• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 462 Views, 10 Comments

Nightshade: the Legend of the lunar Rod (a PressStart and Steel Soul Story) - PressStart

Nightshade was unable to assist Daring Do in her rescue mission, so he decides to go on a raid. With help of course.

  • ...

The Mission

"Nightshade and Steel should be in position right about now. Flitter you remember what we were supposed to do, right? "Grey asked.

"I...I mean...I.." She looked away.

"Flitter focus. Recite Steel' s plan to me." Grey said firmly.

"I...I stand by...and...and wait to grab the specter when steel frees it from the bad ponies grasp..." Flitter replied.

"Good." Grey said and looked over the rumble, "I think there's a problem with Steel' s plan. Raider has the Lunar Rod."

"Steel is planing on Takeing it from him." Flitter said.

"Okay I hope it works." Grey said.

Raider stood in the place where the rod most be placed.

"My men. This is where I part. I made sure you'll receive your money. It will be delivered to your place tomorrow morning. I thank you all." Raider said out loud. Steel made his way to the behind the crowd.

"Hey raider!" Steel yelled.

"Ah, Sir Steel. Come for the return of Winter Rose. Nightshade had already told you want I'm going to do, yes?" Raider said.

"Yeah...and I have to stop you." Steel replied and he smiled.

"That is if you can stop me." Raider said smiling.

"I can try..." He said gearing up.

"Nightshade really does intend to stop me, huh? Does he not care about bring back Winter?" Raider asked smiling.

"He cares...but he also cares about you..." Steel said softly.

"I see. Because I'm his twin brother, yes? I love Winter, with all my heart. This will be the final try. I will not fail. I'm sorry, but I can't simply walk away. I hope you understand." Raider said with his smile gone.

"I figured as much...properly would do the same thing in your place....still...I have a job to do..." He said pawing at the ground, "I intend to do it..."

"I'm sorry for this. Brick Smasher, Boxer, take him out, but don't kill him. Not a fan of death." Raider said and the two bulky stallions nods and attacks Steel.

Steel smiled and said, "Heh...Ok then boys...let's see what you two can do in a fair fight." He lunged at the pair galloping full speed towards them. One of the stallions pinned Steel to the ground, but noticed that he was smiling. Steel kicked his back legs up, knocking the stallion into the air. With swift movements, he jumped back to his hooves and ran for the other stallion, catching him off guard. The guardian grabbed him by his tail and swung the stallion to his air born buddy, knocking them against each other. Both stallions landed in a crumpled heap not too far away from Steel.

"Two down..." Steel said smiling.

"My, my, get him." Raider said and the seven other ponies charged at the smiling Steel. Steel deadpanned and said, "Well...ponyfeathers..."

Fritter gasped from her lookout and said, "Oh no! Steel is in trouble!"

"I'm coming Steelster." Grey yelled and quickly flew landing next to Steel.

"Heh...Well...my plan backfired completely..." Steel said as the stallions drew nearer.

"You don't say?" Grey said mocking him even if it wasn't the time to do so. Steel gave a sheepish smile.

"Heh...Well nothing for it now eh..." Steel said.

"Nightshade made a new plan. We take these ponies on and Nightshade will go for the rod." Grey whispered.

"Right...I'll handle the four on the right...You got the left." Steel said.

"Wait how come you get to fight four of them? That only leaves me with three." Grey said.

"Fine...I'll take three and you take four..." Steel said rolling his eyes.

"Good, this will be fun." Grey said and the two of them charged at the the ponies. Fritter watched as steel and gray fought before turning her attention towards Raider. Nightshade was walking up to Raider from the back.

"You of all ponies, know that it is impossible for anypony to sneak up on me." Raider said turning around.

"I know, but I'm still going to stop you." Nightshade said smiling.

"Right to you Steelster." Grey said and right hooked a pony to the face, making the pony fly towards Steel. Steel turned and bucked the stallion hard before running off to defeat his throws one.

"Come on! Their not even trying!" Steel said.

"I know, it's slightly embarrassing." Grey said and left hooked a pony into another one. Steel raised his hoof to strike the last one bit found him cowering. With a groan he let his hoof down and leaned into him.

"Run..." Steel said. The stallion jumped and ran like his life depended on it. Nightshade was socked in the muzzle and fell in front of Grey and Steel.

"About time you got here." Nightshade said. Raider picked up the rod.

"Too late." Raider said And placed the rod in the slot, making a gust of wind that blew the three stallions away.

"We have to fight the wind. Watch out for bits of Stardust. It'll hurt if it hits you." Nightshade yelled over the wind.

"You say that likes its going to be easy!" Steel said as he fought against the wind.

"It isn't, that's why I said it." Nightshade yelled again. Steel rolled his eyes as he fought against the wind, makeing his way towards Raider. A large clump of Stardust hit Grey and made him tumble backwards. Steel looked back towards his fallen friend.

"Gray!" Steel yelled.

"I'll be fine, just go." Grey yelled over the wind. Steel nodded before turning back to face Raider. Nightshade finally got a hold of Raider.

"You have to stop this. This isn't something that you like to do." Nightshade yelled.

"I think not. I'll being her back if it kills me." Raider yelled back.

"Nightshade!" Fritter yelled.

"What?" Nightshade yelled back while trying to get Raider to let go of the rod.

"Somethings happening! In the sky!" Flitter yelled.

"Sorry Nightshade, but I'm not giving up." Raider yelled and nailed him on the muzzle. That made him let go and do to the strong wind, made Nightshade fly into Steel. The next thing was a bright light and instead of seeing Raider and the rod. They saw a snow white pegasus mare with an icey blue mane unconscious on the ground. Steel caught Nightshade, allowing the stallion to rest against him when he did. Looking up he saw the mare on the ground and sighed.

"Well...I don't know if I would be happy...or sad..." Steel said.

Author's Note:

Didn't go well didn't it. Well one chapter left.