• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 1,385 Views, 77 Comments

Another world - Death Marches

Fluttershy is sent through a dark portal and never seen again. A year later the princesses bring the rest of the elements together for remembrance and something interesting happens. as in the lines of blood lots of blood.

  • ...

New perspective


“Well his full name is Death. I .Spark and he is legally bat shit insane.”

Everyone looked Fluttershy with utter disbelief and shock by the words she just said. “Fluttershy what do you mean he's insane?” Twilight said with concern

Fluttershy looked at twilight with a smile “Well” she said holding on to that word for as long as possible. “He might have gone through some horrible and tragic things in his life, which left him mentally scarred for life.” She added quickly

“Like what? I bet it couldn't have been that bad” Rainbowdash said with her same smug tone but with a little fear hidden behind it.

“Well he told me he was told by his mother to kill his father with a butter knife while taking his powers and being possessed by his mother while doing it.” Fluttershy said looking over at Rainbow with sorrow.

Everyone stayed there in shock of what a mere foal had to do to his own father while being possessed by his own mother to do it. “Anyway let’s not talk about Spark anymore, how have you guys been these last ten years?” Fluttershy said trying to change the topic.

Twilight shook her head noticing that Fluttershy wanted to change the topic and wanted to do that to as well.

“What do you mean ten years Fluttershy? It’s only been a year here.” Twilight said quickly

Fluttershy stood there open mouth “What?”

“Twilight is correct Fluttershy it’s only been a full year not ten years.” Rarity said

Fluttershy looked at the group each one nodding their heads in agreement even the Princess. Fluttershy then looked at the ground with her head down and her hair covering her face not showing her expression. Everyone was worried and about to speak when Fluttershy jumped in the air with a look of joy.

“YES!” screamed Fluttershy in not her so shy voice.

Everyone covered their ears do to the sudden loud noise that entered there ear drums. Rainbow shook her head and smiled “WOW,
Fluttershy when did you get so loud?”

Fluttershy noticed her plunder and squeaked and hid behind her mane covering her whole face. Everyone chuckled at this forgetting her scream.

“Luna can you go check on Spark? I’m worried about his wellbeing and if he is alright.” Celestia said to Luna with a worried look who nodded in return.

“He’s fine princess. I would worry about the wellbeing of the changelings and Chrysalis for right now.” Fluttershy said peeking her head around her mane. She noticed everyone staring at her and she hid around her mane again bit not without adding “If you want that is.”

Celestia looked at Luna and they both nod in understanding. Celestia looked back at Fluttershy and said “Thank you for the info Fluttershy, but as Princesses we must keep all I subjects safe.” She looked back where the dead monster was.

“Even the crazy ones” Celestia said with a grimace on that last part. Luna looked at the monster as well and shuddered but still gathered magic to teleport to Spark. Once she had enough she looked back at the group and said “I’ll be back shortly.”
Once that was said a bright blue flash blinded everyone and Luna teleported to Spark.


“Good! Now then pet you need a name what will it be?”

Spark stood there in thought before a name came to him from his past. “How about bitch? He said to her with a smile but noticed she would not understand what it meant.

“Never mind not very original if you ask me. How about Silvia? Sounds nice don’t it?” Spark said to the crying changeling.

She nodded her head but kept it facing down so not to anger him by mistake, yet she could not stop the tears from falling down here face. She actually liked the name so she did not want to do anything to change his mind.

“Well it seems you like it so we will keep it. So Silvia where is your Queen?” Spark said getting right up in Silvia’s face. Silvia whimpered while looking at him while he gave her an innocent smile that would have made bears hug him. She feared what would happen to her if she did not comply so she responded with “This way” Silvia said using here wing to point. “Good let’s get going then.” He said looking off in the direction of the way she pointed. She started to move that way with reluctance but stopped when he said “Wait”.

She looked back to where he was but found nothing there. She was confused until she felt a weight on her back. It was heavy enough to knock the wind out of her lungs but light enough that she did not fall to the ground. She looked over her back to see Spark laying on her there like a cat with his eyes closed.

“Proceed” Spark said with his eyes still closed in an almost purring fashion. Silvia took a step forward before she felt something against the side of her head.

“Drop me on the ground or move to fast I will detach your brain from your skull.”
Silvia did not have to turn to know what was pressed against her skull so she took gentle steps forward while tears flowed down her face.


Luna teleported from her sister side to an area that was near Spark. The first thing she noticed after teleporting was the smell and the sight of blood. She was in a hallway that was covered from floor to ceiling in blood and other bodily parts. Luna looked at each one trying not to puke to see that they were all changelings and each one died a very gruesome death. She found most of them without heads and one looked like it was holding in all its organs in before it too died. Luna stared at the scene in front of her never before ever seeing so much blood or carnage in one small area. While she stood there she could her faint footsteps in the distance. She turned to see where they were coming from and found the noise going down another hallway close by. Luna turned to move to get away from massacre around her and to see if anyone was left alive that she could help. Luna took a step forward only to her a sickening crack and gush of blood. Luna looked down to see she had stepped on a decapitated body and found out she had stepped on the ribcage crushing it under her weight and making a hole straight through the middle of it. Blood did not shoot out do to it being dead for so long but Luna did not see that. All she saw was that she stepped on a corpse using her hoof which was still in it. She quickly ripped out the hoof which sent blood to fly everywhere including on her. Blood covered small parts of her face and chest area dripping off of her and she could not hold it any longer. Luna puked the breakfast she had before meeting the mane six and her sister all on the ground covering a changeling that was cut in half with her puke. Once her stomach was completely clean of anything food related she stood there huffing with horror plastered on her face. In the distance she could hear the steps getting quieter and she knew she had to find them, so she used a quick spell to get rid of the blood on her but it did not get rid of the smell that covered here hoof.

Once she was good and clean by her standards she teleported to the hallway not wanting to step on another corpse and puke once more. Luna moved through the hall quickly but not making any noise with a spell she used for when she wanted to scare her sister from behind. Luna turned one more corner to see a site before her anyone would find strange. To the average pony you would only see a dark hallway with something silver floating in it, but due to Luna being the night princess that gave her and extra leeway in to see in the dark easer. What Luna saw was a small black foal laying on a changelings back sleeping while the changeling walked down the hallway.

“OH NO! Sparks in trouble” Luna thought before teleporting five feet in front of the changeling. Luna was about to use the Canterlot voice to subdue the changeling when she noticed the tears coming down its face and how carefully it took its steps. Once the changeling noticed the Princess she stiffened up with a look of shock but then she looked behind her at Spark and back at the Princess and then back again. She then shook her head and with tears still coming down her face she walked past Luna who was completely shocked that the changeling would walk past her as though she was just furniture that was in the hall. She was about to yell at her but then she thought why would she look at Spark. Then it came to her. The blood covering the halls, the dead changelings, why Spark was sleeping on the back of a crying changeling. She figured it all out and she could not take it. She teleported away not wanting to see any more of the carnage one little foal would due.

Take careful steps. Don’t wake HIM. Be slow and careful. Don’t WAKE HIM. Be quite. DON’T WAKE HIM!

Author's Note:

Sorry for short chapter but I though you would like to see someone else's persprective on the blood and carnage.
also thank you joy stick for the name and my next chapter will have your name in it but it will be my choice of how your put in there.