• Published 20th Apr 2014
  • 11,869 Views, 239 Comments

Fluttershy Flutterguy - Autum Breeze

A failed spell of Princess Twilight Sparkle results in Fluttershy gaining a new look on life.

  • ...

Chapter 5 - A Second Chance

Chapter 5

A Second Chance


The beams of the sunlight gently slid down onto my face and I slowly open my eyes and yawn.

I lean a hoof against my stomach, which was fairly large by now.

“Good morning, sweetie,” I said softly as I rubbed my belly. “And how’re you doing this fine day?”

I felt a small kick in response and giggled.

It has been six months since I went to sleep on the 20/4/2014 on Earth and awoke as Fluttershy in Equestria.

I slowly push myself up and out of bed. Now that I was more than halfway through the pregnancy, it was getting a bit harder to move around, though Rarity pointed out that I seemed bigger than I should for just six months.

I gingerly place my hooves on the floor and steady myself. My increased weight made it harder to keep my balance as easily as before.

I move downstairs to find Angel helping the animals with their breakfasts and smile. He’s been so helpful since I came here; I can see why Fluttershy loves him, even if he was rude to her a lot of the time.

He glances at me and nods to the kitchen, telling me he’d handle the feedings while I got myself something to eat.
I thank him and start towards the kitchen, when I feel Scootaloo kick again.

I smile down at my stomach. “You want to come out soon, huh?” I giggle. “Don’t worry, Scootaloo. Just a few more months and you’ll be able to see all of Equestria again.”

In response, I got three kicks.

I stopped. Three kicks, at the same time? Two kicks at the same time I could understand. Scootaloo could kick with two legs at once, all ponies probably did that at some point before they were born.

But... that was three kicks, and all at once. Scootaloo couldn’t have kicked me three times at once. But the logical answer there would mean Scootaloo wasn’t alone in there, which was impossible. Twilight had only accidently sent Scootaloo into my body, not anypony else.

I shook it from my head. I was over thinking things.

Besides, I had an ultrasound today. That would prove I was just being silly and that I only had Scootaloo inside me.

I had some breakfast (a few apples, some waffles and apple juice), said goodbye to Angel and gradually made my way to Ponyville and to the hospital.

Many ponies said hello and good morning to me along the way, which I answered in kind. They could all see how far I was in the pregnancy and were all looking excited that another pony would soon be joining the community, even if it meant she was technically just rejoining it.

Twilight had wanted to come to the ultrasound too, but she had some royal duties, though she luckily didn’t have to leave town to do them.

On top of that, she was meeting with Pinkie and Rarity to go over the wedding plans.

Yeah, you didn’t mishear that. Wedding plans. Twilight and I are getting married and in only two months.

We’d been going out for a while now, my small interests in her having blossomed into love, no doubt aided by Fluttershy’s residual memories of loving Twilight, and we’d decided to get married and she was busying herself with both her royal duties as well as working with Pinkie and Rarity on the plans for the wedding.

One thing Rarity insisted on was that neither of us was wearing a suit. We would both be wearing wedding dresses. She’d done mine last month, factoring in how much I’d grown over the last few months and how much larger I would no doubt be, come the wedding.

And as for Pinkie... yeah, you don’t want me to go there. Let’s just say she’s going to make it big. Real big.

While I was happy Twilight was putting so much effort into the plans for our wedding, this did, however, mean I was on my own for the ultrasound.

As I reached the doors to Ponyville Hospital, I was stopped by the sound of galloping hooves and turned to see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle headed in my direction.

I smiled at them as they stopped in front of me. “Good morning, girls. How’re you doing today?”

“We’r doin’ great, Fluttershy,” AppleBloom said, then glanced behind me and frowned. “Why’re ya’ll headin’ inta the hospital?”

“OH! Is Scootaloo gonna be born today?” Sweetie Belle cheered, her eyes sparkling.

I shook my head. “That’s still about five months away, Sweetie Belle.”

The filly unicorn looked down, depressed.

“I am, however, going in for an ultrasound, today,” I said, giggling at the confused frowns from the two fillies.

“Ultrasound?” Apple Bloom cocked her head. “What in the hay is that?”

I walked closer to them. “Well, it’s like a special camera that lets ponies expecting foals to see the foal while it’s still inside them.”

“You mean you’re gonna get to see Scootaloo before she’s even born?” Sweetie Belle’s eyes were like diamonds.

I chuckle. “Would you girls like to join me? You’ll have to behave so things go smoothly.”

It was like Celestia had just turned the sun to shine down only on them as a light seemed to emanate from their very bodies.

“YES!” they both screamed, bouncing up and down as they circled me.

I giggle and turn to head inside. “Well, let’s go then, girls. let’s go and say hi to Scootaloo.”

We went to the front desk, I told the pony waiting who I was and that I had an appointment for an ultrasound, she told me which room and we all headed down the hall.

Once inside the room, we were greeted by Nurse Red Heart and a unicorn mare with a brown coat, blue mane and tail with yellow streaks and a stethoscope Cutie Mark.

“Well, good day, Miss Fluttershy,” Red Heart smiled as the three of us stopped next to the table. “Are you ready to see your daughter for the first time?”

I nodded, then indicated to the two fillies next to me. “Is it alright if these two watch? Scootaloo was their best friend and they’d love to see her again.”

Red Heart nodded. “As long as they don’t cause any trouble, they can stay.”

“Got that, girls?” I said, in the tone Fluttershy had used in the episode Stare Master.

They nodded, giving me a salute. “Got it, Fluttershy.”

“Right over here, then, Miss Fluttershy,” the unicorn said, indicating to a table with a comfy mattress.

With a little difficulty thanks to my large frame, I managed to get up onto the table and lay down on my side.

The unicorn’s horn glowed with an orange aura and a light of the same colour passed over my stomach. She then turned her head to a large blank white screen and her horn sparked and an orangey image appeared on the wall.

I almost squealed, though the fillies beat me to it. On the wall we could see the image of what looked like a foal surrounded by a darker shading that was the walls of my womb keeping it safe.

“That’s her! That’s her!” Apple Bloom shouted, pointing at the image. “That’s Scootaloo!”

“She’s so cute!” Sweetie chirped, bouncing off the ground and doing a Pinkie Pie, hanging there for at least two seconds before coming back down again.

“Hmm,” the unicorn nurse said, frowning.

“What?” I asked, suddenly feeling anxious.

When having an ultrasound and seeing your foal for the first time, the unicorn with a medical degree saying “Hmm” like that is not something you want to hear.

“That’s... odd,” she said, turning to me. “Are your certain you’re only pregnant with one foal?”

I nodded. “Only Scootaloo was effected by the spell and sent into me. Nopony else was hit by the spell.”

“You weren’t with any stallions the night before you became pregnant with Scootlaoo?” she asked, giving me a look that made me fill with rage.

“Of course not!” I shouted, which was quite loud for Fluttershy’s voice. “I haven’t ever been with a stallion.”

“What’s she mean?” Sweetie asked, turning to Bloom.

I panicked and turned to them. “Nothing you girls need to know about yet. That’s big pony stuff.”

They pouted and said, “AWW!”

I turned back to the unicorn, my anxiety returning. “Wh-why did you ask?”

She made the image zoom in closer to Scootaloo and what looked like another pony’s ear was just visible next to it.

My gut dropped. There was no way I was having another foal along with Scootaloo, so that meant...

“Scootaloo’s been born with a defect?” I whispered, a small sob escaping me as I put my hooves over my mouth.

The unicorn frowned, then rotated the image so we could see the ears clearer. “No. Those aren’t Scootaloo’s ears.”

My sobs stopped and my jaw dropped, as did Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle’s jaws, which all hung open as we stared at the screen.

Next to Scootaloo, plain as day, was another foal-shaped object.

“Wh-what?” I stutter, my voice quivering. “B-b-b-but how? How is there another f-foal inside me that isn’t Scootaloo?!”

The unicorn shook her head. “That I cannot answer, Miss Fluttershy. I know how you became pregnant with Scootaloo, however, this other foal does not add up. I would advise you ask Princess Twilight if the spell had any other side effects you did not know about.”

I nodded, only dimly listening as I stared at the second foal on the screen.

I was having twins. Twins! That explained why I was so big even though I was only six months into the pregnancy and why I’d felt three kicks this morning. Scootaloo and the other foal had kicked at the same time, one of them kicking with two hooves and the other just one.

A few minutes later, I walked out of the hospital, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle walking next to me, an envelope containing a photo of the ultrasound being carried in Sweetie’s magic.

As soon as the doors to the hospital closed, I broke out into as fast a gallop as I could manage in my current state and headed for the library, the two fillies shouting as they followed right behind.


I slammed the door open, shouting, “Twilight! We’ve got a problem!”

Said alicorn, Rarity and Pinkie Pie all turned to me, my entering having apparently interrupted some argument the three were in and looked at me.

The worry on my face must have been clear, because Twilight bound over and pulled me into a hug. “What is it, Fluttershy? Is something wrong?”

“I don’t know!” I sobbed into her coat. “Twilight, I’m having twins.”

It took a few seconds for Twilight to understand what I’d just said. When it finally registered, she pulled back, giving me a slight frown.

“Fluttershy, I only used the spell once,” she shook her head. “The only foal inside of you is Scootaloo. You can’t be pregnant with twins, when only Scootaloo went into you.”

“But it’s true!”

We all turned behind me to see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gasping and wheezing, the envelope with the ultrasound photo only just hanging in Sweetie’s flickering magic.

“Look at the photo!” I said, grabbing the envelope in my mouth and handing it to Twilight. “You’ll see! I’m not lying, Twilight! I’m having twins!”

Twilight took the envelope in her magic, opened it and levitated the photo out as Pinkie and Rarity came up next to her to get a look.

Remember in Equestria Girls, that look on human Twilight and Spike’s faces and the donkey sound that made when human Pinkie told Twilight’s identity? That was the reaction from all three ponies as they stared at the picture.

Twilight looked at me, wide-eyed. “But... how?”

I looked away, tears in my eyes. “I don’t know, Twilight. I just don’t know.”

Rarity was the first to regain her composure. “Well, it does explain why you look more like you’re nine months pregnant as opposed to six,” she said with the faintest of an uneasy chuckle. “You’ve got two foals in there, not just one.”

“But how’d this happen?!” Pinkie cried, leaping into the air, her face showing utter horror. “Now I’ve gotta totally entirely reorganize the Happy Rebirthday, Scootaloo party into a Happy Rebirthday, Scootalloo and Happy Birthday... whatever you call the other foal party!! I’ve so much to do!”

And before any of us could really decipher the first part of her sentence, the pink pony was out of the library and down the road.

“Um, I think we should leave Fluttershy and Twilight alone, girls,” Rarity said, walking passed me, stopping to give me a reassuring nuzzle and headed out, closing the door behind her, which was followed by muffled groans and whines from the two fillies.

Twilight and I stood in silence for several moments, each of us not sure what to say.

After about five minutes, Twilight broke the ice.

“Do you have no idea how this happened, Fluttershy?”

I wasn’t sure whether or not I should tell her. I had a small hunch as to why this had happened, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to believe it.

I sighed and nodded. “Can we sit down first, Twilight. This may take a while to explain.”

She nodded and we both walked over to the couch, which she helped me up onto and we sat side by side, neither really being able to meet the others’ eyes.

“Well,” I said, gulping, “Remember how I told you the day after my family came for a visit, that on that day, I’d had a dream where the original Fluttershy spoke to me?”

She nodded. I had indeed told her about the dream the day after the visit from my family. We’d both agreed that Fluttershy was still alive within my mind and where I’d met her was the small part of my mind where she resided.

“Well, that wasn’t the only time I met her in my dreams.”

Indeed, I’d been meeting Fluttershy in my dreams almost every night. We always found ourselves in different locations too. Sometimes they were places in Equestria, other times they were places from the human world and all those from my memories.

However, over the last four months, something had changed about the dreams. In each one, Fluttershy seemed to be younger.

The last time I’d seen her as I remembered her from the show had been about three days after my family’s visit.


Fluttershy and I were sitting in the Hamarikyu Gardens in Tokyo, Japan.

This dream was a very calm one. Though I’d only been here once in my life, the memory was strong enough that we were surrounded by all the beautiful plants and greenery that this garden held.

It was about three days since my family had visited me and I’d spent the whole dream telling her about what happened, which she smiled about a few times, before we went silent and just listened to the sounds around us.

Suddenly Fluttershy cleared her throat and I turned to her.

She looked at me, a serious expression on her face that took me off-guard. Even in the show I’d rarely seen her wearing that expression.

“Fluttershy?” she asked, firmly. “Can I ask you something?”

I nodded slowly. “Sure. This is as much your head as it is mine, maybe more so, so feel free to ask anything.”

Fluttershy nodded and looked up at the clear blue sky above us.

“If I could came back, but you could still be in my body, would you want that?”

My face lit up. “There’s a way for you to come back?! How?”

She looked at me, still with that firm expression. “Do you want me to do it? Will you help me come back?”

I nodded frantically. “Yes, Fluttershy! Yes, I’ll help you come back. I’ll do whatever it takes! What do we do?”

She looked down, blushing. “It’s... a little unusual, and you’ll gain all my memories once this... process is complete.”

I frowned. “Your memories? Why would I get all your memories?”

She looked at me, a slightly sad look coming across her face. “So that they don’t fade away after I forget them.”

I gasped. “Forget them? Fluttershy, you can’t forget your memories! They’re yours! If you forget them, then it’s almost like you never existed in the first place!”

She nodded, then shook her head, confusing me. “I will forget, but you will have all my memories. The old me we live on in you.”

I shook my head. “No, Fluttershy. That’s not right. I’m not you. I shouldn’t have your memories. That’s just... I don’t know what that is. What would happen to you if you can’t even remember your own name?”

She gave a small smile. “You’ll give me a new one.”

And before I could retort, she faded away along with our surroundings and the dream ended.


“After that, in each dream I had where I met up with Fluttershy, she was younger and younger. The last time I met her in a dream she was smaller than a five-year-old filly. She didn’t even have her Cutie Mark anymore.”

I finished my tale, Twilight having sat listening to my every word without interruption.

I turned to Twilight, tears in my eyes. “Twilight, you don’t think the other foal inside of me could be...? You don’t think Fluttershy meant...?”

Twilight, knowing what I was implying, lit up her horn and a beam of purple energy flowed over me for several seconds.

Twilight gasped, her eyes wide as she stared at my bulging stomach.

“Fluttershy,” she said, her voice holding a slight quiver. “I-I checked magical identification. All ponies have a resonance that says who they are... or, in this case, were.”

I gulped. “Y-you mean...?”

She nodded. “The first foal identified as Scootaloo. The second... it registered Fluttershy.”

I felt very light-headed and almost fell off the couch, Twilight catching me in her magic at the last second.

“I’m pregnant with Scootaloo... and Fluttershy?” my voice rose to a high-pitched squeak at the last name.

Twilight nodded, looking as close to fainting as I’m sure I did.

I sat there, staring my stomach.

“So that’s what she meant,” I whispered, putting a hoof on my stomach and feeling a small kick against said hoof. “She came back... by becoming a foal inside me.” I turned to Twilight. “How?”

Twilight thought for a moment or two, her brow furrowed, before she came up with an idea.

“Maybe there was enough residual energy from the spell that turned Scootaloo into a foal and placed her inside you, that her consciousness was able to reconstruct another form within you as well,” she hypothesized. “The spell that brought you into Fluttershy’s body had been used on her fairly recently, so when the other spell put Scootaloo inside you, it gave her a gateway into another form of life. once your mind entered her body and became dominant, she saw the gateway had a purpose and , once you gave her permission, she used it”

It sounded logical... well, as logical as anything can be when magic is involved, anyway.

After a few moments of silence, Twilight wrapped a wing around me. “Look on the bright side, Fluttershy.”

I glanced at her. “What’s that?”

She snuggled into me. “Now we’re having two foals now.”

It took a second for what she’d said to process, before I gave a warm smile and rubbed my hoof against my stomach.

“Two daughters,” I closed my eyes for a second, then opened them wide and turned to the alicorn. “What’ll we call her?”

Twilight pulled back a little, an eyebrow raised. “Hmm?”

I shook my head. “When Fluttershy and Scoots are born, what’ll we call Fluttershy? We can’t call her Fluttershy. It’d be too confusing, even more than it is with you and your mother sharing the same first name.”

Twilight blinked. “You’re right. We’ll have to think up a new name for her.” She put a hoof to her muzzle, thinking.

“It needs to be a name that represents her as we remember her,” I said, closing my eyes as I thought through names that would be suitable for Fluttershy’s new name. “Something that says how kind she is... was? Something that says, “This filly will be the sweetest, most kindest filly you’ll ever meet”.”

Twilight nodded, still thinking. “Bright Eyes?”

I shook my head. “Maybe... Gentle Skies?”

We debated for about half an hour over possible names for our second filly. Names like Kind Heart, Gentle Hooves, Sweet Breeze and so on, but none sounded right for the foal formally known as Fluttershy.

After a while, we gave up and decided we’d ask Twilight’s family for ideas when we went to visit them tomorrow.

“Speaking of which,” Twilight said, her horn glowing and several suitcases levitating next to her, “have you finished packing.”

I nodded. “Angel helped me take them to the train station yesterday afternoon, so that they’d be on the train when we get on later this afternoon.”

Twilight nodded, a small sly smile crossing her muzzle. “I think my organization skills are starting to rub off on you.”

I shook my head. “Back on Earth, I always tried to be prepared before going out somewhere and always planned ahead.” I blushed. “Sometimes too much, to the point when one tiny thing going wrong made everything fall out of place.”

Twilight’s smile grew a little slyer. “You sure that isn’t way you like me?”

I gave her a playful nudge. “Don’t even joke about that, Twilight. I love you because you’re a wonderful pony... and I think Fluttershy’s feelings for you leaked into me.”

After that little banter, we got up and left the library, headed for the train station. Spike had gone ahead; apparently he’d wanted to spend as much of the day helping AJ on the farm before we left, since we’d be staying in Canterlot for a few days.

I smirked as I thought he’d probably have preferred to be with Rarity, but if that fight my arrival had broken up was any indication, he’d taken the safe route and gone to help AJ instead.

The reasons we were staying so long in Canterlot was firstly because Twilight wanted to spend some quality time with her family and second, because I’d never been there before and she was going to show me around.

But now we had a third reason for going. We needed to tell Princess Celestia about Fluttershy becoming a foal within me, making me pregnant with twins.

When we arrived at the train station, it was to see Spike helping one of the train conductors bring my luggage into the train.
Twilight had opted for a first class carriage, so we could have some privacy and just talk.

Once all our luggage was stored, we got on the train and a few minutes later it puffed out of the station, heading for Canterlot.
Twilight and I spent a fair amount of the trip trying to come up with a name for our second foal.

Spike found our “mare talk” extremely boring and went out to the dinning cart to find something to eat, so he didn’t have to listen to our giggles and squeals as we tried coming up with an appropriate name for our new foal.


I stared out the window as Celestia started to lower the sun and Canterlot came closer into view.

“Twilight?” I whispered, turning to her.

She had her muzzle deep in a book about caring for twins and I wondered how I hadn’t noticed it til now.

She looked up, saying, “Hmm?”

I looked down, fiddling with my hooves a little. “Do you think your family will like me?”

Twilight lowered the book, smiling. “Of course they will, Fluttershy. What in Equestria would make you feel you needed to ask?”

I sighed, my eyes fixed on the floor. “I guess... I’m just nervous.”

Could you blame me? I was about to meet Twilight Sparkle’s family. I knew enough about Shining Amour and Cadance thanks to the show, heck, I'd even met them, but I didn’t know anything about her parents.

The only stuff I had on them were what I’d read in fanfics and each version of them had always been a bit different in personality.

Twilight wrapped a wing around my shoulder. “Fluttershy, you helped Cadance give birth to Skyla. How could you not think she and my brother wouldn’t like you after that?”

It was true. About three months ago Cadance had given birth to Princess Skyla, the pony all bronies and pegasisters had been anxiously awaiting to see in the show after a doll of her had been released for sale.

I’d helped with the delivery because she’d been at my cottage for a visit at the time her water broke.

When did she get pregnant, I’m sure many of you are asking? Well, remember the Season Four episode, Three’s a Crowd? She was about two months pregnant back then, but was using a spell to hide it and had yet to tell Twilight.

She was going to tell her during the visit, but, you know, thanks to Discord butting in, she didn’t get the chance.

I sigh, nodding. “I know Cadance and Shining are okay with me, Twilight. But what about your parents? I didn’t get to see them after the birth because I had to go help Barry Bear settle a dispute between him and a large colony of bees and that took til nightfall.”

She leaned into me, chuckling. “Don’t worry, Fluttershy. I know they’ll love you almost as much as I do. Especially when we tell my mother you’re giving her two new grandchildren.”

I took a deep breath and breathed out, before leaning into Twilight, smiling. “Okay, I’ll relax. Not sure it’ll be easy for me, but I’ll relax.” I giggle. “Besides, I can’t wait to see Skyla again. She’s such a cute filly.”

I felt two kicks in response to that. They almost seemed like annoyed kicks.

I chuckled. “Don’t worry,” I said, rubbing my belly with a hoof. “You two will always be the cutest foals to me, no matter what.”

Their response was two, much softer kicks, as if apologizing for their little outburst, which just made me giggle.

Author's Note:

Well, here's chapter 5.

So, original Fluttershy is now a foal inside Fluttershy. where will this lead and how will Scoots get along with her twin sister once they are born?

On top of that, what are Twilight's family going to say when they learn they've Two granddaughters on the way?

I added Foalshy (that will not be her name, don't worry) because of a comment on one of the other chapters and i thought that would make sense.

I'll try and get the neck chapter out before Sunday next week, though I'll try to finish it tomorrow. we'll have to wait and see what happens.

Chow, everypony