• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 997 Views, 127 Comments

Nyx and Crimson Fang! A collab of supernatural proportions (Nyx's POV) - Infinty Blade Brony

Pen strokes Nyx and Slendermares Crimson Fang adventure through the world of Equestria.

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A New Pony In This Dimension

It was this time of day Nyx and her mother Twilight would be eating dinner, and discussing the days events, but instead Nyx found herself looking down at the butchered corpse of Twilight Sparkle.

A little while earlier
Nyx was walking home from school alone that day Spike normally walked her home, but him and Twilight had a very important project to do so Nyx didn't mind. She was just trotting along the road it was a warm summer afternoon the birds were chirping, her friends the Cutiemark Crusaders weren't there today, but again Nyx didn't mind. If you don't already know Nyx is a small alicorn filly she's only five months old, but because she was created by a cult trying to resurrect Nightmare Moon she looks like a seven year old. Her mane is purple, and it goes well with her black coat, her eyes are turquoise and have slits like that of a dragon. She does have a cutiemark it's a shield with a crescent moon on it.
Nyx had just approached the front door to the Golden Oaks library also known as home, and she walked right in. "Mom, Spike I'm home!" yelled Nyx as she sat her saddlebags down next to the door. She saw her after school snack on the table a daffodil sandwich, and a mug of tea. "Well mister sandwich time to be eaten!" said Nyx as she quickly devoured her food, and she turned her attention to the tea, and chugged it down. She let out a pleasurable sigh as she felt her thirst quenched, but now she had homework. She normally enjoyed homework, but today she had advanced mathematics and she hated math. She pulled her saddlebags to the table, and emptied the contents onto the oak table. All she had in there was her math book, a Darring Do book, a homemade invisibility potion, her Mister Smartypants doll, and her math folder. Nyx picked up her folder as she seated herself at the table she pulled out her homework, and grabbed a pencil from a nearby cup, and started on her mathematics.
It was only a few moments after she started when she noticed a strange smell. It smelled like rotting something she couldn't tell. Thinking it was her mothers project she dismissed it. She didn't know what her mothers project was, but Nyx trusted her mother not to do something to dangerous so she finished her homework and after putting everything neat, and orderly in her saddle bags she placed them back at the door and walked to the stairs.
She was just about to go upstairs and read her Darring Do novel when she smelled that stench again. "I don't care what it is. It has to go." Nyx decided as she sat her book down, and approached the door were the smell was coming from and pushed it open with her hooves. Her magic wasn't very usable ever sence Luna took Nightmare Moons power from her, but she didn't mind it felt good to be her own pony again.
What she saw behind the door she could never un-see. There stood Pinkamenia Diane Pie the towns personal party planner, and one of her mothers best friends. That isn't what bothered her what did was that her hair was flat and dull, and in her hoof was a blood stained cleaver! The Pink Party Pony heard the door open, and stalled her butchering of Twilight to see Nyx in the doorway "Hey Nyx wanna help me make cupcakes? I just need you to grab that axe over there and get chopping!" said Pinkie gesturing with her free hoof to a fire axe by the door. Nyx was on the verge of tears this basement once used for experiments that answered questions was now the very death place of Nyx's beloved mother.
"YOU MONSTER!" yelled Nyx. She'd heared the phrase many times directed at her, but that wasn't even enough to describe the hatred and fear Nyx now had towards the pink pony.
"Now that wasn't very nice." said Pinkie Pie with a pouty face. Nyx's attempted to back out of the doorway and get the police so they can arrest this monster. "Come on it's fun!"
Nyx said "No you get away! You Go AWAY!" she started crying.
"Well it doesn't hurt to have extra I suppose." Said Pinkie as she removed her butchery tool from Twilights corpse with a sickening crunch as it broke off bones. Nyx turned and ran terror gripping her heart as she ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. If she still had Nightmare Moons power this would be no problem. To fight Pinkie would be o so easy, but she didn't have that strength so she kept running.
Tears were running down her face as she ran to the door as thoughts rushed to her head 'Moms dead! I'm alone. How could this happen?' she was almost to the door when a pink fore leg wrapped itself around her neck cutting off her breathing. "Aww party pooper. We got a party pooper on aile five!" Pinkie yelled at the top of her lungs as Nyx hung there crying for her eternal life was being cut short so soon. The thing about alicorn so was they were immortal unless they are wounded by a weapon of magic. That's not the case for non mature alicorn they are just as vonurable as any filly or colt.
Nyx was ready to accept fate she had no one left anyway so what's the point in living. Pinkie dropped her next to her mothers butchered corpse as she went to find the perfect tool for the job. Nyx just sat there looking at her mothers corpse the Element of Magic Twilight Sparkle murdered by Pinkie Pie the Element of Laughter. The irony was just. After what felt like hours Pinkie came back with a large machete in hoof. When Nyx didn't react Pinkie was puzzled "Aren't you gonna scream in terror? Beg for your life as I slowly and painfully kill you?" Nyx just shook her head.
"Why should I try and prolong my life? The only pony I could call family is dead right here. Just be done with it I don't want to live anymore." Nyx started to cry again. Pinkie shrugged and hefted her tool of death it was a fine stainless steel blade around a foot and a half long (not including the handle) as she was about to swing a flash could be seen from the other room. Pinkie stopped the blades decent and opened the door only to be greeted with a bullet to the face.
"Boom headshot!" is all the stallion said after he pulled the trigger. Nyx turned to see a red pegasus with a black hoodie walk in. "Oh....my......GOSH!" he said his eyes looking at Nyx. "It's Nyx!" Nyx was puzzled how did this man know her name? She certainly never met him before.
"Wait. WHAT!" came another male voice as a orange pegasus with an eyepatch and a Stetson walked in. "Oh my. Ummmmm Gage what's that behind her?"
"I think it's a dead body." said the pony Nyx assumed was Gage. Nyx just sat there somehow not a speck of blood was on her as far as she could tell, and she wasn't sure why. "Lowell? Do you think...."
"Yeah (he muttered) bucking Tradgedy." said this Lowell pony "Hey Nyx you okay? Pinkamenia didn't hurt you did she?" Nyx shook her head.
"Good if she had I would revive her just to kill her again." said Gage. Nyx's ears perked up when he said 'revive'.
"Can you bring my mom back?" asked Nyx.
"I could as long as her head is intact." he said. Nyx felt a shimmer of hope deep inside her 'he could bring her back!' she thought.
"Man her brain is destroyed!" said Gage "I cant fully bring her back. If I try she'd be a lifeless corpse that kills anything that so much as scratches me. Sorry kiddo." he said and Nyx felt her hope die.
"It was worth a try." said Nyx as she felt her despair return.
"No!" said Gage.
"No what?" asked Nyx.
"Don't give up! That's a bad idea. No matter how bad things get you don't give up!" said Gage.
"Why shouldn't I?" asked Nyx "I have nothing left."
"Well you could come with us to our dimension. It'll cheer you up in a jiffy!" he said with a happy go lucky tone. "Better make up your mind cause the portals closing soon." Nyx looked out the door and saw the swirling green vortex.
"I'll come." said Nyx after all what would Twilight say if she just gave up? Besides these stallions looked trustworthy enough so Nyx got up and followed them to the portals base. She looked at the swirling vortex it was bright green, and gave off a weird humming noise.
"Here." said Lowell handing her her saddle bags Nyx grabbed her bags and put them on her back when she asked if she could get some of her things. They said yes, and she rushed off and grabbed her novel, her treasure book (she keeps her most valuable possesions in the hollowed out book), and a small device her mothers unfinished project. She hadn't seen Spike so she assumed the worst and rushed to her new friends. The portal was half as large as it was before.
"Okay let's go!" said Gage Nyx nodded in agreement, and the group jumped through the portal, and Nyx blacked out.

Ponyville Alternet Dimension
"Ooooohhhhh! Your new here!" said Pinkie Pie as Nyx awoke. At first Nyx was terrified, but she decided to put on a brave face as she decked Pinkie in the muzzle. "OW OW OW OW!" said Pinkie as she hopped away holding her muzzle. "What the hay?" she asked. Nyx was crying as she took up a fighting stance.
"Ummm you ok?" said a voice behind her. Nyx turned to see a filly she had a orange coat with a red mane. She was wearing some green glasses and her eyes were red. Another thing Nyx saw was she had no cutiemark, but the thing that stood out the most was her leathery bat wings. "Names Crimson Fang, but you can call me Crim." said Crim as she held out a hoof Nyx forgot about Pinkie and shook her hoof as Pinkie sneaked away.

Author's Note:

Go check out Slendermare or I will feed you to my dragon Orchid.
Orchid-Do as my rider commands (growl)