• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 1,386 Views, 77 Comments

Another world - Death Marches

Fluttershy is sent through a dark portal and never seen again. A year later the princesses bring the rest of the elements together for remembrance and something interesting happens. as in the lines of blood lots of blood.

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“Well mom not what?”

They all stared at the young filly as he just gave them a sadistic smile back.

“Well I guess you can open the torso and take out the internal organs those are a waste so we don’t need those.” Said Fluttershy with a calm tone

All the ponies looked at Fluttershy as though she just told him to do the mass killing of all pony kind.

“W-what are you talking about Fluttershy you lo-love animals?” Said Rarity with a hint of green showing on her face.

“Well after being attacked ripped apart and finding loved ones being eaten alive you tend to pick the ones you love and hate. Plus that things no animal it’s a monster.” Fluttershy said with a frown looking back at Spark. Everyone was surprised that Fluttershy, the pony of the element of kindness would openly state she hated things.

Well Spark go ahead do your job just remember not to rip open the stomach this time.” Fluttershy said to Spark with a smirk.

“Whatever mom, as long as I can play my music I am fine” Spark said pulling out a black box with a small speaker attached to it.

“Spark, remember no overrated songs in front of guests?” Fluttershy said with a bit of forcefulness.
“Fine I will down grade it a bit mom.” He said with a sigh
His hooves glided on the top of the black box when all of the sudden a noise came out of the speaker.

The foal reached inside his bag and pulled out a knife that could have been called a scalpel only on a larger scale and before anyone could ask what he planned to do with it he drove it in to the monsters stomach and twist causing blood to shoot out in all direction covering the foal in blood.

Rarity fainted from the sight and Rainbowdash flew into the corner and puke. Pinkie’s hair deflated and Applejack moved her hat in front of her face not having the speed of Rainbowdash to run to a corner and puke. Twilight and the other princess turned green and look away.

“Really Spark? You really had to do that?” Said Fluttershy with a bored expression with a hint of disappointment in her tone

“Well you would not let me have my cutting open music so we have the excessive blood and gore track to fall back on.” He said with a smile while he pulled the knife down torso of the monster.

The group of ponies where visible shaken from the content of the song, but more so of what the foal did while the song played.
Fluttershy looked at the group of ponies with a blush and say “He is usually well behaved around Ponies. It’s just been a bad day for him.

How about we all go to another room shall we?” She said with a nervous laugh.

They group looks at Fluttershy full of shock that she would let a foal dissect a monster in such a gruesome way but chose to ignore it due to the music and the foal laughing with glee as he pulled out what appeared to be the left lung of the beast.

Celestia recovered first from the gruesome site and said quickly “Yes lets!”

They all practically ran out the room with Twilight carrying Rarity with her magic; Fluttershy walked calmly behind them and through the doors giving one last look at her sun and say “Don’t scare the guards to much Spark.”
Spark turned around with a sadistic smile and looked around the room where all the guards were stationed with green faces. Fluttershy looked forward again and walked away with a smile.

Fluttershy found her friends with Rarity now awake standing out in the hallway with looks of confusion, disgust, and happiness. Before Fluttershy could say anything a pink blur collided with her and she went to the ground.


Pinkie was holding Fluttershy in a death grip that would have made the strongest royal guard whistle from the strength of it.

“Pinkie..cant…breath…” Fluttershy cried out through gasps of air.

Twilight used her magic and force Pinkie off only for everyone else jump on Fluttershy. Twilight sighed in defeat and also joined the hug.

“Girls I know you missed me but the crushing of my lungs and spine it kind of making it hard to hug you back.” Fluttershy said quickly making due to her gasping for air.

Everyone backed up saying sorry and looking down in embarrassment. Twilight looked at Fluttershy who was just getting her breath back and say “Fluttershy, I’m so sorry.”

Fluttershy looked over at Twilight and saw that she had tears running down her face. Fluttershy gave Twilight a sad smile and put her hoof around her and said “Twilight what happened was not your fault even if you could I would not ask you to change what happened to me. Sure some bad things happened, but Twi if I were to show you the beauty that I saw you would have come as well.”

Everyone looked at her with confusion until Celestia spoke up “Well I am sure we all want to know what happened to you, but can you explain to me how you’re a Alicorn now?”

“Nope” Fluttershy simple stated with a smile to her
Everyone stood with their mouths open wide upon hearing there timid little Fluttershy state to the goddess of the sun no. Celestia recovered from her shock and said “What do you mean by nope?”

“That’s what I mean nope. You will not know of what happened to me during my time there at this moment. Over time once I become more comfortable then we can talk but as of right now my answer is no.” Fluttershy said with a look of sadness and determination.
Everyone was standing there with their eyes wide and mouths open once again. Everyone thoughts where on the forceful Fluttershy was having another Iron Will incident when all of the sudden she looked down and hid behind her main and say “I mean if that’s ok with you?”

Everyone calmed down after they heard this thinking they still had their old Fluttershy even if she was a little different.

Fluttershy’s head shot up like a cannon and looked to the direction they just left.

“Oh no” Fluttershy said with a look of pity and horror. Everyone looked confused now because the song sounded quite pleasing to them.

“What wrong Fluttershy?” Celestia said with a look of confusion and concern.

Fluttershy looked at Celestia about to explain when all of the sudden Guards stated pouring out of the doors that led to the room they were just in. They were falling upon themselves trying to get out; one even puked and passed out.

Everyone was deeply worried and surprised by this due to the fact that they only one not to come out was Spark and the Royal Guards are one of the toughest fighting force Equestia had to offer and they just ran out of a room screaming as though they were being chased by Nightmare Moon and a manticore that was ten times bigger than normal.

Before anyone could say anything Fluttershy ran to the door much to the pleading of her friends to stop. When she got to the door she ran inside and looked to see where Spark was. The room had blood marks all over it and it looked like someone set off a bomb of red paint right in the middle of the room. She found him near a passed out guard with the skull of the Monster on his head covering his face while it was still bloody but without skin or organs inside. He also was biting in to a bloody piece of meat that probably currently belonged to the dead monster in his hoof.

“Spark what did I tell you about scaring the guards?” Fluttershy said with a bit of a pissed of face.

Spark looked over at his mom and took another bite out of the meat again before answering.

“Mom… He started It.” he said pointing at the unconscious guard
Fluttershy looked at him and then the guard and back at him with a look that coincide with what a mother gives her son or daughter when the story they told them was fake and they were just giving them another chance to change it before they got in to trouble.


Spark held his gaze at Fluttershy for about a minute not backing down from his claim. Fluttershy looked at Spark trying to see any lies but could not find any finally sighed and gave Spark a smile.

Fluttershy looked behind her and saw her friend along with the two princess look at Spark in fear and terror as he held the meat in his hand and took another bite.

“Sup” Spark said as he looked at the group and waved with his other hoof that was not holding meet but was still pretty bloody and had dead flesh attached to it.

Rarity proceeded to pass out again.

Author's Note:

here's my thing ok then,
Sorry if anyone is offended by anything.
I do not own the songs at all.