• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 461 Views, 10 Comments

Nightshade: the Legend of the lunar Rod (a PressStart and Steel Soul Story) - PressStart

Nightshade was unable to assist Daring Do in her rescue mission, so he decides to go on a raid. With help of course.

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Steel struggled in his bonds as he looked towards the stallions.

"You better damn well let her go or else I will end you so hard an So fast even death will say what the fuckery?!" He said in a dangerous tone unwitting of his usual character. Raider smiled at the statement and replied, "ah, yes the stallion in knight armor. May I acquire your name?"

"Steel Soul..." He said in a low growl.

"What an interesting name. You don't have to worry. No harm will befall her, but I can't very well let her go." Raider said keeping his calm.

"Why the he'll not?" He spat out in anger.

"You should ask Nightshade. There is a reason he works alone." Raider said. Stell looked towards the other stallion. A goon walked up to Raider and said, "This area is going to collapse soon. We need to leave."

"Very well, lets go." Raider said And started to walk out.

"Wait are we going to just leave them?" The goon asked.

"Don't worry. The Nightshade I know always has a plan. He'll escape." Raider said And then they left, leaving the three tied up stallions to themselves. Steel deadpanned.

"Please Tell me that you do have a plan Nightshade...I really really want to bust some heads."Steel said very anxiously. Nightshade used his head to scoot himself toward Grey.

"Grey I need you to bite the ropes off like your biting a dragon." Nightshade said in a serious tone and Grey did as he said And freed Nightshade from his bonds. Then Nightshade untied the other two.

"Run before the entire stairway collapses." Nightshade now yelling over the rumbling. Steel nodded.

"I'll see you two at The entrance." Steel said before zooming off, "I will catch up to those bastard!!"

"Just escape, Flitter will be fine. Trust me." Nightshade yelled and they run out into the main castle before they were squashed be the falling stone. Steel rolled to a stopped as he made it out the entrance first he turned to face the cave. Nightshade sat down with his back to the wall trying to get his breath back.

"Where's gray?" Steel asked as he made it to nightshade.

"Right here Steelster." Grey said putting his wings away, "who was that asshole?"

"And where's fritter?" Steel added.

"Where do you think? She's with Raider." Nightshade said breathlessly.

"Then we find him and kick his flank!" Steel said in a serious tone.

"I already know where he is heading, but we aren't going to rescue her quite yet." Nightshade said standing back on all fours.

"Why the Heck not?" Steel asked angrily.

"I'm sure your wanting an explanation, but that will have to wait." Nightshade said walking past Grey and Steel, "meet me to the town hall in five hours. I have to prepare something. Raider maybe an ass, but he keeps his word. Flitter will remain unharmed." Steel closed his eyes.

"good...as long as the girl is safe..." Steel said relieved.

Grey made it in time for dinner. According to Nightshade they will be travelling all night, so it was wise to get some sleep. Forgetting that Fluttershy had something special planned he headed upstairs to the bedroom to get a little sleep. To his surprise Fluttershy was in the bedroom wearing a saddle and socks that was most likely made by Rarity. Grey blushed at the sight. The butter yellow Pegasus smiled softly before making her way towards him.

"um...ah...do you...dou you like it?" Fluttershy asked softly. Grey answered with a hourse, "Eeyup." She smiled as she kissed him softly under his chin.

"do you..want to come to bed?" Fluttershy asked softly. Grey nodded and then remembered why he was here.

"Shit I forgot about Flitter." Grey said smacking his face with his hoof.

"w-what...?"she asked in confusion.

"When we were raiding for an artifact called the Lunar Rod, Flitter followed us and we let her come with us. We found out where the rod was and Nightshade descended down a hole with another stallion that was with us, but before the two of them came back. This asshole named Raider tied me up and captured Flitter. Nightshade and Steel Soul, the other stallion, got tied up as well. I'm supposed to meet Nightshade in four hours, cause we are going to pursue Raider all night." Grey said as fast as he can and all in one breath. Flittershy blinked Softly.

"That means that I'm leaving in four hours and need sleep." Grey said doing a weak smile. Her ears deflated. Panicking Grey said, "But I can most likely snuggle you in my sleep. If that's any consolation." She lowered her head for a bit before nodding and smiling. Grey placed his hoof to her cheek.

"I promise after Nightshade, Steel Soul, and I rescue Flitter we can," Grey paused what he was saying and swallowed some saliva before continuing, "do your special plans." She smiled.

"I'll hold it to you then." Fluttershy said.

Flitter was in a wagon with her wings ties to her back and her front hooves tied together. Raider sat across from her.

"Are you uncomfortable miss...," Raider said hoping to get her name. Fritter huffed and looked away from him. Raider chuckled and said, "you are an interesting mare. Do you mind telling me what relationship you have with Nightshade?"

"He's a friend." She said looking down, "Just...a friend..." Raider continued to smile.

"What would you think if I told you I'm Nightshade' s twin brother." Raider said calmly. He me eyes widened.

"he...has a brother? Wait...then...you left your brother to die in the cave! How could you you monster?!" Flitter shouted angrily. Raider laughed out loud which made her flinch.

"Don't be silly. I'd never kill my brother." Raider said smiling.

"So...You didn't just leave him in a collapsing cave?" Flitter asked.

"No I did." Raider said still smiling.

"So your saying he survived?" Flitter asked.

"Nightshade always has a plan. I'm sure he escaped. I still don't know you name." Raider said leaning toward her. She looked at him for a moment.

"Fritter..." Flitter replied. Raider leaned back and nodded.

"That's a pretty name. Did you ever know a pegasus named Winter Rose when you were a filly?" Raider asked.

"No...who is she?" She asked as she tilted her head. Raider's smile went away and he looked away from Flitter. He was apparently disappointed.

"She is the reason I'm doing this." Raider said with a sigh, "I apologize. I was hoping that you knew her."

"Was she...important to you and your brother?" Flitter asked.

"Yes, she was. She was like a little sister to Nightshade, but I loved her. She's gone, but not dead." Raider said looking back at Flitter.

"Why are you telling me this?" Flitter asked. Raider smiled again and asked, "did he tell you about the Lunar Rod?" She shook her head.

"There is ten locations the rod must be placed to be activated. The trouble with Nightmare Moon is one example. Once the stars is in a certain position, the rod activates. But the position of the stars is different depending on the location." Raider explained.

"So...why do you want the rod... you're planing on bringing back Nightmare Moon?" Flitter asked. Raider chuckled and replied, "No I'm going to open a gateway to the Nether."

"The...nether?" Flitter asked tilting her head to the side.

"Yes, the Nether is a place where ponies vanish from this world and drift in a spacelike world completely asleep. Winter Rose is there and I'm going to bring her back." Raider said with a smile.

"You...mean...You mean she died?" She asked softly.

"She's gone not dead." Raider said chuckling at her. She decided to keep quite as he laughed. When he was done she asked, "So...What does your brother think of your plan?"

"No I didn't tell him, but he isn't clueless. He probably already knows." Raider said tilting his head with a smile.

"Is he trying to stop you?" Flitter asked.

"I suppose. There is a little detail about doing this." Raider said picking up a Hard Apple Cider and opening it, "do you drink?" She looked at it before looking at her hooves.

"Cant grab it." Flitter replied.

"I'm a earth pony and in holding it with my hooves, why can't you?" Raider asked.

"I'm bounded..." Flitter said. Raider chuckled and replied, "right, my bad. Promise you won't run away."

"You promise not to hurt me..." She said as she turned around.

"I promised your companions that no harm will befall you." Raider said chuckling. She nodded as she backed towards him so he could unlock it "What if I do try to run away?" Flitter asked.

"Do you break your promises?" Raider asked before cutting the rope.

"No..." She said rubbing her hooves.

"Then I trust you." Raider said and then cut the rope. Raider picked up a Hard Apple Cider and held it towards Flitter. She gripped it.

"Um...So...What kind of mare was she?" Flitter asked.

"She was a pegasus, like you. She had an icey blue mane and a snow white coat. She is a fragile like a snowflake. A paper cut to her is like a knife cut to us. She had the kindest smile that could sooth everypony." Raider said and paused. He seemed to miss her.

"You...must have loved her a lot..." Flitter said.

"I still do. I'm going to bring her back, even if the how I'm doing this has a risk. I'll pull her out of the Nether." Raider said with a gentle smile.

"And...Your brother doesn't agree with this?" Flitter asked.

"It's because he knows the risk of the Lunar Rod." Raider said smiling.

"What is the risk?" Flitter asked.

Author's Note:

Okay so Raider isn't that bad of a guy. I mean he knew Nightshade will escape and he is doing all this for a mare that he loves. What is the risk? That will be in the next chapter. Leaving you at a cliffhanger, aren't I?