• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 49,472 Views, 3,789 Comments

The Monster of Canterlot - drnkntst

When a human child appears in Equestria, somepony will have to take him in.

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Chapter 54

Chapter 54

I stood there, one fist clenched and the other rapidly swelling and changing color. Discord had picked himself off the ground and was massaging life back into his chin. The sudden color change was satisfying.

“What was that?” Fluttershy asked as she galloped out of her cottage. “*Gasp* Chris! What did you do?”

I was shocked. She just told me that she needed me and I her, and now she was turning on me? Yeah, okay, so I hit him, but he did tell me too. I couldn’t believe this.

“You hurt your hand,” she said as she ran right past Discord and practically tackled me in her hurry to tend to my wound.

“Oh, I’m afraid that’s my fault, dear Fluttershy. You see, the young prince is enraged, and rightfully so, about recent events. Everypony keeps telling him that everything is all hunky dorey and he should simply forgive and forget, but he can’t. It’s his nature.” Both Fluttershy and I looked up at him at this point in confusion. I’ll admit that the huge block of ice strapped to his face was kinda funny. “I’ve taken the liberty of peeking in on his dimension. Purely out of curiosity mind you. His people are capable of some nasty things and are fairly obsessed with vengeance and justice. Sadly, I am only capable of peeking in and not really able to properly study them. And before you even ask, no, I don’t know who, where or even how your parents are.”

“What do you mean ‘nasty things’?” Fluttershy asked.

“Let’s not dwell on that.” He snapped his fingers and his face was back to normal and my hand had been repaired. “Instead, I would like to make amends.” He snapped his fingers again and heavy looking punching bag and stand appeared. There was something unique about this one, it had a picture of Tirek on one side and Discord himself on the other. A pair of heavily padded gloves dropped into my hands. “Frustration is a cancer. If you don’t get rid of it, it will build and eventually boil over. This world doesn’t need another alicorn going nuts and terrorizing the citizens. It’s fun and all, but there’s no future in it. Literally, no future.”

“Em, yeah. Thanks,” I grumbled under my breath. I really did appreciate the gesture, I just hated Discord more.

“Think nothing of it, my boy. You make my good friend Fluttershy very happy,” he rubbed her head as he said this, “and that makes me happy. Just promise me that you’ll never hurt her.”

I locked eyes with Fluttershy and smiled, “Never in a million years.”

Fluttershy smiled and leapt into my arms with a few flaps of her wings. She nuzzled me affectionately as I held her and chuckled. “Never crossed my mind.”


“Well, somepony looks happy,” Twilight teased after letting in from the balcony I landed on. “Is that a punching bag?”

“I’m feeling better, thank you. And yes it is.” I set the bag down with a loud thud and hauled the stand in from the balcony after. “Plus, I got to punch Discord. Really hard too.”

“That’s good, I guess.”

“He told me to. Said he felt guilty about what happened to Fluttershy and offered me a free hit, so I took it. I feel so much better now. Best of all, I’m not mad at Mom anymore. Plus, I got to play with Fluttershy. Always a plus.”

Willow came trotting into the room, changeling snout raised high in the air. She reminded me of a cat smelling fresh fish in the air. I could almost swear I heard her purring. She changed back into her pony form, with optional bug wings and horn, and said, “I thought I smelled something cooking.”

“Oh ha, ha. This coming from the one that couldn’t stand being in the Crystal Empire for more than five minutes because of a love overdose.”

“Hey, that’s a very real thing for changelings. Though, I am the first one experience it in decades.”

“Congratulations,” Twilight said without even a hint of sarcasm while she inspected my new therapy equipment. “This might actually be very useful for you. If you’re experiencing the kind of anger that you’re talking about, this could be a safe way for you to work it all out. After all, exercise has been scientifically proven to increase not only blood flow and adrenaline, but endorphins as well.”

I waited until she finished with a smile on my face. “You’re so frigging adorkable, Twilight”

“Shut up,” Twilight said between her giggles.

“If you two are done,” Willow interrupted, “dinner’s ready.”

Despite Willow not needing to eat, she is a surprisingly good cook. She also tended to make too much. Thanks to her, I went to bed with a full belly and was asleep in one of the guest rooms very shortly.


“…and so you punched him so hard that you actually broke your hand?” Luna asked as she laid next to me on a hill covered with flowers in light from a full moon.

“Yeah, though I had pretty instantly regretted it. Luckily, he was kind enough to repair the damage afterward.”

“Well, that was certainly nice of him,” Luna giggled. She looked about conspiratorially, “how’d it feel?”

“Like all my anger found its proper target. He also helped me with something else, I see fully now just how childish I was being. I hope Mom wasn’t too upset with how I was treating her.”

“In all honesty, she was a little hurt, but her mood will improve immensely once she hears of this change. She values your opinion of her very highly.”

“I know, I feel the same way about her. And you also, Aunt Luna.” I hugged her tightly and she nuzzled me. “I’m sorry about how I’ve acted, it was very immature of me. Please tell Mom for me.”

“But are you not coming home tomorrow?”

“Most likely, but it won’t be until later in the day. I’m going to be spending the day with Fluttershy.”

“You truly love her, don’t you?” I nodded and hummed my consent. “While I am very pleased to hear that, I must warn you that the fall heat is near and you should absolutely not engage in anything too… you know.” Her blush was quite adorable.

“Heat isn’t for, like, six weeks at least, but I understand, Aunt Luna. I promise not to get too knowledgeable.”

“Good. While Sister and I would love nothing more than to have a few… dozen tiny, adorable, little babies running around the palace…” She trailed off into her own little world at that point.

“I hate to interrupt you, but I think a few dozen babies might just kill her.” I couldn’t help but chuckle a little.

She cleared her throat as her cheeks lit up in a blush. “Yes, well, you try not being able to hear children laughing for a thousand years and not come out at least a little obsessed. You’re just lucky that you have not been forced into some strange experiments in order to provide Sister with a grandfoal… yet.”

“C’mon, Mom may love foals, but… I… don’t…” I couldn’t stop the flow of horrifying images flowing through my mind, nor could I stop the shiver down my dream spine. “Why would you put that image in my head? I thought you were supposed to stop nightmares, not spread them.”

“Consider it payback for how you have treated your mother and I.”

“Fair enough. When you see her in the morning, please let her know that I’ve come to my senses.”

“I shall do just that, but for now, dear nephew, it is time to greet the new day.”

I hugged Luna one more time and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, “Goodnight, Aunt Luna. I’ll see you real soon.”


The next morning, I went to Fluttershy’s cottage to retrieve my ring and say my ‘farewells’ before returning to Canterlot. However, there was a note on her door saying that she had gone out to visit a friend in the nearby forest to acquire some special medicines. After about a minute, I caught myself simply admiring how cute her writing is.

Fortunately, I knew of this friend of hers from Twilight’s letters. I even knew where her home was, Twi can get a little overzealous in her details. So, I decided that it was time to meet this Zecora for myself. From what I’ve heard, she seems like an interesting mare.

Fortunately, it didn’t take long to find the path through the forest and, subsequently, the odd little cottage. I could hear two female voices coming from inside, one clearly Fluttershy, the other one was a little deeper and had and almost melodic cadence. Undoubtedly, the cadence was from the rhyming that I’ve heard about.

I knocked on the door and was greeted with, “Who is this that wishes to join our fun?” The door opened and a rather sharp looking zebra with gold bands adorning different parts of her body. “Why I believe it is none other than the Son of the Sun.”

“*Greetings, Madam Zecora*,” I greeted her with a bow and her own language. “*It is a pleasure to make your bathtub.*” Well, kind of.

“*Ah, I see you speak Zebrican.*”

“*Yes, my mother thought I should cornstalk the language of our friend nation.*”

“Chris? Is that you?” I heard a beautiful voice call out from inside the hut.

“Yeah, Fluttershy, it’s me.” I then turned back to Zecora. “*I think it is time to continue tricking the bakeries with your country’s favorite game.*” Zebricans tend to enjoy speaking only in rhymes when they speak Equestrian, then claiming total ignorance of the act whenever the point is raised. The truth is, the rhyming is simply the easiest way to teach foals to read their own language and the Zebricans simply excel in the trick more so than any other nation. The simple truth of the matter is this, it’s all for a laugh.

Zecora gave me a smirk and a sideways look. “*Only if you promise not to try to speak Zebrican anymore. Your accent is horrible and you’re not as fluent as you think you are.*”

I watched the zebra bounce into her hut with a smile and a giggle. “*What is wrong with my steam-powered locomotive?*”

I was no sooner through the door when I was attacked by an adorable hug-monster. Fluttershy wrapped her forelegs around my waist and nuzzled my chest lovingly. I gently scratched her behind the ear before running my fingers through her soft mane. “You’re going back to the palace, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am. I just wanted to see you once more before I went. Also, I need my ring back.”

“Oh, right.” Fluttershy released me and pulled a single braid out from her mane. At the end of that braid was my ring. She started to struggle with the delicate knot.

As adorable as it was to watch, I couldn’t let it go on. I reached out and gently did it for her. Once it was free, I slipped it on. “There we go. Good timing too, I could feel the magic starting to build up. Thanks for taking such good care of it, Flutters.”

“Of course. I know what would happen if I lost it.”

“My, what’s this I see? You seem different because of he,” Zecora teased.

Fluttershy hid in her mane and pressed her body against my hip. “Well, um, you know…”

“There is no need to explain, the answer is perfectly plain.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle a little. “Yup, we’re madly in love.” My response caused the standard ‘eep’ to come from Fluttershy.

Zecora laughed. “Never be embarrassed about love. It is what allows one’s heart to soar above.”

“I’m, uh, not em-embarrassed about being in love, I’m just a little… shy.” The hut was quiet for a few seconds, “Oh, but I am still very happy.”

“That’s good. I’d hate to think I was making you upset.” My comment seemed to only make Fluttershy whimper a little more.

“Enough of that, please. There is no need to tease.”

“You’re right, Zecora, of course.” I scooped Fluttershy up and spun her around, causing her to giggle. “Fluttershy, could you ever forgive me for teasing you?”

“*Hehe* I suppose I can,” she assured before kissing me.

“Oh, thank Mom. I don’t think I could’ve survived making you upset.” I couldn’t help myself while looking into her beautiful eyes. I rubbed my nose on hers, an act my mother had called Eskimo kisses. I never knew why. The whole act caused her to giggle again, which made my heart swell. “Hey, I really hate to say this, but I’m going to head back home. If you’re done here, then I can take you back to your place.”

“Oh, um…” Fluttershy looked from me to Zecora with a hopeful look.

“Have no fear, I have your order right here,” Zecora happily inform us as she set a small bottle filled with a blue powder on the table.

I picked up the bottle and put it into my pocket. Once it was secured I shifted Fluttershy onto my back with a foreleg on each shoulder. “*Goodbye, Zecora. It was pumpkin meeting you.* Ready, Fluttershy?”

“Mmhmm. I’ll visit again soon, Zecora.”

Zecora simply waved to us as I began my trek through the forest with the most adorable backpack ever. I could feel her tucking against the crook of my neck. When we exited the trees, I spread my wings and took flight. It wasn’t long before we reached her cottage.

Once I touched down on her lawn, I set her down on the ground. “You were quiet, well, quieter than usual, during that little trip there. Everything alright?”

“Y-yes, I was… I was just… enjoying the ride.”

“*Heh* So was I, Fluttershy.” I scratched her behind the ear and then kissed her forehead. “I guess that means you might just like me a little bit.”

Fluttershy giggled before she wrapped her forelegs around neck and pulled me into a deep kiss. “I guess.”


As I flew nearer to the palace, I spotted a familiar white, oversized pony resting on a large cushion on a balcony. She seemed to be simply enjoying the sunshine and a good book. Even from twenty meters above her, I could spot a couple feathers that needed to be preened. Luna was right, she was stressed. I had to do something about that.

I drifted down until I was just over Celestia and let myself drop onto her back. “Oh jeez. I am so exhausted. Thank goodness somepony left this huge, cake-filled, pony-shaped cushion out here for me.” I wrapped her mane over myself. “And it has a blanket attached to it to keep me warm too. They really know how to treat a guy here. Oh, and it smells like cake frosting and who doesn’t like the smell of cake frosting.”

Celestia chuckled at my antics. She then lifted me up with her magic, then rolled over and lowered me into a firm hug. “Welcome home, Sweetie. It’s good to see you.”

“It’s great to see you, Mom.” Celestia released the hug and I slid to the floor while she rolled onto her side. “Mom, I’m sorry. I’ve had my head planted firmly in my own flanks and I’ve been unfair to you, Aunt Luna, and Gurfon. I know you all lied to me, but I was so wrapped up in how that hurt me, that I forgot I wasn’t the only one involved. I mean, you, Aunt Luna, and Cadance all got chained up in Tartarus and all I could do was sulk and complain. I was acting like a spoiled foal and I’m sorry.”

“Oh, Honey.” Celestia wrapped me up in another hug. “You’re not the only one in the wrong. I should have told you everything that was happening and trusted you make to the correct informed decision. If nothing else, I should have learned my lesson the last time I didn’t tell you the whole truth.” Celestia released me and sat up on her haunches. “Can we work together on getting past this and just go back to the way things were?”

I gave it a few moments thought. “Hmm… no, no I don’t so. Instead, let’s work together on making sure things are better than before.”

I was once again being squeezed as if filled with the most delicious cake frosting imaginable. “Ooh, what did I ever do to deserve you?”

I chuckled at the question. “That’s simple, you kidnapped me.”

“Hey, not on purpose!”

We spent the rest of the day laughing and putting the past behind us. The mood was only improved when Luna came in to find out what was causing all the noise. We may not have healed the wounds completely, but at least we were able to apply a decent bandage.

“So what do you plan to do tomorrow?” Luna asked.

“Well, first, I’m going to write a letter to Gurfon. Second, since Twilight and Willow are so close to completing their changeling detector, I need to speak with Chrysalis. I plan on bringing Iron hammer along. He may not say much, but it’s not his voice I want to use.” A sly, knowing grin came to the face of both princesses. “Speaking of Willow, she got invited to the wedding between Cranky and Matilda.”

“Really?” Celestia asked. I nodded. “Well then, I guess it really is a new day.”

“If you say it is, then it must true, Sister,” Luna teased.

That night, things started to resemble normalcy for the first time in months.

Author's Note:

I'm truly sorry it took so long to post this chapter. I wanted to make sure it wasn't forced or rushed and I just wasn't as inspired as I was with other chapters. I hope to never let it take this long again.

Also, Zecora is a royal pain to write so don't expect to see her again any time soon.