• Published 22nd May 2014
  • 1,691 Views, 19 Comments

A Stallion with a Question - Ugly-Duckling123

Five years after the storm, and the wolves.... Big Macintosh is thinking on asking Fluttershy a little question....

  • ...

Chap 12

The next morning, after everyone had breakfast and Fancy and Fleur left and Fluttershy left to tend her animals, Apple Bloom and Applejack set off to the hospital for a check up on her leg.

"Good morning you two," Nurse Redheart said as they entered and came up to the desk.

"Howdy Nurse Redheart." Applejack said taking her hat off "Bought Bloom for a check up."

"Ok, please take a seat, the doctor will call you in when he's ready." she said as she continued sorting out the files of the hospitals patients.

The sisters took their seats in the waiting area and patiently waited for the doctor.

After five minutes.

"Apple Bloom?" a voice called out from the other end of the room.

"Here." Apple Bloom said getting up and making her way over to the doctor Applejack following.

Inside the room the doctor asked Bloom to lie down on the bed and asked how she was doing as he cut the cast off her leg.

"I'm fine." she said in a sad voice.

"You don't sound like it dear, not that it's any of my business." he said positioning the x-ray machine over her leg.

"She's a bit bummed out by how long her leg needs to heal." Applejack said for her sister from the back of the room.

"Why? May I ask?" he asked the room not minding who the answer came from.

"Cause it means I can't go on the field trip to Canterlot!" Apple Bloom said crossing her arms and looking away as the x-rays were being taking.

"Oh," he said moving the machine away when it was done pressing the 'print' button to get the scans. "I'm sorry. But you know Miss Apple a bro..."

"Yeah yeah 'A broken leg takes as long as it takes to heal'." Apple Bloom said sighing still looking away.

"Yes well..." the doctor said pinning up the x-ray next to the one taken before.

"It seems to be closing itself up very well." he said showing them. "We'll just put on a new cast, and then you can go home." he said happily.

Ten minutes later Applejack and Apple Bloom were on their way back to the farm.

At the veterinary clinic, Fluttershy was surprised to see Rainbow coming out of it looking a bit tired.

"What are you doing here Rainbow?" she asked.

"Feeding you're animals for ya." she said "Did them last night too. I came over and saw it wasn't done so I did it for ya." Rainbow said. "So where were you last night to not do them?" she asked being invited into the cottage so Fluttershy could thank her with a cup of tea.

"I... I was at the farm with Mac and AJ." she said. "I met Mac's opposite Fancy Pants. He told me and Bloom some memories of when they were at the farm together. And discovered they're like you and Applejack."

"Such as?" Rainbow said a little more awake now.

"They both like competition. All the memories, and problems coming with them, were of competitions." Fluttershy said coming to the sofa being greeted by Angel happy to see his carer was alright.

"Can I hear some?" Rainbow asked a grin coming to her face.

"Well...." Fluttershy said looking away a bit wondering if she should say anything. "They challenged each other who could climb a tree higher... And both got stuck up there."

"Well Mac is an Apple Shy." Rainbow said laughing a bit.

"They got stuck on the barn roof, one of them with his leg stuck through it. They got lost in the woods while trying to find the Grotto. They had a swimming competition right after they ate at one point and both got cramps. And the one I think was the sweetest," Fluttershy said grinning "They were playing mature with filly-Seed and his mother wasn't too happy about it."

"Wow. They are like me and AJ." Rainbow said returning to her tea. "But... But we're not that bad.... Are we?" she asked hoping.

"Granny said there was one time when they saved the farm by a competition." Fluttershy said trying to get Rainbow's mind off of her thoughts. "They were climbing hay stacks and spotted smoke coming from the kitchen."

After a few minutes of silence for the two to have their tea...

"So how did yesterday go since you couldn't go into the forest?" Rainbow asked in a sister like way.

"It was... Ok." Fluttershy said happily scratching Angel behind the ears.

"Well, as I said last week Shy. I'm proud of you." Rainbow said putting down her cup and getting off the sofa. "I got to go. Spitfire wants me there with the rest of the team to meet some new recruits this afternoon. See ya Shy."


In the forest Scootaloo was leading everyone to the Grotto, so Pinkie and Twilight could get a better idea what they would be working with on field trip day.

"Just a bit further guys." she said.

"You said that five minutes ago Scoots." Sweetie Belle said getting a bit annoyed.

"Well last time I was in here, I was with Appleseed so I didn't pay that much attention to where every thing was." Scootaloo fired back not wanting to reveal she use to be afraid of horses.

They all walked in silence a bit more and then the top of the trees opened up and Scootaloo heard cries of wonder as they all saw the Grotto.

The trees were all around and a small stream was flowing through. The grass was green with all kinds of flowers growing all around, with bees and butterflies flying amongst them.

"Now I understand why they come here every year," Rarity said eyes as big as they could get trying to take it all in. "This place is beautiful."

"And over on that tree," Scootaloo said pointing to one of the trees on the other side of the Grotto "Appleseed and Honey-Crisp have their initials. Go on look." She said as she took off her shoes to feel the coolness of the stream on her feet.

Everyone went over to the tree in question.

In the bark there was two sets of initials within a arrow struck heart. ASA, and HC. And below that in a very new heart were two more. BMA and FSC - Big Macintosh Apple and Fluttershy Cloud.

"This place must have really meant something to them." Twilight said looking around again getting nods in return.

"Yeah well, we didn't come here just to look at it did we?" Scootaloo said proud to be the leader for once. "So you think it will do Pinkie, Twilight?"

"Asaposealoutely" Pinkie said her party planning planner appearing out of no where as she took notes and measurements on everything, eyes sparking with ideas.

"I agree," Twilight said looking up at the wide open sky. "Wish they had places like this back in Canterlot." she said Spike nodding by her side.

"Yeah. And if they did, at night you couldn't see anything because of all the lights from the city." he said sitting down on the grass with the Crusaders. Being the only boy among lots of girls in a secret grotto like this made him feel strange for some reason.

All day the seven of them stayed in the forest thinking on how to place the party on Field Trip Day, and how they were going to get Apple Bloom to come to it.