• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 997 Views, 127 Comments

Nyx and Crimson Fang! A collab of supernatural proportions (Nyx's POV) - Infinty Blade Brony

Pen strokes Nyx and Slendermares Crimson Fang adventure through the world of Equestria.

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Just an ordinary day

Nyx was still looking down the sidewalk this Dante Fleetfoot had ran down completely zoned out until Crim brought her back into the real world. "Nyx you in there?" asked the bat pony waving her hand in front of her friends face catching her attention.
"Yeah....I'm here....who was that?" asked Nyx looking back down the sidewalk.
"From what I heard his name is Dante Fleetfoot my guess he just moved into town." answered Crim turning her friend around to face her.

"You think I'll run into him again?" Nyx asked her buddy who just answered with a...
"I don't know maybe....why? You got a crush on him or something?" she asked, and when Nyx didn't reply a smirk grew on her face "You do don't you? You have a crush on the new colt!"
"NO! No I do not have a crush on Dante I only just met him what five minutes ago?" quickly answered Nyx her heart beating a million times a second a slight blush forming on her face only making Crims smirk grow.

"Well I know you do, but I'm gonna drop it okay?" Crim tells her uncomfortable buddy who let out a sigh of relief. Nyx got up, and faced her friend.
"Now what are we gonna do today?" she asked the subject changed from wether she liked this new boy over to what shall we do today?
"I say the cupcake eating contest at Sugar Cube Corner." said Crim only seeing her friends eyes widen.
"Oh no no no I'm not going to Sugar Cube Corner" she said the images from back at her world flashed in front of her eyes it was terrifying, it was just like reliving the event all over again until she snapped out of it. "Never....never again....."

Later That Day

Nyx and Crim had just gotten back to Nyx's home after a day of playing, exploring, and in Crims case Crusading with the CMC, and they were tired. Almost as soon as they made it inside they plopped down on the couch tilting they're heads to look up at the ceiling.
"I see you tuckered yourselves out." said Fluttershy "Well I just made some lemonade if your thirsty." she then walked back into the kitchen as Crim and Nyx looked to each other.
"Lemonade?" asked Crim.
"Lemonade." answered Nyx as the pulled themselves up, and walked into the kitchen were two glasses of iced, homemade lemonade were waiting. They placed themselves down in chairs on opposite sides of the small table, and grabbed they're cups before chugging them down. They sighed, and Crim leaned back in her chair.

"Pretty fun day huh?" she asked receiving a nod from Nyx. "So we just gonna sit around for the rest of the day?"
"I suppose so....unless you have to go home early." said Nyx removing her jacket, and draping it over the back of the chair she was sitting on. As if on que Gage walked in.

"Crim Arosyona called she said it's time for you to head home." he said.
"Awwww" Crim exclaimed "well see you later Nyx." she said before waving goodbye to Fluttershy, and Gage receiving goodbyes.

Later that evening

Fluttershy and Gage had Nyx come sit with them in the kitchen she wasn't sure why. They already had dinner, she hadn't broken any rules as far as she knows so what was up? "So.....am I in trouble or....is it something else entirely?" asked Nyx trying to get straight to the point.

"Your not in trouble Nyxie we just have big news!" said Gage smiling madly.
"Okay.....what is it?" Nyx asked raising an eyebrow as she took a seat. Fluttershy took a few breaths a smile practically glued to her muzzle.

"What me, and your father want to tell you is..." she squeed "I'm gonna be having a foal!" Nyx's jaw nearly dropped.
"What really!" Nyx replied with enthusiasm the whole town couldn't of held "I'm gonna be a big sister!" she repeated over and over as she jumped around in circles receiving smiles from her parents as they relished the chance to raise a child..of they're own.

Shortly after receiving the news it was Nyx's bedtime, and she couldn't sleep. Her mind was too full of thought like "Will he/ she love me?" And "Will mom, and dad still love me?" she knew the latter one wasn't to be worried about for she knew with all her heart that the two pegasi that took her in would love her for ever. So why did she think this? Maybe it's cause she was adopted, and she felt less special, or it's something else all together, but all this thinking was tiring Nyx out, and before she knew it she was out like a light.

Following Morning

Nyx awoke to her alarm clock letting off the noise all children despised. She clicked it off, and fluttered out of bed with her wings. A few minutes later she was dressed, and ready for the day. She passed her parents on her way out. She smiled to them, and waved goodbye as she grabbed her back pack, and lunch box.....also a small ring that it's use shall be explained later. I will tell you that it looks to be made of solid ebony, with a garnet in the center.

Nyx made her way to the school house, and met Crim once again by the swings she was always early.....always.