• Published 29th Mar 2014
  • 1,385 Views, 20 Comments

Clear Truth: Ace Attorney - The Timed Turnabout - Dapper Guy

No matter how deep a lie runs, Truth will always set the innocent free.

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Second Chance

-Motive for Murder-

After we apprehended Pop, we immediately searched the crime scene. On the desk were some papers for ownership of the Jeweled Juice Bar. Bright Aspect was going to make Fizz to sell his bar.Pop was going to lose everything. Seems to me like a good motive to me, pal.

The clatter from the gallery started to rise up again, threatening to turn into another uproar.


“Detective! Where are these documents as of right now?” asked the judge, clenching the gavel tightly in his hoof.

“Right here.” Gruff flipped to the end of his notebook, pulling out a sheets of papers . “We found them on the victim’s desk.”

Aspect’s Papers
Found on Clear Aspect’s desk.
Details dealings of the Jeweled Juice Bar.

Truth skimmed over Aspect’s papers, his eyes searching for anything relevant to the case. The first page illustrated certain responsibilities that held Fizz Pop accountable of the Jeweled Juice Bar, and several other legal matters of ownership. As he flipped to the third and final page, there were two lines on the very bottom with one signature on the first line. Seems Aspect already went ahead and signed this without even waiting for Pop, Truth deduced.

“Truth.” Waltz’s musical voice shattered his thoughts after he finished reading. “There is no shame in backing down now.” Waltz’s waved his right hoof in the air as if he was conducting a symphony. “Try as you may, this case is well beyond your, modest, abilities.”

Shaking his head, “No, I will get a full acquittal on this case.” Waltz’s radiant smile waivered, his mane even seemed to straighten. “Very well, I gave you a chance to walk away.”

“Mr. Truth,” started the Judge. “You many now begin your cross-examination.”

“Think we still got a chance here, Truth?” asked Spike, his claws gripping the side of the desk.

Nodding his head with a fake smile, Truth straightened out his slightly sweat stained tie. “Only way we’ll know is to continue going forward.”

-Motive for Murder-

-Cross Examination-

After we apprehended Pop, we immediately searched the crime scene.

“Detective, was there anything else at the scene of the crime?” Truth held up the documents in hoof.

Gruff flipped through his notebook and then shook his head. “We searched the area, nothing was out of place. None of the books were disturbed, none of the drawers were open, not a thing looked out of place.” Gruff shot Truth a cold smile, “The place was practically flawless, except of course for the dead body.”

“Doesn’t look like he missed anything this time, Truth.” Spike shifted the satchel on his shoulder a little. “We’re probably not going to find anything there.”

On the desk were some papers for ownership of the Jeweled Juice Bar.

“Why would Aspect even want the Jeweled Juice Bar in the first place?” A weak question but maybe if a dig a little I could find something here.

Gruff rubbed the side of his head. “The J.J.B. is one of Canterlot’s hot spots, buddy. It brings in more bits than some of the ponies around here make.” The last comment earned the detective a few glares from the gallery with a few harrumphs.

So that’s the reason why Aspect wanted to buy it? To just go out his way to buy out a small shop seemed a little too far-fetched of a reason to murder. Still though, there were always cases where petty reasons were why ponies had actually committed crimes.

“Hey, Truth,” spoke up Spike. “Do you think that’s really the reason this happened?”

Truth tapped his hoof to the side of his chin thoughtfully. Spike could practically hear the gears in his head turning like the wheels of a locomotive as his brain began to formulate a plan. “Until we can prove otherwise Spike, we can’t say he didn’t kill because of that reason. Waltz has lined up the evidence perfectly.” A small chortle came from the opposite desk, Waltz holding up his newly filed hoof as his eyes flitted between Truth and his hoof.

Bright Aspect was going to make Fizz to sell his bar.

Truth pressed himself up against the edge of the desk. “Detective Gruff, earlier you said that the bar was incredibly successful, correct?”

“Yeah, I did didn’t I?” Gruff said, giving Truth a goofy grin.

“If that’s true then what would drive Aspect to coerce Fizz sell his bar to him?” If I press him a bit, maybe I can find something to use, Truth thought inwardly. What I’m lacking here is actual solid facts. I just hope that Gruff will remember something I can use.

The detective stood speechless at his question, a growing look of unease starting to crawl over his face. “Well…” Gruff squeaked weakly out.

“If I may interrupt,” shouted out Waltz, his voice returning to its usual vigor. “The Jeweled Juice Bar was run by Fizz Pop, this much is true.” Pausing a moment to straighten the curls in his mane, “However, the building itself was owned by Aspect.”

“What?” retorted Truth as Waltz’s eyes drank in his stunned expression.

“Yes, Truth, Aspect was one of two private investors in his bar.” Nudging a stray hair from his mane out of his face, he continued on with his explanation. “Fizz Pop still owed these two individuals money. However, in those documents that were submitted earlier, we can see that Pop was close to buying the entire establishment.”

Truth flipped the papers he was given, his eyes devouring the words on each page until he finally reached the second to the last one. A chart of gains and losses was drawn out, a small figure on the bottom of the page. A red circle, with the words, ‘Final Payment’ was written next to it.

“So as you can plainly see, Mr. Truth, Aspect was about to lose one of his largest investments.” Waltz smiled at Truth, like a cat before it sprang on a mouse. “The business world is a terrifying place, Mr. Truth, and Aspect didn’t want to lose his cash cow.”

So Pop never owned the bar? Aspect leased the building out to him until he could afford it? The ticking of the clock in the courtroom seemed to boom in Truth’s ear as he became painfully aware of how short this trial had ran.

“Waltz,” started Truth, a small feeling of uncertainty scrapping at the back of his mind. “You said Aspect was one of two investors, correct?”

“I see what you’re heading with this.” The theatrical unicorn’s condescending tone dripped with joy. “You want to ask about this other investor, yes?” His unwavering smile struck like a knife deep into Truth’s chest. “Well, I can say with full confidence that the other investor, whose name I won’t release, has an airtight alibi.”

Damn it! Every time I dig for information, he brushes it off like it doesn’t even matter. Truth swore to himself, slamming down his hoof onto the table.

“Detective, please proceed with your testimony,” Waltz commanded. “I have a hooficure scheduled later for today and I prefer to keep my perfect record unblemished.”

Pop was going to lose everything. Seems to me like a good motive to me, pal.

“Detective Gruff, are you beyond a doubt sure that Fizz Pop’s motive to kill Aspect was over ownership of his bar? Was there any other possibility that could have led to a disagreement between the two?” This was the last line of questioning and Truth could feel the judge staring down at him with a pained look in his eyes.

“Truth, please, enough of this.” Waltz waved his hooves in the air in as if he was conducting a hidden ensemble of musicians. “Let me summarize everything we’ve learned so far so that we may dispense justice.”

“Fizz Pop was at the scene of the crime.” Levitating a photograph of Fizz Pop to Truth, it shone with a creamy white cloud encasing it. “Next, we have the murder weapon with Aspect’s blood on it, which was in Fizz Pop’s hoof.” Pulling up the dagger for everypony to see, he flipped it over in his hoof, staring down at it with a seemingly possessed intensity. “Finally, we have an established motive. Pop was going to have everything he had worked for his entire life taken away from him by the very same pony who was supposed to be his biggest investor. In all honesty, Mr. Truth, he was about to lose everything.”

Truth stood, dazed with a bleak expression with Spike standing by his side. It was all phrased perfectly, with no room for error. Everything Waltz said falls into place perfectly, Truth reconciled, burying his head between his hooves. A scaly claw gripped his shoulder. Spike looked up at Truth with a yearning look, “Truth…” he said with a look of pure defeat.

“It would seem that what Prosecutor Waltz has said makes it absolutely certain that Fizz Pop is the murderer,” proclaimed the judge. “If there are no further inquiries, I believe I may now make a verdict.”

Running his hoof through his mane, Waltz bowed deeply to the judge. “Your honor, I must say that even though that this trial ended so shortly, Mr. Truth is quite the lawyer to last this long.” Turning his hoof to Truth, “Your bravado to fight to the very end is commendable, but the verdict was obvious.”

“Yeah buddy, you tried your best but them the breaks, you know?” Gruff said, giving a hoarse laugh. “Seeing as how Pop shoved that knife into the colt’s throat, you should be glad that we’re puttin’ dis guy in the slammer.”

“Mr. Truth, despite your earnest efforts, I’m afraid that this case has come to a close.” The judge held up a hoof as Truth’s mouth began to open. “That was your final chance, now I believe it’s time to put an end to this case. With the overwhelming amount of evidence from the prosecution, I now firmly believe that I can now pass a verdict.”

“Truth, do something, please!” Spike was gripping the edge so hard his nails punctured into the wood.

“I-I-I…” His body felt heavy, his tongue swelling up in his mouth as he desperately tried to concoct a plan. It’s over, it’s really over. It feels like somepony just stabbed me.

A delicate but loud voice broke the tension of the room, everypony’s head snapping to the courtroom doors. In the midst of the door frame was a slim, peach pink mare with golden honey colored eyes. She half trotted, half stumbled into the courtroom, racing towards the center.

“Please, you can’t declare Fizz Pop guilty. He’s innocent and I know it!” half-yelled the mystery mare.

The sudden statement caused the biggest outcry of the gallery since the beginning of the case. Ponies were starting to shout and scramble over each other to brace themselves against the railing. While the crowd’s cries surged to greater heights, the judge tried in vain to silence the court. “There will be order in my courtroom, this instant!” shouted the elderly with gusto as his gavel struck the desk.

Truth stood by silently, eyeing the mare as she sat on her haunches, clutching her chest with a hoof. Who is she? As he continued to observe, out of the corner of his eyes, Truth saw that Waltz had grown deathly quiet, his coat blanching into a near whitish-grey.

“Bailiff, remove anypony from my courtroom immediately if they fail to continue to conduct themselves inappropriately,” roared the judge over the voices of the gallery. Little by little, several ponies were removed either peacefully or dragged out of the room in a few minutes. The few stragglers who had calmed down moved into the vacant seats closer to the center.

Clearing his throat, the judge peered down at the mystery mare with his usual passive composure. “Madam, may I ask who you are and why you’ve interrupted my court?”

"My name is Bright Aspect.” A few gasps from the gallery but Truth felt his jaw scrap against the floor. “And I know that Fizz could never hurt my husband.”

The victim’s wife? I thought she-

A sudden bang like a cannon being shot came from Waltz. The unicorn’s outward confidence was gone, replaced with a near reproachful expression painted on to his muzzle. His hoof seemed to be drilling into his table. “Mrs. Aspect, what an unexpected surprise to see you here,” Waltz said as he tried in vain to fix his drooping mane. “I was informed that you had been relocated to Canterlot Hospital? Was I misinformed?” he said, casting a chastising look at Gruff. The pathetic detective withdrew under the witness stand, with only the tips of mane showing.

“No, I ran right out of the hospital,” she said in a small voice. “When I heard that Fizz Pop was accused of the crime, I immediately ran over here.” Rubbing a hoof against her sides, she looked up at the judge with a pleading face. “Your honor, I know in my heart that Fizz Pop doesn’t have it in him to kill, please may I speak?”

“Mrs. Aspect, you shouldn’t be here. You should be recuperating at the hospital. You’ve experienced a rather traumatic event.” Waltz ushered over the court bailiff to him. Pulling a few bits out of his coat pocket, he thrusted the bits into the baliff’s hoof and whispered something into his ear. “I’m calling for a carriage, please, remain calm as I have the bailiff escort you back-“

Truth’s voice exploded with the force of an erupting volcano. “I believe that Mrs. Aspect came here with intent to testify, Waltz.”

“You should be ashamed, Mr. Truth!” The prosecuter pointed an accusing hoof at him like a sword. “This poor mare’s husband was murdered in cold blood by your client and you’re going to force her to testify?”

“I wouldn’t force a testimony, Waltz.” Truth said, with venom in his voice. “She came here of her own free will and I believe we should hear her out.” The glowing smile on Bright’s face eased Truth’s spirit. Looks like the tables have turned. “And so far, we’ve failed to truly establish Fizz Pop as the murderer if we still have one pony to testify.”

“This is all very unusual, and I do believe that somepony that should still be resting does make me question if they can make an official statement.” The judge tapped his gavel lightly, as he faced Bright who stood in the middle of the room. “However, I will now call for a fifteen minute recess, Mr. Waltz?”

“Yes, your honor?” Waltz seemed to hop in place as the judge called out his name.

“I wish for you to prepare our newest witness, can you do this within the allotted time?”

A small grunt, followed by a sinister chuckle hissed out from the prosecutor. Waltz smoothed back his luxurious mane. “Like you even need to ask, your honor,” he said with charisma in his voice. “Mrs. Aspect, please follow me. We must make sure your testimony will be accurate.”

“Well then, court will now take a fifteen minute recess.”
