• Published 10th Mar 2014
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The Monster of Canterlot - drnkntst

When a human child appears in Equestria, somepony will have to take him in.

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Chapter 41

Chapter 41

After a few hours of draining magic training, I passed out on my bed in Twilight’s loft. Luna took her place next to me while Bunny and Cotton climbed into Twilight’s bed.

“Poor thing,” Luna said as she gently brushed some hair from my face. “He truly is having a hard time with everything that has happened.”

Bunny tucked Cotton in as the little filly let out a mighty yawn. “I agree. He hasn’t seemed like himself the past few days. Although, whatever you did for him last night seems to have worked, he was like his normal self today.”

“Yes, there was a definite improvement. Sadly, we are not out of the proverbial woods yet. That is why I am still here.” Luna’s horn glowed brighter as she touched it to my forehead. “My hopes are that I can help him to fight of his own nightmares, only then can he be free of them.”


It wasn’t fair. No one should have to deal with scarring visions that I was dealing with every time I closed my eyes. That damned queen loomed over me with spear raised once again. Though something was different. Everything was moving… slower. It didn’t help things though.

I was curled up into my screaming ball of terror, waiting for the strike. Thankfully, my savior was there for me. “Rise, Nephew. You can fight her. You must fight! You are the only one who can stop this nightmare. I have slowed her, but only you can stop her.”

“No! She’s gonna kill me again. Help me, please.”

“Concentrate, Christopher! Focus on what is real and what is not real. If you cannot, there will be no end to this.”

I forced myself to look around. Luna was standing next to me but focusing on the oversized queen. “Alright, alright. Just give me a second.” I swallowed deep gulps of dream world air. The doing of which made me realize just what Luna meant by ‘real’ and ‘not real’. “Real. The real Chrysalis is locked away in the dungeons along with all her bug children where she can’t do any harm.” I stood up from the dream cave’s stone floor and stood beside Luna. With a nod from me, Luna released her hold on the monster. “Not real. This giant bitch is not real and she can’t hurt me. Never again.”

Just like before, Mega-Chrysalis vanished in an incredibly spectacular fashion. Again, the dream cave transformed into a beautiful meadow with flowers and pink butterflies everywhere.

“You have done it, Nephew! I am so very proud of you.” Luna wrapped me in tight hug. “You have managed to fight your own demons and win. Remember that if the creature ever reappears. Oh, and we seem to have a guest again.”

I looked in the direction Luna was and saw the same woman from the night before. Though, there was something different about her this time. Instead of pink shoes on human feet, she had pony legs with buttery, yellow fur. She slowly turned to look at us with her big, cyan eyes and pink hair spilling out from her pink sunhat.

“She’s here again? Why? Who is she?” The strange woman smiled and brushed hair from her face looking incredibly cute and bashful.

“I can’t say with any certainty, since she is in your dream, but she does look familiar. Would you not agree?”

I walked closer to the mystery lady to get a better look. As I closed in, the wind blew her hat off her head, letting her long, slightly wavy hair. When I got near, she turned her head away a little, framing her face in a near-perfect heart.



“So why is it that the first thing I see when my nightmare is defeated, is a human version of Fluttershy?” I asked Luna while we patiently awaited Bunny’s waffles and eggs.

“The dream realm is difficult to understand, Christopher. There could be many reasons for the fair Fluttershy’s presence. She could simply be there because her face is familiar, or there may be something more personal,” she added a raise of a single eyebrow and a knowing smirk. “As far as her being a human, I’m afraid I can offer no better explanation than your mind, having suffered such a severe trauma, was simply trying to use a shape familiar and comforting. Either way, I see nothing negative about her appearance in your dreams and I feel you should embrace it.”

“Yeah, I guess. I mean, anything’s better than a giant changeling queen stabbing me over and over again.”

“Wow,” Bunny said as she floated over three plates, leaving three more plates ready for Twilight, Cotton Tail and Spike, “was it really that bad in there?”

“Miss Dust Bunny, It was a dream the likes of which I hope never to encounter again. Thankfully, young Christopher was able to overcome his nightmare and should have no issue doing so again in the future, should the need arise.”

At that moment, Twilight and the others came downstairs to acquire the deliciousness that was the source of the heavenly aroma that had wafted upstairs to their awaiting noses. Bunny didn’t cook for me much, hardly ever in fact, but the few times she did made me very envious of Cotton and Iron Hammer. Especially around Hearths Warming Eve. Don’t get me wrong, the palace cooks are second to none and a honey glazed ham from the Griffon Kingdom is always a welcome treat. There’s just something about a meal that’s been cooked with love in mind that makes all the difference.

“Good morning, Princess,” Bunny greeted.

Twilight, who was still running a brush through her mane, corrected her, “Bunny, please. We’ve known each other too long for you to be calling me that.”

“I was talking to my daughter, Twilight.”

I chuckled at her antics while Twilight blushed a little. I raised my ringed hand and lifted Cotton Tail off the stairs, floated her giggling self over, and sat her on my lap. “Morning, Fluffy Butt. Did you sleep well?”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded. “An’ Mommy said since I’ve been so good lately, I could go see all the aminals at Miss Fluttershy’s house.”

“Oh, she did did she?” I gave Bunny a sideways glare. “Did she also tell you that you had to be on your very best behavior for Miss Fluttershy? You wouldn’t want her to give you her famous ‘stare’, would you?”

“No. I promise to be good.”

“Good. But I think your mommy’s gonna have to go with us and keep an eye on you. Fluttershy has a lot of things on her plate right now and is already stretching herself thin just taking time to teach me to fly.” I looked at Bunny and gave her a look that clearly stated that this was not a request.

“Of course,” Bunny said while wiping her mouth on her napkin, “I wouldn’t want to be a burden to Miss Fluttershy.” Ten minutes later, we were on our way out. After I said farewell to Luna, of course, seeing as how she would be heading back to Canterlot this morning.


“Oh, hello, Dust Bunny. What brings you here today?” Fluttershy asked as Bunny trotted up the path to her cottage.

“Well, Cotton Tail had really wanted to see the animals but Chris said that your schedule was tight and that I would have to come along to keep an eye on her. I hope that’s okay.”

Of course that’s okay, as long as you’re here to watch over her.” Fluttershy then looked around to try to find the filly in question. “Um, where is she?”

Bunny didn’t say anything, she merely pointed up into the sky. Fluttershy looked and squinted at the sunlight in her eyes. Soon, though, she spotted the winged human and giggling miniature pony that floated down into the clearing around her home. As soon as I touched ground, I folded my wings up and joined the two mares.

“Good morning, Fluttershy. I brought along a small demon in need of cute, fluffy aminals. Would you be able to assist.” Just for added cuteness, I held Cotton Tail at arm’s length, clutching her by a single back leg. She giggled like mad as she swung back and forth by her one leg.

Fluttershy giggled and cantered over. Once she stopped in front of me, I placed Cotton Tail on her back. “I think I can accommodate. Besides, I won’t be training you today.”


“Yes, Rainbow Dash has agreed to teach you how to recover from a fall. She is much better at it than I am and, if something were to go wrong, I wouldn’t be fast enough to help you.”

For some reason, I felt disappointed by that. “I guess that makes sense. Too bad, I enjoy our flight time together.” I spotted a slight twitch in her wings but ignored it and lifted off. “Remember to be a good girl, Fluffy Butt.”

“Okay!” she waved back at me as I flew off to find my multi-chromatic friend.

It wasn’t long before I spotted a rainbow streaking through the sky and blowing up clouds. I made best speed, which wasn’t much to be honest, in order to catch up with her. It wasn’t long before I realized it was a losing battle I was fighting. I resigned myself to patiently waiting on a nearby cloud.

I was sinking into the fluffy awesomeness of my little cloud when suddenly, it wasn’t there anymore. “Aw, c’mon!”

I was trying everything I could to try to recover from my descent. “Extend one wing full and pull the other in a little!” Rainbow called out as she paced me. “That will make you roll! As soon as you’re on your belly, extend both wings!”

I did as she instructed, though it took a lot of effort to fight my instincts. All my mind was telling me to do was ‘swim’ for some reason. Good thing I listened too. I had managed to roll onto my belly and stop my fall only a few dozen meters from the ground. I drew huge gulps of air as I hovered over the thatched roves of Ponyville.

“*Phew* That was close. I really question your teaching methods, Rainbow! Or are you just trying to pick another fight?”

“First off, you’re still in one piece, so obviously my teaching methods are fine. Second, picking a fight with you would be a huge hassle once Fluttershy found out. Jeeze, she’d probably give me… The Stare.” Rainbow wrapped her forelegs around herself tightly and shuddered, nearly falling out of the air.

“Oh hey, speaking of Fluttershy, you’re gonna get a kick outa this, I dreamed about her last night.”

“Really? Were you kissing~ her and hugging her~ and rubbing between her wings~?”

“No, nothing like that, you brat. What had happened was, after Aunt Luna helped me defeat Dream Chrysalis, the cave faded away and we were suddenly in a field. Up the hill from us was a human female in a yellow dress.”

“But if it was a human female, what makes you think it was Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked.

“Cyan eyes, shy little smile, and pink hair that frames her face in a heart when she drops her chin.”

“That’s Fluttershy alright. What was she doin’ in your dream?”

“Nothing. She was just standing there in a yellow dress, looking out over a meadow. She didn’t even say anything.”

“That’s weird,” Rainbow said as we both landed on a cloud and got comfortable. She seemed to be contemplating what I had told her. “What did she look like?”

I looked at her for a brief moment then looked back out over the cityscape while I thought about her question. Really, there was only one possible answer, “she was gorgeous.” The look on Rainbow’s face told me she wanted a little more than that. “What? How am I supposed to describe a human female to you when you have only me as a reference?”

“Well, say something better than ‘she was pretty’.”

I thought some more on it. “Imagine a sonic rainboom right at sunrise with the Wonderbolts doing a flyby through the center of the ring.”

Rainbow pictured the image, “whoa… she really looked as good as all that?”

I didn’t answer verbally, but instead just returned my attention to the horizon and nodded. Strangely, the horizon began to tilt and the wind picked up. It took a second or two, but I soon figured out that Rainbow had pushed me off the cloud.

“Remember, only open one wing ‘til you roll onto your belly!” she shouted as she hopped off her perch after me.


After a few hours of Rainbow Dash being tricky and dropping me from the sky, I had learned how to correct a fall from any direction and very quickly. I wasn’t a fan of her methods, but one could hardly argue with the results. I actually felt that it was safe for me to carry little Cotton Tail higher than just a few meters off the ground. Though, at her age, she wouldn’t care if I were one meter or one hundred meters up.

Rainbow and I touched down on the other side of the small bunch of trees that surrounded her cottage. “Hey, Chris, hold up a sec.”

“Hmm, what’s up Dash?”

“Look, I know you’ve been burned in the past by mares, but know that somepony like Fluttershy, would never ever do anything to hurt anypony.”

“Huh? What are you…?” but Rainbow had flown off before I could finish my question. “O-kay.” I turned and walked the rest of the way to Fluttershy’s cottage. I was about to knock when I heard a lot of laughter coming from the side of the house.

When I rounded the corner, I smiled widely. Little Cotton Tail was chasing a real cotton tail around the yard, laughing her cute little head off. The rabbit, a white one named Angel, seemed to actually be enjoying himself. I had thought for a moment that everything I had heard about the little guy was wrong, right up until he led Cotton Tail into a shrub, her little tush wiggling as she tried to kick herself free.

“You almost had him, Fluffy Butt,” I teased as I plucked her out of the bush and set her on her hooves. “It’s about time to go, where’s your momma?”

“She’s inside with Miss Fluttershy.”

I used my magic to float her up onto my shoulder. “Alright, let’s go save her from her own duster.”


Ten minutes after prying Bunny away from her cleaning every square millimeter of Fluttershy’s cottage, I’d never seen somepony polishing a ceiling, I landed on the observation deck at the top of Twilight’s tree house. I knelt down and allowed Bunny to slide off my back as I placed Cotton Tail on the floor.

“Wow, I could get used to traveling like that.”

“Don’t get used to it, Bunny, I still prefer keeping my feet on the ground. I only flew you two here because I promised. It’s actually very tiring.”

“Maybe you’re just not used to using those muscles yet. I’m sure it’ll get easier with practice.”

“Yea,” Cotton Tail cheered next to her mother, “you just gotta keep tryin’! That’s how Daddy said he got so big and strong!”

“That’s right,” Twilight injected as she came onto the balcony. “All it takes is practice. Speaking of which, we have spells to work on, Mister. Force fields. Oh, and I do have a door at ground level you know.”

And that was when I learned how not to fall.