• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 49,417 Views, 3,789 Comments

The Monster of Canterlot - drnkntst

When a human child appears in Equestria, somepony will have to take him in.

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The morning after my little disagreement with my cousin, I was awoken by my new maid, Dust Bunny. She had made sure she got to her new post early and had her uniform freshly cleaned and pressed. Not easy to do with a frilly dress, but she did it. Just a testament to her dedication, I guess.

“Good morning, your Majesty.”

“Good morning, Miss Bunny, and please, except in formal settings, call me Chris.”

“If that is your wish, you- Chris, then it shall be done. If you wish, you may simply refer to me as Bunny.” She bowed, I was about to stop that too, but decided to stick with baby steps.

I climbed out of bed and after my morning duties, ie. brushing teeth, donned my freshly cleaned tunic, via Bunny. It was soft and smelled very fresh as well as looking exceptionally clean. In fact, everything looked exceptionally clean now that I looked around.

“Did… did you clean all of this while I was still sleeping?” She nodded. “That’s fantastic, Feather Duster never got my room looking like this, especially without waking me up and in one morning.” I reached out, she shied away at first, but, somewhat reluctantly, allowed me to place my hand on her. I scratched behind her ear, everypony’s weak spot for my fingers. “Thank you, Bunny.”

“Oh, it’s the least I could do. You saved my job, my home and you stood up for me. I told my husband what happened and he wishes to thank you in person.”

“I would like that, but you know he can’t. Nopony outside the palace is supposed to know of my existence.”

Bunny hung her head a little. “I know, and I hate that. You are not a monster and I will personally buck anypony that says otherwise.” She really was upset by it.

“Thank you, Bunny, I appreciate that, very much.” I scratched behind her ears again. This time, she leaned into it a little, which made me smile. “Now c’mon, Mom worries if I’m late for breakfast.”

We walked to the royal dining hall together, her a few steps behind me. I’ve always hated that. I waved her forward with a few flicks of my wrist. She quickened her pace and trotted next me.

“So, Bunny, tell me, what’s your husband’s name and just what does he do?”

“His name is Iron Hammer, and right now, he keeps house. Before that, he was a blacksmith, and a darn good one too, but the smith he worked for closed when the owner retired. That was months ago now and we’ve been having trouble making ends meet since. If you hadn’t come to my rescue yesterday, we would have lost everything.”

“Hey, what kind of prince would I be if I left a damsel in distress stay in distress?” We had reached the dining hall and went inside. Celestia was already seated at her favorite spot. I walked over and kissed her cheek, “Mornin’, Mother, how did you sleep?”

“Very well, thanks to you.” I raised an eyebrow in questioning. “You made me so very proud yesterday, even though you had to attack your cousin to do it.”

“Speaking of which, why is he still living in the castle after what he did?” Bunny tried very hard not to let her twitching ears give her away.

“I am hoping that he is not beyond redemption. Maybe, with a little guidance, he can one day make me as proud as you do every day. And besides, if he slips again, I know who to turn to to get him back on track.”

There was a small giggle from behind me. “Yes, well let’s just hope I don’t have to.”

At that moment, the door to the hall slammed open and in walked the stallion in question. His mane and tail were styled, but not as well as they usually were. Seeing as one of his eyes was swollen shut, that wasn’t surprising. He limped, as proudly as he could, to the table and took his seat, way down at the other end.

“Good morning, cousin. How did you sleep?” I asked with a smirk that I made no attempt to conceal. I heard him mumble something, but couldn’t make it out. Though I could make out two syllables, ‘mon’ and ‘key’. Now he was asking for it. “Come, cousin,” I made sure to enunciate the word, good and loud so he could hear it, “why don’t you dine with us down here?”

He glared at me, but before he could say something, a large eagle’s talon landed on his shoulder. “Yes, don’t be bashful, young stallion.” Gurfon walked by him with a big grin on his beak. “Chris, I have brought something special for you this morning,” he held up a covered dish, but I could already smell it. He lifted the cover and there was two plates under it with cooked meat, “fatback.”

I wiped the drool from my mouth while Celestia did her best to hide her disgust. “You sir, are the best uncle ever.” He laughed heartily at that. After he placed a dish in front of me, I turned to Celestia, “Mom, are there any openings in the blacksmith shop?”

Bunny looked between myself and Celestia, who caught the motion out of the corner of her eye, with wide eyed anticipation. “I believe there may be one left, do you have any suggestions?”

“I’ve heard of a stallion who is supposed to be quite skilled. His name is Iron Hammer.”

“Very well, if you know how to get ahold of him, I will see to it he is given an opportunity.”

“I will see to it that it is done. Miss Dust Bunny, do you know where to reach Iron Hammer?”

At that moment, Bunny broke a lot of protocols and rushed to hug me. She then whispered in my ear, “thank you so much.”

Later that day, I was sitting in the gardens watching Celestia and Twilight with their magic. I was under a tree with Spike curled up in my lap. He seemed to like how much heat I gave off as much as all the ponies who had the opportunity to enjoy it, namely Celestia and Twilight Sparkle. Luckily, Mother kept my salty sweat a secret from everypony. Having Twilight want my body heat is sometimes awkward enough without her wanting my sweat too.

“Chris, hey. Is Twilight ready yet?”

“Hey, Shining. No, not yet,” I told him as he walked up and patted Spike’s head.

“Well, you up for some practice ‘til she is?”

I set Spike down on a curled up blanket and pulled out the wooden swords and my shield, “you know it.”

We sparred for over an hour. Both of us gaining and losing ground. We attacked and parried. We even resorted to hand-to-hoof combat. Even though I was only fourteen and Shining was eighteen, he had trained me well enough that he himself was having trouble getting the upper hoof.

Finally, we had to stop or risk being completely drained of energy. We took our seats under the tree I had been resting under before our match. Spike was still sleeping… and snoring. Bunny came up gave us both a glass of water and a towel. We both thanked her.

“Cousin!” the cheerful, singsong voice of my good cousin came from across the gardens.

“Cadance!” I stood up and rushed to my favorite relative, outside of my mother and honorary family. She was still wearing her mane and tail tied back in, of all things, a ponytail. I always liked her hair like that. I gave her a hug. “Oh, and you brought Philomena,” Celestia’s pet phoenix, “looking beautiful as always.”

“Who, me or the bird?”

“The bird, duh.” We both laughed and Philomena cawed and fluttered up to perch on my shoulder.

“H-hello, Cadance,” Shining said as he approached. I still don’t know why he tried to act cool and discreet around the Princess of Love. Surely, she could tell as well as I that he was carrying a flame for her. “How a-are you?”

“I doing very well, thank you. I’m glad to see you taking such good care of my cousin.”

“Of course, he’s a friend and a good colt. Besides, sparring with something other than a pony is good practice.”

“Oh-ho-ho, so it’s my ape-like features you’re after is it?”

“You bet. How else am I going to be the best guard ever?”

“Heck, I bet if you keep training with me, you’ll be able to hold off an invasion all by yourself someday,” I teased.

“I’m sure he will, but for now, just make sure you look out for my little cousin.” She rubbed my hair with her hoof.

“Little? I’m as tall as you are.”

“Maybe, but I’m still a few years older than you. So you’ll always be my little cousin.”

I still don’t think she knew just what that statement meant to me. Even this far along, I was still being shunned by a few of the ponies that did know I was here and hidden from the rest. I loved my family, most of it, and cherished my friends, but I wanted more. In the next few years, I decided I would just take it.


By the time I was seventeen, I was taller than Celestia by a few inches and I had started to get a little rebellious. Eleven years of being hidden away will do that.

Now, just because I was rebellious, didn’t mean I was mean or vengeful, just stupid. I still loved and respected Celestia and tried to make sure I never shamed her or made her work to keep the populace calm. Meaning, I kept hidden and to myself.

I would sometimes sneak out while Celestia was in court and Twilight was in school. I’d climb across the rooftops and silently watch the ponies on the road below. If I got hungry, I would snag something when nopony was looking and leave the bits, with a little extra for the inconvenience.

Most times, I would be caught by a pegasus guard or found by Philomena. I would never fight or resist and would always get scolded. I would sneak out again anyway. I tried to excuse myself by saying I was just testing the guards, but that only worked a couple times.

One day, I pushed it a little too far. I fell through a skylight I was looking through. Luckily, I landed on a stockpile of fabric in the back of a shop. I knew I was in trouble though. For one thing, this was going to cost more bits than I had. Another thing was, I had been seen.

“I say, are you alright there?”

I looked up from my pile of cushion and into the face of a white unicorn stallion with white fur and blue hair. His mane tail and tiny mustache were styled so well, it would put Blueblood to shame. His tuxedo and monocle screamed money, but his mannerisms and speech patterns spoke of class. Class and wealth often walk hoof in hoof, but can exist without each other. For example, Dust Bunny has class but not money, while Blueblood… Blueblood is in a classless class all his own.

“I think so. How about you? You weren’t hit by anything were you?”

“No, no I’m quite alright. Though,” he looked from the damaged inventory to the open skylight, “I’m afraid I can’t say the same for my store.”

“I’m so sorry about that. I promise I’ll pay you back.”

“I’m far less concerned with that than I am your health, Mister…?”

I stood up and proffered a hand to him, “Chris Sol, sir,” He shook my hand, “and you are?”

“My name is Fancy Pants. Now, I know it’s terribly rude of me, but what manner of creature are you?”

“Oh, I take no offense, I’m a human. A relative of primates.” I didn’t really want to mention the whole ‘other planet’ thing just yet.

“I see, interesting.”

“Y-you’re not afraid?”

“Why, should I be?”

“No, I don’t want to hurt anypony.”

“Then I won’t be.”

The door opened and in walked another unicorn, a mare this time. She was tall and lean and gorgeous. Her fur was also white but had a slight tinge of purple. Her hair was two-tone pink and her eyes violet. I recognized her from some of the pictures in the guard’s locker room, she was Fleur Dis Lee.

“Dear, is everything al-” Yep, there it was, the fear induced muscle lock. I hated it every time.

“Yes, of course, Fleur. Come in and meet a most interesting young colt. His name is Chris Sol. He is a human.”

Eventually, she was able to move again and she approached us. “Did you say Chris?” I nodded, “I’ve heard that name. Do you know a maid in the royal palace named Dust Bunny?”

“Yes, I know her. Why do you ask?”

“She comes into shop every now and then. Every time she does, she speaks of a young colt named Chris who came to her rescue in her time of need and pulled her family from the brink of debt. If you are this Chris, then you are to be honored.”

“Thank you, but I was just doing what was right. Any stallion would have done the same thing,” I told her.

“Nonsense.” Fancy Pants spoke up, “a courageous act should be commended and rewarded.”

“Well, now that you mention it, I could use a lift home.”

Fifteen minutes later, the carriage we were riding in pulled up to the main gate. Two minutes after that, we were in the throne room. The two ponies were now shaking at the sight of the fuming Solar Princess. I was merely avoiding her gaze.

“And just what do you have to say for yourself?”

“Your highness, we were…”

Celestia cut off Fancy Pants. “Not you,” she then pointed at me with a gold plated hoof, “you. And don’t say you’re sorry if you’re not.”

“Alright then, I won’t. I wanted to go outside these walls, so I did. Nopony saw me, well, until I fell through this stallion’s skylight that is. He and his wife brought me back here.”

Her eyes gave her away, she was worried about me. “Then they will be reimbursed for the damage you have caused and they will also have my thanks. You, on the other hoof, shall be grounded for two weeks.”

“Aww, Mom… oops.” I quickly realized what I had just said and clamped my hands over my mouth.

“ ‘Mom’? Princess, did this human just…?”

Again, Fancy Pants was cut off, and received the scowl of a lifetime. “Yes, this is my son, your prince. His existence has not been announced out of concern for how the public might react. I would ask that respect my wishes in this regard.”

“Of course, Princess, I understand. May I add, the prince is a fine young colt and you should be proud of him.”

“Believe me, I am. Though sometimes he tries my patience. I think he simply enjoys the challenge.” She grinned, only for a second, but I caught it. “Now, I’m afraid I must ask you to go. Please send the repair bill to the palace and it shall be paid.”

“Yes, your Majesty, I wish you and Prince Chris a good say and I hope to see you again young prince.”

“As do I, Mr. Fancy Pants, Ms. Lee.” I bowed and they returned the gesture to me and Celestia before they turned to leave.

Once they were gone, I turned to Celestia to await my scolding. Instead, she hugged me and quickly began to inspect my body. “Are you alright? You didn’t get cut did you?”

“No, Mom, I’m alright.”

“Thank goodness.” For a second, I thought that was the end of it. It wasn’t. She lifted my hand and swatted the back of it. “Now, off to your room, no dinner. Also, understand, I only do this because I love you, so very much.”

“I know, Mom, I love you too.” I kissed her on the cheek before I turned to head off to my room. If it weren’t for Bunny sneaking me a snack, that would have been a miserable night indeed.

That’s was how I met my first friends outside the gates.

Author's Note:

I can't thank you all enough for all the likes and follows. It means a lot to me and I hope I don't disappoint you.

If anyone spots any grammar or spelling errors, let me know. Also, if anyone wants to do cover art for me, I'd very much appreciate it.