• Published 20th Apr 2014
  • 11,869 Views, 239 Comments

Fluttershy Flutterguy - Autum Breeze

A failed spell of Princess Twilight Sparkle results in Fluttershy gaining a new look on life.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - Meeting the Family

Chapter 4

Meeting the Family


I was standing by the lake in a park near my home. I could hear the ducks and other birds making noises.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sounds.

“This place is so nice.”

I start and whirl around to see...

“Fluttershy?” Wow. That’s weird. Fluttershy saying her own name in surprise.

The Pegasus gives a small nod, not turning to look at me, her eyes on the birds in the lake.

I glance down at myself. I’m Fluttershy too, only with the month pregnant belly. I look back at her.

“Um, I’m dreaming, right?”

She nods, but doesn’t look my way.

I follow her gaze. She was watching a small family of ducks swimming through the lake.

I smiled. I’d never seen ducklings in this lake before. It was nice to get the chance.

Then my guilt grips me and I turn back to Fluttershy. “Um, Fluttershy?”


I took a deep breath, then put a hoof to my stomach. “I’m... I’m sorry.”

She finally turns to look at me, confusion on her face. “Why?”

I look away. “I stole your life. I stole your foal. Maybe not intentionally, but I still did. I... I’m just... Sorry doesn’t even seem enough to apologize.”

I felt a hoof on my shoulder and looked to see Fluttershy. She was smiling.

“You didn’t steal my life, Fluttershy. None of this is your fault.”

She pulls me into a hug and I return it.

“I’ll always be here if you need me,” she whispered into my ear. “All you need to do is listen and you’ll hear my voice.”

With that everything started to fade, including her.

“But... what’s gonna happen to you?” I asked, trying to keep a grip on her, my hooves just passing through her.

“I’ll be waiting by the lake.”


I slowly opened my eyes. I was back in my bed.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes with a hoof. While pregnant I was so not a morning pony. I stretched myself, getting all the stiffness out of my bones, before I gingerly got out of bed and headed downstairs.

When I reached the main room, I smiled as Angel gave some feild mice some cheese. He noticed me and hopped over and I nuzzled him.

“Good morning, Angel. Did you have a good sleep?”

He pulls away, nodding.

I head for the kitchen to get my breakfast. I had a fruit salad (mostly apple slices), some toast with peanut butter and a glass of apple juice, while Angel had some carrots.

After we finished, I took my dishes to the sink and washed them. To think, only a month ago I barely washed my dishes at all. Now I was going it like a pro, without even thinking about it.

With the dishes done and left to dry and went with Angel to check on the food I’d prepared for when Fluttershy’s... no, when my family arrived for their visit later.

I was a little nervous. Most fics I’d read about Flutteshy had her having a very cruel and sometimes violent family. But I had read a few with her having caring parents and they’d sounded nice enough from their letter.

I looked over the picnic Angel and I had prepared. Some dandelion sandwiches and daffodil sandwiches, a large salad, some muffins (thanks to my favorite mailmare) and some bottles of apple juice.

I thanked Angel for his help and we waited for our guests to arrive.

At 10:10 I heard a knock on the door.

When I answered it I was pulled into a hug by a large Pegasus stallion with a mint-green coat , slightly darker green eyes, a pinkish-white mane and tail, the former being styled in a curling fashion, like icing on a cupcake and a Cutie Mark shaped like a cloud with a smiling sun behind it.

From over his shoulder I could see a Pegasus mare with a coat a teensy bit darker than mine, with a red mane and tail with a curly style like any female usually has, red eyes behind broad blue glasses and a flower for a Cutie Mark.

You would have to have to be pretty stupid to not know these were my parents. I sort of looked like a merging of them both. Though that didn’t explain my pink hair being as pink as it is, I brushed it off. Dad's hair's probably whitened with age. I was more worried about how tightly my new dad was holding me.

“C-careful, Dad,” I manage to get out. “Y-you’ll squash the baby.”

“Oh,” he said, letting me go. “Sorry about that, sweetie.” His voice is really soft.

I smiled. Despite my initial fears he had a nice, gentle voice. He felt like somepony who is a tender guy at heart. Jeez. Now I know where Fluttershy gets it from.

The mare came over and gave me a much softer hug. “It’s good to see you, honey.”

Her voice is really soft too. Jeez, does everyone in my immediate family soft-spoken?

I couldn’t help it, I let myself go and enjoyed it. This hug was wonderful. It was the hug of a mother cradling her child, even if in my mind I knew I technically wasn’t her child, it was still a wonderful feeling.

She stepped back after we broke the embrace and said, “We even brought a few of your cousins. Your brother... couldn't make it today, though, I'm afraid.”

I can't help frowning for a second at her tone. Guess I'll need to learn more about my new brother. I'll ask Pinkie and Dash later.

Mum motioned to some ponies I couldn’t see and they stepped forward.

My jaw almost dropped, right before I caught myself.

Four mares were standing there, smiling, all of them Earth Ponies.

One of them looked like she could be my identical twin, aside from the fact that she was an Earth Pony and I was a Pegasus. The only other visual difference was her Cutie Mark, which was three pink flowers on their stems.

One mare had a pink coat, purple eyes, her that was streaks of lavender, bright yellow and the same pink as her coat and a Cutie Mark shaped like a butterfly with yellow with, outlined by dark-pink.

The next mare had a violet coat, green eyes, a white mane and tail with a large streak of slightly darker violet and a Cutie Mark shaped like several flowers under a few vines.

The final mare had a white coat, red eyes, mane and tail and a love heart with three golden love hearts.

All of them had mane styles almost identical to mine.

My mum put a hoof on my shoulder and nodded to each mare in turn. “These are your cousins, Primrose and Tender Hooves, Lily and Bright Heart.”

I glanced at her. Why was she introducing me to them like I didn’t know them? True, I didn’t know them, but why would she introduce them to her own daughter? I had yet to break the news to them that I wasn’t the Fluttershy she raised as a filly.

“Don’t worry,” she whispered to me with a gentle smile. “Princess Twilight sent us a letter explaining everything.”

My jaw dropped for real this time. I turned to her, my eyes wide. “You...? You know that I’m not really your daughter?”

Her eyes softened further. “Honey,” she pulled me into another hug, “you are my real daughter. Your mind might be different, but you’re still my little Fluttershy. Nothing can change that.”

I... I didn’t know what to say. She saw my as her daughter, even though only my body was what was left of her daughter.

I returned the hug. “Thank you, Mum.”

“Mum?” she chuckles, pulling away. “Why’d you call me that?”

“Uh...” What did she mean?

“You used to call her “mom”,” the stallion, my dad, said, raising an eyebrow.

I laughed nervously. “Well, since you know about what happened, my mind’s that of an Australian. There, we say “mum”, not “mom”.”

“You were what?” Tender Hooves asked, raising an eyebrow.

“The Outback,” I said, deciding that was the easiest thing to say. I didn’t even know if there was a version of Australia here in the mlp world. “I lived in the Outback.”

“Oh,” Primrose nodded, grinning. “You mean the Outbuck.”

I snorted. Outbuck? Seriously? That was the best this world could do to ponify the place I came from?

Once I’d stopped chortling, I allowed them all inside.

Angel hurried over to Tender and waited to be nuzzled, which he was, mere seconds later.

I gave a small smile. Maybe he was smitten with her like Spike is with Rarity.

Once everypony was settled, whether on the couches or simply on the floor, Lily asked, “So, how have you been coping? You know, with everything?”

I was one who’d decided to sit on the couch, if only because of Scootaloo.

I giggled. “Well, I’d be lying if I said it was easy. I’m still getting used to it all a little.”

“Are you looking forward to being a mom?” Tender asked, smiling.

I looked down at my stomach and smiled. “Actually, I am. I really am. It’s weird, thanks to my memories of being a male, but I really am looking forward to being a mum.”

They all gave me tender looks, the looks only family can give

Tender squealed. "Ooh! I still can't believe our baby cousin is going to be a mommy!"

I chuckle. "Are the only...? Baby cousin?"

They told me the family history. Tender was my oldest cousin, having been born a year before me. Primrose and I were twins technially speaking, since we'd been born on the same day at around the same time, though that wasn't explaining why we look alike, save our type of pony and Cutie Marks and she was older than me by ten minutes.

Lily was grinning and when I asked her why' she pulled two tan vest similar to the ones worn in Ponyville during Winter Wrap Up, only they reached over the body, covering up the flanks. Both looked like they were meant for Earth Ponies.

She glanced at Primrose, then at me and indicated to them. "Put them on."

Curious as to what she was playing at, I took the vest she'd left closest to me and put it, whole Primrose put on hers.

Mine didn't feel restrictive to a Pegasus. It had small pouches where my wings were able to rest comfortably, yet remained out of sight.

Once both of us were wearing our vests, Lily made us stand together and held up a mirror to us.

My jaw dropped. With my wings and our Cutie Marks hidden, Primrose and I looked exactly the same. You couldn't tell either of us apart.

I gaped at my reflection, while the others all giggled and Prim leaped up, bouncing much like Pinkie Pie would.

A small shiver ran down my spine as I glanced at my twin sister. From what little I'd seen of her so far, she was like a very, very, very, very VERY toned down version of said pink pony. If the two of them ever met...

I don't think Equestria could handle that. Lucky for me, Pinkie was out of town with the Cakes today, so we were all safe from a Pinkie-Prim apocalypse. For now, anyway.

Suddenly, as I stared at our reflections, a grin came to my face.

“Prim?” I asked and the Earth Pony stopped bouncing and turned to me. “Let’s wear these all day, even when I show you all around town. Let’s see if anypony can tell us apart.”

“Ooh, I like it,” Prim grinned, bouncing up again.

My mum chuckled. “Yes. That sounds like it would be very fun.”

I giggled. “But first, we’ve got a picnic, don’t we?”

They all nodded and we got up, Tender grabbing the picnic basket in her mouth and we headed out the door.

We went to a field a close to Sweet Apple Acres. I would come here whenever the whole “being Fluttershy thing” got the better of me. It still happened, from time to time. Not often, but it did still happen.

We spent a few hours sitting in the field, enjoying the picnic, just a simple family outing.

I giggled as I watched Prim running around, chasing a few butterflies. She was so much like Pinkie Pie it was scary, but cute too.

“So... Fluttershy?”

I turned to Bright Heart, inclining my head. “Yes?”

She looked away for a second, then back at me. “Um, why are you really wearing the vest still?”

I raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

Bright looked down, as if ashamed about something. “If you’re doing it so the rest of us don’t feel upset that we’re all Earth Ponies while you’re the only one aside from your parents who can fly, you don't have to. We all know it was luck you were the only one born with wings.”

I looked away, blushing. "Actually I... can’t fly.”

They all stared at me, wide-eyed. Even Prim had stopped playing around and was staring at me.

“What do you mean, honey?” Mum asked, looking very worried. “I know you’re not the best flyer, but I know you can fly very well.”

I shook my head. “Not now. I still need to learn how to fly after... you know.”

They all looked away, realizing what I meant.

“Haven’t...? Haven’t you asked one of the pegasi living in Ponyville for lessons?” Tender asked, not meeting my eyes.

I shook my head. “Rainbow Dash offered to show my how to fly, but I’m going to wait before I start.”

Dad frowned. “How come?”

I lower a hoof to my stomach. “What if I fall from a high spot and land on Scootaloo? I could really hurt her!”

“I think she has a point, my little ponies.”

We all looked around. That had been a male voice, but it hadn’t been my dad.

My blood went cold as I recognized the voice.

There was a popping sound and the draconequus, master of chaos appeared in front of me.

I dropped down, staring up in horror, shivering. “D-D-D-Discord!” I whisper, my voice barely audible to even my own ears.

Out of all those who still didn’t know about my being Fluttershy, it was Discord I hadn’t told. I didn’t even know where he lived, so how was I meant to contact him and let him know?

Besides, Fluttershy had been his first friend ever. How would he react when he learned my mind had possessed her body and overtaken it?

Answer: He’d most likely make my life a living tartarus.

I stood there, shivering, waiting for the towering draconequus to deal his chaos onto me. I shut my eyes.

“You won’t touch my daughter, Discord.”

I slowly opened my eyes to see Mum was standing between him and me, her face determined. The others soon joined her, surrounding me, shielding me from the master of chaos.

Discord looked down at us all for a few second, then chuckled, before he burst out laughing.

We all cocked our heads to one side. This was not what we’d expected.

He popped away, only to reappear in my ear saying, “Did you really think I didn’t know about this the moment it happened?”

Hearing his voice suddenly right in my ear caused me to shriek, leaping into the air, only to flop on my back a few metres away from the group huddle.

Discord chuckle as he reappeared, leaning on a lamp post that hadn’t been there a second ago.

“I must admit, even I didn’t see that coming,” he said, glancing down at me. “You surprised me, Fluttershy. You found yourself in another body, learned you’re pregnant and yet you’re not freaking out about it.”

“Discord!”I said angrily, turning over and glaring up at him. “That wasn’t funny. I’m with foal and the last thing I need is a shock to my system like that.”

He pouted, folding his arms, the lamp post disappearing. “You’re no fun. Pinkie Pie would’ve found it amusing.”

I snort. “Well, I’m not Pinkie Pie.”

He nodded, smiling. “True. And had you become her instead, I do believe your mind wouldn’t have been able to take it.”

I snort again. “Of course I wouldn’t have been able to take it. Nopony but Pinkie can handle being Pinkie. It’s just that simple. What are you even doing here, Discord? I’m kinda trying to enjoy a day out with my family here.”

He nods. “Just thought I’d see your reaction to me. I must admit, it was better than I thought.”

After another chuckle, he popped away and didn’t reappear again.

I sighed. That had been taxing. I felt really drained and it wasn’t even half past noon yet.

Mum walked over to me and put a hoof on my shoulder. “Honey, if you’re tired, we can call it a day. You don’t have to strain yourself.”

I smile and shake my head. “I’m okay, Mum. Let’s finish eating and I’ll show you around Ponyville.”

She looked like she wanted to argue, but nodded and we went back to the picnic mat, finished eating with others, packed up, and headed into Ponyville.


Our group of seven walked through the streets of Ponyville as I showed my family around.

“Bon-Bon’s sweets are absolutely delicious, right?” I asked as we all ate a few lemon chews and walked away from her store, the Earth Pony waving to us as we left.

“Yes,” Mum chuckled, swallowing hers and licking her lips. “I must admit, I’ve never had a lemon chew that delicious before.”

“Well, howdy, Fluttershy.”

I smiled as we came up to Applejack’s cart.

She frowned, glancing from me to Primrose. “Uh, are mah eyes playin' tricks on me'r am Ah seein’ two Fluttershys?”

We all giggle, I wink at Prim and I say, “Hello, Applejack. These are my family.”

At the same time, Prim moves her mouth in the exact same way, making it impossible to tell which of us had spoken with my voice.

Applejack cocked her head. “Uh... Ah’m not sure how to react ta this.”

We all burst out laughing.

“S-s-sorry, A-A-Applejack,” I said through my laughter, wiping tears from my eye. “Primrose and I are near identical and we just couldn’t resist!”

Applejack stood there, blinking for a few seconds, before she joined in laughing too.

After a few minutes of us all guffawing, she calmed down and glanced at the group of ponies around me and raised an eyebrow. “So, these kahnd lookin’ folks're yer family?”

I chuckle. “Applejack, meet my mother, my father, couins, Primrose (you just met, hehe),Tender Hooves, Lily and Bright Heart.”

“Well, howdy there, ya’ll,” the farm mare tilted her hat to my family. “Nice ta meet the family that helped raise...” She paused, her brow furrowing as she turned to me. “They’re yer family, Fluttershy? I never heard of a family where only the parents and two children were pegasi and the rest were Earth Ponies. Uh, Primrose is an Earth Pony, right?”

I shrug. “Yes, she is and I don’t know how it happened either, AJ, but it’s the truth.” Then I frown, glancing at Mum. "My brother is a Pegasus, right"

Mum nods.

Applejack shakes her head and laughs. “Who am Ah to judge that? ’Slong as ya’ll are lovin’ each other, that’s what matters, right?”

I nodded, said goodbye to AJ and we all head towards the library.

As we arrived, I couldn’t help but chuckle as I watched Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sneaking out so nopony knew they were still having their Twilight Time.

I led my family in, pushing the door open as I called out, “Twilight? Do you have a few minutes?”

Twilight turned, saying, “Sure, Fluttershy. What can I...?”

She trailed off when she saw my family standing behind and beside me

She glanced at from myself to Prim, frowning. “Okay, there can’t be two Fluttershys. Wants going on here?”

Prim and I nod to each other and I say, “I don’t know what you mean, Twilight. There’s only one of me here.”

Once again, Prim copied me flawlessly.

Twilight gaped, her mouth hanging so far down Spike could’ve made a new bed in there.

We lasted about two seconds before we all fell on the floor, laughing like maniacs.

I know this isn’t a very Fluttershy thing to do, pranking like this, but how could I resist? This had been too perfect.

Twilight frowned at me, one eyebrow slightly raised.

I sighed and got up, giving an apologetic smile. “S-sorry, Twilight. I couldn’t help it. Prim and I look exactly alike when we’re wearing these vests. It was too good a chance to pass up.”

Twilight glanced at my twin cousin, who was still rolling on the floor laughing and giggled. “I guess so. I don’t think I’d have been able to resist such a thing either. Before I became an Alicorn, all my mother would have to do is dye her mane, tail and coat and style it like mine and we'd be identical too.” She giggled. "Maybe I'll use that some time, with a spell to hide my wings or give the illusion she has them. It'll freak Shining out."

Once we’d all calmed down, I introduced Twilight to my family.

They all bowed to her (which made both of us roll our eyes) and said how thankful they were that she’d let me stay, even after the mind switch.

Twilight shook her head. “It wasn’t your daughter’s fault that happened. I should’ve told her such a spell was too dangerous and left it at that. Besides,” she winked at me, “I kinda like her new outlook on life.”

I look away, blushing slightly.

“Ooh,” Prim said, nudging me in the sides. “Somepony’s dating the princess.”

“N-no I’m not,” I stutter, looking everywhere but at the ponies around me. “Yes, we... we do hang out a lot and are closer than just friends, b-but we’re not...”

Prim shook her head. “I know when my little cousin’s in love, Flutters, and you, my twin, are in love.”

I shot her a look. “You better not use that “little” line too often. I’m only ten minutes younger.”

“But you’re still younger,” Prim chirped, waving my words away. “Big cousins always know bes—”

She stopped, her body going rigid.

At first, I didn’t understand what was wrong. She’d just stopped, her eyes wide, her legs quivering. It wasn’t until Twilight whispered, “You’re using The Stare” that I realized what was going on.

I closed my eyes, shaking my head. I hadn’t meant to do that. I’d never even used The Stare before. I’d have to be careful not to let it out too often if it could turn my jolly and playful sister into a quivering statue.

I walked up to Prim as she came out of her Stare induced stupor and nuzzled her.

“Sorry, Prim,” I murmured, and feeling it to my core. “I didn’t mean to use The Stare. Please don’t be mad at me?”

I felt her hooves come around me. “I know you didn’t mean it, sis,” she says softly. “I shouldn’t have kept going. I think I deserved a little Stare treatment.”

I giggle. “Well, be careful, or next time I’ll use it on purpose.”

“Is that a challenge?” she asked with a smirk as she pulled back.

I held up my hoof and we bumped them together.

After that the meeting went fine. Twilight and my parents got along well, escpially when they stopped treating her like a princess and started treating her like a normal pony. She also got only with my sisters and cousins.

The only downside was she asked my dad about some of the machines in the weather factory, which sent him on a long explanation on the history of weather control.

Clearly Fluttershy must have had reservations about hearing this just as much as I did, because I moaned with annoyance when he started, just like my sisters and didn’t feel a slight scolding in my mind that normally accompanied small amounts of Fluttershy that bled into my subconscious whenever I did or said something she wouldn't have.

Mum saved us from a lecture on the importance of moisture content in snowflakes, when she pointed outside, saying, “Oh, would you look at the time. Honey, we’d all better go or we’ll miss the train home.”

Dad sighed, clearly upset that he wouldn’t be able to enlighten Twilight further on weather history and she also looked upset, which made me chuckle.

I think that’s one of the things I like about Twilight. She’s always inquisitive and each to learn more.

We said our goodbyes to Twilight and I followed my family to the train station.

When they’d boarded, they opened their windows so we could talk.

“Be sure to keep yourself from doing too much work, dear,” Mum said out the window as we said our goodbyes. “The baby will need you to be at your best, or she won’t grow properly.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, Mum. Don’t worry, Angel has been helping me a lot, as have all my friends.”

The little rabbit sitting on my back puffed out his chest, grinning, which also caused us to giggle.

“Take care, cous,” Lily winked at me. “If you ever need any help, feel free to write to us. we’ll be right over.”

I nodded. “Thank you, Lily. Thank you all for coming to visit me. It helped me a lot. I hope you all have a wonderful journey home and that we can do this again sometime.”

“Thanks, cous!” Prim cried, sticking her head out the window and kissing me on the lips.

I backed away slightly, taken aback by that. That was so Pinkie Pie it was scary they’d never met, and if I had anything to say about it, they never would.

The train whistle blew and the train started to leave.

“Bye, Fluttershy!” my family called out to me, as I ran along to the platform to stay with the train.

"Bye, everypony!" I called as I ran, waving while somehow still running, something I'll never understand about ponies.

Once it was gone, I turned to Angel and smiled. “Come on, Angel Bunny. We’ve had a big day. Let’s go home.”

He nodded, curling up on my back and I turned and headed home, still wearing the vest my cousin had given me.

Author's Note:

Okay, this chapter's done and from now on, i won't upload chapters until they're finished.

Well, that's one family meeting down and one to go. when will that happen... next chapter, but we'll be jumping time a bit there for certain reasons.

anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter, hope it didn't seem tacky near the end, I'm getting tired and I've been writing all day.

with that said and done, goodnight, everypony, it's dinner time and I'm starving.

Edit 5/6/2016: With not only Fluttershy's brother but her parents getting some spotlight in today's episode, i decided to change things up a bit for this story. i know i could have just ignored it, but now i can work with Flutters bro from BEFORE his appearance in the episode. Strangely, Fluttershy's actions towards him felt more this story's fluttershy than the shows.