• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 1,386 Views, 77 Comments

Another world - Death Marches

Fluttershy is sent through a dark portal and never seen again. A year later the princesses bring the rest of the elements together for remembrance and something interesting happens. as in the lines of blood lots of blood.

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Pink ball of lovey death

The entire throne room went silent for what felt like hours once Spark made his demands to Chrysalis.

“What do you mean you want my kingdom and crown?” Chrysalis said confused and shocked.

Spark looked at Chrysalis with his usual trade mark smile and said “What do you think I meant? In exchange for the safety of your people you must hand over your crown and power to me.”

Chrysalis stood there mouth agape staring at Spark. Needless to say the changelings in the room were all doing the same. Everyone stood unmoving and Spark was just sitting there with a grin.

“I’m just kidding”

(The room went silent not a sound was to be heard until a loud crack was heard inside the head of the Changeling leader.)

“What?!?!” yelled Chrysalis at Spark

“I said I was just kidding. Why would I want a Kingdom anyway? Too much work if you ask me.” Spark said moving his hoof around nonchalantly “And anyway I am pretty sure that your little changelings would find some way to kill me.” He said moving down the steps of the throne room. “Anyway why would I want to be king of the changelings this way? I could just force you to give me the crown and kingdom with force, but past experiences and not saying it was me made the people of the kingdom not like the pony very much.” Spark said with a snicker while Chrysalis took a step back with caution even though he was moving away from her.

“So you must be wondering what I really want?” he said once he reached the bottom of the steps and looking back at Chrysalis. Before Chrysalis could respond Spark stated up once more “Well what I really want is loyalty and submission.”

“Submission?” Chrysalis said confused

“Yes, submission Chrysalis” Spark said a little annoyed. “It means you will bow to me and only me. If I tell you kill someone you do it. If I tell you to make a sandwich you do it. If I tell you to suck my dick, you get on your knees bend you neck and start sucking.” Spark said with laughter at the end of it.

Chrysalis stood there dumbstruck once again by the foal’s language and attitude.

hehe…ha…ha…. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Chrysalis started laughing as though she was insane and then almost like how she started suddenly stopped abruptly looking at Spark with a gaze that if could kill would have sent Spark to the sun and then slam in to the moon seconds later.

“Do you swear that you will help my people and make sure that each one is properly being fed by this spell of yours?” Chrysalis said looking right at Spark with a cold calculating gaze.

“Yes, yes, I swear this spell will give food to all you precious little changelings. All you have to do is bow to me and pledge your alliance to me and stop this stupid invasion.” said Spark with a smug grin

Bow?!” Chrysalis yelled at Spark. “You expect me the ruler of the Changelings; to bow to a foal!” she yelled again at Spark with a snarl this time.

“Well you can bow or watch me slaughter your people like a mice. Because that’s all you are to me, but hold on now I’m going be nice.” Spark said lifting one of his right hoof in a defensive style. “I’ll let you live to bury them before I kill you. So let’s recount your options are to bow to me and have your entire species saved or to watch them die and bury them only to die yourself and that’s a maybe on you dying. I might just let you live to set an example to everyone in this world to not fuck with me.” Spark said with a grin

Chrysalis was reluctant at first think she was too great to bow to a mere foal but remembering what he said he could and probably would do and her starving changelings and herself was a great motivator for her to bow to him.

She was slow but she moved down the steps and stood right in front of Spark looking at him with the same gaze she had before but this time it showed uncertainty. She stood in front of him for what felt like hours just staring at him and him her until she reluctantly started to bow her head and knees until her chin rested on the ground.

“Good, now that I know that you’re Loyal to me he is the spell.” Spark said passing over a piece of paper to Chrysalis that appeared out of nowhere. (Why? Because fuck you that’s why!)

Spark turned to the door and started to walk away but before he was in front of the door he said to Chrysalis “Oh, almost forgot. I would make sure the changelings that you are communicating with on the other side of the overly heavy ass doors move before I crush them.”

Chrysalis was shocked then terrified of how he knew how they communicated and even more horrified by when he said crush them, but before she could do anything such as send a message or tell Spark to wait it was too late. Sparks horn glowed dark red and a glow formed around the doors that was the same color as around his horn and before anyone could do anything a loud screech filled the room with an explosion sound that felt like it shook the very world itself.

Dust filled the entire room along with chunks of ceiling falling making the changelings unable to see around the room or the falling debris. Luckily Chrysalis made a giant bubble of magic to stop the fragments of the ceiling from hitting her changelings and for what felt like ages the dust finally settled.

Laying on the ground outside the throne room the giant doors that weighed the size of mountains lay. Chrysalis was to stunned by the fact that they were laying there that she did not notice the blood that decked the hall way in front of the door or the small changeling that was sitting there with blood covering every inch of it and a look of horror and dismay covering it face.

“Well it looks like you did not tell them in time. Too bad for them I guess.”

Chrysalis looked at Spark who was walking outside the throne room to finally notice the blood that was everywhere. Chrysalis mouth opened in mute terror and watched Spark walk out of the room stepping in the blood that made little splashes. He approached the changeling that sat there in terror and if she listened closely she swear she could hear Spark saying

“It’s ok.”

“Your fine”

“Let’s go get you cleaned up now.”

Spark used his magic to lift the Changeling off the ground and he craned his neck over to see Chrysalis.

“Well I’m going to go clean her up so I advise you to feed your remaining subjects with that spell and teach it to them. We will also need to talk later with Celestia and Luna about your new management and my own. OH, almost forgot, your welcome.” Spark said in a monotone voice and while holding the horror shocked changeling proceeded to leave by going left down the hallway.
Chrysalis and the changelings stood there in utter shock just witnessing their fellow changeling die from a most gruesome death, then all of a sudden a scroll poofed in front Chrysalis. The scroll opened by itself still in midair and a robotic voice came out


Once the last word was said a black portal opened in to the middle of the room and out came changelings that were out cold and covered in blood. Chrysalis stood there still in shock until one of the changelings zoomed straight in to the pile of changelings to check on them. After about a full minute the changeling looked over at his queen and said in a relaxed manner “There fine just knocked out. The blood…. It’s not from them so there fine.”
Chrysalis stood there letting out a breath she did not relies she was holding and proceeded to pass out.


“Let’s get all that blood off of you Silvia.” Spark said picking up a wet wash cloth with his magic and wiping her face while she stood there still in shock. He Spark wiped here face and neck with the wash cloth and dumbing back in to a bucket filled with red water. “Ok then, I got the blood off of your front so I guess you can take a bath.” Spark said indicating the bath next to them that he filled with warm water five minutes ago before he started to wipe here face. She looked over at the tub then back at Spark who had turned around and was facing the door. She got in to the tub fearful of what would happen if she didn’t. She sat down in the water and heard Spark say “Are you in yet?”

“Yes master”

Spark turned around and picked up the bucket and proceeded to dump the water down the toilet.

“W-why did you turn around?” Silva said a little curious and surprised that she actually said the question. Spark was a little taken back by the question and looked down and said “Well it’s not right to see a girl get in to a bath tub. No matter her race.”

Silvia was a little taken back by how kind his words were and looked to his face to see a reddening around his cheeks but before she could tell what it was it vanished and Spark was looking at her. She was a frightened as to why he looked over at her so quickly and looked down toward the water where she was sitting in. “Well you must now by now that none of the changelings by the door are dead so I will get to the point.” He said causing Silvia to look at him surprised. “You must be wondering why I let you live or to put it more simply why not fake crush you as well?” Silvia nodded “Well the main reason is because the doors fell open at a V shape angle and you were just in that little crack. Another reason is because I did not want to wake you up and have a surprised and scared changeling on my hoofs.” Spark said with bored expression.

“So get yourself cleaned and meet me back to the throne room.” Spark said turning to the door and opening it.

“Yes master”

Spark stopped in mid step leaving the bathroom and looked over to the Silvia sitting in the tub. “You can stop calling me master. In fact you may only call me master in public, but in private you may just call me Spark.”

“Yes mas-Spark” Silvia catching herself.

Spark smiled and left closing the door letting Silvia give a sigh and settle in the bath tub with a single thought in here head that brought a smile to here face.

“Yup he’s insane.”


“So should I see Fluttershy and the others or have a snack?” Spark said walking down the hallway. “Choices, choices, so many freaking choices!” he yelled to himself

“STOP IN THE NAME OF CELESTIA!” Something yelled behind Spark.

Spark looked behind him to see a blue mane white furred guard with a sword drawn floating in the air and a bright ass pink unicorn standing next to him both with looks of disgust and rage.

“Don’t you mean Celestia and Luna?” Spark said with a smirk. Until he fully noticed the pink ass unicorn had wings.

“Why would I even begin to talk to trash like you about are Princesses changeling?” the blue haired unicorn with a scowl.

“Yes, my husband is right changeling.” Said the pink so called Alicorn as though trying to hold back pile from her throat. “We will deal with you like we did before with the power of LOVE.” The pink pony yelled that last part out. Before Spark could so much as ask their names a pink sphere appeared in front of them growing with each passing second.

“So what you going to do with that?” Spark asked confused and wondering where the giant laser would be that would wipe him off the face of existence. “THIS SCUM!” yelled the blue haired pony and with a good burst of magic from the two the pink ball that was about the size of a beach ball was thrown at Spark with the speed that almost match rainbows during the best flyer computation and before he knew it a giant ball of pink lovey goodness collided with spark head on and the world went white.