• Published 10th Mar 2014
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The Monster of Canterlot - drnkntst

When a human child appears in Equestria, somepony will have to take him in.

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Chapter 56

Chapter 56

After my ‘discussion’ with the changeling queen, Celestia placed me in charge of the planning committee. Other ponies would be helping, architects, guards, miners, etc. I would have final say, and by that, I mean Willow would approve or disapprove and planning could move on. It was not going to be a quick fix, and it might take years for any real progress, but at least the changelings would be given the same opportunity as anypony else.

The changeling city would either prove to be my crowning achievement, or a horrible failure that would result in the release of a very dangerous species. Of course, if it was a failure, then that might lead to the extinction of that same species. I would personally make certain that every town, guard, law enforcement official, and, if need be, schoolfoal had one of Twilight’s detection devices, when they were finished that is. Nopony deserved to have the same experience I did. Especially when you take into account that they wouldn’t be given a second chance at life.

There were more urgent things to worry about though. We couldn’t even break ground on the changeling city this late in the year anyway, too cold that far north. No, instead we were all too trying to keep the palace in proper working order.

The last few days, it’s been nearly impossible to get anything done around the palace. A certain evening oriented alicorn was too full of excitement and energy to simply leave ponies to their business. Fall was fast approaching and so was her favorite harvest festival.

Today was the worst, by far. Today was the day of Nightmare Night. It was all I could do to keep Luna occupied so that Celestia could run her court without interruption. It’s kind of difficult to ignore an oversized mare prancing around like a filly on Hearth’s Warming Eve. At least her singing has improved.

“Hurry, Nephew. We must make haste to the festivities.”

“Aunt Luna, you need to calm down. You’re on the verge of slipping back into Old Equestrian. Besides, we have to wait for Bunny and Fluffy Butt anyway. Also, you do remember that I’m not spending the whole night by your side, right?”

“Yes, yes, We- I remember. You are only going to stay with me long enough to play your part in the performance, then you will be leaving to tend to your own plans.”

“You make it sound like I’m abandoning you. I’m just going to be spending the night with my fillyfriend to keep her from being scared. Besides, you’re gonna be spending your night with Twilight and all your other friends. You’ll be fine.”

“I suppose, but I do so enjoy our time together.”

“Alright. I promise to spend one hour with you before I go to meet Fluttershy. Will that calm you down enough to stop knocking paintings off the walls with all your bouncing off them?”

Luna stopped her running around in favor of prancing in place, hopping from one forehoof to the other. “Fine, but hurry with your costume, it is almost nightfall.”

“Hey,” I held up my werewolf mask and gloves, “I’m already wearing most of my costume. The rest I can put on in the chariot. We’re just waiting for-“

“Chris!” Cotton yelled as she cannoned into my legs.

“Right on time.” I scooped up my disguised attacker. “And where’s your parents?”

The response I received was a simple pointed hoof. I looked up to see a monstrous pair of ponies. While Cotton was dressed as a demon, her parents were done up to appear as though they were made of rotting pony flesh. Bunny was white with a huge beehive mane while Iron was green and covered in fake stiches and one fake wing. The desired effect was that they should appear to be stitched together from deceased ponies by some mad scientist. Or Nightmare Moon according to the act we set up for tonight.

“Excellent,” I said as I slipped on my gloves.

“Good. Now that we are all here, can we please go?” Luna nearly begged.

“You’re five thousand years old and this little demon,” I lifted Cotton with my magic and draped her over my shoulder, “is acting more grown up than you right now. And yes, we can go now.”

Luna summoned as much of her dignity as she could and boarded her chariot. Dust Bunny and Iron Hammer climbed on after. I went to the two guards who volunteered to pull it. I told them to make sure to flash the fangs their armor gave them and be generally as menacing as possible. After I joined the others, we took off and headed for Ponyville.


“…YOUR OFFERING HAS APPEASED ME!” Luna roared over the wind and the whimpers from the crowd. “HOWEVER, MY MINONS DESIRE SOMETHING MORE…” as she paused for dramatic effect, the rest of us crept out of the bushes behind her. I was making Cotton Tail fly with my magic, since mine was more discreet than everypony else’s, “…SUBSTANTIAL!”

I launched Cotton tail at Rainbow Dash, who was in on it and floating over the crowd in her spacepony costume, before I plucked Zecora out of the crowd and ran off into the woods with her screaming the whole time. Bunny and Iron slowly chased the foals in the clearing back to their respective parents and then to the town proper.

Luna resumed her normal appearance and spit out her fangs at the same time as I stepped back out of the woods with Zecora still in my arms. Rainbow touched down and let Cotton trot back to her parents. We all gathered around the pile of candy, which we promptly divided amongst ourselves.

“Oh, that was such fun,” Luna said.

“Yeah, it was!” Cotton cheered from her father’s back.

“You did a pretty good job back there, squirt. You woulda scared me really good if I didn’t know ahead of time,” Rainbow complimented the little filly.

“Everyone gave quite the fright. Many will not be forgetting this night,” Zecora rhymed.

“That’s for sure. Now, let’s get to town before all the fun is had,” I instructed. “Hey, Dash, can you do me a quick favor?”

“Sure. What do ya need?”

“I’m supposed to be meeting Fluttershy tonight, but Luna made me promise to spend an hour with her first. Could you fly over there real quick and let her know?”

“You got it,” she saluted before rocketing off toward Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Alright, time to get this prince a candy apple.”

The next hour was a blast. I was stuck to Luna like glue, but that didn’t detract from anything. Watching her let her mane down, so to speak, is enjoyable in and of itself, let alone all the tons of candy and seasonal dishes that littered the grounds. It was even better when Twilight and Spike joined in on the fun.

Luna won the bobbing for apples, but I told her it was simply because she had the largest mouth in the group. Spike whooped us all in the spider toss and Twilight aced the pumpkin catapults. In my defense, I was using a filly instead of a gourd.

Speaking of gourds, I was very happy to find Auburn Skies working a stand selling pumpkin pies. He told me that Sandy’s grandmother taught her how to bake them when she was still a filly and they were raking in the bits selling them by the slice, half, or whole pie. It would seem that Jasmine was going to have a seriously happy Hearth’s Warming.

We also came across the winner of this year’s Foal Costume Contest. Dinky made the absolutely most adorable kitty I’ve ever seen. Derpy would have made a much more believable doggy if she hadn’t been wearing a cow’s tail. I bought them a pumpkin pie from Auburn as a prize.

Soon enough, however, it was time for me to leave and meet Fluttershy.

“Do you really need to go?”

“Yes, Aunt Luna, I do. I gave you your hour that I promised and now I need to go because I also promised Fluttershy I’d meet with her. Besides, you’ve got plenty of your friends here and the townsponies adore you. You don’t need me.”

“Need, perhaps not. Want, yes. I do enjoy our time together and simply wish for more.”

“I literally live a hundred yards from your room and your weird moon bed.”

“My bed is not weird,” she grumped. “Fine. We shall part ways for tonight, but we must spend time together in the near future.”

I hugged Luna and kissed her cheek, “of course, Aunt Luna. I love you.”

“And I love you. Now go, see to your mare.”

I waved to her as I took to the air and headed for the lone cottage.


I landed in Fluttershy’s front yard, still in my costume but without my mask, and looked around. I knew she didn’t like Nightmare Night, but this was a bit far. She had turned out all the lights, inside and outside, and even put all her pets in what appeared to be some sort of portable coop. I even spotted a certain grumpy bunny glaring at me through the glass.

“Heh, guess I’m her favorite animal now, little guy,” I gloated under my breath.

Suddenly, I was pounced from behind. It didn’t take long to figure out who it was when I saw the two yellow hooves draped over my shoulders. Even with the black lace stockings. I heard an ‘ah’ noise right before I felt her glomp down on my neck. There wasn’t any pressure, though I swear I felt a fang.

“Fluttershy? What are you-?”

“Silence! Oh, I’m sorry. You are now my m-minion and I am your mistress.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I’d read stories about this very thing in some… they weren’t mine. “Hehe, yes, Mistress.”

“Good, now open the door.”

We went inside and I let Fluttershy climb off my back and onto the sofa. When I stood up and was able to see her new look. She had on a black, silk dress that ran from her shoulders down to her rear hooves, white spider web pattern around the skirt, and a slit all the way up to her cutie mark on one side. The cutie mark, by the way, was now bats instead of butterflies. Add that to the aforementioned stockings, fluffy, pointed ears, bat-like wings, and her mane, which was somehow both more ragged and more styled than usual. The whole costume was incredibly sexy.

“Wow, Flutters. You look amazing.”

She blushed. “Thank you,” she said before she remembered her character. “I mean, quiet, Minion. You will speak when spoken to and not before.”

It was about that time that my rational brain shut down and a much more primal, for lack of a better word, mind took over. I don’t remember all of what happened that night, but the things I do remember were not things Celestia included in the Talk she gave all those years ago. I will also never be telling anypony about those things either. Not out of embarrassment, but because Fluttershy is bashful and I would like the chance to do those things again in the future.

The next morning, Fluttershy and were lying in bed, unclothed but on fresh sheets. We were slowly woken by the sun’s rays barely creeping through the drawn shades, Fluttershy wanted to make sure that nopony could possibly see in from the town that was over two hundred meters away and hidden by trees. Fluttershy still had on one of her bat-pony ears and her stockings, one of which was torn, making her both cute and sexy at the same time. However, the only thing I was concerned with was that gorgeous smile that was spreading across her face.

“Good morning,… Mistress.”

Fluttershy blushed and swatted at my chest while hiding her face with the other hoof. “Please don’t call me that.”

At first I was worried I offended her or something, but that fear was dashed by the fact that she was still smiling. “Oh, but I think I like calling you that.” This time she buried her face into my chest. The combination of her unbearable cuteness combined with her unnaturally soft fur made me a little concerned for my sugar levels. “Aw, there’s nothing to be ashamed of, Fluttershy. We’re two mature adults who had a little fun last night. While no one else needs to know, we also don’t have to be embarrassed.”

“I-I know, and I had fun last night, too. I’m just a little… shy is all.”

I kissed her on the nose. “I hadn’t noticed. Now come on, we have to meet the others for breakfast.” I sniffed the air for a second. “After we shower of course.”

After a brisk shower, that too twice as long because I was in there with the pony of my dreams, I combed Fluttershy’s mane while she chatted with her little critter friends. It helped her and gave me an excuse to simply touch her, so it was a win-win. Though, I sometimes lingered on her tail a little. The view tended to be a little too attractive.

“Um, Chris? Are you okay?”

“Hmm, what?”

“It’s just that you were, um, kind of staring… at my… um….”

“Oh, I’m sorry about that. It’s just so easy get lost in your beauty.”

Fluttershy giggled and blushed. “Well, I guess I don’t mind if you stare a little. That is, if you don’t mind if I do it too.”

“Not at all. Although, if we spend too much time staring at each other’s assets, we’ll miss breakfast with Twilight.” I knelt down in front of Fluttershy. “Climb on, I’ll fly us both there.”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded before she crawled onto my back, which was bare due to a lack of alternative clothing, draping a forehoof over each shoulder and nestling between my wings. I took her nuzzling against my cheek as a sign she was ready and took to the air.

During our flight into town, I did a little showing off. I did some lazy loops and spirals, courtesy of Rainbow’s training, making Fluttershy laugh. To hear more giggling from the buttery mare on my back, I would have happily flown through briar patch without complaint.

All too soon, we landed on Twilight’s balcony and entered her palace. I made my way to her dining room, still wearing my fluffy cape. Once I found it and went in, we were greeted by Twilight, Spike, Luna, and Bunny’s family. I sat down at the table with Fluttershy sitting in my lap.

“So…,” Twilight started, “how was your night?”

Fluttershy blushed and pushed against my chest, which I certainly didn’t mind thanks to her soft fur. “It was quite nice, thank you. You won’t be getting any more details than that,” I told her with a smirk as I wrapped my wings around Fluttershy. “Now eat your breakfast, we don’t want to keep those guards pulling the chariot out too long. The overtime is killer.”

“Yes, of course,” Luna agreed. “While I do so enjoy our time together, Twilight Sparkle, we should be returning to the palace.” There was a collective ‘aww’ from the other ponies involved.

After we finished our breakfast, Luna called for her chariot. Bunny made sure to pack Cotton’s candy separate from Luna’s, knowing what might happen if Luna were to lose her offerings. The costumes were stowed away and the passengers boarded. Goodbyes were said and air was taken to.

“So,” Luna said to me conspiratorially, “how was last night?”

I looked to make sure Cotton Tail wasn’t within earshot before I answered. “I won’t give too many details to my aunt, but I will tell you this, Flutters now knows how salty my sweat is.”

As I watched Luna smirk and blush slightly, I made a decision that I instantly knew I would never regret.