• Published 29th Mar 2014
  • 1,385 Views, 20 Comments

Clear Truth: Ace Attorney - The Timed Turnabout - Dapper Guy

No matter how deep a lie runs, Truth will always set the innocent free.

  • ...

A Courtroom Conductor

-Lobby, Canterlot Royal Courts-

-14th Waxing Moon, 8:15 A.M.-

No evidence, no suspect and no clue how I'm going to win this, Truth recited in his mind for the hundredth time. Rocking back and forth on his hooves, the lawyer spent a sleepless night trying to concoct a feasible defense. Barring Celestia summoning down a meteor down from the heavens or the third coming of Nightmare Moon, everything else was flung out the window.

I just hope they’ve filed the autopsy report for me to look at, I don’t even know who’s going to be testifying. Truth fiddled with his tie in a vain attempt to distract himself. Any witness can make or break a trial, at least that’s what hoss always told me.


I’m already thrown straight to the timberwolves, so right from the get go I’m going to have to make sure everything I say counts.


Pop hasn’t killed anypony but he could have had a hoof in it somehow, maybe after this I can…


The defense attorney jerked his head down to a small, purple dragon standing nearly nose to muzzle with him, small wisps of smoke ebbing from his nose. “What’s up with you? You’ve been standing there, shaking like a parasprite on cupcakes.” Spike the dragon tapped his foot, eyeing Truth with a disgruntled look on his face.

“Sorry, Spike, I hardly got any sleep last night.” Between mentally reviewing what little information he had and trying to dig up any information on Fizz Pop, he felt rather drained at the moment. "I’m going to have to pursue every little detail if I want to put up a proper defense."

“Well, this should be easy then, right?” The small drake gave him a toothy smile. “You already got a griffon off, so this should be no sweat,” Spike said as he shifted his small satchel on his back.

What does he think this is? A game? Truth laid a hoof on Spike’s scaly shoulder, “No two cases are the same. Everything and anything can be used against in court. If I’m going to have a chance to win in here, I’m going to have to think crazy.”

“Think crazy?”

“Trying to not look at the situation in a too linear fashion.”

“Uhmm…” Spike tapped a clawed digit on his chin, trying to piece together Truth’s words.

“Look at it from a different point of view.," Truth plainly stated.

“Oh." Spike tilted his head back as comprehension dawned on him. “Why didn’t you say so in the first place?”

Because I can’t even think straight right now, Truth thought as he drew an invisible circle on the floor with his hoof. The deep grunt of from the double doors alerted the duo to the courtroom opening. A dark grey earth pony stood in the open doorway, his hoof holding the door ajar.

“Will defense attorney, Clear Truth, please make his way into the courtroom?” The bailiff pointed a hoof into the awaiting room. As the pair began to walk in, the uniformed guard held up a hoof in front of Spike. “I’m sorry, Mr. Truth, but could you please tell your…servant, that he must sit with the rest of gallery.”

Truth could hear a small whimper from behind him. “Bailiff, Spike Sparkle, is my co-council for this trial, he is not a servant.” Not even past my second day here and already I’m seeing the ugly side of the city.

"Sorry,” he said with a half-hearted tone. “Please continue then, with your co-counsel.”

-Courtroom #2, Canterlot Royal Courts-

-8:25 A.M.-

Running a hoof over the top of his desk, Truth stood silently behind the defense bench. The fin on the top of Spike’s head was the only part of the dragon that could be seen over the top of the table. Truth felt his eyes wandering around the courtroom but always coming back to settle on the prosecutor’s bench. I’m sure Celestia told me that the prosecutor's office already had somepony lined up. Where are they?

As with every courtroom he had ever been in, the layout still remained the same despite being in Equestria’s capital. Two wooden desks were placed parallel of each other, set on an invisible line at the center of the room so they could face each other. The gallery seating was against the walls, allowing everypony spectating to see justice being mete out by the two lawyers. Finally at the far end of the room stood the judge’s bench, raised high above any other structure currently presiding over the courtroom. Two doors flanked the judge’s bench, one for the court bailiff to fetch any witnesses or evidence not yet brought in. For the other door, a holding cell where the accused was surrounded by several royal guards.

Even though the craftsmanship of the room outshone any courtroom he’d been in before, it still held the atmosphere of where justice was held. Truth felt at ease, despite the feeling of sweat dampening his brow. I don't know why I was expecting the door hinges to be made out of solid gold.

A sudden clanging of a door rung out, followed by a set of hoofsteps making their way up a set of stairs behind the judge's bench. Slowly, a wizened old earth pony’s head rose up above the edge of the stand. His mane was only a few stray hairs clinging to the top of his wrinkly head. “Well now,” came a rather achy voice. “I take it we are ready to start this trial?” The judge looked down at Truth, his bushy eyebrows rising as he looked down at the blue pony from his elevated seat. “Mr. Trust, was it?

“Truth, your honor,” corrected the defense attorney.

“Right then, are you ready for the trial today?” Truth felt the judge giving him an odd look, almost like he couldn’t believe he was even standing at the bench.

“Yes your honor,” Truth replied, trying to suppress an involuntary knee jerk.

“Well then, would you care to tell the court what the defendant is being charged with?” Truth could feel the old pony’s eyes looking down at him expectantly.

Is he asking me because he doesn’t know or do I look that lost here? “Yes your honor.” Truth nodded his head towards the judge. “The defendant, Fizz Pop, is accused of the murder of Clear Aspect.”

As soon as those words passed his lips the gallery’s silence shattered as ponies began to whisper. “I see,” the judge said stroking his greying beard. “Now tell me, what was the cause of death of the victom?”

“Yes, the cause of death was-“ his tongue suddenly gluing his tongue to the top of his mouth. Shoot, I still never got the autopsy report. A growing sense of dread began to seep into his chest as the judge’s bland expression turned into a baleful glare.

“Mr. Truth, do you not know what your own client crimes are?” The sudden shift in the volume of the judge’s voice sounded like an old headmaster about to hand down a punishment. “Don’t you have the autopsy report?”

“Well, you see-“

“I got it right here,” interjected Spike. Reaching into his satchel, the purple dragon pulled out a manila envelope with a small metal clasp holding down the flap. “The princess got this this morning, I forgot to tell you.” Spike said with a blush.

I’m only defending a pony’s life here, Spike. Unfolding the metal clasp of the envelope, Truth’s eyes flicked over the documents until coming towards one that read, Victim Analysis as the header.

Autopsy Report
Victim: Clear Aspect
Cause of Death: Severe blood loss, incision made at the center of the throat.
Time of Death: Believed to be around 8:00 A.M. on the 10th of Waxing Moon, +/- 5 minutes.
Submitted by: Nurse Redheart

“The cause of death was severe blood loss,” Truth read aloud for the judge to hear.

“It seems like you’ve gotten everything in order, Mr. Truth.” The judge turned his head to the prosecution’s bench. “Now then, what does the prosecu-“ The judge’s voice cut out as his eyes narrowed down at the empty prosecutor’s desk. “Mr. Truth, where is the prosecutor for this case?”

You’re just noticing this now? Scratching at his chin, Truth looked over at the courtroom doors. “I’m not sure your honor,” he answered, giving the judge a wonky grin.

“Well, I guess we can start the trial for the time being. So then,-“

A rich, soprano voice shot across the room with the force of the Canterlot Royal Orchestra. A unicorn strode through the courtroom doors, walking with a confident swagger in his step. “I believe it’s bad for the conductor to start without giving the orchestra proper time to prepare.” The newcomer’s cultured voice resounded throughout the courtroom.

“Who are you, if I may ask?” demanded the judge. His fuzzy brows arching down like grey thunderbolts on his balding head as he watched the unicorn make his way over to the prosecutor’s bench.

The unicorn gasped with a feigned expression of pain on his face. “I am surprised that somepony in Canterlot doesn’t know who I am.” A prosecutor’s badge was pinned to the lapel of his black suit with a white cravat around his neck. He looks more like the conductor of a choir than a lawyer. Truth mused dryly as he watched as the unicorn as he made his way into the courtroom.

Taking his place at the prosecutor’s bench, the bright grey unicorn straightened the cuffs of his suit before clearing his throat. “I, Just Waltz, as of now, will be the acting prosecutor of this case,” Waltz announced. A few voices in the gallery started to rise above the rest the of the masses, a few squees could even be heard.

“Truth, do you know that guy?” whispered Spike to the defense attorney. His tone was barely audible over the drastic change in the atmosphere as everypony present seemed to look at Waltz with astonishment.

“No idea who this pony is,” Truth said utterly bewildered, as he scratched the back of head. Waltz was a bit taller than the average pony with a slightly elongated horn spouting form the center of his forehead. The tails of his coat obscured what his cutie mark was when he had tried to catch a glimpse of it. A sudden gasp from the judge caught his attention.

“Waltz? Waltz, Waltz, Waltz..." repeated the judge. "As in the connoisseur of the opera and the courts?” the judge’s muzzle passed over the edge of his seat. “The Whimsical Minstrel?”

“Yes, it is I.” Straightening out his curly, navy blue mane in an dramatic fashion. "And to you.” Waltz said, jabbing a well-manicured hoof at Truth. “This shall be one of my crowning achievements in court, aside from all of my theatrical success of course,” Waltz said brazingly, as he raised a hoof to the ceiling.

Achievement Unlocked: Most Narcissistic Prosecutor I've Ever Meet, Truth swore inwardly as he grinded his teeth together. “May I ask you a question, Waltz?”

“I’m afraid the secret as to how I can keep my mane so straight but curly shall remain solely mine, Mr. Truth,” the boisterous unicorn interjected. “Though with a little work, we could salvage yours, somehow.” A few snorts of laughter from the gallery stung his ears; a small purple blush began to creep on his cheeks.

Truth banged his hoof against his desk“I want to know why you arrived so late.” Spike reeled back, as well as the judge in his seat from the sudden outburst.

Waltz’s eyes flashed wide open but kept his cool composure. “Ah, yes, my deepest apologies to his honor.” Waltz took a step back to bow to the judge. “You see, just this morning, the chief prosecutor had asked me to handle the case. How could I turn down him down, Mr. Truth?”

You just got told to handle a case the morning of the trial? Truth’s bewilderment at the casualness of the unicorn’s statement left his mind in a stupor.

“Well then, since everypony is now present,” said the judge. Regaining his composed demeanor, the judge banged his gavel to silence any lingering chatter in the room. “This court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Fizz Pop. Is the prosecution ready?”

“Before I even set hoof in the room, your honor,” Waltz calmly replied, giving off an air of absolute confidence.

“Very well then, as Mr. Truth stated earlier, the defendant is accused of murdering Clear Aspect. The cause of death was from a single stab wound to the throat.” A proud smile on his face as he perfectly remembered what he had been told. "Mr. Waltz, please call out your first witness."

“How very astute of you, your honor,” Waltz said, making the old earth pony give a bashful grin. “I wish to call to the stand the lead investigator of this case.”

A small silence grew until, “Oh, right, that’s my que.” Heavy hoofsteps came somewhere behind the wall, followed by a large, earth pony walking out of the door by the judge’s desk. Irritation crept over Waltz’s face, as the detective made his way up to the bench in the center of the room. His disheveled brown mane, coupled with a tattered green tie on his tan body gave him a rather, lack of a better term, gruff appearance.

“Who’s Mr. Scruffy?” Spike asked, looking at the detective with wide eyes.

“State your name and occupation, please,” said the judge

The rather gruff pony’s great stature allowed him to look at the judge from the stand with ease. “Gruff Guard, lead detective on this case,” stated the detective with obvious pride in words.

“Detective, give your account on the murder.” Waltz looked like he was in physical pain due to the detective’s less than perfect appearance.

“Sir!” Gruff stamped his large hooves together on the floor at attention. “Clear Aspect, was found dead by his wife, Mrs. Bright Aspect, on the tenth of this month. Cause of death was a deep stab wound to the victim’s throat. At around 8:07, Mrs. Aspect came out of her mansion screaming for the guards, she was admitted later into Canterlot Hospital to be treated for shock.”

“My word, is the poor mare alright?” exclaimed the judge, looking as if he was about to fall out of his seat.

“She’s fine now,” Gruff said, rubbing the black stubble underneath his chin. “But she’s incredibly shaken up over the ordeal. We apprehend Fizz as soon as we saw him. He was still standing at the scene of the crime.”

Everything is lining up exactly as Pop told me yesterday, Truth thought ruefully.

“It looks like a clear cut case, buddy,” Gruff said, casting a cocksure grin at Truth. “The police conducted a full search of the room, we’ve got solid proof that Fizz is the killer.”

“Detective, please, enlighten us with this proof you’ve acquired,” commanded Waltz.

Snapping his hooves together again, the large pony pulled out a rather worn brown notebook from his pocket. Flipping through it, his eyes began to scan over its contents vehemently before he spoke. “Here it is, buddy.”

-Gruff Guard’s Proof-

When the police and I walked into the room, we saw Fizz just standing there. He was standing over the body, blood still fresh on his hooves. The room was locked tight, no pony else could get into that room. Heck he was still holding the murder weapon.

The judge struck his gavel down against his desk with a loud bang. “Mr. Truth. You may now begin your cross-examination.” The judge leaned back in his chair, as Truth readied himself.

-Gruff Guard’s Proof-

-Cross Examination-

When the police and I walked into the room, we saw Fizz just standing there.

“Are you sure that no pony was inside that room at that time?” Truth shakily asked. I gotta pry as much information as I can, no matter how insignificant.

Gruff merely smiled at Truth’s question. “One hundred percent, buddy. The scene of the murder was in Aspect’s study. There’s only one way in and out of that room.” Gruff’s voice carried a tone of absolute certainty. “Aspect wouldn’t let anypony else into that room without his permission, heck he cleaned that room himself.”

“Not even staff were allowed to go in and clean it? How do you know this?” Truth felt the case slowly falling out of his hooves already.

“We questioned the staff, buddy. No one else was allowed inside of Aspect's room unless invited in specifically. We made sure to do a thorough search of the crime scene after we detained Fizz." Glancing down at his worn notebook, the detective flipped over a few pages. "The florensic’s team went over every tile, twice. No other hoofprints besides Aspect and Fizz Pop were found inside.”

“I believe that we can confirm without a doubt, that no pony else were in that room at the time of the murder.” Waltz said casually in a condescending tone.“Detective, please, continue with your testimony.”

He was standing over the body, blood still fresh on his hooves.

“Didn’t you find it odd that Fizz Pop was still there?” Truth asked.

“The only thing odd about the situation, Mr. Truth, is that Fizz Pop didn’t try harder to erase the evidence.” Pulling up a briefcase from behind his desk, Waltz began filing through it. “Now then, where is that...AH-HA!” Waltz pulled out three leaves of paper, each one containing various shapes. "Your honor, I would like to submit these floor plans of the Aspect's manor as evidence."

A unicorn guard grasped each piece of paper in her magic and began to copy the papers until three copies were floating in the air. Truth stared down at his copy as the judge began to look over his own copy of the floor pans. "As you can see, there is only one was in and out of Aspect's study."

"The court accepts these floor plans as evidence," shouted the judge, his voice slightly muffled by how close the papers were to his muzzle.

Truth’s eyes studied the plans, his hoof tracing over the outline of the room. A small smile began to grow on his face as his hoof reached the top. “What do you think, Truth?” Spike asked, hoisting himself up to get a better look at the diagram.

“I think I found a hole in the detective’s testimony, buddy.” Now I finally have something to use, Truth reasoned.

The room was locked tight, no pony else could get into that room.

Truth clasped his hooves together. “Detective, are you sure without a doubt that no pony else could have entered and left the scene of the crime?”

Gruff blinked in response before looking down at his notebook again. “I don’t know how many I’ve got to say it, buddy. No pony else could’ve gotten into that room.”

“Well then, detective, may I ask what is this on the floor plans?” Truth asked, pointing towards a shape on the outside of the crime scene.

Gruff looked down at his copy of the crime scene, his large hoof coming up to the point in question. “Oh, well I guess that’s the balcony.” The detective did a double take as the word, ‘balcony’ came out.”

“Balcony, huh? Sounds like an easy way for somepony else to get inside of that room,” Truth said. The gallery started to murmur at the new information as Gruff seemed to sag down into the witness stand.

“Well done, Mr. Truth, in finding such a significant hole in the testimony” complimented Waltz. To Truth's growing displeasure, the dark grey unicorn didn’t even look fazed at the turn of events. “However, no pony can enter through that balcony. Not even me, a unicorn.”

Truth felt his throat clench as Waltz’s words sucked the hope right out of him. “Why is that, Waltz?”

“The forensics team made a full sweep of the room, one that our dear detective, here, was in charge.” The prosecutor pointed a offending hoof at the scruffy earth pony, whose chin was now nearly resting on top of the stand. “We've deduced that no pony was out on the balcony on the night of the murder. There were no hoofprints to be seen."

Truth banged a hoof against the desk. “That still doesn’t answer my question. A pegasus could have flown in without touching the ground or a unicorn could have used magic to enter that room,” snapped Truth.

Waltz looked abashed at the less than pleasant response but kept his ever present smile on his face. “The locks and even the hinges on the windows and doors of the room were made out of dimodium,” Waltz stated matter-of-factually.

Truth’s face shifted from serious to concern and then confusion. “I’m sorry but I don’t understand, what does that have to do with anything?”

A small laugh escaped from Waltz, along with a few others behind him in the gallery. “Mr. Truth, allow me to explain why a unicorn or pegasus couldn’t have opened it.” Drawing himself up like a teacher, Waltz pulled out a small object from a bag by his side. “You see this, Mr. Truth? This is a dagger with dimodium inside of it.” Flicking open the dagger, the edge of the small tool dyed a deep red color. “Now, watch as I try to use magic on it.”

Waltz’s horn shone with a creamy white aura as his magic began to take form. A small nimbus encased the knife as it began to rise up. All of a sudden, the magic began to waiver and stretch until finally the cloud popped and fizzled away. Dabbing at the sweat forming on his head with a hoofkerchief, Waltz returned his attention to Truth. “Dimodium is one of few metals that can’t be affected by any kind of magic, it eats away at it until it breaks or destroys the source of the magic. If a pegasus were to touch it, it would suck the magic that keeps them aloft, no matter how strong they were."

Something that drain the magic out of somepony? Wish I had known about that earlier. Truth felt a small heat in his cheeks, feeling rather foolish about how evident his lack of knowledge was put on display in the courtroom.

“I believe that clears any suspicion of anypony trying to get through by the balcony. Objection overruled!” stated the judge with an ear splitting bang of his gavel.

“Looks like we didn’t get anywhere with that,” Spike said with a defeated look in his eye.

“Don’t be so sure about that Spike,” Truth voice held a underlying trace of self-assurance. “We just need to keep moving ahead with Gruff’s testimony.”

Heck he was still holding the murder weapon.

I better be press him here or it’s all downhill from here. "Was there anything else in the room, something that could have been used at hoof?" Truth felt the back of his neck began to prickle. This is my last line of questioning and I'm still grasping at straws here.

Gruff pondered for a moment before shaking his large head from side to side, "No way, buddy. When we entered the crime scene, Fizz was holding the murder weapon in his hoof. My guess is as soon as stepped into the room, he killed Clear Aspect in cold blood."

“Detective, why are you so sure that’s how it happened? That sounds far too simple to have played out like that,” Truth weakly stated.

“I’m afraid that you can't deny the detective’s rather simplistic explanation without any evidence, Mr. Truth,” injected Waltz.

“Hey, Truth?” Looking over, Truth looked down at his co-council, one of his digits tapping against his cheek. “Didn’t it seem a little odd how fast Waltz jumped on that last statement? Do you think he’s hiding something?”

Probably is, but I lack the evidence to point out any contradiction. I can still do one thing here. Pushing the thought to the side, Truth felt a sudden thought pop into his head. “Detective, what was the murder weapon?”

Gruff faced Waltz with a confused look until the unicorn gave him a knowing look. “Well, that knife that Waltz was using magic on earlier is the murder weapon buddy.”

“What?!” exclaimed both Truth and Spike in unison.

“Yes.” Waltz produced the knife from behind his desk, holding it in his right hoof. “This was the weapon that Fizz Pop used to take Clear Aspect’s life.” The gallery once again erupted but this time, into a maelstrom of fear and cacophony.


“Order, there will be order in my courtroom this instant,” proclaimed the judge, banging his gavel against the hard wood of the stand. Slowly, the commotion died down to a dull roar but still the odd accusation could be heard. “The court accepts this as evidence.” A bailiff placed the small knife in a clear evidence bag and gently placed it on the defense’s desk.

Found at the scene of the crime.
Made out of dimodium.
Blood only on one side of the blade.


A sharp, hair raising hiss struck Truth’s ear as he turned to Spike. The young dragon’s eyes violently twitched, veins growing red and surging along the rim. “Spike? Are you okay?”

Shaking his head, the purple dragon blinked a few times. “Yeah. I guess I zoned out of there for a minute,” Spike said with a worried grin on his face.

Then why is my mane standing on end more than usual? Truth thought, taking a cautious step back from his co-council.

“Mr. Truth,” called out the judge, pulling his attention away from Spike. “Please keep your discussions with your assistant brief, will you? We are still in the midst of a trial.”

“Sorry, your honor.” Truth inspected the murder weapon, realizing at how small the knife was in his hoof. “Detective, I want to ask you something.”

“Sure buddy, what is it?”

“Are you sure that this knife was used to kill Aspect?” Truth asked, holding up the item in question.

“Sure as can be, guy.” Gruff stood tall as his usual smug grin took its place on his face. “Fizz was still holding it when we barged into the room.”

Truth shot a blue hoof right at the detective. “Detective, I believe you’ve made another grave error.” Think I finally caught my lucky break. Truth smiled as the detective drew back. “If this was the murder weapon, detective, this knife should be coated in blood correct?” Truth explained, flipping it over in his hoof.

Raising an eyebrow, the detective nodded his head with a confused expression. "Well, yeah, it is a murder weapon. It'd be weirder if there wasn't any blood on it."

"This is true, detective." Truth said, earning a wide grin from the rather frazzled looking earth pony. "So then, why is there only blood on one side of the weapon?" Turning it in his hooves to one side covered in dried, flaking blood while the other remained untarnished and pristine.

“Ughh!” Gruff Guard clutched his chest as the ends of his motley tie began to fray and split apart.

The judge beamed down at Gruff Guard with the very look of judgement. “Detective, what Mr. Truth has pointed out is very true. Did you honestly verify is this was the murder weapon?”

“Well, we didn’t find anything else at the scene of the crime so…” Sweat began to pour down in sheets from Gruff’s mane as he wilted under the judge’s powerful gaze.


"Detective, this is a huge oversight by the police!” Truth watched as the detective began to sink further down into the floor “How could you not verify the murder weapon?"

Waltz sat at his desk, a nail file in hoof. “Do you honestly hold the Canterlot police force in such low regards, Mr. Truth?” the prosecutor questioned as he began to file away at his hooves. “Detective, I believe you found a certain piece of evidence at the crime scene, correct? One that clear up this entire inconsistency?”

“Hmm?” The detective stood dumfounded in the middle of the courtroom, as the gallery began to focus at the stunned detective. “Something else?” he muttered to himself.

Waltz clasped his free hoof to his forehead. “It was something else you picked up, while you were investigating.” Gruff eyes flicked open his notebook again, scanning through the pages. Waltz let out an exasperated sigh as he held up a hoofkerchief.

After staring at the cloth, the earth pony’s eyes lit up. “Oh yeah!”

Oh-no, Truth inwardly screamed.

“We found this at the crime scene.” Gruff said, pulling out a plastic bag with a red cloth from his pocket.

“A red napkin?” Spike blurted out.

“Heh, sorry colt but this ain’t a napkin,” Gruff somberly replied. “We took it back to the station with us. The victim’s blood practically soaked into this thing,” Gruff explained. “There were no prints on the knife but we did find out it belongs to Fizz.” Pulling down on his raggedy tie again, the detective’s face scrunched in concentration. “My guess is that he tried to wipe away the blood and traces he left behind on the knife before he made his escape.”

“Detective, how can you be certain that Pop was trying to erase evidence?”

“Mr. Truth, are you truly this dense?” Waltz rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. “Tell me, why would our defendant have a bloody hoofkerchief at all if he wasn’t trying to erase evidence of his crime?”

"Maybe he had a bloody nose?” A sudden shudder from the desk as Spike slammed his head against the desk's edge.

“The prosecution does bring up a solid point. The circumstances would lead even a blind pony to suspect Fizz Pop’s actions. Objection overruled!” The judge finished his statement with a silencing bang of the gavel.

“Now what do we do?” Spike slumped down to the floor, pulling his knees up to his chest. "That the second objection we've been over ruled on."

Good question, we're running out of options here. “I’m not sure myself, Spike. But we can’t give up on our client.”

Bloody Hoofkerchief
Fizz Pop's personal hoofkerchief.
Covered in Aspect's blood.
Has Fizz Pop’s hoofprints on it.

“If the defense has nothing else to say, I believe I can hoof down my verdict,” announced the judge. The wooden gavel began to rise, ready to mete out his decision.

“Your honor, I don’t believe we can commit Fizz Pop just yet.” Truth paused to make sure a second to reassure himself. “There is one thing we haven't discussed."

"And that would be?" Waltz's eyes seemed to wince, as his sudden victory was momentarily put on hold.

"What was the motive for Fizz to kill Clear Aspect?” Truth could feel the proverbial dagger over his head, inching closer as the judge contemplated his words. I have to draw out this trial a bit longer.

“Hmph,” Waltz grunted . “Still determined even after everything Gruff Guard has told us?”

“I won’t stop until we've looked at every part of this crime,” snapped Truth, with an edge in his voice. “Your honor, I wish to know why Fizz Pop would murder Aspect.”

“This is all unnecessary, your Honor. We’ve already have all the evidence, why go any further?” Waltz shrugged his shoulders, trying to cast the thought aside. "It would be a waste of not only my time, but yours as well your honor to continue this facade of a trail."

The judge to stroke his beard with a hoof. “We have already established a plausible theory of the events we’ve seen so far and with the evidence so far, I believe I could announce a verdict.” Truth felt his body slightly shudder from those words. “However, I agree that without explaining a proper motive that I can fully close this case with a sound mind.”

“Very well then,” muttered Waltz, clapping his hooves together with restrained ferocity. “Detective, please, enlighten us as to how without a doubt, that Fizz is our murder.”

Waltz is pretty sure of himself, now I’m hoping that Gruff Guard made a slip-up. Truth leaned against his desk as the detective began scanning over his notebook entries.