• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 997 Views, 127 Comments

Nyx and Crimson Fang! A collab of supernatural proportions (Nyx's POV) - Infinty Blade Brony

Pen strokes Nyx and Slendermares Crimson Fang adventure through the world of Equestria.

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Gage had just carried Nyx, and Crim to Sweet Apple Acres due to them not knowing how to walk, and Gage being well.....incredibly strong. "Here you go." said Gage setting the girls down on the couch in the living room. "Now how do you feel?" he asked concerned.
"Fine just a bit shaken." Nyx replied shifting to a more comfortable position.
"I'm just peachy." said Crim pushing her glasses up her nose with her finger.
"That's great! Now how bout you stay over here for the night. It's late, and you guys were forced into an entire new form you guys need rest." said Gage Crim went to say something "I'll call your sister don't worry now let's get you two upstairs." he said lifting them up, and bringing the two fillies to Nyx's room setting them down on the blue bed sheets, and tucking them in under the blankets. "Night night kiddie and kiddo." said Gage as he shut the door and put out the lantern.

Following morning
"Wakey wakey!" said Gage waking the two girls up "Now get dressed, and get downstairs." he said laying two sets of clothes on the foot of the bed. Nyx sat up, and rubbed the sleep from her eyes she still had no clue on how to walk correctly, but she figured out how her new arms, and legs moved and worked so she grabbed the pile of clothes that consisted of a black tee, jeans, black and white Nike shoes, and a black zip up hoodie. She adorned her clothing then shook Crim awake.
"Five more minutes..." mumbled Crim so Nyx shouted into her ear.
Crim's whole body shook. "I'm up I'm up." said Crim flattening her ears.
"Get dressed." said Nyx tossing the other pile of clothes to her buddy. The pile consisted of a dark red tee, a pair of jeans cut off at the knees, and a bat hair clip.
"Happy?" said Crim, and Nyx responded by nodding. She called Gage in and he carried them downstairs.
"Now I'm gonna teach you two to walk." said Gage.

A few hours later
Nyx, and Crim now able to walk left to get to school. "If were lucky no pony will be here today because they can't walk." that wasn't the case everypony was there, and walking normally like nothing happened. "Well that's not fair." said Crim stomping one foot.
"It's like the cube never happened....." said Nyx.
"What cube little orphan?" said the obnoxious voice of Diamond Tiara. Nyx and Crim rolled there eyes and turned around.
"Outdated insult numnuts." said Nyx "Gage and Fluttershy adopted me I'm not an orphan any more." while the papers weren't sighned yet they would be by the time Nyx got home.
"Doesn't matter. Now answer me what is this cube you were talking about." said Diamond. Nyx took note of her outfit (it's the one in Equestria Girls).
"Just something my mom was working on before she died. Not like you should care you rich buttmunch." said Nyx smirking.
"Why you little......get her!" said Diamond Tiara, and Nyx just noticed the two colts standing not to far away approaching. It was Snips and Snails.
"Oh I'm so scared." said Nyx mockingly, and Crim was trying to hold in a laugh.
Snips and Snails stalled a confused for a moment then realizing that they'd been made a joke a snarl escaped there lips. Crim stepped in front of the bullies a pocket knife in her hand. "I wouldn't do that of I were you." said the bat pony a glare in her eye that said 'buck with me and I'll rip out your liver'. The bullies saw the blade and turned, and ran screaming. "Wimps." said Crim flicking the plastic blade.
"Ugh why are you two so insufferable!" said an angry Diamond Tiara "Just stand down and whimper like every pony else!"
"Well were not everypony else so no." said Nyx. She then proceeded to turn, and walk to the school Crim close behind.

School went by like a blur for Nyx. She thought writing would be hard in this form, but she found her magic complying and allowing her to levitate her pencil, and just as Cheerilee began to say something about the principles of magic in all ponies the bell rang. Nyx used her newfound levitation powers to place all of her supplies into her bag. She had no homework for she had finished it all in class. She jogged to the front doors were Crim was waiting. She seemed to always be the first on to the doors Nyx thought. "Ready to go?" asked Crim.
"Yep gotta get home, and greet my new adoptive parents!" said Nyx giddy with excitement filling every word. She waved goodbye to her pal and rushed out the door only to be greeted by a sideswipe. Nyx was knocked to the dirt as she spat a bit of blood out of her mouth she looked up at the attackers. They were rather large colts both wearing white tees, and some jeans except one had a denim jacket on.
"We were told to rough you up." said the one on the left both boys were obviously middle school aged, and way stronger than Nyx. She got to her feet only to be shoved down again. One of the kids raised they're fist to strike, but was interupted by a battle cry and Crim jumping on his back. She crossed her legs across his chest, and locked her arms under his armpits in a full nelson. She reared her head up and opened her mouth revealing her fangs.
"Oh my Clestia." said Nyx as she watched her friend bury her fangs into the boys skin between the shoulder and neck causing a spurt of blood to spurt out peppering Crims face. The boy flailed, but his assailant never let go. The other boy turned his attention to Crim picking up a pipe, and preparing to swing it. Before he could Nyx was on her feet she slammed one foot into the back of his leg causing him to drop to one knee. She then slammed her knee into his face breaking his nose, and knocking him out.
"Crim you are one crazy bat pony you know that?" said Nyx as she looked at her friend who was sitting down on the unconsious boy her fangs stained crimson with his blood.
"I know." she said before passing out. Nyx caught her before she fell, and hoisted her over her shoulder.
"Now to get you home." said Nyx setting out for Crims house.