• Published 29th Mar 2014
  • 1,385 Views, 20 Comments

Clear Truth: Ace Attorney - The Timed Turnabout - Dapper Guy

No matter how deep a lie runs, Truth will always set the innocent free.

  • ...

Cost of Freedom

-Lobby, Canterlot Royal Courts-
-9:55 A.M.-

As soon as he had stepped through the doors, Truth nearly sank to the floor. That was too close for comfort. Dragging himself over to a couch, he flopped down on it unceremoniously. “I don’t even know how we got this far,” he whined as he laid on his back.

“Well, Aspect’s wife says he didn’t do it, so doesn’t that help our side of the case? Spike asked, leaning against the side of the couch.

I honestly don’t know. Truth reached into his pockets and began writing down the new details in his notepad. Waltz had everything going for him. Then Bright came in like a wrecking ball, and wrecked his perfect trial. “What do you think, Spike?”

“Well, I thought we were up the chocolate river half-way through the trial,” he stated bluntly on the bleak outlook. “Truth, can one witness really change a case?" The small dragon scratched at the scales on his cheek as Truth

“I honestly doubt it Spike,” Truth deadpanned, pawing at the air aimlessly. "Nothing looked like it was going right for us until Bright showed up. We're only continuing this trial because of a miracle right now. Waltz pretty much already has his guilty verdict already."

“Yeah, that's been bothering me for a while. Remember what Waltz said earlier? He only got the case this morning but he’s got everything in order like Twilight does, but she couldn’t even do all of this in one day.” Since he had known the unicorn that had hatched him, she would take days to prepare for even the smallest occasions. From babysitting to how to properly re-shelving the library using the Library of Canterlot shelving system, Twilight mapped out every little, niggling detail.

That’s true, even if he is a veteran lawyer I doubt he could put together all of the facts together so effectively the way he has. Pushing himself up, he flipped through his notebook once again to double check every detail he had written down. I was thrown straight into the fire but I at least got an interview with the accused. Waltz hasn’t even been trying this entire time.

“Everything changes as soon as we step into the courtroom, Spike. We better make sure this time around it counts.” Flattening out his tie, the defense attorney stood up, shaking off the growing numbness in his legs. “Still, even with Waltz prepping Bright, I have no clue to what she’s going to say or if it’s going to be even remotely beneficial to our side of the case.”

“Yeah, but heard what she said,” Spike said. “Fizz Pop couldn’t have done it, so she’s gotta know something that we don’t.”

“Not necessarily, but yes, a new witness means a new testimony.” Tapping a hoof against the floor, Truth nodded his head “The game has changed.”

The courtroom doors opened once again, the bailiff from before holding them open. “Mr. Truth, please make your way back into the court, we’re ready to resume the trial.”

-Courtroom #2, Canterlot Royal Courts-
-10:10 A.M.-

Here we go again, Truth stood idly by as Bright Aspect made her way to the witness stand. Waltz on the other hoof seemed perturbed as the pink unicorn stood at the stand. Whatever she had to say could be my ticket to victory.

“Now then, Mrs. Bright Aspect, do you feel well enough to give us your testimony?” asked the judge.

“Yes, your honor.” Her gentle voice was barely heard despite the entire courtroom remaining silent.

“Well then, I believe-“ started the judge.

“Your honor, if I may add something?” The judge nodded as Waltz straightened his collar, “Mr. Truth, despite obvious reasons that the witness should be in a hospital right now, she has still intended to testify. However, please do keep in mind that this innocent mare is incredibly fragile, I won’t stand by and let you coerce her into giving a testimony you want.”

“Agreed,” said the judge proudly, as if he was the one to have said it. “Mr. Truth, you will not put any unnecessary strain on this mare’s withers. I will hold you accountable, is this understood?”

“Yes, your honor.” Like this wasn’t already hard enough, Truth thought, feeling the sweat already beginning to trickle down his mane.

“Now, please Mrs. Aspect, recount tell the court what you saw on the day of the murder,” Waltz said.

-Day of the Murder-

I had just woken up a bit earlier than usual. Fizz Pop was at the door when I finished having breakfast upstairs in my room. He said that my husband wanted to discuss something with him. I led him upstairs to my husband’s study. I went to get some drinks but when I opened the door, that’s when I saw it.

“Hmm, a very solid testimony if I do say so,” commented the judge. “Mr. Truth, I believe you know what to do.

“Yes, your honor.” Well, here goes nothing.

-Day of the Murder-
-Cross Examination-

I had just woken up a bit earlier than usual.

“Mrs. Aspect, how much earlier did you wake up than usual?”

“Well, I believe it was around 7:15 in the morning when I woke up,” Bright guessed, her voice sounding downtrodden. “I didn’t get much sleep that night.”

“Was Mr. Aspect still fine when you woke up?” asked Truth.

“Yes, there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary when I got up.” Bright shifted behind the witness stand, tapping a hoof to her nose. “Clear was still asleep in his study, he’d been doing that for a while now.”

“How long had he been sleeping in his study?” The defense attorney could practically feel a new source of information behind Bright’s words.

“Mr. Truth, I doubt that Aspect sleeping in his study has any relation to this case,” interrupted Waltz.

Truth threw his hoof at Waltz like a spear. “The study was the scene of the murder, if he was alone then there was time for somepony else to get inside.”

“Hmph, it seems you’ve already forgotten something.” Waltz levitated the autopsy report into the air. “The time of death was around eight o’ clock give or take five minutes. If somepony had gotten into the study earlier, why would they wait around to murder Aspect?” Waltz asked.

“Waltz does bring up a valid point, Mr. Truth.” The judge’s voice snapped Truth’s attention away from Waltz. “Do you have any evidence that could prove otherwise?”

Truth opened his mouth but no words came out. “Unfortunately, I do not, your honor,” he said in defeat.

The judge shook his head. “Well then I see no point in continuing this particular line of question, Mr. Truth. Objection overruled!” he said, the noise of the gavel like thunder in Truth’s ears.

“A waste of time, let’s continue with the testimony,” barkd Waltz.

Fizz Pop was at the door when I finished having breakfast upstairs in my room.

“You ate upstairs?” I expect somepony like you to eat at a mile long table rather than in your own room.

“Yes, I brought up an orange and three glasses of tomato juice. I wanted to eat with my husband.” The crestfallen mare slumped over the edge of the stand. “It had been such a long time since we were able to sit and have a meal together.”

“Mr. Truth, I believe you were warned to not upset the witness.” Waltz small comment elicited a deep scowl from the judge. “Please refrain from your usual brutish ethics and try to be more courteous.”

Oh, Celestia give me strength. Throwing his head between his hooves, Truth bit down on his tongue before he told Waltz what was on his mind. Relinquishing the hold on his head, the defense attorney kept his professional composure. “Please continue Mrs. Aspect.”

“He said that my husband wanted to discuss something with him.”

“Did you already know that Fizz Pop was going to be over your home on that day?” Truth asked, hoping for a straight answer.

“Yes, my husband had scheduled a meeting with to meet us at our manor.” Bright began to rub her hooves together again as she continued on with her testimony. “He told me that Fizz was supposed to arrive around 7:45 and they were going to discuss something important.”

Seeing an opportunity, Truth pressed forward with his question. “And did you know what they wanted to talk about?”

“Mr. Truth, I believe we already fully aware of what they were going to talk about.” Pulling out his copy of the papers that Gruff had shown earlier. “It’s obvious enough that Aspect was going to discuss their future business plans together.”

“Mr. Truth,” interrupted Bright. “As far as I know, what Waltz is saying is correct. My husband didn’t want to talk to me about this situation. I usually help keep everything organized in our business, but we used to keep certain matters, private.”

Truth opened his mouth to speak but felt Waltz’s eyes honing in on him like a griffon. I doubt I’d actually get anywhere if I continue this line of questioning. Waltz will just raise another objection.

“I think Waltz knows something Truth,” whispered Spike. The little dragon was watching the unicorn with a searing intensity since he had re-entered the courtroom. “He jumped on Bright’s statement pretty fast.”

Truth nodded in agreement with his co-counsel. “I think so too, maybe if we hear the whole story, Bright can actually turn this trial around.”

I led him upstairs to my husband’s study.

“You led Fizz Pop upstairs by yourself?” She sounds less like the usual Canterlot type and more like normal mare to me, he thought. “Why didn’t you just let the servants do it?"

“It has been such a long time since I’ve seen Fizz Pop,” Bright replied. “I just wanted to have a small chat with him before he meet with my husband.” A small tear dripped from her eye. “Now, it seems I’ll never be able to see him again.”

Waltz looked like he was about to raise another objection but Truth cut him off fast enough. “And did you notice anything different about Fizz Pop when you answered the door?”

Twirling her mane with her hoof, the peach pink unicorn scrunched her face in deep concentration. “I’m not quite sure, he did seem rather tired but it was still very early in the morning.”

“How early was it?” His question slipping past his lips without any thought behind it.

“Well, I knew because…” A small silence grew as her words trailed off. Bright looked up towards Truth but no sound came out.

“Mrs. Aspect, did you remember something?” Truth asked, seeing if he could pry out a hidden detail. Waltz seemed to hold back an objection as Spike pulled himself up to see Bright’s face. Rubbing her hooves against her muzzle, the mare looked at Truth with an apologetic expression.

“Something happened when I was downstairs, something I can’t seem to put my hoof on right now.” Clasping the side of her head, Bright’s eyes began to grow shiny with held in tears. “Sorry, Mr. Truth.”

Trust me, you’re helping me out more than you know. She knew that Fizz was going to be there but she didn’t know the reason he was there. “Mrs. Aspect what happened after Fizz Pop went upstairs?” he inquired.

“I went to get some drinks but when I opened the door, that’s when I saw it.”

“What exactly was it?” asked Truth.

Bright held back a sob, as fresh tears began to roll down her cheek. “Clear, my Clear, lying dead on the floor with Fizz Pop standing over him. It was like something from a Hermane Melville novel. Fizz Pop was standing over my husband.”

Waltz pounded down on his desk, catching Truth off guard. “Once again, Mr. Truth, you’ve wasted everypony’s time again. I think a penalty is in order for you garish actions towards our witness.”

A small scaly claw slapped hard against the edge of the defense’s desk. “You’re just trying to stop Truth from figuring out what happened!” Spike growled, pointing an extended digit at Waltz.

“How dare you accuse me of such underfhoofed tactics!” The officious unicorn yelled back, recoiling in faux agony. The sudden dispute caused a stir in the gallery as they watched prosecutor and co-counsel of the defense began argue amongst themselves. An inevitable second clearing of the courtroom looked like it was going to once again occur until the judge slammed his gavel.

“That is more than enough. This is a court of law, not a playground. Mr. Truth, you’re treading on thin ice already, keep your assistant under control immediately or you will be held in contempt of court.”

“What’s com-tent of court, Truth?” squeaked Spike, lowering himself behind the desk and out of view of Waltz’s scrutinizing gaze. Obvious shame on his face as Truth gave him a placid look.

“It means they’ll throw you head over flank out the front doors,” he explained, looking over at Waltz with great disdain. He’s starting to feel the pressure now. He’s kept me from digging any further into her testimony. He knows there’s something there that could flip this case around.


A sudden ringing from the clock indicated it was fiften minutes till eleven. A surprised gasp came from the stand as Bright’s eyes widened in realization. “I just remembered!” For the first time since she had been inside of the room, she finally has a smile on her face.

The judge nearly toppled out of his seat at the sudden display of Bright’s exuberance. “Mrs. Aspect, what is it you remember?”

“The clock,” she said simply.

“The clock?” Truth questioned, staring over at the wall where a small, white oval clock hung. Wasn’t expecting that for an answer.

“I remember it was still early when Fizz Pop arrived because my husband’s clock just started to ring.” The sudden epiphany wiped away the hopeless look on her face. “My husband always set his time for 8:00 in the morning so that’s how I knew what time he woke up.”

Wait a minute. Truth pulled out the autopsy report once again. “Mrs. Aspect, when did you and Fizz Pop arrive upstairs?” A sudden feeling of hope began to blossom inside his chest. If I’m right about this then maybe I can wrap up this case.

“Well, from the entrance it would only takes a few minutes to walk up the stairs and into Clear’s study,” Bright said with a smile. “We walked up to the front of door of his room and when I returned with the drinks I noticed the door was left open. I was going to close it but when I did, that’s when I saw everything.” Her glow started to dim as the painful memory resurfaced.

“Mrs. Aspect, I do have one last question for you. You stated earlier that you went to retrieve some drinks, correct?” I’m sure I’m on the right path now, he thought with a growing sense of hope. “How long did it take you to get the drinks?”

“Well, I-“

“Mr. Truth, honestly, she went down to the kitchens. Where else would she have gotten them?” The bright grey unicorn’s were wild, his iris seeming to turn into slits.

“Mr. Truth,” started the judge, a look of curiosity on his wizened face. “What makes you believe where Mrs. Aspect got the drinks from has any correlation to the murder?”

“Yes, your honor, I do.” Not have a clue in Tarturus what I’m doing right now. Okay I’ve got to think about where the rooms are at. If Fizz Pop did murder Clear, then the obvious is already there. “Mrs. Waltz, you stated earlier that you had breakfast upstairs, correct?”

“Yes,” Bright confirmed. “I only drank one glass of tomato juice, so I thought I would give Pop and my husband the other two glasses.”

A slow, condescending clap came from Waltz, a Cheshire grin on his muzzle. “Congratulations, Mr. Truth. We’ve discovered the location of where the drinks came from. Another wasted effort, on your part.”

“I think it does,” Truth said firmly. “Mrs. Aspect went upstairs to eat in her bedroom but she went back downstairs to greet Fizz Pop. Bright and Pop both walked upstairs together, from there Pop heads towards Clear’s study while his wife heads towards their bedroom.” Truth began to flip through the papers on the desk, stopping at a particular map. “If this was true, Mrs. Aspect would’ve walked in on the murder.”

The gallery broke out in chaos again as Truth’s claim was heard. The judge slammed down his gavel. “Order in this court. What are you getting at, Mr. Truth? Do you have any evidence to support your claim that Mrs. Aspect would’ve seen the murder with her own eyes?”

“I do, your honor,” he said with a small smile on his lips. “And I have to thank our good detective for bringing it.”

Waltz recoiled back in his seat. “Where are you going with all of this, Truth?”

“Look here on the second floor,” explained Truth. “We have Clear Aspect’s study, the scene of the murder, in the upper left corner. Now then, tell me, what room is right across from the murder?”

The judge held up his copy of the plans, his face nearly an inch away from the paper. The judge is near-sighted, who knew? “Why, it’s the master bedroom.”

Truth nodded his head in agreement. “Considering how close the two rooms are, if Pop did kill Clear, then by the time Bright would’ve entered the room, she would’ve seen everything first-hoof!”

Silence reigned over the courtroom since the beginning of the trial. That one single statement alone confirmed to everypony in the courtroom one single fact. Waltz’s hair shot up like a lightning bolt while the judge merely looked surprised by Truth’s statement.

“With the time stated in the autopsy report, your honor, we can confirm that Clear was already dead before Fizz Pop even entered that room.” Pointing his hoof at Waltz with righteous fury, “This proves that Fizz Pop is not the murderer.” The gallery’s silence held as everypony stared at Truth, the unlikely underdog seemingly snatching away victory from the Whimsical Minstrel at the last moment.

“No, no…” Waltz repeated to himself in a chant like rhythm.

He judge leaned back, letting his eyes close as he thought on the recent turn of events. “In light of this new evidence, I can honestly say that I may have been too hasty in pronouncing a verdict. Yet, a few questions still remain. Who is the murderer of Clear Aspect, and what was their motive? Even more puzzling is how did they leave the room without anypony seeing them? I can only hope the police tend to do a more thorough job than last time when they re-examine the crime scene.”

It’s finally over with, Truth said, letting out a long sigh. “Well, Spike, looks like this case has finally come to a close,” Truth said as he rubbed the dragon’s head affectionately.

“Bailiff, will you please bring out the accused?” The guard obeyed, disappearing beyond the door and returning with the pegasus in question. Fizz Pop stood in front of the judge's bench, his mustache standing on end as a renewed look of life was on his muzzle. He stood straight, his eyes blinking away the tears of joy.

“Mr. Fizz Pop, with the recent testimony brought to us by the witness, I can now declare you, the defendant.”

Not Guilty

The sound of his gavel slamming was music to Truth’s ears. Another innocent pony saved, guess this won’t be your crowning achievement after all, Waltz. The unicorn was still slumped over, his head tucked into the crook of his forelegs.

“Well, better go and tell Cele-“

A musical but unsettling laugh began to rise up on the opposite side of the room from where he stood. Deep, strong and terrifying, it carried over the room like the ringing of a cathedral’s bell. Waltz’s form seemed to distort as he picked his head up. In his place was a mad hatter like appearance of the unicorn that stood behind the desk as his hair cascaded down his face.

“Mr. Waltz,” shakily asked the judge. “Are you quite alright?”

“I must admit, Mr. Truth, you almost had me,” cackled Waltz, completely ignoring the judge as he set his sights on the defense attorney. “But thanks to your valiant efforts, I believe I now have the true culprit in this courtroom.” Another chorus of the deranged laughter came from Waltz, the twisted sound scraping against Truth’s ears before it finally ceased. The few remaning members of the gallery behind Waltz began moving to the edges of the seating area.

"What do you mean, Waltz?" Truth shakily asked. The sudden swap of the unicorn's personality halted any stray conversations of anypony else in the room. "How could the killer be in this room?"

Waltz merely tossed his mane back, not even bothering to answer Truth's question. “Detective.” Gruff Guard stumbled over himself at the sound of his name being called out by the deranged prosecutor. “Please, arrest Mrs. Aspect.”