• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 461 Views, 10 Comments

Nightshade: the Legend of the lunar Rod (a PressStart and Steel Soul Story) - PressStart

Nightshade was unable to assist Daring Do in her rescue mission, so he decides to go on a raid. With help of course.

  • ...

Nightshade's explanation

It was time to rescue Flitter from Raider and Grey really didn't want to leave the bed. He could still smell the lavender scent in Fluttershy's coat. The shy mare nuzzled against the stallion, shortening softly. Grey knew that now's the time to leave on his rescue mission, so he gently shook her awake. The mare woke with a start, sitting up.

"Huh...Oh...Gray?" Fluttershy asked smiling softly.

"It's time for me to leave on my rescue mission. Can I get a kiss before I leave?" Grey asked with a gentle smile. She smiled a She leaned in to kiss his lips softly, her tounge pushing into his mouth to allow entry. Grey parted his jaw open and let her tongue enter his mouth. Shortly after his tongue was also in her mouth. She moaned before pulling away.

"If you need something while I'm on my rescue mission, Black Rain will help. He may not be my butler anymore, but he'll still help." Grey said and before leaving the bed he booped her muzzle. She giggled.

"Be careful..." Fluttershy said.

Grey was luck that he wasn't the only one who was late, because while he was flying overhead he saw Steel Soul moving toward the town hall. Grey decided to fly down and greet him.

"Hey Steelster. You late too?" Grey asked landing next to the stallion. Steel smiled as he looked at him. "Heh...I tied to get here early." Grey laughed and asked, "so what did you do for your four hours?" He value and looked away.

"Nothing special..." Steel said.

"Really, is it really nothing?" Grey pried. He blushed deeper and kept his gaze away.

"Come on, it can't be that embarrassing. Wait were you... .... ... masturbating?" Grey asked.

"No you bastard!" He yelled. "I was with my mate!"

"Sex or snuggle?" Grey continued to pry.

"Ah...Um..." He blushed and looks away.

"I snuggled with my mate. I needed the sleep, but since you decided to have sex with your mate. I guess that you didn't need the sleep." Grey said making Steel' s entire face red. Kept his gaze to the ground.

"If I sleep I wouldn't have woken up on time..." Steel said.

"Wait then you actually decided to have sex?" Grey said surprised. He blushed as he looks away.

"I have one question. Did she enjoy it?" Grey asked. He groaned and buried his head in his hooves.Grey laughed at the embarrassed Steel and he glared at Grey.

"Will I ever meet you marefriend?" Grey asked smiling.

"Not if you say things like that." Steel Said with a light chuckle.

"I don't even talk like this around Fluttershy. I only talk like this when I'm with the guys." Grey said shrugging. He smile and asked, "So...You didn't get lucky with the yellow mare?"

"Actually she did what to have sex, but I resisted so I could get some sleep. I promise to do it later." Grey replied.

"You refused a mare?" Steel asked.

"Yeah, but she understands the situation." Grey said.

"Still...a willing mare...take it from me...She might be a little miffed you didn't do it." Steel said.

"I don't have to worry. She is going to make me have sex when I get back." Grey said.

"I Belive it." Steel asked smiling.

"So who is your mare?" Grey said nugging Steel. He coughed and looked away.

"She's...a...different..." Steel replied.

"What? I didn't catch that." Grey said.

"It's nothing...never mind..." Steel said blushing.

"You not a foalcon, are you?" Grey asked.

"No! She was....Ah...she's...just different....that's all I can say..." Steel replied.

"Are you really that embarrassed to say who it is?" Grey asked. Steel lowered his head and said, "Well...It's...kind of a delicate issue..."

"Delicate? What is more delicate then a shy mare?" Grey asked completely confused. He mumbled under his breath, "...ling."

"Ling? Wait, are you saying your mare is a Changling? That is awesome, but I thought that they feed on love." Grey said once again confused.

"It's a bit more complicated then that. But yes they do..." Steel said.

"Damn! Now I know that I've seen everything and I know a Changling that feeds on fear." Grey said rubbing the back of his head and Steel blushed.

"Listen...She doesn't want every pony knowing what She is so..." Steel said.

"Your secret is safe with me." Grey said and then stood in front of Steel, "cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Grey smiled at the confused pony. Steel raised an eyebrow before shivering.

"Oh Crap...a pinkie pie promise...D-don't brake it...please...for your sake don't..." Steel said.

"Don't worry, I won't." Grey said smiling. He smiled before sighing and said, "So yeah...I have a changeling as a mate..."

"What's her name?" Grey asked.

"We...settled on Vanilla Cream.."

"Oh? That's a nice name." Grey said smiling, "kinda cute actually."

"Heh...She thought so too..." He said as he looked to his leg.. "were is the other guy?"

"It's about time the two of you showed up. Come I'll explain while we travel." Nightshade said walking past Grey and Steel.

"Apparently we walked past him." Grey said. Steel rolled his eyes as he followed after nightshade.

"So...what's up with that Luna rod...He planing on bringing back nightmare moon or something?" Steel asked.

"No, he is planning on opening the Nether." Nightshade said.

"The what?" Steel asked.

"It's a Dimension between Dimensions. When a pony is trapped in there, they float endlessly asleep. It's pretty much like a pitch black spacelike dimension." Nightshade explained.

"I see...So why does he want it?" Steel asked.

"I think that I should start with 'who is Raider'. He is my twin brother." Nightshade said.

"So your twin brother left us to die in a collapsing cave...talk about hardcore sibling rivalry..." Steel said.

"More like I'm the cause of it, but before Raider and I stopped being partners we were really close. It was because of him that I got my cutie mark." Nightshade explained.

"So...why does he want to open the rift?" Steel asked.

"To bring a pegasus mare back from the Nether, because I got her stuck in there." Nightshade replied. Steel's eyes widened and he asked, "How?"

"I was responsible for protecting her and I failed. There was a rift that opened up and I failed." Nightshade replied.

"So...did you know about the Luna rod...where you going to open the rift?" Steel asked.

"No I didn't even try to get her back. Raider said he hated me and we split up. Still we need to stop him." Nightshade said.

"Why...is the rift bad?" Steel asked.

"It's not the rift, it's the risk with opening the rift with the Lunar Rod." Nightshade said.

"Is there...something else in there?" Steel asked.

"No, nothing like that." Nightshade said.

"So...why is it a risk?" Steel asked.

"He is going to switch himself with the mare." Nightshade replied and Steel' s eyes widened.

"So...sacrifice himself...I know he's your brother and all but...Well...He did leave us to die and all that...not saying we shouldn't stop him but..." Steel said.

"He is doing this for her, because he still loves her and she was like a little sister to me." Nightshade said.

"Is there another way to save her?" Steel asked.

"The Mizlor Mirror, but it it was lost and the cause of the rift opening." Nightshade replied.

"So that's what your looking for...and your brother is tired of waiting..." Steel said.

"That seems to be the case." Nightshade said.

"Well then...let's stop him!" Steel said.

"That's the plan. Any more questions?" Nightshade asked and Steel nodded.

"Where are we going?" Steel asked.

"Hoofington. Well the temple a mile away from Hoofington. It's one of those places that you can't get to by train." Nightshade answered.

"So we hoof it?" Steel asked.

"Yeah, we're gonna be up all night." Nightshade replied.

"Fantastic..."Steel muttered.

"This just became an eight class raid." Nightshade said fiercely and Steel nodded.

"Right...then I'll get my hero face on." Steel said as he made his way out front.

"You have no idea what I mean, do you?" Nightshade asked raising a eye brow.

"Not one bit but it seems important." Steel said smiling.

"That figures. The tomb raider danger class ranks from one to ten. One being no trouble and no traps. Ten being large possibility of death." Nightshade explained.

"Then like I said...hero face." Steel replied.

"So who is this Mare?" Grey asked.

"Her name is Winter Rose." Nightshade replied.

"Winter rose...Heh..nice name." Steel said.

"And gentle to everypony. She's like Fluttershy, but without all the phobias and twice as delicate." Nightshade said.

"Wow...sounds cute." Steel said.

"Yeah, she was." Nightshade said smiling gently and Steel nodded.

"Well then...shall we get going?" Steel asked.

"Huh? Oh right." Nightshade said.

"Keep your head in the game boss." Steel said smiling.

"Sorry, sometimes I remember the past and I'm distracted me." Nightshade said.

"It's ok...lead on boss." Steel said.

The night was long and it was even longer, because Grey had to carry a sleeping Steel all through the night. Steel snores deeply as he loses over the stallion that carried him.

"You okay back there?" Nightshade asked.

"Ask me again after I'm not carrying a stallion all decked out in armor." Grey replied sarcastically. Steel mumbed in his sleep. Grey drops Steel and Steel woke up.

"Morning Steelster, sleep well?" Grey asked and Steel groaned.

"Could have been better..." Steel said.

"We have two more miles to go. You up for it?" Grey asked.

"Yeah yeah...I can manage...maybe I should have waited to mate with vanilla cream..." Steel said rubbing his eyes.

"Ya think?" Grey said and Steel shot him a glare.

"Lets just he moving..." Steel said. Grey helped Steel up and started up a conversation, "I was carrying you all threw the night and an hour in daylight."

"Oh...Well...thank you..." Steel said.

"The only problem is that you are extremely heavy." Grey said.

"Quite you." Steel said as he looked away.

"I think my aching back is louder then me." Grey said. Steel rolled his eyes as he moved out in front. The three of them finally arrived at Hoofington, but to their surprise, a panicking Flitter flew in crying and tackles Grey. Steel moved to their side.

"What happening!?" Steel asked completely confused.

"Raider told me everything and he let me go." Flitter said burying her crying face in Grey's chest.

"Everything...and just...let you go?" Steel asked.

"Yes! That's what happened. You have to stop him. Please." Flitter said through her tears and Steel nodded.

"You two heard the lady...time to take down a bad guy." Steel said.

"I don't want you to hurt him, just stop him." Flitter said quickly grabbing Steel' s backleg. He looks down at her before nodding.

"I'll try my best...no promises..." Steel said. Grey grabbed her with his hooves and pulled her close.

"Don't worry we'll stop him. I pinkie promise you." Grey said gently.

"Not to be uncaring, but if we don't hurry, we won't make it in time to stop him." Nightshade said firmly.

"Stay with me okay?" Grey asked. Steel frowned as he led the way and said, "Right! Got a plan boss?"

"Then let's hear it." Nightshade said.

Author's Note:

So yeah, a lot of talking, but to my defence they did walk all night. Anyways Steel Soul only wares sholderarmor and a saddle bag, but still heavy. The plan will be be revealed in the next chapter.