• Published 23rd Oct 2011
  • 4,008 Views, 180 Comments

Behind the Gypsy's Veil - Gypsy

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Nothing To Fear But Pink Itself

Chapter 7: Nothing To Fear But Pink Itself

​Walking down a dirt road through the forest shouldn't be terrifying at all to me considering I'm in a land full of pastel colored ponies but for some reason i felt fear and with all the fixings it comes with. It didnt help night was beginning. I’m nervous and needed to get to Rarity as fast i can. I actually never been so nervous in my life if anything can be compared to this it’d be when you are walking upstairs from the basement and the light suddenly shuts off and that fear, your eyes open as wide as you can, a cringe surging throughout your body, and then you get the hell out of there thinking something is going to get you if you don't dash towards the top. I know someone is watching, waiting for the perfect moment but i will NOT LET THEM HAVE THAT CHANCE! So ran like i never ran before and the absolutely most nuisance thing happened, i heard running behind me. I never felt so angry, so mad, and so scared in my life. i wanted to turn and fu-freaking murder this thing with the most vile, the most hateful rage my body can muster. I seriously wanted to gruesomely obliterate it but i didn’t have anything to maim it with so I shot the idea down and kept on running for my life biting my lip so i wont turn around and punch it in the face full force.

I was almost there just a few more seconds to Rarity’s boutique and I’ll be fine, then i felt something trying to bite down on my tail and when i realized that i started to cry, hoping, wanting, NEEDING to get to Rarity before i die and then when i was so close to that god forsaken door it bit down on my tail and i abruptly stopped, being slammed onto the floor from the sudden pulling force. I turned twisted around on the ground, still crying whatever attacking me rivers, to see what was going to eventually rip my ribcage out of my esophagus. When i did, LO AND BEHOLD an all pink pony grinning to the brim. I stopped crying to take in what I’m seeing before me staring in what probably looked like utter relief. I stood up and stared at Pinkie Pie crying and laughing at the same time. “Pinkie Pie I'm going to...( i had to keep my cool i didn’t want to say i wanted to gut her like a fish and devour her entrails) Give you a hug.” Pinkie started giggling. “Awww Whats wrong Kriece, why you you laughing and crying? I thought we were playing tag! Tag doesn’t involve crying well unless one pony accidentally hurts the other pony and then they both start crying because they both got hurt OH MY GOSH DID I HURT YOU?! No cause your laughing too and laughing means fun! A HUG?!?!” She then rushed over and gave me an anaconda squeeze, i tried doing the same but she’s a pro at hugging. “Pinkie if you ever chase me like that again at night, when i don't know your there I’m not going to be responsible for what happens to you. Do you know I was going to (can I say kill to the supposedly bi-polar, murderous, cupcake pony? I don't want to take the chance) hurt you really bad when we were running in the woods, luckily I didn’t have anything on me but i was close to turning around and punching you in the face even if you might deserve one right about now.” (If it came to it I’d hit a girl, i mean if i didn’t wouldn’t I be sexist? I mean there’s so many women that complain and complain that they don't have the same rights as men and what not, so i thought if they want to be treated like men so badly I say we do. So if your a girl and your chasing me without me knowing why i will punch your ass out so fast there's no telling what hit you. I certainly don't want to be labled as a sexist now do i >:3)
“I’m so, so, so, so, sosososososo sorry Kriece I never meant you scare you the way I did. Now you must hate me and wont to my parties ever again.” I saw her mane and tail fall flat. Shit shes in depression mode and right after the depression comes the crazy so i had to think fast, too easy.
“Noooo Pinkie i don't hate you or your parties at all, in fact I’m actually glad you were chasing me and not some monster trying to eat me!” She seemed to have perked up a bit.
“Of course now stop being a silly filly and lets head over to Rarity i have to pick up my clothes i left her.” Then almost instantly her hair sprang to life and settled to its usually messy self.
“It’s alright Kriece i have to get to Sugarcube Corner to bake some goods for tomorrow, ooo how about i treat you to some muffins tomorrow to make up for what i did?”
“Better be blueberry!”
“Okie-dokie-lokie!” and with that she was off.

I opened the door to the boutique and heard Rarity. “Sorry but we’re already cl-OH! Why hello Kriece how was your day at the farm and oh my whatever happened to you? You look like a mess.”
"It was interesting to say the least and why I look like I do now? Well it all started with Pinkie Pie and ended with me crying."
"What happened?"
"I don't want to talk about it, the more I think of it the more I want strangle her."
"Kriece watch what youre saying."
"Sorry it's just that she really got on my nerves."
"I know what you mean but let's drop the subject, I'm not one to talk about someone behind their back especially my friends."
"Yeah you are right, we should talk about her in her face!"
"I'm playing haha."
"Well anyways I fixed your clothes to the exact measurements and I must say I never did this kind of work but it turned out fabulous! Although I didn't want to touch your uh shoes so I left them they way they were."
"Awesome don't worry bout the shoes I'll just place them somewhere in the treehouse. Bring them over and I'll try them on!"
"The way you are right now I think not!"
"Then what do you want me to do?"
"Go take a shower then you can try them on, here I'll let you use mine just try not to make a mess in there."
"Thanks Rarity appreciate it." After that she led me to the bathroom and shut the door as she left.

I finished taking a shower this time I was more adept on how to dry myself. I went looking for Rarity to discover that Twilight and Fluttershy were here.
"What's up girls!"
"Hello Kriece I see you freshened up before you start modeling for us."
"Model for you? Please Twilight I'm better than that, I'm going to make you sweat in your seat from my amazing strutting!" A few giggles from the girls and a chuckle from me and I got into my new clothes. "So what do you think?" I strutted my ass off in the clothes. I got Ooo's and ahh's from the girls...Always. (so smooth like Keith Stone)
"Wow Rarity you really did an amazing job with his clothes and I certainly haven't seen this kind of style in Canterlot, if you make more of these I'm sure everypony will go crazy for them."
"I know Twilight that's why I already made 10 copies of his shirt but regrettably I don't know the fabric the shirt is made of so I had to improvise with another kind of material."
"Oh that's badass, my clothes are one of a kind here! If I could I sell these clothes for a pretty bit if I wanted to. By the way Twilight I've been meaning to talk to you."
"About what?"
"Well Princess Luna asked if I could become her protégé so she could teach me magic and I said yes."
"Oh that's wonderful! But when did you two talk about this?"
"Last night."
"She came to Ponyville?"
"Yeah apperently she was checking up on me."
"Well I guess she would be more qualified as a teacher than me, she is Princess of the Moon after all."
"Yeah that's certainly interesting. Speaking of Luna I was going to meet her again later tonight for some magic lessons, I'd love to show her the clothes Rarity made for me and probably put in a few words for you back in Canterlot Rarity."
"Why I'd love that Kriece thank you."
"Why so late at night?"
"Well she is the, and I quote, Princess of the Night."
"Oh yes of course hehe." We chatted, we laughed, Flutteshy became more open with me, I talked to Rarity about fashion ideas (apperently they don't have v-necks who knew?!), Twilight gave me a few pointers in magic, so all in all the day didn't go that bad. From laughter to sleepiness, everyone was getting tired other than me after all how can I sleep when I'm going to learn magic(and become the first full blown serial killer! no? oh kay). Said my goodbyes and the mom attitude that Twilight has told me not to pull off another all nighter with Luna which prompted Rarity & Fluttershy to giggle. (Fluttershy & Rarity laughing are the pefrect stock photo of girls laughing, if they're laughing at you, you sir have a big problem)

I was back at the meadow, same place, same time. I played some 'Bob Acri - Sleep Away' (Man is a beast on the piano) and just waited this time not freezing my ass off from the cold weather. "Why hello there Kriece."
I looked to my left to find Luna there. "Hey Princess how was your day?"
"Restful and yours?"
"Exciting doesn't even describe it."
"Ooo now I gotta hear about your day, magic can come after."
"No worries Princess."
"Oh c'mon Kriece what's with the 'Princess'? You never called my sister by her title?"
"Uh...errr...I don't know."
"Just call me Luna my little student."
"Yes wise Luna."
"Yes wise."
"Thank you Kriece, now start explaining your day I want all the details!" I explain how my day went after she left, what happened at the farm, and what happened after I left the farm funny cause after I told her she asked me if I wanted Pinkie Pie banished and I told it was unnecessary. I found it odd she asked, Pinkie Pie is the element of laughter after all but I took it off as a joke, she couldn't really banish Pinkie Pie after she and her friends saved her from herself when she became Nightmare Moon right? This also brought up other questions, everyone here is a bit different than what they were in the show yeah They have the basic personalities but I've seen that have alot more personality than what the show, well, showed. I might ask Luna about Nightmare Moon or actually bad idea I should ask Twilight, it'd be less touchy.

"So that was your day huh." She was impressed by how it went and so was I. "Yeah it was pretty weird and great but hey I'm not done till you finish my lessons! I want to learn how to shoot fire and raise the dead and manipulate them into becoming my slaves!"
"Raise the dead?! Kriece learn to respect the deceased. Even if there were any books on that-"
"It's called necromancy."
"-Books on necromancy I certainly believe my sister would either lock it in her personal study or burn it."
"Damn I was really hoping to have a army of my own."
"You don't even have milatary experience!"
"No I don't thanks for ruining my dreams Luna I hope your happy."
"You are welcome."
"Pssh so let's get down to business, it's the magic hour!" (since I pretty much don't know how to explain magic and all of it's "physics" I'm just going to half-ass it like a pro or in this case unprofessionally. You'll only teal dear to the end anyways)

So far I got the hang of levitation, it's like second nature once you know how to use it. I'd ask her about runes and enchantments because I really wanted to know if I can have a sword engraved with runes that give it elemental attributes (I'm such a nerd) but she said that its possible but the runes would only would only work for so long before the magic is used up and needed to be refilled (reminds me of Elder Scrolls Oblivion). I tried pestering her to teach me some destructive magic but she said only when I show promise and more control over my magic. Magic as she explained is a vast power that can be tapped into by anyone but even with all it's power magic is still chaotic and unpredictable thus needing years of practice to even mastering spells like levitation, saying something about how much much magic is needed to pick up different objects with different weights and sizes, the heavier the more magic needed. (cause gravity is still an ass even to magic)

"So what time should we meet up again Luna?" I was getting sleepy as hell. "How bout a little earlier next time? How's ten?"
"Better than three!"
"Alright then take care Kriece!"
"I will Luna catch you on the flip side, stay gold!" So I left the meadow and back to Twilight's house and into my bed. Another day down and so far things are looking up. Equestria is definitely better than earth sure there might not be computers or games but there is so much to do in this world being who I am I honestly wouldnt even think of staying inside. I wanted to explore and explore I shall. I'm going to see if I can visit the place that started it all, the place where the elements of harmony used to lay dormant. Deep inside the Everfree Forest Lies that's very same castle and nostalgia isn't going leave me alone until I get there with some help of course.


And chapter 7 GATALO! (gypsy for "it is finished")

Thankfully I didn't get stuck with the story but I did skip a day of writing to read some other stories.

As you can tell I just barely started to get into the plot but I needed intro's and to let people get a feel for the place and my character, hopefully you did.

Anywho, Rate and Comment