• Published 23rd Oct 2011
  • 4,008 Views, 180 Comments

Behind the Gypsy's Veil - Gypsy

  • ...

Beginning Life

The rest of the trip thankfully enough was without problems even when Vale landed in front of Twilight's library.

As I was getting out I was freaking out seeing as I was going to be staying in a house with a broad I somewhat know and her assistant, I felt uncomfortable to point where I was deciding to try to kill myself again just to avoid the awkwardness that, of course, will ensue.

Before I could find something sharp enough to jab into my face the door to the library opened revealing Twilight but what caught my attention the most was pitch blackness behind and then it hit me all to quickly. "Pinkie Pie, fuck."

Last thing I wanted is a party, being the center of attention and surrounded by ponies that I have to talk to. I was always a quiet guy when it came to new people, only when I get to know the person would I open up more.

Twilight walked towards me raising her hoof. This was it, make it or break it. I will now have to use my hoof to shake hers (OH GAWD WHY?!). I raised my hoof trying not to fall down (luckily I didn't) and I just, put the bottom of my hoof to hers and tried to keep it locked in place as we shook. Oddly I felt as if something clenched my hoof near the center. In those seconds while I was shaking her hoof I figured out how they held things.

"Hey how are you Kriece? Welcome to Ponyville and to my home!"

"Heeeeey Twilight! I'm doing great, how about you?" My primal urges are telling me to run into the darkness screaming at the top of my lungs whilst flailing my limbs around hoping to defeat whatever unknown lies within.

"I'm just fine, I've been preparing where you'll be staying and I might
have a surprise for you, follow me."

"A surprise huh..." I wasn't ready, I might have been in a week or two but right now I wasn't.

I followed Twilight into the darkness. When I took the last step through the door it closed shut with a distinct clicking noise knowing I just got locked in sealing my doom (being the ass I kind of am, I forgot to say bye to Vale). I was stuck in the darkness and next thing I realize a bright flash and a word that I didn't want to hear.

"SURPRISE!!!" I looked around trying my best to act surprised even though I can't and mentally cursing the floor, the sky, the house, and the ponies there for doing this to me.

"HEY! You guys really surprised me aha-aha-aha..." I couldn't tell if I was smiling or grinning like a psycho. Twilight grabbed me and started to introduce me to people.

"And these are my friends, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and finally Fluttershy (I heard a barely audible eep and D'awwed shortly after), these are my best friends in Ponyville."

"Hey girls nice to meet you but I would rather get to better know all five of you and Twilight well after the party." they looked at me confused (not the first time I confused ponies).

Twilight huddled with her friends for a second and broke off, Twilight then nodded at me "Sure thing Kriese, we understand."

So after the party that lasted all day, which I won't describe what happen mostly because I dont remember cause I phased out, everyone left and we all cleaned the house. We sat at a table and properly started the introductions one by one as I requested.

"Hello girls, as Twilight might have already told you name is Kriese and I'll be staying with her for the time being." Twilight was the first to go.

"Well I guess I'll go first since you did ask me back at your place hehehe." She said awkwardly. "Well My name is Twilight Sparkle but you already knew that, this is where I live, part library too and I love magic as represented by my cutie mark." next to go was Rarity.

"My name darling is Rarity, I run the local boutique where I make the most fabulous clothes in all of Equestria, maybe later on you can visit me at my shop and I can design you something free of charge!"

"Wow Rarity thank you I might take you up on that offer, I got an eye for fashion and I would love to see what Equestria has to offer."

"Ooooh Kriese Twilight didn't mention that, how does tomorrow morning sound?"

"Sounds great! I'll be there." next one up was Applejack.

"Why howdy there partner mah name’s Applejack, here in Ponyville me an mah family run the apple orchard."

"Hey there Applejack please to meet you. You run a farm huh, seeing as I'm going to be here awhile I'm wondering if I could go work for you?"

"Of course sugarcube we could never have enough help roun' the farm!"

"Thanks after I'm done with Rarity I'll go to your farm to start."

b"Sure thing, ah'll be waiting." Next pony up was the ever so cocky Rainbow Dash.

"Hey what's up Kriese I'm Rainbow Dash 'THE FASTEST FLYER IN EQUESTRIA'!" Here we go.

"Aha That's all Rainbow Dash?"

"Oh right I also control the weather here in Ponyville."

"Ooo that's cool, I could’ve used your help when I was getting here."

"Why's that?"

"Well while Vale was escorting me-"

"VALE?! You mean THE Vale, Captain of the Skyguard, Founder of the Wonderbolts?!?" She interrupted.

"Yes, that Vale, now if I can continue my story ahaha."

"Oh Right sorry." she said blushing

"Well as Vale was escorting me we ran into some pretty nasty winds for a while and we almost died if it weren't for her skills."

"That's so rad, if I was there I would have gotten out of there in ten seconds flat!" Next one up was Pinkie Pie.

"HEY THERE KRIECE MY NAMES PINKIE PIE! Hey your name sounds like grease and grease is all icky and slippery and stuff oh hey do you like cupcakes?"

"I love cu-"

"CAUSE I LOOOOVE CUPCAKES! I really do and candy as well, everytime someone is new in town I throw a party and I made you this party, you liked my party right? Of course you did it's was super-duper ‘cause all my parties are! I also work at Sugarcube Corner which is a bakery where I make all the delicious sweets!"

"Uh...I have no words for what just happened, I think I just contracted diabetes."

"Sorry for that Kriece, Pinkie Pie is sort of well...Pinkie Pie, you'll get used to her." Twilight tried to clarify. Now came Fluttershy who was busy cowering behind Applejack to say anything.

"Uh....Fluttershy was it?" She then eep'd again.

"Oh lawdy that's cute, c'mon I won't bite...-" she slowly started to get out from behind Applejack and when she was doing that I finished my sentence. "-much." she then eep'd a third time and got back behind Applejack. (I'm an ass and thoroughly enjoy it)

"Ahaha I'm only playing Fluttershy I'm not actually going to bite so why so shy? Did Twilight say something scary about me?"

"I DID NOT!" Twilight said.

"Well..no..she didn't I'm just uhmm.. sorry don't bite me please."

"I already said I wasn't going to bite." I looked at everyone else.

"Honestly I'm not good with shy ponies. When you’re ready Fluttershy you can introduce yourself okay?"

"Come out fra behin' me sugarcube he ain't gunna bite."

"Okay sorry..uhm nice to me you Kriese, I'm Fluttershy and I take care of animals." She tried saying more but I couldn't hear her so I just stood there and nodded.

"Soooo, now that introductions are out of the way what do we do now?" But before anyone could say anything "Oh I forgot! Twilight Princess Celestia said she gave you my things right?"

"Ah yes she did, let me get them for you." she trotted up stairs to her room and came back down with my things.

"Here you go Kriese, your coat, shirt, pants, and shoes." She levitated the clothes to me

"My, Kriece what an interesting set up you have here and those shoes oh wow what's the material?"

"I'd rather not say what my shoes are made of."

"And why's that darling surely you can tell me!"

"Sorry Rarity I prefer not to say."

"Well if you say so, but I won't stop asking until you do." (her whining would be an interesting thing to hear, hopefully I won't strangle her)

"Hey uh Kriece can you get your clothes?"

"Huh? Oh right...why so far away? I can't reach them?"

"Use your magic silly!" Pinkie Pie said as if I’d been using magic forever. (fact: magic doesn't exist for shit that. I'm gypsy I would know.)


"Somepony." corrected Twilight.

"Ahem, Mirror, I haven't seen myself since I got in Equestria." Rainbow Dash flew around the room looking for the mirror and brought it in front of me.

"Yeah Twilight told us you aren't from Equestria, that your some sort of alien thing."

"Well actually I don't even think I'm from this dimension, but in terms I guess I am an alien." I looked at myself, I had a dark teal coat with mane a bit lighter shade than my coat with a large sky blue streak down the middle of my short mane. Iwas skinny and roughly the same height as Applejack, my eyes were blue, my horn was slightly longer than Twilight's and dull (I’m going to sharpen that thing to the point where it can impale with the slightest of ease), my tail was also a lighter teal and with multiple streaks of sky blue, then I looked at my flank and saw that it was blank and so did everyone else.

"You don't have a cutie mark!" Rainbow Dash pointing out the obvious.

"Oh well."

"What do you you mean with ‘Oh well’?! You haven't found out what your special talent is!"

"I mean that I don't really care what my special talent is, it's not like I had one back home and honestly I would like to not have a picture on my flank."

"Now Rainbow Dash we don't have to ridicule Kriese on not having a cutie mark, surely he is going to find out what his special talent is, and we are going to help him by any means, isn't that right ladies?" Classy Rarity defending my honor.

"So, how do I use this awe-inspiring, devastating, all powerful stick pointing out of my head?"

"That stick pointing out your head isn't something to play with Kriese."

"But that's what I intend to do Twilight, in my world magic doesn't exist."

"Interesting, how about I teach you? But only the basics, I don't feel comfortable enough teaching you anything other than levitation."

"Hell yeah as long as it's anything I'm up for it, after I'm done helping Applejack I'll come to you and we can get things going." (I'm getting all giddy, I can see it now Mega Flares, Mega Flares everywhere, the power! The destruction! The POWER!!!!1 Wonder if I can split an atom with magic?)

"But first Kriece it's getting late, how about I show you to where you'll be sleeping."

"Fo-sho, I'll see you girls tomorrow!"

After the girls left and Twilight showing me to where I'm sleeping, I lay in bed wondering what the rest of my life is going to be like and then I went to sleep. Tomorrow isn't going to be that exciting right? Nope.