake?"

"Sure am Twi'."

"I am as well dear seeing as I can't seem to get my beauty sleep."

Twilighted waited for the others to say something but only heard Applejack ask her a question.

"What's the matter sugarcube?" Twilight paused at the question. What can she say? There's so many problems and she doesn't even know how to handle any of them.

"Can we really save Kriece? What if we can't and we lose him forever? Celestia only knows what Knightmare could be doing to him." Twilight shifted in her sleeping bag; there were so many things she is uncomfortable with. "What if the elements don't work?"

Applejack thought long and hard. "Ah don't really know the answers to your questions Twi' but I know one thing. If we stick together we can do it, friendship is magic and if ah remember correctly magic can do pretty much anything."

"And not to mention Kriece wouldn't just sit back and let that ruffian control him that easy! If I do say I believe Kriece has already freed himself and is coming back as we speak." Rarity chipped in."

"Thanks girls I needed that. I'm sure Kriece has the situation under control."

Well shit, I'm screwed.

Nightmare and Rave had already entered the gates to the castle.


No, but I'll tell you what, all I'm feeling right now is excitement.


To die? Not just that. To see what's after.


After death. Dead men tell no tales.


Sure you can't die but if I've learned things from my old life is that there are things worse than death.


You'll see. First hand experiences are always the best way to know about something.


Enough talking, keep walking.

The guards had led the two to large ornate doors that easily looked more than two stories high.

"Here we are, now before we open the doors know that we are watching. Be respectful, no coarse language, and absolutely no attitudes, do you understand?" Nightmare and Rave nodded.

I got a date-rape with death!

The doors opened to reveal an extremely ornate and huge room with a ceiling so high and in the center was an equally large dragon curled up with its head held up high and wings splayed across the floor showing their massive length. Astataroth. Teal colored scales, his spikes on his head that lead to his tail were blue mostly but about half way the color fades into orange and from orange fades to red at the tip giving it look like a tidal wave set on fire. The stomach where the soft hide should be only held more scales. The claws on his feet and hands were abnormally large even for one dragon such as himself; each one of his sixteen claws one-fifth his length. Just by looking you can tell he isnt called The Skyfortress for nothing.

He looks like he can tear apart a freaking mountain...WHICH HE DID!

"Welcome Nightmare and Miss..." His voice was gentle though the echo from the room made it loud and booming.

"Oh, It's Rave, just Rave." She bowed down in respect and in fear.

"No need for such formalities Rave, we are all just friends here and nothing more."

"Oh we'll I'll remember that next time I visit."

"Enough with the talking, Astataroth I need something done."

Astataroth glanced over to Nightmare and went wide-eyed. "Nightmare? Oh HAHAHAHA!" His laughing was shaking up the whole room.

"And what is so funny?" Nightmare demanded and Astataroth's laughing had subsided.

"I never took you one to favor male bodies. I do say it doesn't suit you in the least bit, I can even hear your voice within the stallions."

"Why is it that I'm considered a female?! I am neither male nor female!" Nightmare stomped a hoof in frustration.

"I say it's because of the voice, and if anyone has ever told you that your original body was very...Appealing."

Dragon-on-pony action is what I came here to see.

Rave started to laugh and a blush was shown on Nightmares face.


Yes, yes you have.

Astataroth raised an eyebrow. "Oh Really? From who?"

"The stallion, though thing is more appropriate, I trapped in his mind who I might remind you is why I'm here."

Atleast I'm not just some piece of meat!


"The stallion was no pony, he is another species transformed into a pony and might I add not even from our world."

"You mean to tell me you've possessed an alien? I always thought you were crazy, but let's just say I believe you, what do you want done?"

Ahaha alien possessed ghost, that's a A-quality movie right there.

"I want you to destroy it so I can fully merge with this body."




Astataroth raised a massive claw to his chin. "That is a very arduous task you need done..." A smile crept onto his face. "That is if it wasn't me performing it. When do you want it done?"

"Right now."

"Not possible deary."

"And why is that?"

"Still impatient as ever I see, immortality should have given you patience like me. I can not preform the task because I do not have the items which is needed."

"Then when can we have it done?"

"Tommorow night."

"Pfft fine. I can't deal with him anymore."

"This 'alien' giving you trouble?"

"More than you can-" Rave stomach grumbled loudly interrupting Nightmare.

"Oh it seems Miss Rave is hungry, tell you what lets cut this meeting short and I'll have my guards lead you two to the dinning hall and after to your rooms. I have a few task that need done including getting the items needed."

"I can't wait to eat!"

Some ponies just want to eat! And all I want is to eat you out Nightmare.


You know I'm going to make the most of the time me and you have left, I might even throw in a surprise for you!


Oh yeah, you're going to enjoy it so much, oh so much indeed.


Chapter 20 is nothing but a piece of cheese with the corners cut off, in other words it never gon' be a slice!


Anways I haven't had time to write in awhile seeing as work had to be done but it feels good to be writing again.

Anywaaays Comment, Rate, Skeet, Skeet, Skeet.