• Published 20th Apr 2014
  • 11,856 Views, 239 Comments

Fluttershy Flutterguy - Autum Breeze

A failed spell of Princess Twilight Sparkle results in Fluttershy gaining a new look on life.

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Chapter 3 - Dealing with What Life Gives You

Chapter 3

Dealing with What Life Gives You


As my sense of consciousness came back, I could feel a blanket on my body. I slowly opened my eyes and could just make out five brightly coloured figures standing in front of me. I sat up slowly, to which they all responded with reaching out and holding me steady, as if expecting me to pass out again. To be honest, I’m pretty sure that was a possibility.

I looked to each of them, they all seem worried. I sighed and looked to the purple blob, knowing it was Twilight.

“We have to tell them.”

She nodded and turned to the other four as my vision cleared and I saw all the details of the other ponies.

“Girls,” Twilight said, the hurt clear in her voice. “The pony on my couch... isn’t Fluttershy.”

They all raise eyebrow in confusion.

“It’s true,” I said, my voice a little weak. “This is Fluttershy’s body... but I’m not her.”

“And before you ask, no, she is not a changeling,” Twilight said firmly. “I ran the test. She’s Fluttershy’s body... just not her mind.”

The other four turn to me, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow all with slight frowns, Pinkie with a huge smile, no doubt planning me Welcome To Ponyville In Fluttershy’s Body party.

I sighed. “I’m... a human from Earth. I don’t know how, but a spell Twilight used to help Fluttershy understand the minds of animals, my mind ended up in her body instead and as the dominate mind.”

Applejack frowned. “So... yer not Fluttershy, but yer in her body?”

I nodded meekly. I didn’t want to talk. I’d just remembered why I was waking up on the couch. I put my right forehoof on my stomach. I... was pregnant. Not even a day in this body... and I’m pregnant. With Scootaloo.

“Um, Twilight?” Rarity turned to said alicorn, a worried look on her face. “What will this mean for... well...?”

Twilight sighed. “I don’t know, Rarity. I honestly don’t know. She says She feels like Fluttershy’s thought are there sometimes, but it’s only a subconscious thing.”

Rainbow looked like she’d been hit with a wrecking ball.

She walked up to me and put a hoof on my shoulder. “Now I’m really sorry I just grabbed you like that, yesterday morning. You’d barely come to term with being in Fluttershy’s body and I just yank you up before you can even figure out what’s happening. On top of that...”

She glanced at the hoof on my stomach.

I sigh. “I know you didn’t mean anything by it, Rainbow. I... it’s just... so much has happened in such a short time. I learn I’m in your world, my biggest dream, but then I learn I’m in Fluttershy’s body and then... I find out I’m...”

A few tears leak from my eyes and trail down my cheeks.

Rainbow pulled me into a hug and I started sobbing.

“I’m a guy. Guys don't get pregnant. This isn’t something I should ever have to deal with. I spent twenty-two years of my life as a guy and now... now I’m Fluttershy and I’m pregnant.” I felt four more sets of hooves wrap around me and hold me close as I cry out my frustrations.

After a few minutes they all pull away.

Rarity levitates a hoofkerchief, which I take and blow my nose loudly.

“Don’t worry... um, what do we call you?” Pinkie asked, cocking her head.

I look down. “Just... call me Fluttershy. I think that’ll be easier for all of us...” I looked up, my eyes wide as I stared at Rainbow Dash. “Did you just say yesterday morning?”

I’d been out for the rest of the day? How the hell did that happen? Then again, I’ve never fainted before, so maybe my body was... Okay, that’s stupid. Fluttershy’s fainted plenty of times, so her body wouldn’t be new to the sensation.

Twilight nodded, then looked down. “I’m... I’m so sorry this happened to you. If... if you don’t want to have the foal... we’d understand.”

“WHAT?” Dash shouted, turning to Twilight, her face twisted in shock and anger. “That’s Scootaloo inside her, Twilight! Scootaloo! You’re saying you’d have no problem with her aborting her? You wouldn’t have a problem with Scootaloo dying?”

“I never said that!” Twilight shot back, tears in her eyes. “But Fluttershy hasn’t ever experienced this before. She’s terrified and I don’t want to force her to give birth to Scootaloo if it makes her unhappy.”

“So you save Scootaloo’s life only to kill her later?” Dash snapped, her eyes filled with rage. “What kind of princess does that?”

“A princess trying to think of her subjects and how they feel,” the alicorn retorted, now just as angry as the Pegasus.

“Scootaloo’s one of your subjects!” Dash shouted, pointing at my stomach. “You’re saying you’ll overlook what’s best for her for her?” The pointed hoof thrusts, indicating me now.

“As of right now, Scootaloo is only a few cells within Fluttershy’s body, so yes, yes I am!” Twilight replied, her face turning bright red.

“Princess or not, you’ve no right to choice the happiness of one life over the existence of another!”


All went quiet and all heads turned to me. I glared at both Twilight and Rainbow. “I’m having her. I was going to have her anyway!” Dash and Twilight just stare at me, shocked.

I snort. “Yes, I feel uncomfortable about this, yes, I’m terrified of the idea of another life growing inside of me, but just because I used to be a human, doesn’t mean I’m so heartless I’d abort Scootaloo simply so I feel a bit better! In fact, I'd feel horrible!” tears streamed down my eyes. they were tears of anger and hurt. “As soon as I learned it was Scootaloo inside me I knew I couldn't do anything but give birth to her. You honestly think I’d kill an unborn child just because I didn’t know she was inside me at first?”

They all looked away, unsure how to answer that.

I rub my hoof on my stomach. “I’ll keep her. It wasn’t ever my plan to have a foal... but, I’ll do it.”

Rarity smiled. “It seems you and Fluttershy are more alike than you think, uh, Fluttershy.”

I look up at her, an eyebrow slightly raised.

She chuckles. “That’s one of the kindest things anypony in your situation could ever do, dear.”

Twilight gave a weak smile, came over and nuzzled me. “You’re the Element of Kindness, just like Fluttershy.”

I let myself enjoy the nuzzle. It was so gentle and soft.

“One thing Ah don’t get,” Applejack said, shaking her head. “How come ya’ll didn’t noticed ya’ll were pregnant from the get-go? Ya’ll musta been feelin’ groggy when ya woke up yesterday mornin’?”

“Well, yes, I did feel groggy when I woke up,” I said, turning to the farm mare. “But I was up til almost three in the morning before I went to sleep in my world. When I felt groggy, I just assumed it was because I’d gone to sleep at three and woken up at around seven.”

“And did you just miss the whole thing about my apologizing for grabbing her before she’d fully woken up and zipping her over here?” Rainbow asked, giving Applejack a “answer yes and you’re a complete idiot” face.

“Well, I didn’ think about that,” the blonde haired mare replied. “Kinda hard to remember somethin’ like that when you learn somepony else is in onea yer best friend’s bodies.”

“Girls, please,” I said, shaking my head. “No more fighting over this. Scoots and I have been through enough as it is.” I wince, thinking about how I’d landed on my stomach when I’d first tried to stand in this same house only yesterday.

“Not to worry, dear,” Rarity said, putting a hoof on my shoulder. “Having a foal is a big thing to take in. You couldn’t have known.”

“But the signs were all there,” I wave a hoof dramatically. “I have massive cravings for apples, I can’t stomach cheese and you were all saying stuff about foals, even your sisters saying they’d been foal helpers, but I couldn’t put it all together til Twilight told me about that spell.”

Applejack shook her head. “Ya’ll were worryin’ ’bout findin’ yerself as Fluttershy, sugarcube. And ya’ll were a male before. Ya couldn’a known.”

I gave a weak smile. “Thanks, AJ. I needed that.”

Twilight nuzzled me again, more tenderly this time. “We’ll all help you, Fluttershy.”

I couldn’t help it. My smile grew a bit stronger. This may not have been what I’d had in mind for my life, but at least I had some friends who’d look out for me.


“And how’s the mother-to-be coming along?” Mrs Cake asked as she stood behind the counter.

I smiled as I stood in front of the counter.

It had been a month since I’d woken up as Fluttershy, pregnant with Scootaloo. Everypony in Ponyville now knew I wasn’t really Fluttershy, but when they all learned I hadn’t been responsible for it and that I wasn’t a danger and that, even though the idea of giving birth to a foal was terrifying to me, yet I was still going to give birth to Scootaloo, they decided I was okay and treated me like any other member of their town.

It had taken some time, but I'd gotten used to my new life as Fluttershy and as an expectant mother. Twilight had sent a letter to Princess Celestia and I was a little anxious about the meeting with her, which was going to be today, at Twilight's library.

As for the animals, the others had been helping me with them, since I wasn’t as experienced as Fluttershy herself and it was still taking a little time for me to settle into that train of thought.

I don’t know if it was because this was a magical pregnancy or something, but I was already starting to show a tiny bump.

“I’m doing fine, thank you, Mrs Cake,” I said, nodding. “And she’s doing really well.”

I went to a table sat and she gave me a small cup of tea. It turns out I like tea. Guess that’s because of Fluttershy’s taste buds. Maybe it was Scootaloo inside me. That is still something I have trouble understand. Scootaloo was inside my womb... The idea that I even now have a womb was still hard to get used to, even after a month.

I sipped my tea, enjoying the mango flavor. I knew I liked mango tea in a sense. A few weeks before all this happened, one time before work, I’d bought a bottle of Lipton Ice Tea, mango flavor, which I used as a drink bottle afterwards. Luckily, it seemed I enjoyed mango tea, even now and so did my foal.

I giggled a little. My foal. I was having a foal.

“Well, how’re ya doin’, Fluttershy?”

I turned as the farm pony and her little sister walked towards my table.

“We’re both doing fine, thank you, Applejack,” I said, rubbing my free hoof on my stomach, then turned to Apple Bloom. “How’re you doing today, Apple Bloom?”

“Ah’m doin’ great. Thanks, Fluttershy,” the red-haired filly smiled back at me. “Has she b’n kicking yet?”

I chuckle. “I only became pregnant with her a few weeks ago, sweetie. It’ll be at least another two before she starts kicking.”

The filly frowned. “I’m not Sweetie Belle, Ah'm Apple Bloom.”

Applejack and I both chuckle at the filly’s words.

Once we finish finding humor at Apple Bloom’s expense, I look down at my stomach and pat it gently.

I’d been in the nursery every day since I woke up and told the girls I’d go through the birth and keep Scootaloo. I felt so happy now, whenever I was in that room. It was a feeling I’d never expected before and it was a wonderful feeling. the most wonderful feeling I'd ever had.

Angel was a lot more well behaved now. He’d tried being his normal, totaly rude self to me, expecting me to give in, like Fluttershy normally would. The look on his face when I got stern with him and did not give in was priceless. Actually, he’s really nice. I think the real reason he was always so rude and demanding of Fluttershy was because he wanted her to grow some backbone. Well, now he had his wish, because I wasn’t bending to any of his whims unless he deserved it and we were great friends because of it.

The two Apple siblings and I had a wonderful talk at the table over a few apple tarts. Apple Bloom was really excited for when Scootaloo was going to be born, but I had to remind her that it was still ten months before she was expected to be born. She got a little disappointed, but got over it when I told the best things are worth waiting for.

When I was done I bid the two Apples farewell and headed out, gave some bits to Mrs Cake to pay for what I’d ordered and headed off across Ponyville, my intended destination being Twilight’s library.


I stopped, groaning as I turned to greet the mint-green unicorn trotting towards me. Ever since Lyra found out I’d been human before she’d been pestering me about everything human.

At first I’d found it enjoyable. Her reactions every time she learned her idea of humans was off and all the names for things she’d gotten totally wrong. But after the first three weeks, not to mention she’d woken me up really early in the mornings, which as it turns out, when you’re pregnant, makes you really cranky and can ruin your whole morning, it had become rather tiresome.

I put on a smile, hiding my annoyance at the barrage of human questions I was bound to have to endure.

“How’s she doing?”

I blinked. Okay. Did not expect that as her opening question.

I moved a hoof to my stomach, smiling for real now. “She’s still refusing to eat cheese. But she can’t seem to get enough of AJ’s apples.”

Lyra chuckled. “Will you be okay with her not eating cheese when she’s born.”

I smirked. “Not a chance. Cheese is healthy and full of calcium. Just because chocolate and other sweets like that have it in them doesn’t mean I’ll let her get her intake of it from them instead. She’ll be eating cheese, like a good little filly.”

My stomach gave a small moan.

“Oh, hush,” I said, looking down at it. “I’m your mother, young filly and I know what’s best for you.”

Another moan was the answer and I rolled my eyes.

Lyra giggled. “Even as an unborn foal she’s a rebel, huh?”

I sighed. “I’m so not looking forward to her teenage years. If my sisters were any indication, that’ll prove very tiring.”

Lyra blinked for a second, then smiled. “You’re talking about those human sisters of yours, aren’t you?”

I nodded, looking away.

That was the hardest thing I’d had to deal with. Not turning into a mare, not that I was Fluttershy or even the pregnancy. It was the fact that I’d never seen my family again. They’d never meet their granddaughter. They didn’t even know I was still alive.

A few tears slid down my muzzle and I felt Lyra pull me into a hug. “I miss them, Lyra. I miss them so much,” I sobbed into her coat. “The fact that I’ll never see them again tears me apart.”

She rubbed my back, doing her best to calm me down. “Shh, shh. It’s okay. I know this is hard, but we’re all here for you. And you’ve got a daughter on the way.”

“That’s the worst part,” I cried, shaking my head. “They’ll never know about her. They all probably think I’m dead. I’ll never be able to show them their granddaughter. And how do I tell this to Scootaloo? I know Fluttershy has her own family, they’ve even sent me a letter saying they’ll be here tomorrow, but I have trouble seeing them us my family. I just... I just...”

I couldn’t say any more and just sobbed into her.

I was happy. I really was. I was in Equestria and I was having a foal, Scootaloo, so I knew what to expect from her. But at the same time, my heart ached all the time. I missed my family. The last time my dad and I had spoken he was angry at me for still using the iPad when it was almost three in the morning. The last words I’d shared with my dad had been words of anger. That was going to haunt me for all my life.

The sound of hoofsteps behind me and a warmth encompassing me from behind told me Applejack and her sister had heard my sobbing and come out to comfort me.

After a few minutes I got a hold of myself, thanking them for their comforts and headed towards the library.

I felt a little guilty when Twilight ran out when I was only a couple hundred hooves away, saw me and ran to me, pulling me into hug.

“Sorry I’m late, Twi,” I whispered, returning her embrace. “I... kinda had another breakdown in front of Sugarcube Corner.”

“Your family again?”

“Yeah,” I said quietly, a few new tears sliding down my cheek. “I really miss them, Twi.”

She pulled away and led me inside.

We talked about what Celestia was going to talk with me about when she arrived. Probably wanting to know if I suspect this could happen to someone else, or even somepony else.

When a knock came on the door, Twilight gave me a reassuring smile and opened it with her magic. I won’t lie when I say I eeped at the regal sight of Celestia walking in, both out of brony excitement and also fear.

She walked towards me and I suddenly realized why ponies get nervous around her. She was towering over me. If I were still a human I’d be about the same height as her. Of course, if I was human, I’d be at home right now, probably reading some fanfics, instead of being in Equestria, as Fluttershy and expecting a foal.

She sat on her haunches and smiled warmly at me. “Hello, Fluttershy. Do you mind if I call you that?”

I shook my head the tiniest bit. “N-no. I’m used to it now.”

She nodded. “So, how are you enjoying Equestria?”

I give a small smile. “Everypony’s been really kind to me. I know I’m not the real Fluttershy, but they’ve all accepted me for who I am and welcomed me with open hooves.”

She nodded. “And, about Scootaloo. Are you okay with it?”

I put a hoof to my stomach and smiled. “It’s still a little weird for me, but I’m really happy about it too. Sometimes I wish she’d hurry up so I can watch her sleeping in her crib.”

Celestia chuckled. “Spoken like a true mother-to-be.”

My smile turned sheepish. “You think so?”

She nodded. “I have been around for a long time, Fluttershy. I have seen the look of a mother-to-be that is happy for it many a times over.”

I closed my eyes. “Thank you, princess.”

“How is your mind?”

I looked to her, a bit startled. That was not a question I’d anticipated.

“Wh-what do you mean?”

Celestia’s smile was gone, replaced with a solemn look. “Do you feel the original Fluttershy fading away... or taking over.”

I thought for a minute. I’d had a few flashes which were more Fluttershy than me, but not too many.

I shook my head. “I don’t think so, no. I’ve had a few flashes where I feel more like her, a bit nervous or kinder than I’d expect to be, but other than that, no, I’ve been me the whole time.”

Celestia nodded, her face a mask of neutrality, so I couldn’t tell what she was thinking.

A few moments later she got up and nodded to me. “I hope things go well for you, Fluttershy.”

I nod in return. “Thank you, princess. I hope so too.”

With that, she left, Twilight closing the door behind her.

I spent a few minutes talking with Twilight.

We’d become closer since we’d both told the girls about who I really am. I don’t know if it’s love, but I know I care about her. Maybe that’s Fluttershy’s residual memories of her feelings for Twilight.

After we finished talking, we shared a quick nuzzle and I left for home.

When I got there Angel had already gotten the animals their meals. He must have wanted me to take it easy since I was pregnant.

I smiled, and nuzzled him gently. “I’m not that far into my pregnancy yet, Angel. I can still do a few things, but thank you for being so generous.”

He rubbed against my cheek, smiling.

After dinner I had a bath, Fluttershy must have really liked baths, because there were a lot of soothers and scented soaps. They were just what I’d needed over the last month to calm down when the idea of my new life got a little too stressful. I couldn’t let myself be stressed. It wasn’t good for Scootaloo.

When I finished bathing, I dried myself off, went to bed and snuggled in the night.

Just before going to sleep, I put my hoof on my stomach and smiled.

“Of all the things that have happened to me, I think you’re the reason I’m happy this all happened, my little foal.”

I felt something inside me. Was it movement? No, couldn’t be. Too early. Maybe it was Scootaloo’s thoughts coming to me while we’re connected.

I giggle and go to sleep.

Author's Note:

Well, there we go. Fluttershy is now accepting her life the way it is and is looking forward to when Scootaloo arrives.

next chapter will be Fluttershy interacting with her new family and learning more about them

she'll also receive a visitor in her dreams that isn't princess luna.

if i can I'll get the chapter out tonight, if not, most likely early thursday.

til then, please comment and i hope you enjoyed the chapter