• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 1,691 Views, 19 Comments

A Stallion with a Question - Ugly-Duckling123

Five years after the storm, and the wolves.... Big Macintosh is thinking on asking Fluttershy a little question....

  • ...

Chap 16

At school the bell had just rung for lunch when Cheerilee called back the Crusaders.

"Now, what happened this morning?" she asked looking at all of them.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle not on speaking terms with each other, Diamond Tiara said "We were having a debit on if we should lift the surprise from Apple Bloom's party."

"If we did it wouldn't be a surprise anymore!" Scootaloo said first.

"But it being a surprise nearly got us hurt yesterday! And is breaking us apart from her." countered Sweetie Belle.

"What do you mean by 'Got you hurt yesterday'?" Miss Cheerilee asked shocked.

"After you told us what Apple Bloom told you," Tiara explained, the others facing away from the other again, "We went over to her house to see if she was alright.
Mac took us up to her room and went in leaving the door open so we could hear what Bloom said to him. Then... Then she caught us, she got mad, and nearly hit us with one of her crutches." she finished.

"Which is why I think we she let her know whats going on," Sweetie said.

"Sweetie the point of a 'Surprise Party'..." Scootaloo said "Is that it's a surprise!"

"Girls, we get what each of you are saying," Cheerilee said pausing the fight. "But if you do either it will ruin it." Turning to Sweetie first, "If you tell her what's going on, it will spoil the surprise." Scootaloo "But if you keep it you might lose a friend. You see where I'm going?" she asked.

"Then how are we suppose to keep this a secret and keep our friend?" Tiara asked.

"I don't know, but what I do know, is you need to let it up a bit," Cheerilee said placing the next lesson's tests on the desks. "Go try and see her again today and see if there's any difference. That's all I can say."

"But what if she shuts us out again?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Well you don't know unless you try do you?" Cheerilee asked. "And how are you going to get her back if you don't?"

This put a end to the arguing as the girls looked at each other and nodded in agreement as the bell rang and everyone came back in.

A few hours later, the girls were once again at Sweet Apple Acres about to go and try and see Apple Bloom again.

"Howdy girls," a voice called out behind them.

"Hi Mac," they said turning to him wondering where he might of been to come up behind them at the gate.

"Going to try and see Bloom again?" Mac asked letting them into the house and leading them into the kitchen.

"Yeah, we er... Had a debit on if we should lighten the secrecy of what we are doing at school today." Scootaloo said.

"And Miss Cheerilee said we should let it up a bit, and suggested we come over too." Sweetie Belle continued.

"Well she's in the barn if you do then." Applejack said just coming in from the back door. "Been in there for a while, I hope she's only fallen asleep."

"I'm sure she's fine AJ." Mac said.

After the girls ran out Mac got out two bottles of cider from the fridge.

"So she got any news out of you while I was helping Fluttershy all afternoon?" Mac said sitting at the table.

"No, thankfully." Applejack said taking the spare cider from him and also sitting down. "But I don't think I'll be able to keep it back for long. You all know how bad at lying and keeping secrets I am. The best way I can think of is avoiding her." she said having some cider. "But if she was that mad at her friends..." she cut herself off and looked away.

"Once she finds out why AJ, she'll understand," Mac said reaching across the table.

"But what if on the day she doesn't want to go?" Applejack asked.

"We'll worry about t when it comes." Mac said smiling.

Outside, the girls had just made it to the barn, and went in when they found Apple Bloom asleep in the straw next to Honey-Crisp.

"Well that put that idea out," Scootaloo said going over to Appleseed greeting him.

"We 'could' wake her up you know," Sweetie Belle said going over to calm Nutmeg down.

"Well yeah," Scootaloo said turning to her. "But then she'll be all cranky at us and kick us out again."

"So are we staying or going?" Diamond Tiara asked watching over Bloom and Honey.

Scootaloo was about to say to leave when Appleseed nudged her gently.

"Hey what was that for?" she said backing away a bit palms starting to get sweaty.

"You ok Scoots?" Sweetie Belle said looking up from grooming Nutmeg for Applejack. "That was a bit sudden there."

"I'm... I'm fine," Scootaloo said rubbing her arm "I... I just got a bruse there and Seed hit it." she said. Even though her fear of horses had died a bit, she still didn't like to be around them for too long.

"But he hit your other arm..." Tiara said leaving Bloom and Honey, seeing Scootaloo shift her eyes back and forth, as though she were trying to think of something to say. Then...

"Scoots... Are... Are you afraid of horses?" Sweetie Belle said a grin on her face.

"NO!" Scootaloo said a bit too fast and loud making Appleseed and Nutmeg jump and rear up a bit, causing Scoots to fall over and trying to get away from them.

"Sure looks like it to me," Sweetie said.

"Look I said No alright," Scootaloo said getting up but staying back a bit anyway.

"So why don't you come back over and groom Seed for Mac?"

"Be...cause... I have to go and meet Rainbow to see how the entertainment's coming on for..."

"For what?" a new annoyed voice said. Apple Bloom had just woken up and was crossing her arms and glaring at the girls.

"For... her next football congratulations party," Scootaloo said thinking fast. "Well see ya." she said running out of the barn.

"You know it wasn't very nice you teasing her Sweetie," Apple Bloom said thanking Tiara for helping her up and coming out of the stall.

"Yeah..." Sweetie said guilt in her voice "I know. I should go say 'sorry' shouldn't I?" With that Sweetie ran out after Scootaloo.