• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 1,386 Views, 77 Comments

Another world - Death Marches

Fluttershy is sent through a dark portal and never seen again. A year later the princesses bring the rest of the elements together for remembrance and something interesting happens. as in the lines of blood lots of blood.

  • ...

Deals and what not

Spark awoke to someone whispering his name. He opened his eyes to see Silvia looking at him with the corner of her eyes due to him still being on her back. He looked past her to see the Princesses throne room doors, which toward over Silvia and him.

“Were here….”
Spark looked back at Silvia with a glint of mischief in his eyes. “You may only call me master from now on.” Spark said while shaking his head to get the sleepiness out.

“Yes… Master” said Silvia defeated and out of tears to spill

“Good, so I guess Chrysalis is through these doors?”

The only answer Silvia gave was a slow nod while still looking to the floor. Spark did not notice this and jumped off her back gently.

“Well then aren’t you going to open them for your master?” said Spark looking at the doors.

Silvia looked toward Spark and responded with “Yes Master”

Silvia horn glowed green and the doors also turned a slight green. It took over a full minute for Silvia to open both doors due to the size and weight of them and during that time Spark stood staring at the doors with a bored expression.
Once the doors were fully open Spark looked back at Silvia to see she had collapsed to the ground panting. “Good job Silvia. Rest here and

I will be back.” Spark said with a slight smirk on his face.
Spark looked toward the open doors again and proceeded to walk forward not noticing Silvia own devious smile as he walk in.

The first thing Spark noticed as he walked in was that there was no one around.

“HELLLLOOOOO!!!!” Spark called out

The only answer he got was his own echo bounce off the walls.

“Well where is everon…” Spark said before the doors behind him slammed shut with a loud bang that was shook the walls. Spark looked behind him to see the doors had in fact had slammed shut. His only response was a sigh and looked forward again to see a dozen green energy blasts going right for him.

Before he was able to responded dozen of energy blasts hit his body ripping it apart piece by piece. It was about a full minute before the firing stopped and dust was kicked up from the shots. While the dust settled Changelings came out by the dozens from around pillars and the ceiling hidden before by the changeling magic. From around the throne of Princess Celestia came a very large changeling with a triumph smile on her face.

“Good job my little changelings. We have rid of the menace that has killed are brothers and sisters.” She spoke normal but it seemed too amplified around the room. Once she said this all the changelings around the room broke out in cheers hugging each other.

Imagine him just reforms like Alucard not him talking

“Well, well, well. It looks like the bugs came out to play and here I am without bug spray.”

Every changeling stood there in shock and horror as the foal reformed from his blooded state and look completely fine; as though nothing had hit him to begin with. Chrysalis stood there in shock as the foal that was shot and torn to pieces give her a maniacal smile.

“Well I guess your Chrysalis correct?” said Spark stepping moving closer to her.

Before Chrysalis could do anything a lone changeling ran up in front of Spark and fired a shot right at his skull. All Spark did was smile as the Bolt went through his skull and hit the doors behind him. Blood shot in all directions and land around the room and the changeling gave a triumph smile; until he saw that Spark body was still standing up and walking forward. The changeling stood there in confusion and horror until he noticed that the blood that was all around the room started forming floating rivers of blood back to his skull like before and were recreating it. Once Sparks’ skull fully formed; he was standing in front of the Changeling who was a good five inches taller than him, but even with the size difference the changeling felt considerable smaller than the foal in front of him.

“What’s your name?” Spark said without any malice that you would think would have from having his skull blown off from close range. The changeling stood there in complete shock as Spark looked at him with eyes of boredom.
“I’ll ask again. What Is Your Name?” Spark said a bit firmer than before. The changeling was still in shock but was able to find the words that he needed.

”J-joystick” said the changeling stuttering remembering the name he used to infiltrate the castle.
“Good then we will speak later about this. Now move aside.” Spark said taking a step forward. Joysticks response was to step to the side and let him pass as he looked at the doors past Spark in shock and fear.

“Good boy”

As Spark walked up to the queen her shock quickly turned to fear then to anger. Chrysalis horn turned green but before she could do anything Spark vanished from existence. He did not poof away or teleport he was just gone; it was as though the Universe erased him from existence. Chrysalis was surprised by this and did not notice Spark re-appear right next to her with his blade pointed right to her neck.

“You know, you could have just asked for help from the Equestrians, right?” Spark said bored.

“Yes, the ponies that made one of their own Princesses turn in to a monster because they were scared of the night.” Chrysalis said with as much sarcasm as possible not caring that the knife was pushing against her skin.

“HA! You got me there. The ponies of this world know nothing of Harmony or Friendship.” Spark said laughing
Chrysalis noticed that he said world but was unable to ask about it do to Spark speaking again. “They keep spouting about how there the best in harmony and that there so fucking accepting in anyone and everyone; bunch of bull shit if you ask me.” Spark said with venom.

“You’re a pony, why do you hate your own kind so much?” Chrysalis said confused.
Spark stood there not moving for several minutes, which in turn was unnerving everyone in the room.

“I was called monster by what I am. I was called Demon by what I did. I was called wicked, foul, immoral, and evil by helping others. I helped the innocent, saved lives, help the needy, but all they could see was the harm I did not do.” Spark said with a sigh and frown
“I gave up being a pony long ago. They did not want me and I fully agreed; besides who would want to be grouped up with a bunch of lying racist bigots.” Spark said with a smile at the end.

Chrysalis just stood there in shock that a foal at such a young age would be so insightful about the world around him and renounce being a pony at all. The room was quiet for several minutes until Chrysalis spoke.

“You killed my changelings, why?”

Spark looked at Chrysalis face to she not one of anger but one of indifference, so Spark gave a smile and responded with “To show you that fucking with me will not work in your favor and if you don’t stop this invasion right now I will extinguish your entire species and eat your babies.” Everyone in that room gulped and took a step back with the exception of two.

“How did you know I already knew about you killing my changelings? I made sure not to allow anyone near you after that last group you killed.” Chrysalis said with a monotone voice.

All Spark said as a response was giving a smile and saying “Magic makes it so I don’t have to explain shit.” Everyone in the room including Chrysalis would have fallen to the floor on their face if they could; Instead they opted to just slap there hooves across their face.

“Fine it seems you don’t want to me to know how you know this so I will let it go,” Said Chrysalis looking at Spark with slanted eyes “for now that is”.

All Spark did was smile and lower his knife “Well then you must know that I know that you don’t know how you eat and live?”

Everyone was confused for a moment before they under stood what he said and then they were still confused somewhat. Chrysalis was glad that he lowered the knife but was unhappy that he brought up there eating patterns.

“No I am not surprised of how you know are eating patterns. Every pony in Equestia knows about how we eat from are last invasion, so that is really not surprising that you know.” Chrysalis said angrily.

“No reason to get upset I was just going to help.” Spark said looking away as though angry but really just hiding a smile and snicker.

“Help?” Chrysalis said confused

“Well yes it seems that over time I have acquired a spell to HELP those with problems such as yours.” Spark said looking back at her and giving emphasis on help.

Chrysalis was confused at first but then a smile appeared before her face and then becoming laughter. “HA! You wish for me to believe in something impossible? To believe in a spell to magically give us love that will feed us all and not hurt the
ponies or steal their love?” Chrysalis said still laughing and now lying on the ground. None of the changelings joined in with their leader’s laughter, they were all just confused by it never seeing her laugh like this before.

“The last person to laugh at me for a having a good idea was found hanging by his own entrails by his own children.” Spark said giving Chrysalis a snarl. Chrysalis shut up after that knowing full well that he could have done something like that and probably laughed at the children when they found there father. Chrysalis stood up with a blank face and simply said “Show me”

Spark smiled and called out “JOYSTICK!”

Immediately the unmoving changeling jumped up with his name being called loudly forcing out of his staring contest with the door. He looked around to see who had called him and when his eyes fell upon Spark and Chrysalis his eyes widened in fear.

“Come here Joystick.” Spark said using his foot to indicate in front of him. Joy stick gulped and moved toward Spark fearing what was coming. Once he stood in front of Sparks’ horn glowed and Joystick took a step back fearing the worst, but before Joystick could do more a shot of magic from Sparks’ horn collided with his chest. Joystick tensed closing his eyes getting ready to feel pain but it did not come. Instead of pain he felt something he had never felt before; he felt full. It was as though he had just eaten a ton of love and had extra for dessert.

“So how do you feel?” Spark asked smiling

All Joystick did was stand there with his eyes wide with surprise and say
“I’m full”

Spark looked at Chrysalis and smiled while she just looked at Joystick with mouth agape; along with everyone else in the room. Chrysalis shook her head getting out of her daze and looked to Spark with eyes wide with hope.

“H-how did you do this?” she said clearly shocked

“Tell you what; let’s make a deal for the exchange of this spell.” Spark said still smiling.

Chrysalis stood there looking at Spark until she said “What deal do you propose we make?”
Sparks smile grew larger when she said this. “Well for the exchange for the spell that would save you whole species.” He said using his hoof to wave toward the changelings around the room.

“What I want is your Kingdom and crown.”

Author's Note:

Hey if anyone has a better idea for the video please give me site or videos name so i can check it out.
Also... are you happy Joystick.