• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 1,690 Views, 19 Comments

A Stallion with a Question - Ugly-Duckling123

Five years after the storm, and the wolves.... Big Macintosh is thinking on asking Fluttershy a little question....

  • ...

chap 1

A lot could change in just five years.

New friends are made, babies are born, relationships are put together etc...

It had been five years since the storm that made Apple Bloom's rival, Diamond Tiara live at Sweet Apple Acres for about four days. It had also been five years since Honey-Crisp, her horse, was born, and Big Mac and Fluttershy got that tiny bit closer to each other.

At the apple farm in Ponyville on the day this story starts, Applejack was with her sister teaching her the skills of horseback riding.

"That's it Bloom," Applejack said from Nutmeg, her chestnut colored mare. "Now flip the reins a bit to tell her to go a might faster..."

Apple Bloom did as she was told and she and Honey-Crisp started trotting down the track they use of hay cart rides at their family reunions.

"Now pull on them to make her slowdown again!" Applejack's voice said from the sidelines.

As Apple Bloom did however, she was thrown out of the saddle as Honey stopped a bit too quickly.


"OOOWWW!!!" Apple Bloom cried holding her leg.

Applejack jumped off of Nutmeg and ran over to help her sister.

"Where's it hurt Bloom?" she asked not touching anything for the moment in case she made it worse.

"My leg," Apple Bloom said tears leaking from her eyes staring up at Applejack. "I think it's broken."

At that moment Big Macintosh, their brother and eldest of the three, ran up to his sisters.

"Who's hurt?" he asked looking from Applejack and Apple Bloom, slight bit of worry on his face.

"Bloom is Mac," Applejack said going over to Nutmeg to look in the saddle bag for the first aid kit. "Honey threw her and we think her leg's broken." she said coming back.

"Bit like you and Nutmeg then," Mac said smiling a bit but still trying to be serious holding Honey-Crisp back so she wouldn't interfere.

"Nooo..." Applejack said wrapping bandages around a splint to keep Apple Blooms leg straight until they could get help. "That was my arm. This is her leg."

"Same base line." Mac said "An older Apple teaching a younger one to ride, tells them to stop, they pull too hard, they get thrown, something's broken."

"So what did you break then Mac?" Apple Bloom asked her brother cocking her head.

"I broke a few ribs," Mac said. "Ma and Pa had to call a doctor to come to the farm because they couldn't move me."

"Yeah well, we can move Apple Bloom," Applejack said as she finished. "I'll take her to the hospital, can you put Nutmeg and Honey away please big brother." she said gently picking Apple Bloom up and walking her back to the house, Mac following with the horses.

After telling Granny Smith what happened, Applejack and Apple Bloom got in the truck and headed of to the hospital. And Mac put the horses back in the barn.


As they got there Appleseed, Mac's stallion, welcomed them by pacing around his stall.

"Hey boy," Mac said putting Nutmeg and Honey-Crisp back into their own stalls and giving them each a hay ball to eat. But Honey just ignored it and laid down at the back of her stall, looking upset.

"Oh don't be like that Honey..." Mac said starting to groom Appleseed. "Your parents did the same thing to me and 'Jack you know."

When that didn't help he said... "Can I tell you a secret?" smiling as Honey looked up at him. "You remember Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy, was the horses vet, who was also one of Applejack's friends and it was because of Honey that she and Mac got that bit closer as boy and girl friends five years ago.

Honey nodded getting up and walking to her door.

"Well, I'm thinking of marrying her."

Honey cocked her head a little as if saying 'What's that Mac?'

"Marrying means..." Mac said turning to Nutmeg to do her grooming, "When two people love each other, and want to be with each other forever, the man asks the woman if she will marry him, and then they have a fancy party, and they're together forever after that." he said saying in his words what 'Marry' is.

Honey reared for joy at hearing this and started pacing around showing off happily.

"Glad you're happy," Mac said. "I just need to work out a way to ask her."

"You could start with a ring youngin," an old voice said from the door.

Mac was caught by surprise but turned to see Granny coming into the barn smiling.

"Er... How much did you hear Granny?" Mac asked ears turning a bit pink.

"Exactly what I heard when your father was going though the same steps," she said walking up to see Honey-Crisp.

"So, you're alright with me asking her?" Mac asked.

"As long as you treat her right," Granny Smith said petting Honey.

"Thanks Granny," Mac said finishing on Nutmeg.

Down the road from the farm a bit, Fluttershy was working at the desk in her veterinary clinic looking over the files of the animals who would be coming to see her the next day, when the door opened.

"Hey Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash, her oldest and the most athletic of her friends said walking up to the desk.

"Oh, hello Rainbow." Fluttershy said putting the files to one side for a bit. "Did you win the game then?"

At school, Rainbow Dash was on the football team and was a star athlete. When she left one of the best football teams around, the Wonder-Bolts came to find her and asked her to be on their team.
Rainbow had being a fan of the Wonder-Bolts since she was a child right away said 'Yes', and with her on the team, the Wonder-Bolts got their winning streak 20% higher than before.

"Course we did 'Shy," Rainbow said smiling ear to ear. "So what are you doing for your anniversary next week?" she asked looking at the calendar behind the desk.

"Oh... Um... Well..." Fluttershy said blushing "We haven't exactly decided anything yet." she said stroking her hair.

"Well whatever happens," Rainbow said putting her hand on Fluttershy's "I think he's a very good guy... And I say well done for finally getting with him."


"'Shy we've been friends since I stood up for you in kindergarten." Rainbow said. "We moved here together remember. I saw, that as soon as you met Mac you liked him."

Fluttershy was speechless.

"But enough of the past..." Rainbow said. "You've got things to do, so I'll see you later." she said walking out the door.