• Published 20th Apr 2014
  • 11,855 Views, 239 Comments

Fluttershy Flutterguy - Autum Breeze

A failed spell of Princess Twilight Sparkle results in Fluttershy gaining a new look on life.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - Big News

Chapter 6

Big News



“Hmm?” I murmured, coming out from sleep.

When had I fallen asleep?

I feel the gentle nudge of a muzzle and open my eyes and look up to see I’d fallen asleep with my head leaning against Twilight’s shoulder.

She smiles at me. “We’re pulling into the station.”

I sit up, rubbing my eyes and glance at the window and see the inner walls of the Canterlot train station.

I yawn, stretching my forelegs into the air. That nap had been nice. I hadn’t meant to nap, but it was just what I’d needed.

I followed Twilight out, with Spike riding on her back. Our luggage was being taken to Twilight’s house by a group of Royal Guards who’d been assigned to the task while we made our way on hoof.

As we walked, I noticed a lot of same sex couples, even a few stallion couples. This did not really surprise me though. Before I’d come to Equestria, thanks to the fandom, I knew all too well that same sex relationships and marriages were a norm in Equestria.

No, what caught me off-guard was the amount of ponies staring at me as we walked through the streets.

I noticed a lot of mares covering the mouth with their hooves and whispering to each other, no doubt wondering why Princess Twilight Sparkle was marrying a Pegasus mare several months into a pregnancy.

My ears fall against my head and I look down at the ground. This wasn’t what I’d expected. Sure, I knew a lot of Canterlot ponies considered themselves above others, but to be whispering about me while I was able to tell they were... it hurt.

Twilight seemed to pick up on how I was feeling, because she wrapped a wings around me and said, “Hey, not everypony’s like that. A lot of ponies have accepted that we’re together. Those that haven’t simply don’t look beyond their own view.”

I nodded, putting on a smile, though inside I was still hurting from the bluntness of the ponies around us.

A few minutes later, we arrived at Twilight’s parent’s house.

To be honest, it was a rather unassuming house, similar to the houses next to it—similar to the houses all along the block, really. I glanced around at the other houses, finding them not just similar, but the exact same.

I raised an eyebrow. “Easier just to build same houses throughout the block?”

Twilight nodded. “Pretty much every house is designed the same way. Makes you miss Ponyville’s varying styles, huh?”

I nodded slowly, looking around. I’d been in cities and places with such similar housing ideas before, back on Earth, but, now, it felt really weird. Just... weird.

If it weren’t for Twilight, Shining Armour and Cadance’s Cutie Marks adorned above the door, we could’ve walked right passed her parents’ house without even knowing it.

Twilight uses her magic to open the gate and lets me go first. We walk up the path to the front door and Twilight knocks.

We hear hoofsteps and then the door opens to reveal a light grey unicorn mare with a purple and white mane and tail and three purple stars as her Cutie Mark.

Her light-blue eyes went wide at the sight of Twilight, then even wider when she saw me.

“OH! I was wondering when you girls would get here!” she cried pulling Twilight into the most bone-crushing hug I’d ever seen (and heard) in my life. When she hugged me, however, it was soft and gentle.

“F-Fluttershy,” Twilight stuttered as she recovered from the bear hug, “meet my mother, Twilight Velvet.”

I smiled at Velvet as she let go. I’d been wondering about her name, but hadn’t had to guts to ask. She’s had several names throughout the fandom, Twilight Velvet, Twilight Twinkle, Twinkle Sparkle.

I was also glad to see she wasn't giving me any small signs of interest. Ever since Twilight had decided we'd come and visit, the fic Twilight's Mom Has Got It Going On, where Velvet was interested in Fluttershy, aka, me, had been stuck in my head. i was glad to see this was a Velvet that was happily married to her husband and not interested in fillyfooling.

Velvet led us inside and into the living room, where I saw a blue unicorn with dark-blue mane and tail, yellow eyes and a crescent moon and star as his Cutie Mark sitting on one of the four plush green couches and knew that was Twilight’s father.

“Bright Light, Cadance, Shining, they’re here,” Velvet called and Bright, along with the other two ponies who were seated on another couch together all turned to see us as we walked in.

“Twily,” Shining said, getting up and giving his sister a nuzzle.

I walked over to Cadance, who hadn’t gotten up from the couch and sat down next to her.

In her forehooves she was holding a small pink alicorn foal with a purple and yellow mane and tail and wings tinted dark purple.

I smile warmly as the little foal blinks up at me.

“Hello, Skyla,” I whisper, moving a hoof up to her.

At once, like all infants, Skyla’s first instinct when something new came near her was to grab my hoof, put in her mouth and suck on it.

I daw-giggled as she happily suckled my hoof, a big smile on her face.

“Hey, Flutteshy.”

We turned to see Twilight giving me a playful frown, her father and brother standing next to her, Velvet right behind.

I grin sheepishly. “Sorry. Skyla’s so cute.”

Twilight shook her head. “I know my niece is cute, but could you please pay attention so i can at least introduce my parents to my fiancée. Mom, Dad, this is Fluttershy.”

Velvet walked over and gave me another hug. “I can’t believe my Twily’s found such a lovely mare. And you’re having a foal as well.”

Twilight chuckled nervously. “Um... about that.”

All the other ponies looked to her, confusion on their faces.

“We’ve recently learned something... interesting about the pregnancy,” Twilight said, grinning sheepishly. “Flutteshy’s not having a foal. She’s having twins.”

There was silence for several seconds as what Twilight had said sunk in.

Cadance stared at me with a mixture of joy and shock. “You’re having twins?!”

I nodded, blushing.

“But... who’s the second foal?” Shining Armour asked, looking confused. “I thought the spell Twilight used only turned Scootaloo into a foal. Who’s the other?”

“The... original Fluttershy,” I whisper, my voice almost inaudible.

A dead silence rang out as now my words sink in.

“Uh... but... wha... how... ?” wa all Shining could make out.

We explained what Fluttershy and I had discussed in my dreams and how, after I’d agreed to help her return, she’d started getting younger in my dreams until she was gone and how we’d theorized that, using some of the residual energy from the spell Twilight had used that sent Scootaloo into my body, Fluttershy had turned herself into a foal so that she could live again.

Once we’d finished, Cadance was frowning.

“I’m not sure that’s how it happened,” she shook her head. “There wouldn’t have been enough residual energy left over after such a long time.”

“Well, now that you mention it,” I said, looking down.

I was holding Skyla, who was finding my large stomach very interesting. Suddenly one of the foals inside me kicked and Skyla felt it. She looked up at me with the confusion only a recently new born can have.

I smiled at her. “Those are your cousins, Skyla. Soon you’ll have some more foals to play with.”

She didn’t seem to understand, but my smile seemed to make her happy and she laughed.

“So, what were you going to say, Fluttershy?” Shining asked.

He was standing next to his father, both of whom look very pale, still trying to understand that not only were two foals being held within me, but that one of them was the same pony whose body I know owned.

I sighed, looking to Twilight. “I thought our idea was sound at first. But, on the way here, I started seeing holes in it. Something else made Fluttershy turn into a foal within me.”

“Indeed, something, or rather somepony did.”

As soon as I heard the voice, I knew who it was, so I didn’t get startled when Discord appeared right in the middle of the living room.

“What do you mean, Discord?” I asked, almost lazily. When he was just having fun in his own way, it was tiring to talk to him, so it was better we cut to the chase so I don’t get a headache.

I felt a kick, a rather painful one, in response to that. Seemed Fluttershy had heard that thought and didn’t approve of my manners.

Discord chuckled. “Why do you think Fluttershy asked you about her coming back, in your dreams?”

I frowned. “Did you have something to do with that?”

He shrugged. “I was going to turn her into a foal within you right away, but she wanted to ask your permission first.”

“Wait!” Twilight cried, her eyes going wide. “You turned her into a foal and placed her in Fluttershy?!”

Discord shrugged again, laying back in an invisible hammock. “I wasn’t going to simply let my first friend ever simply remain a lucent thought. And now she gets a second shot at life.”

Twilight glowered at the draconequus. “You put another foal into my fiancée without asking her! Along with asking the original Fluttershy you should have asked Fluttershy herself!”

“Twilight, I know you’re angry at him,” I said, giving the draconequus a quick glare myself, “I am too. He didn’t ask and he should have, but he allowed Fluttershy to come back, something neither of us thought was possible. Can we really be angry at him for that?”

Twilight looked away, fuming. “I... guess not,” she grumbled, then shot a dark look at Discord. “But you ever do anything like that again; I’ll personally return you to stone.”

Discord nodded and popped away, but not before turning to me and saying, “best wishes, Princess Fluttershy,” and he was gone.

We all stood in silence for a few seconds; first, trying to take in the fact that Discord had put Fluttershy inside me and two, what he’d just called me.

“I... guess, since you’ll be marrying Twilight, you’ll be marrying into the Royal Family,” Shining said, the first to get his voice back. “I became a prince after marrying Cadance, so you’ll become a princess after marrying Twilight.”

I shook my head and smiled. “Let’s just have the family fun we all planned, shall we? Enough with the shocks and silences. We’re all meant to be happy.”

“She’s right,” Velvet said, smiling. “We’ll soon have added four new ponies to the family.”

After that, we all sat and chatted about what had been happening and what plans were underway in regards to the wedding.

I asked Cadance if she’d be the best mare, to which she eagerly agreed to it.

We spent most of the day just talking, going over plans for the wedding. Celestia was going to wed us, just as she had Shining and Cadance.

Velvet and Cadance both talked with me about what I’d be going through in a few months. They explained how much pain to expect during the birth and methods on how to cope.

Their reassurance was certainly welcomed. Of all the few things I wasn’t looking to about the birth, the pain was one of them. According to both of them, nothing could ever compare to the pain, but the reward is well worth it.

As it became later afternoon, Twilight and I said our goodbyes, promising to return later and headed for Canterlot Castle.

When we arrived, a Royal Guard took us straight to the throne room, where Celestia was finishing up a meeting with several ponies.

As soon as she saw us she welcomed us in.

We both stood in front of her, slightly nervous.

“What is wrong, my little ponies?” she asked, looking from me to Twilight.

We both sighed and I decided to speak up.

“Princess, you remember what we talked about? About Fluttershy’s mind?”

Celestia nodded, her expression revealing nothing.

“Well, thanks to Discord being himself, he did something that was both irritatingly annoying, while wonderful at the same time,” I said, blushing as I glanced down at my stomach. “You’ll notice I’m rather big for only six months?”

Celestia nodded again.

“Well, that’s because Discord asked the original Fluttershy if he could turn her into a foal and place her within Fluttershy, next to Scootaloo.”

Celestia didn’t even blink.

“You see, Fluttershy was speaking with Fluttershy in her dreams and she asked her if, if it were possible for her to come back, would she help her. She said yes and, five months later,” Twilight indicated to my stomach. “Fluttershy’s now having twins.”

Celestia only smiled. “I am glad to hear it.”

“Huh?” we both said, staring at her.

She chuckled. “I was informed by Discord himself about this four months ago.”

Twilight’s left eye twitch. “Why didn’t you tell us?” Her voice was gentle and polite, but I knew there was anger and frustration behind those words.

Celesita shook her head. “It was not my place to do so, Twilight. And Discord told me he’d tell you both.”

Twilight snorted. “Oh yeah, he told us, alright. Today.”

Celestia frowned. “He only told you today about this?”

I nodded. “We just thought I was gaining weight or something. But when I felt three kicks at once instead of just two, and when I saw a second foal in the ultrasound...”

Celestia nodded. “I will be having a word with him about this, do not worry. He should have told you right away and spared you all that worry.”

After that we spoke with Celestia about the plans for using the Castle chapel for the wedding. All the arrangements had been finalized and our time for the wedding was booked.

Provided another changeling invasion or some other dangerous event didn’t happen, we would be married within the next two months and be a family.

We thanked Celestia for her time and left the Castle, heading back to Twilight’s parents’ house.

We’d just opened the door and greeted eveyrpony, when a loud voice shouted, “There she is! The foalnapper!”

Twilight and I whirled around.

Five ponies were walking up the path. Three were Royal Guards, all pegasi and the other two ponies were a yellow coated unicorn stallion with a brown mane and tail, grey eyes and a blue hard-cover book for his Cutie Mark and the other was a Pegasus mare with a tan coat, brown eyes mane and tail and a lightning shape for a Cutie Mark.

The three guards were as stoic as ever a Royal Guard was, but the two others were glaring at me as if I’d committed murder.

“What’s going on here?” Twilight asked, turning to one of the guard, frowning. “What’s this about a foalnapper?”

“Her!” the Pegasus mare shouted, pointing an accusing hoof at me. “And you!” She pointed at Twilight.

We all stared at her in shock. Even the guards seemed taken aback.

The guard Twilight had addressed cleared his throat. “My apologies for coming so abruptly, Princess Twilight, but these two ponies, Mr. Thunder Strike and Mrs. Bright Skies claim that you and your fiancée stole their daughter from them.”

I raised an eyebrow. Their daughter?

My eyes widened when I realized what he’d just said. They claimed we’d stolen their daughter? Neither Twilight nor I would ever do something so horrible.

“Claim?! Claim?” Bright shouted, her eyes wide with rage, pointing a hoof at my stomach. “It’s truth! Look at her! She has my daughter within her!”

My eyes widened. “Are you Scootaloo’s parents?!”

Bright just glared at me. “Yes, we are! And we want our daughter back! How dare you steal her from us!”

“Wait, what?” I asked, but Thunder Strike cut me off.

“We go away from Ponyville for just seven months. Seven months and you convince the princess to take our daughter away from us! You blackmailed her into using a spell that made you pregnant with our daughter, didn’t you!”

It hadn’t really been a question. He was stating it as if it was completely true, without a doubt.

“Hold on a minute,” another of the guards said, frowning at them. “Are you claiming that Miss Fluttershy, bearer to the Element of Kindness and future wife of Princess Twilight stole your daughter and tricked the princess into impregnating her with the child?”

“That’s what we’ve been saying since we found you and called you over here!” Skies shouted, a vein appearing on her neck. She glared at me. “She’s an evil witch, claiming to be kind, then stealing ponies children away and making them her own!”

“Now wait just a minute,” Twilight stepped forward. “Fluttershy didn’t trick me into using that spell, and by no means did she even intend to become pregnant with Scootaloo.”

“Don’t try covering for her, Your Highness!” Thunder growled, glaring at Twilight for a second before turning his glare back at me. “You are not at fault in anyway. It is this wench that dared to take our daughter!”

I got my voice back and said firmly, “Wait a minute! You were gone from Ponyville for how long?”

“Seven months,” Skies said coldly. “Yet, within those seven months you decided to turn away from the kind pony you fooled everypony into believing you are and took our daughter away!”

I frowned. “Who did you leave Scootaloo with while you were gone for those seven months?”

Twilight, Skies and the guards all glanced at me in confusion. This was hardly time for social talk.

But I had a hunch about something and if I was right, I’d be having a word with a certain Sun Goddess and Lord of Chaos about punishments.

Thunder seemed just as confused by my question as every other pony. “Nopony. She can take care of herself.”

A gasp came from Twilight, the guards and even Skies.

"You told me you found her a sitter," Skies said, staring in shock at her husband.

My frown turned into a scowl. “So, let me see if I understand this right. You and your wife both go away, for seven months and you didn’t hire anypony to look after Scootaloo while you were gone? You just left her to fend for herself?”

Twilight and the guards had backed away slightly. They could all sense I was a danger to any close to me right now and were wisely keeping their distance.

A torrent of rage was whirling around inside my head. They’d left their daughter, their only child, who couldn’t even fly alone for seven months? They didn’t think once, not once, to try and find a sitter for Scootaloo? There were plenty of ponies they could’ve asked.

Lyra, Bon-Bon, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Colgate, Filthy Rich, Rainbow Dash, Cheerilee, Aloe, Lotus, Flitter, Cloudchaser, Carrot Top, Sparkler and myself just to name a few. Hell, even Derpy would’ve been able to help if they’d only bothered to ask and all would have been willing to do so for free, out of the kindness of their own hearts.

But, instead of asking any of the wonderful ponies who’d willing give up their time to look after Scootaloo, they’d left her alone, without any supervision?

“So what if we did?” Thunder shrugged, not seem to realize what he was actually saying. “If she can look after herself, why waste good bits on a sitter? Keeping our jobs are more important than wasting money where we don’t need to.”

My left eye twitched and all but the two ponies accusing me of foalnapping, who’d just admitted to abandoning their daughter (though the wife perhaps unknowingly), took several steps back.

I took a deep breath, trying to restrain myself, before I turned to the two ponies, my eyes shooting daggers at them. “Do you want to know what happened to your daughter while you two left her alone for seven months?”

“We already know!” Skies shouted, pointing at me. “You stole—”

“She almost died!” I shouted over her.

They both hesitated, slightly taken off-guard.

“What?” Thunder asked, blinking dumbly.

“You heard me,” I said in low voice. “She almost died and it was because you weren’t there to stop her from doing something reckless and stupid!”

“Now see here,” Thunder stepped forward, his eyes narrowed. “How do we know you’re telling us the truth? You have our foal within you. Why should we trust you?”

“You can check the medical records in Ponyville hospital,” Twilight said firmly, though she remained her distance. “They kept the records, even though Scootaloo is now a foal within Fluttershy.”

Skies looked at me sceptically. “And how do we know you didn’t fake them?”

My eyes twitch again. I’d seen the memory from when it happened. I know what I'd seen by my eyes that day. It had been only three months ago when it happened.


I awoke in a corridor that looked like that of a hospital. Clean and sterile, with the scent of detergent in the air.

I was standing in front of a room number 237.

Looking around I saw a sign saying I was in the critical care ward.

I turned back to the door and got a horrible sense of dread as the door seemed to rise into the air, towering over me like a giant.

I wanted to turn away; I wanted to gallop as far from this door as I could, go somewhere, anywhere, as long as it was away from this Celestia forsaken door..

But, no sooner had I decided to run, my legs moved on their own towards the door, which opened, letting me in.

What I saw made my blood run cold.

Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were all standing around a bed.

In that bed, I saw I filly I knew, but who looked far beyond what I’d ever thought I would see.

Scootaloo was lying in the bed, her face bruised and battered, her legs in casts and slings, her skull split dead centre and her wings... her wings were mangled beyond repair.

She was hooked up to respirators, blood transfuses and a heart monitor, which beep slowly every two seconds.

I felt the need to be sick, but somehow kept it down.

This was horrible. What had happened to her that could’ve done this?

“It’s my fault,” Dash said, her head hung low, her eyes red raw, tears pouring down her muzzle. “She wanted me to come but I was late. If I’d only gotten there sooner—!”

“Dash, this ain’t yer fault,” the farm mare said, putting a leg around Rainbow’s shoulder. “None of us coulda known she’d pull a stunt like that.”

“Why didn’t her parents stop her?” Rarity asked, turning to her younger sister.

Sweetie looked down. “We... we don’t know. We don’t know where they are. We went to Scootaloo’s house, but they weren’t there and nopony we asked knew where they were either. But the time we got back to her—”

She burst into tears and Rarity held her sister in a tight embrace.

Fluttershy looked distraught. Her face was paler than I’d ever seen it in the show. She was almost as white as Rarity.

“Isn’t there anything the doctors can do?” she asked. Her voice sound hallow, as if all the life had been drained from the sight of the filly lying in that bed.

Twilight looked to Rainbow, who started sobbing.

“They—” she gasped, struggling to speak through her body-raking sobs. “Th-they said— They said she’ll be lucky to last the night!”

A cold chill ran through the room and my legs almost buckled.

Lucky to last the night? It was that bad?

Fluttershy sobbed, turning to Twilight. “Isn’t—?” sob, sob, “Isn’t there anything we can do to save her, Twilight? Anything at all?”

Twilight closed her eyes, composing herself and thinking. When she opened her eyes, she was frowning.

“I have a spell that might work,” she said, turning to Rainbow.

The cyan mare’s eyes bulged. “What is it? Use it, Twilight! Please, save her?!”

Twilight took a step towards the bed, her frown still in place. “While I was looking through some more books from the Castle of the Two Sisters, I came across a regression spell that should heal Scootaloo. It was used whenever a pony’s body was too damaged to last long and they would regress them until they were completely healed.”

“How young’d that make ’er?” Applejack asked, an eyebrow raised.

Twilight shook her head. “However young they needed to be into order to heal them completely. They’d heal by using the inner magic within themselves, changing their body to a time it remembered being healthier. How young they became depended on how bad a shape they were in.”

“What about Scoots?” Rainbow looked worried. “How young will it make her?”

Twilight thought on that for a moment. “By adding some of my own inner magic I should be able to keep Scootaloo’s age similar to the way it is now. But just to be safe, I want everypony to stand back. I don’t want you getting caught in it accidently and giving your own inner magic to her.”

They all nodded and back away.

Twilight lit her horn and Scootaloo became shrouded in Twilight’s aura.

Twilight hesitated, looking unsure. she was suddenly doubting if she could save Scootaloo.

Fluttershy stepped closer to her and wrapped a wing around the alicorn. “You can do it, Twilight,” she said softly. “I know you’ll save her.”

Twilight sighed and gave Fluttershy a small smile. “Thanks, Fluttershy. I’m a bit nervous.”

The Pegasus nuzzled the alicorn. “I’ll stay right next to you. You’re not doing this alone.”

Twilight nodded and cast the spell.

I watched as Scootaloo started to slowly heal, her brusies sinking into her fur-covred skin, the split in her head closing up, her wings slowly returning to what they should be.

I realized Twilight was using the spell that had sent Scootaloo into my body and glanced at the two mares.

Though she was standing next to Twilight, Fluttershy was a few centimetres closer to Scootaloo with one of her front legs extended ever so slightly.

At once, Scootaloo shone with a white light that started all present. When the light faded, Scootaloo was no longer in the bed. In fact, it looked like she’d just vanished, leaving her casts, slings and bandages behind.

“What happened?” Rainbow screamed, her eyes wide with panic. “Where’d Scootaloo go?!”

Twilight turned to her saddlebags, which I noticed were by the door I was standing next to and levitated a book with a marron cover out of it.

She opened the book and quickly scanned the page.

“What?” she shouted, her eyes going wide.

“What?” Rainbow asked, her voice rising in hysteria. “What’s wrong?”

Twilight scowled. “I didn’t see this tiny writing at the bottom of the spell.” She levitated it closer to read the tiny writing. “Warning! If this spell is used and a specific age has not been set, the one the spell was cast upon shall be reduced to a new foal, barely days old and place into the nearest female adult. URGH! You’d think whoever created this spell might have put that in large bold letters! Was this pony stupid or something?”

“Who was closest to Scootaloo before the flash?” Sweetie Belle asked, looking around at the six adult mares.

Twilight cast her magic into the air and markers appeared in front of each mare. At first it looked like she was the closest... until she noticed another marker sitting next to hers, and just the tiniest bit in front of it. The marker was in front of Fluttershy.

“Um, Fluttershy?” Twilight said, her voice quivering slightly.

The timid and right now petrified Pegasus turned to Twilight. “Yes?” her voice was quivering and barely even a whisper. I almost didn’t hear it.

Twilight gulped. “According to the tracking spell, you were the closest to Scootaloo.”

Applejack’s face went red. “Does...? Does tha’ mean...?”

Twilight nodded. “Fluttershy is now pregnant... with Scootaloo.”

There was silence for several seconds, before said Pegasus fell to the floor, unconscious and the dream ended.


I glared at Scootaloo’s parents after the retelling of my dream/memory was over.

“Because of your neglectance, Scootaloo almost died! If Twilight hadn’t used that spell, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation because you’d have arrived home, only to learn your daughter was dead!”

Before either could respond, the second guard who’d spoken stopped them, shaking his head.

“Is this true?” he asked, his eyes narrowed. “Did you willingly and knowingly leave your daughter on her own without contacting anypony to look after her, even just check on her every once in a while.”

Thunder glared at him, while Skies just stared and that seemed all the answer he needed.

He nodded to the first guard, who turned to us and said, “We’re sorry for having disturbed you this even, Princess Twilight, Miss Fluttershy. We won’t bother you anymore.”

“What?” Scootaloo’s parents shouted as they were led away, the guard keeping them from turning back.

“NO!” Skies yelled in rage. “She stole my daughter! Make her suffer for her crimes!”

“That’s enough!” the second guard shouted, his voice filled with uncharacteristic anger for a Royal Guard. “I have a little filly of my own and I would never, NEVER leave her alone even for a day for my job! Even if I had to go to Celestia herself, I would stay with my daughter and look after her!”

“You’re both being held for the night for obstructing the peace,” the first guard said as they led the two protesting ponies away.

“This isn’t over!” Skies’ voice carried back to us. “You hear me? We’ll see you in court for this, you hussy!”

When her insults finally faded away, Twilight put a wing around me and I sighed.

“Why do things keep getting more complicated everyday I’m here?” I whispered, a few tears leaking from my eyes.

Author's Note:

Well, it's a day late, but here's chapter 6.

i hope this went okay. i meant to spaced out what happened into three chapters bad, yesterday shift happened and i lost the drive to really keep going, so i ended up combining three chapters into one. i hope the chapter hasn't suffered for this.

I wanted to get chapter four of Wings, a Horn and Hooves out today, but it looks like that won't happen until Sunday now.

As you can all also see, this wasn't a fic where scoots is an orphan. Granted i gave her some pretty shitty parents, but she's not an orphan and at least they didn't abuse her, like so many other scoots already has living parents fics.

If you haven't noticed, i;ve made Skies less of a horrible mother and the bad parenting lain on Thunder.

anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter and i will get chapter six (which will revolve around the trail and other things about scoots parents being revealed) out whenever i can and try my best to get Wings, a Horn and Hooves chapter four out this Sunday.

later, everypony