• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 1,690 Views, 19 Comments

A Stallion with a Question - Ugly-Duckling123

Five years after the storm, and the wolves.... Big Macintosh is thinking on asking Fluttershy a little question....

  • ...

Chap 14

The next day at school, all those who were going to Canterlot the following week were given 'You will need' lists so they could start packing so that they would be ready to leave first thing on the morning in question.

"Alright students," Miss Cheerilee said as she returned to the front of the glass. "These lists are a guide line to what you'll need to bring with you next Wednesday. The maximum amount of money you can bring will be £10, you can bring a camera if you wish, we will be having lunch up there so remember to have one packed, something quiet to entertain yourself on the train, and most important... Bring your manners. We will be going to the capital of Equestria and use their observatory to watch the eclipse. Thank you. Now please put those lists in your bags so we can begin today's lessons."

All through the speech, Apple Bloom had her head on her arms not caring what the others thought. All she cared about was Honey-Crisp and her slow mending leg.

At break Miss Cheerilee asked what was wrong.

"Nothings wrong Miss." Apple Bloom said still not rising up.

"Apple Bloom, I've been a teacher for fifteen years. I think I can tell when one of my students is upset about something."

Giving Apple Bloom some space Cheerilee smiled her 'you can trust me' smile letting Apple Bloom know that what ever was going to be said would stay between the two of them.

"My friends are avoiding me." Apple Bloom finally said.

"Well how are you sure?" Cheerilee asked carefully.

"They don't come round no more, they're always off whispering about something - and when I ask what they say it was nothing. And next week their going to leave me here!" Apple Bloom almost screamed tears rolling down her cheeks.

Seeing how upset Apple Bloom, Cheerilee tried as hard as she could not to give anything away.

"Bloom do you know that old saying 'A good solider never leaves a man behind'?"

"Yeah..." Apple Bloom said rubbing her eyes.

"Well friends can be called soldiers as well. How they stand up for what they think is right and for their friends." Cheerilee said not getting anywhere. "What i mean is good friends never leave others behind."

"So why are they doing that right now? And have been for the last few days then Miss?" Apple Bloom asked not taking in the message.

"I'll ask them after school." Cheerilee said as the bell rang.

After school Apple Bloom as usual was waiting to be picked up today drawing horrible deaths to her doodles to express her anger at her friends who were all around the front desk with Miss Cheerilee.

"Girls, not that I think you doing this is wrong," she began "But I think you're putting a bit too much time into it. I had a talk with Apple Bloom earlier, and she said she thinks you're avoiding her.
"May be tune down the planning when she's around, and visit her at the farm every now and again?" she suggested.

"But we have to be like this or she'll work out what we're doing." Scootaloo said.

"Is that worse than loosing a friend due to a miss understanding?" Miss Cheerilee asked.

The girls all looked at each other and then together said "No."

Sweetie Belle pulled herself away and went over to Apple Bloom who looked up.

"Bloom we're all really sorry for acting like we have the last few days." she began.

"Talking to me again are you?" Apple Bloom said not trying to show how happy she was at this.

"Bloom the reason why we were like this was because..."

"Ready to go Bloom?" Applejack said at the door.

"Yes." Bloom said and left without looking back.

"Well that failed." Scootaloo said as they left.

"We can go and try to see her at the farm." Tiara said trying to stay positive.

With that they headed off to the apple farm, and hopefully their friend.

As soon as Apple Bloom got into the house she went up to her room shut the door and cried into her pillow to sleep about loosing her friends.

'I'll just have to make new friends...' she thought looking up and around her room when a knock came at the door.

"Bloom? It's Mac." her brother said gently. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah..." she answered sniffing, not knowing her friends were with him or that he left the door open a crack so they could hear.

"Still upset?" Mac asked when he saw how red Apple Bloom's face was as he went over to the bed.

"I'm not upset." Apple Bloom said "Why should I be upset that all my friends are avoiding me and going to leave me here next week, while they go have fun up in Canterlot?" she asked "Besides I have loads of new friends in here." she said looking around her room.

Looking around Mac remembered how Applejack had told him about Pinkie and her inanimate object friends she made herself when she thought she was being avoided.

"Bloom, you can't have inanimate object friends." Mac said pulling her closer to him. "And even though you have Honey instead, you need more than one friend who can talk back to you." he said in a father like speech pattern.

"Why?" Apple Bloom asked hugging her teddy bear so hard it's head was about to come off.

"So you have someone to talk to about these things when none of us are around for you." Mac said.

Thinking he was right, Apple Bloom asked "Can you sing me Fluttershy's new song please Mac?"

"If it will make you feel better," Mac said "But like before don't judge me..."


Don't worry, my baby
You have nothing to fear
I promise I'll protect you
And I will always be here -
- just for you.

I love you my child
And hope you can see
That you can always -
- count on me

You can trust in me
And I hope that I you
So that I will have
Nothing to fear too."


Out in the hall all the girls had guilty looks on their faces on how upset they were making their friend, who was upset enough already.

Suddenly Sweetie's phone rang.

"Quick!" Scootaloo said in a hushed whisper telling Sweetie to shut it off.

"WHO'S THERE!" Apple Blooms cry came out the door, as the girls were fumbling over the phone.

They had just shut it off and sighed with relief when the door opened and a angry looking red with tears faced Apple Bloom was looking at all of them.

"What are you all doing here?" she asked. "Why are you eavesdropping in on a private confiscation I'm having with my brother? WHY ARE YOU AVOIDING ME!" she cried picking up a pillow by the door and throwing it at them in anger making a photo fall to the floor.

"We came over to see if you're alright." Scootaloo said avoiding another pillow.

"LAIR!" Apple Bloom said stepping forward making the others back up until they were against the wall. "I bet you just came over to laugh at me that I can't go to Canterlot like you can you traitors." lifting one of her crutches to swing it at her friends.

"APPLE BLOOM!" Mac said pulling her back and lifting her up away from the others.

"PUT ME DOWN! LET ME GO!" Apple Bloom screamed kicking her her legs and trying to get out of Mac's arms.

"Girls get out of here." Mac said keeping hold of his little sister the best he could.

Without any objections, the girls ran down the stairs and left the farm.

Waiting a few minutes for Apple Bloom to calm down, Mac put her back down and looked at her with a look of disappointment. The kind of look fathers gave their children when they did something bad.

"What?" Apple Bloom asked sniffing and going back into her room.

"Bloom," Mac said. "Just because you're hurt by what your friends are doing, doesn't me you can hurt them back." he said rubbing his side a bit. "Or anyone else."

"I didn't hurt them." Apple Bloom said sitting back on her bed her arms crossed and looking away from Mac.

"You were awfully close to doing it." Mac said coming over to be with her.

"It's their fault for avoiding me dad..." Apple Bloom said not registering what she was saying lying down on Mac's lap crying again.

This took Mac a bit by surprise. But he just went with it sighing as he rubbed her head slightly. Looking up when he heard the door open seeing Applejack.

'Everything alright' she mouthed.

'What do you think?' he replied looking down at a still crying Bloom on his lap.

Author's Note:

Added to this :yay:

Hopefully I've got my inspiration back and can carry on with this.

Hope you like it and the future chapters I'm going to write.