• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 462 Views, 10 Comments

Nightshade: the Legend of the lunar Rod (a PressStart and Steel Soul Story) - PressStart

Nightshade was unable to assist Daring Do in her rescue mission, so he decides to go on a raid. With help of course.

  • ...


Flitter flew down to Grey to help him.

"Sorry Flitter. I couldn't keep my pinkie promise." Grey said.

"No...It's ok..."She said softly.

"I have this large pain on my chest." Grey chuckles and then flinches from the pain. Steel helps Nightshade up before makeing his way to the mare. She finally opened up her eyes and looked up at Steel. Steel could see her soft lavender eyes looking at him.

"Who are you?" She said softly.

"A friend of...Nightshade and Raider...I suspect." He said softly holding his hoof out to her. "Steel Soul, at your service." She smiled and place her hoof on his. Steel felt her soft and fragile hoof as he helped her up.

"Where are they?" She asked with a gentle smile. His gaze faltered before casting a look towards Nightshade as he slowly made his way up the steps.

"Winter I can explain." Nightshade said clearly upset by his failed to save Raider. Winter quickly wrapped her hooves around Nightshade, leaving him speechless. Steel smiled sadly before makeing his way down the steps.

"Right...You two have a bit to catch up on...I'm gonna go ahead and jet." Steel said with a wink and a smile, "If you need anything at all, you know where to find me Shade." Steel made his way toward his injured friend and Flitter.

"Hey, Steelster what's it hanging?" Grey said trying to not show he was in pain, but failed at doing so.

"Heh...all's good on the western front more or less...for now, I'm going back to Vanilla...I'm guessing you and Fritter want to be alone?" Steel said as he passed them.

"Heh, crap. You wanna take me home?" Grey asked with a painful smile. Steel rolled his eyes as he helped him up.

"Heh...Sure...I'll order us a cart." Steel replied.

"Thanks and Flitter you should come with us. Let Nightshade figure it out himself." Grey said and Flitter kissed him on the lips before nodding and helping Steel with the other side.

"You know I'm still married, right?" Grey asked.

"Yeah...and a herd is not unheard of." She said as she nuzzled him.

"Your never going to give up on me, huh?" Grey asked.

"Not one bit." She said as she kissed his cheek.

It wasn't long before Steel knocked on the door and Fluttershy answered.

"Hi, I'm in some massive pain right now." Grey said.

"Oh dear..." Fluttershy said as she made he way to him, "Are you ok?"

"I was hit with Stardust. I'll be fine." Grey said and Steel rolled his eyes.

"Will you tend to him Flutters? You and Fritter will be better caretakers then me." Steel said. Fluttershy nods and takes Steel' s place where he was holding Grey. The two stallions said goodbye and the two mares took Grey to bed so he can rest. Fluttershy then kissed Grey, which made Flitter blush.

"Well...Ann...let's get him to the couch shy." She said softly.

"Bed or couch. Makes no difference to me." Grey said and received another kiss an the cheek from Fluttershy.

"Couch...It's closer. "Flutter shy said. They then placed him on the couch and the two mares saw a large swollen bruise on his chest.

"Oh...dear...does it hurt much?" Fluttershy asked.

"Nope, I feel fine." Grey said trying to sound like he wasn't in massive pain, but the mares didn't buy it.

"Here...I'll get some ice." Fritter said rushing to the kitchen . It wasn't long before she returned with ice and as she softly placed it on Grey, his entire body jolts with pain as his he yelled out a painful scream and then bit his lip. Flitter smiled as she looked at him.

"A little better?" Flitter asked.

"I feel like my chest is on fire. I think I'm good." Grey said trying to joke over his pain.

"Oh dear...do you need a doctor?" Fluttershy said.

"Does it look that back?" Grey asked not looking at the wound.

"It looks like a really bad bruise...maybe we should?" Flitter said.

"Then let's call in Redheart." Grey said and within an hour. Redheart walked in the cottage.

"Hey doc, what's new?" Grey asked still trying not to show how much pain he is in.

"Oh dear..." She said as she made her way to him. Gently she placed a hoof on his chest. Grey then squirmed in pain which made Redheart jump back.

"Oh dear...I think I have some soothing solutions in my bag." She said as she rummaged through it.

"I wonder if Nightshade is okay." Grey said to himself with a worried look on her face.

"Me too...we...did leave him and that mare there..." Flitter asked.

"Do you suppose that was Winter Rose?" Grey asked.

"It had to have been...geez...She was pretty..." Fritter said with a pout.

"I didn't get a good look. To busy with the fact I was I pain." Grey said smiling. Fritter shook her head.

"It's ok...let's concentrate on you for now. You need to get better." Flitter said.

"Sorry Shy. Wasn't careful enough." Grey smiled.

"It's ok, I know you tried you best...even if I really don't understand what it is you did." Fluttershy said smiling at him.

Nightshade watched Winter sleep in his bed, while he was sitting on a chair.

"I'm sorry Winter. I'll be leaving you again, but for a good reason this time." Nightshade said and got up. He was going to bring back Raider and this time he will succeed.

Author's Note:

Yes that means there will be a sequel. It's still under development, so you'll have to wait. This is the end of this book.

Comments ( 10 )

yay new chapters! :D

4286822 yes in a next book.

4286832 I'll have to work on my other stories first.


4286871 you really like Nightshade, huh?

4286890 well your in luck, cause the next one as well involves him, but it doesn't involve Steel or Grey. The story is what happens before Pony Brawlers.

4286918 I'll send you a link to the description page if you want.

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