• Published 11th May 2014
  • 5,097 Views, 271 Comments

A New World, A New Way - Swarm - Kingofsouls

A Sidestory for Zuesdemigod131's A New World A New way. X is a constructin worker. Nell is a merchant in training. Then Arceus got out of his dimesional prision.

  • ...

Chapter 9 - Dream Eater

Chapter 9
Dream Eater

Night 1

"I believe some refreshment is in order. Can someone get something for us to eat and drink? Naruto in particular must be starving. Anything in particular you want to eat?"

"A glass of Leichi berry juice would be fine if you have any."

One of the guards on Naruto's side gave a strange look while the other left the room to relay the orders.

"While we're waiting for that, lets start at the beginning. Who are you?"

"Before I answer anything, I have one request." Naruto stared at his imprisoner, who stared in return.

"You're not in any position to make requests." Silver said in a steely tone.

"Silver is correct. But, if it isn't too unreasonable I might do so." Carapace countered. "Name it."

"I would like Silver Heart to be given the same punishment as his squadmates. Probation, nothing more."

At this, Silver balked. Carapace narrowed his eyes again as he spoke. "Why should I? He knew the rules."

"In his defence, I caused the more severe damage to your garden. He only damaged your Foxgloves to summon you. It was the quickest way to get you to the garden."

At that, Carapace thought to himself, Rizen and Silver carrying worried expressions on their faces.

Slowly, their Emperor responded. "This was not the first time Silver disobeyed my orders and entered my garden. But, this time he did so for the right reasons. I will consider it, and that is the best I can do."

"You mean it?" Silver's tone was hopeful as he faced his emperor.

"I do. But don't get your hopes up. " The emperor's gaze was soon turned against Naruto, the fox fidgeting. "Let's start with your name, and what...exactly you are."

"My name is Naruto. I am a Zoroark that hails from Laverre City," Naruto replied in a downcast tone.

"And that would be were?"

"The Kalos Region."

Rizen was the next to reply. "I don't think I ever heard of either of those places. What country are they in? Equestria, Cania, Griffenheim?"

"...The Kalos Region." sternly replied Naruto. Carapace wondered for a moment.

"I'm afraid I've never heard of either the city or region you speak of." He paused for a moment before continuing. "And believe me I've been around the entire world. Several times in fact. And trust me, if it exists as a country or city, I would know of it."

"That is odd. Kalos is a rather old region, so I'm Surprised you have not heard of it. "

At this Silver groaned. "Hey, if the Emperor says it's not a country, then it's not a country."

"Are you saying I'm a liar?" Naruto felt anger rise again. It was clear that Silver was doing any goading he could get away with.

"If I need to be the sceptical one, then thats okay with me." Silver felt Rizen’s glare against him.

"Silver, you can't just say that."

"No, I agree with Silver. You need that scepticism." Naruto stretched his good arm as Silver replied with "Wait, you agree with me?"

"I'm an Informant Silver Heart. I deal with information, primarily. And all information must be questioned."

"So you Darkie Types can do something to it?"

"It's Dark Type, and that quirk is one of mine, not of my Types."

The welcoming sound of an opening door served as an introduction to the guard whom had left, the two maids Naruto had seen earlier that day carrying food and drink. There were several platters of various fruits and vegetables and three pitchers of liquids - one a blue juice, one water, and one had what appeared to be cider - with accompanying glasses.

The maids set the food and drink down as Carapace asked the next question: "So now that I know who you are, I must ask what a Zoroark is. Like your country you say exists when I know it does not (At this fire could be seen escaping Naruto's closed mouth), I have never heard of a Zoroark, let alone seen one. You look like a strange bipedal fox to me."

"No, I look like a Zoroark, well at least for now." The Zoroark sheepishly corrected. "I'm not a liar. "

A grape hovered into Carapace’s mouth. "That may be, but the truth remains; I don't know what you are."

"I'm a Zoroark, a Pokémon like you." Naruto reached for what appeared to be an Oran berry, only smaller and a deeper blue. He snatched a handful as Rizen poured himself a glass of water. "Hey, I'm only a fox half of time. I prefer the wings over the better sense of smell."

Naruto's started to chuckle as Silver's expression failed to change. "What's so funny?" the changeling asked as Naruto leaned back in his seat.

"Sorry, but to me it sounds like you're saying you're not Pokémon." he replied.

Awkward silence filled the air as Carapace took a long hard look at his captive. His captive popped the blueberry he held in his hand, and his eyes turned wide . Eagerly he reached for more. "Okay, new question, and it is the one I want to know the answer to most. What were you doing in my castle?"

"Well, it started out like any other day. I woke up, went into town, and started looking for job opportunities. I found one, and got my trainer and the rest of the team together to go to the job site. After we got the job done, we headed home. And around, oh I'd say a few minutes past 6 I suddenly felt very drowsy. When I awoke, I was in the upper parts of one of your hallways.

"After doing some recon, I realized I was in a hive of Bugs. Needless to say I was slightly afraid due to the Type disadvantage. I thought about getting out as soon as possible, so I disguised myself as your kind and tried to leave without raising any alarms."

"I knew something was off about that Changeling I ran into this morning." the Emperor muttered. "You felt off. If that makes sense to you."

"I thought it was the hair. It did draw attention to me in my opinion." retorted the fox. Naruto then held up the berries he had yet to eat. "What are these exactly? I've never had them before."

"What, you've never had a blueberry before? Thats odd." Rizen was the next to speak as he magically reached for some fruit, red berries that like plump triangles with green tufts of leaves on the top. "I think you'll like the juice. It's blueberry as well."

"You don't say." Slyly Naruto poured himself a glass, and downed it just as fast as he poured it. He licked his lips before saying "You're right. This is good."

"I'm curious as to what kind of jobs you were looking for." Carapace spoke. "It sounds shady."

"Its not actually. My trainer and I, along with the others members of the team are construction workers."

A cloud of liquid burst from Silver Heart’s mouth, thankfully only spraying his plate. "Wait, wait wait. You mean to tell me that you are a construction worker?"

"Yes. My trainer likes getting his hands dirty so to speak. He wanted to be a construction worker his entire life, deviate from his family's legacy to create his own. In fact, my trainer owns his own business, and he named it ShadowFox Construction."

"A very unique name." Rizen replied. "I assume he named it after you?" Naruto nodded in agreement.

"...but you're a construction worker!" the outburst from Silver Heart drew the expression of ire from Rizen and Naruto. "How could a construction worker fight that Blasty Toiser guy like you did!?"

"First, its a Blastoise. And second, as I told the Blastoise, as a construction worker I use finesse just as much as power. Until he used Aura Sphere I was winning due to him simply being unable to hit me."

Silver was about to retort but was cut off by the Emperor. "Your trainer sounds like a driven being. Care to elaborate?"

Naruto chuckled as he reached for the red fruit. "With all due respect, it's X's story, not mine. I'll end it here, and you can ask him if you see him."

"X huh? That's a dumb name." Silver mocked. "What, are his parents named Alpha and Omega or something pretentious like that?"

"No, but his little sister wants to be called Y. It's a sibling thing. I won’t tell you his real name because unwanted challengers tend to follow."

"Oh, we understand the sibling part, don't we Silver?" Rizen replied with a laugh. Every Changeling in the room responded with light laughter as well as Naruto ate the red fruit, green leaves and all, and chewed. "If I can ask a question Naruto?"

"As long as it related to me I will answer." The response was stern but polite.

"You keep mentioning a trainer. I'm a bit curious about him, and based on what kind of a man you are I find you acting like a trained pet unbelievable."

"Well, I say trainer, but he's more of a brother to me. He found me in my old home about eight years ago, and took care of me when I was hurt and scared. After that I wanted to be with him, so he caught me and I've been with him since then."

"Sounds like a one sided relationship. Is he a Pokèmon like you?" Naruto looked at the Emperor, whom began to pour himself a glass of the cider like liquid. "...It's Cider. Would you like some? It's imported."

"I'm not a heavy drinker, so I'll pass." Carapace shrugged as he began to drink while Naruto continued. "And to answer the question, he's not a Pokèmon actually. He's a human. And let me guess: you've never heard of them either."


"I have not."


"Well, this is what my trainer looks like." With that, Naruto got up, and jumped, performing a series of quick small frontflip as light flowed around him. When the light subsided and Naruto landed, he took a form of a biped wearing a green coat, messy hair, and kind emerald eyes.

The changelings present were surprised, not at the Illusion, but the form of the creature present. "...wow. That is one ugly minotaur." Silver muttered. "Where's the fur? Must make it rough to be outside in the winter."

"Humans are quite ingenious. They manage." Naruto spoke with his own voice, the sound not quite matching the body as the Illusion faded, the fox's true form being revealed. "And many humans become Pokèmon trainers. They roam the world, finding pokèmon to capture by battling them with their own Pokèmon. In fact, human society has a very large emphasis on pokèmon, ranging from battling for sport to contests and other day to day chores."

"The humans sound rather.....lazy if they can get these Pokèmon like yourself to do just about everything." Rizen sounded rather down when it said that. "I assume the humans have no magic of their own when compared to you pokèmon, thus explaining their reliance on your kind."

"You mean Moves? Well no they don't but as I said humans are ingenious. If they want something done, they will think of a way to get it done."

The conversation halted for a moment as the Emperor drank his cider. The beverage did a wonder for his nerves, which were shot due to the events of the day.

"Why did you come with me when I came to you earlier today Naruto?" The soft voice of Rizen drew Naruto's attention.

"You mean when I was just about to get out of you castle and leave?"

"Yes. You had the chance to leave, but didn't. I'm curious."

Naruto took a drink of blueberry juice before answering. "I couldn't in good conscience just let you handle a problem like that without at least attempting to help."

"Oh, so it was a matter of pride?"

"No, more like...honor."

"If you'll excuse us for a moment. " With that, Carapace began to leave the room, motioning for Silver and Rizen to follow.

As soon as the door closed, Silver Heart was the first to voice his opinions. "Sir, he's hiding something from us. I don't know what, but he's hiding something."

Almost at once Rizen gave a dirty look to his partner. "I disagree. I think he may simply be confused. Like he doesn't know what is true or not."

"What, like he's being brainwashed?"

"It's possible, but I don't want to jump to any conclusions just yet." the Emperor responded. "What do you think Silver?"

"Well...I'm not entirely sure. It's just that, I think its too much of a coincidence." The Emperor's expression clearly told Silver to go on. "I mean, first a fox comes out of nowhere and is able to fool even us shapeshifters but doesn't want anything except to simply leave. Then turtles appear in the garden at the same time?"

"Lets not forget the fact that there seem to seem to be more of these creatures in town. This is worrying." Carapace replied. "What are you suggesting?"

"Something clearly made it happen for a reason Sir."

"I find that to be rather hard to pin on Naruto alone Silver. He made it clear that he has no idea how he got here, or why. To me it seems that if his land is real, which I myself kinda doubt, then it must be very far away, and hidden."

"That is indeed a possibility, but assuming all of the creatures came from the same place then I doubt that only one being did this."

A clatter of clanging doors and the rapid shuffling of hooves resounded through the dungeon as the two maids returned. One held another platter of food, while the other held several large stacks of paper.

"What is this?" the Emperor asked. The two maids stopped in front of Carapace as the food bearing one spoke. "Well, we were on our way to gather more food for you when we were stopped by several of the guards."

"They said it was important." The other continued for her friend. "They handed us these."

The magic surrounded the papers as the Emperor skimmed each one before speaking. "It seems our humble capital isn’t the only location where these creatures have just appeared. AND I would like to know why I am getting these reports several hours after they were filed."

"We apologize Emperor, but we were told that due to the large volume of complaints it took them a while to get them organized." The second maid looked apologetic, lowering her head in shame. "And from the contents of the reports that we were informed of, most of them were minor."

"She's right Your Highness." Rizen told his emperor. "They seem to be simple complaints. A few overturned yards, general confusion, the occasional stealing of fruit....Other than that it seems that these complaints are what rowdy teenagers would do when trying to get attention."

"I agree with Rizen." Silver skimmed his reports with an equal mix of curiosity and caution. "Practically every report here is just how the changeling populus is trying to adjust to the sudden appearance of these creatures. To me, the reason why we're getting these reports late is that similar cases appear everywhere in the Empire. The large volume of reports bogged the system down.

"Nothing a stern sweep with the cops to straighten out the messes since these creatures seems to be somewhat well behaved."

"Except for one case." In the Emperor's magical grip held aloft both an official report, and what appeared to be a newspaper. "It seems that not all of our visitors are benevolent. According to this, what appeared to be a horde of angry ants attempted to raid one of the border villages. And they left quite the mess." He gave the newspaper to Rizen whom also skimmed it. He in turn gave it to Silver who express concern as he read. "Damn, those guards look trashed. Ants did this?"

"Only one way to know for sure." With that, the stack of papers save for the two in his grip already were dropped by the doorframe with an unceremonious thud, the impact toppling the pile. "Ladies, please leave the reports there. I will handle them on my own later. I thank you for bringing this to my attention. Silver, Rizen, I think we should go back in and chat with our guest."

The door opened with a creak as the three changelings returned. To their surprise Naruto was happily eating at a calm pace, his face expressing the flavors that were dancing in his mouth. " I like the red ones almost as much as the blue ones. What are they called?"

"Strawberries. In fact, I grew them myself in my garden. In the far right corner? I'm pretty sure that was the one area you didn't waltz into."

"You need to let it go. With all due respect of course."

"Naruto, let me get this out of the way. I'm a very old changeling and have lived far longer than any one changeling should. Any creature whom is subject to this tends to suffer from something called Immortality Madness. That is, beings with extremely long life spans or actual immortality tend to go mad without something to tether them to the present.

"All have their own ways of doing so to avoid the madness. For me, it is my garden. It reminds me of the new that can be created from the old. It reminds me that being Emperor is worth it. Granted, I tend to forget that when something comes along to threaten my sanity, but it's much better than the alternative.

"Moving on, I think you may want to take a look at this, and help me identify these creatures." The papers hovered into Naruto's hands as another aura refilled the glass with juice. "All day we've received reports across the Empire related to these Pokèmon creatures. Most of them are minor, easily fixed encounters, but this report in question is the only one where these Pokemon have actively been aggressive and antagonistic."

Naruto narrowed his eyes as he read the paper.


Earlier this evening, local businesses were visouly disrupted as more of the mysterious creatures that have seemingly invaded the city emerged from the ground. The creatures, resembling metal ants of unusual size or M.A.O.U.S. for short. They're first and only battleground was the marketplace.

Local soldiers bravely charged into battle against the creatures but were quickly outmatched and overwhelmed. Thankfully all was not lost due to the brave actions of four mysterious creatures, local residents referring to the creatures as Chesnaught Naught, Treve Trev, Tyrunt Runt Runt, and Mister Frilly Face. Displaying their strange magics, they managed to send the M.A.O.U.S back to wherever they came from.

Special mention must be made to Chesnaught Naught, whom managed to single handedly carry practically every wounded warrior to safety.

However, it was not without loss. Many of the stands were robbed of their wood and other supplies and goods. The projected cost to rebuild is a moderate number compared to what could have been, but loss is still loss.

Naruto gazed at the newspaper and report, reading the story with interest. The front page had a image of a vicious squad of the aforementioned M.A.O.U.S fighting against a changeling warrior. The piutre made it quite clear that the changeling was losing. Badly.

Naruto moaned. "Great. Durant."

"I take it they are pokemon?" Carapace asked.

"They are. My best advice for dealing with them is don't." Naruto began to take a drink of his blueberry juice before continuing. "Durant are very territorial. If you walk into the land they claim, they will swarm you and make you leave with a body covered in wounds. A rule of thumb is that if you see only one Durant, then you're either dreaming or blessed with an unrealistic amount of luck."

"And why is that?" the spectacle SIlver asked.

"Because you never see just one Durant." Naruto grimaced. "There are always more than one."

"So you’ve had a bad experience with them?" Rizen asked, his eyes sparkling in the way only a psychiatrists do.

"No, but Bugs in general tend to act the same way. Besides, if I did run into a Durant they wouldn't stand a chance. I know Flamethrower, the Durant's only weakness."

"Kinda convenient you can breath fire." Silver noted. "Just be careful shooting that fire: We have fire limit laws in place. Don't want half the nation in flames because someone didn't exercise caution."

"To be honest I managed to get X to teach me Flamethrower by telling him how much such a move could help with the business. Rock melting, Leaf burning, the like. Fire has any purposes."

"There's more to it right?" Rizen noted. "You have another reason for knowing such magic?"

"It's not magic, it's an attack!" Naruto snapped. "Please get it right!"

"Touchy." muttered Silver under his breath.

The Emperor sighed. "Want to explain? I'm rather curious how a fox can breathe fire, let alone why he does that."

"The why is simple. I wanted to learn how to use Flamethrower. I'm a Dark Type."

"Not this again."

The words came through gritted teeth as Naruto continued. "And I bring that up again Silver because as a Dark Type I am weak to Bug Type attacks. Since Bugs tend to know Bug Type attacks, I wanted to be able to fend off any unruly Bugs thinking they have the advantage. The how is a little more complex, as some aspects of Pokemon tend to get.....weird." Naruto put extra emphasis on the weird part.

"Like a turtle having metal cannons come out of its back." Silver muttered.

"Or said turtle knowing Aura Sphere." Naruto commented. ""Seriously, how in the hell can it do that?"

"We can wonder the implausibility of nature later. Can you tell me anything about the creatures who stopped these...Durant?"

Naruto nodded as he took a look at the other picture on the paper. He chuckled as a smile crept across his face. "Huh. What a small world."

The Emperor gazed perplexed as Naruto laid the paper and its pictures on the table for all to see. On the picture in question was a mighty Chesnaught carrying a veritable mountain of wounded warrior Changelings with a Heliolisk leading the charge while a Tyrunt was beaming with pride. The last pokemon, a Trevenant, was in the back of the back, her head turned all the way around to keep an eye on their retreat from the battle. "I personally know these pokemon.”

"You do?" A chorus of the changelings present, the two silent guards speaking for the first time since the interrogation started filled the room as Naruto held his hand up, the motion asking the changelings to let him answer.

"Yes. Yes I do.They’re the other members of my team." Naruto pointed to the Treveneant on the picture. "This is Azisa, A Grass/Ghost type. She's like the mother of the team. Keeps everyone on the same page. And if you mess with her, you might regret it."

Naruto then pointed to Inti. "This is Inti, a Heliolisk. She handles the electrical aspects of our jobs due to her skill and Typing."

"And what would her...typing...be?" a somewhat confused Carapace asked hesitantly. This Typing thing seemed to be important. He would need to ask later.


"That doesn't sound normal." Silver snarked.

Naruto scoffed as he responded. "I assure you everything about Inti is normal. To a point. She is a scrapper, likes to fight. Of us all she probably has the best record as she lived her life in the wild the longest before she joined."

"Before being caught against her will?" a concerned Rizen asked.

"Uh, not really. " Naruto then grasped his right arm, as if it was a reflex., Rizen noticed this and asked "I take it your arm has something to do with it."

"She actually saved my life. If she had not, I would be dead. Considering the alternative, I would prefer the arm injury any day." To his captors surprise, Naruto grabbed an empty glass and began to fill it with cider.

"I thought you didn't drink." Carapace commented.

"I don't. But that was a rather traumatic memory I dug up, and considering how my day is going combined with Silver getting the easy facts wrong ("HEY"), I think one drink would help the nerves."

"That they do." came the response from Carapace, as Naruto began to drink the alcoholic beverage. When he finished, he set his glass down with a thud as he pointed to the Tyrunt.

"This is Apocalypse. He's the youngest of us, just over a year old. He's probably the strongest physically. But he's not too bright, and his stone skin is only skin deep. He tends to feel like everyone picks on him."

"Quite a cheerful fellow."

"The only time he's more cheerful is when he's playing Chase the Tree, Chase the Fox, Chase the Trainer, Chase the Gym Leader, Chase The Random Person, and Chase that Stupid Bright Yellow Big-meanie Head Jerkbutt Jerk Jerk von Jerk Inti."

Silver had a look of confused wonder as Naruto finished the list. "...That guy has issues."

"The thought never crossed my mind," Naruto spoke with words dryer than a desert. He put a hand to his chin as he looked at the last pokemon on the picture. "...I'm going to be honest. I have no idea who the Chesnaught is."

"He looks sturdy." Carapace noted. "I'm amazed that what I assume to be a male is able to carry all of those Changelings at once. There must be at least three dozen in his pile. At the least.

"Chesnaught are Grass/Fighting types that are known for the famed physical power the Fighting Type has dominion over. A Chesnaught is capable of flipping over a tank like it was nothing."

"I don't think the fish inside would be too happy if he did that." Silver snarked again. He got another scowl at Naruto.

"Not a fish tank. A tank tank." Naruto groaned. Blank stares were his answer. Naruto groaned again. "Tanks are metal vehicles with large cannons designed to shoot other metal vehicles with large cannons and make things explode by shooting large bullets at them are large velocities."

"I take it they aren't light. " Rizen asked, a slight quiver in his voice.

"Tanks tend to weigh anywhere from one to fifty tons. All of the metal tends to add up."

A wolf whistle escaped Silvers mouth. "Emperor, if I may make a suggestion..."

"We are not building a tank."

"But sire it has a cannon...."

"We are not building a tank."

"And it would be too heavy to lift with magic..."

"We are not building a tank."

"It's sounds like a faster, lighter train..."

"Silver Heart of the Capital Sect you are on probation at best and fired at worst. Do not push me. We. Are. Not. Building. A tank."

"Yes sir..." moaned the disappointed changeling. Naruto took the opportunity to continue.

“In any case, something seems familiar about this Chesnaught,” Naruto mused. “But for the life of me I can’t put my paw on it. I know for a fact that Chesnaught aren’t too common where we live and we don’t get out of Laverre too often. But I can tell you that he isn’t a member of ShadowFox.”

“Well then, we’ll just have to wait and see as they say.” Carapace magically gripped the papers and took them from Naruto. “Naruto, what I am about to offer is something I do not do often.”

“I’m listening.” naruto asked, the curiously compelling him to answer.

“Normally, the sentence for trespassing in my garden is several years in jail with Fifteen years being the minimum sentence. Considering what is happening in my empire, I am willing to offer an alternative sentence.

“Seeing how you are one of the only beings that seems to understand pokemon as you are one, I will pardon you of all charges in exchange for service to the crown for two years or until I feel you have performed a duty fit for early leave.”

“Sir, I want this to be on the record that I think that you are making a rather large mistake.” Silver groaned.

“Noted and ignored Silver.” Carapace snapped as he narrowed his eyes. “Deal?”

“So let me get this straight. You are willing to let me essentially get off for damaging the one thing that is keeping you sane…” Naruto asked with a confused expression “...by giving me a job?”

“And it’s a limited time, once only deal.” Carapace took a sip of cider, the way he drank displaying a smugness of an emperor.

“You’re quite good at driving Pokemon into corners and keeping them there aren’t you?”

“I’ve had a long time to sharpen my edge.”

Without hesitation, Naruto poured himself another glass of blueberry juice. “So….when do I start?”

Nall and Nalel were surprised at Frilly Face leading the charge while Treve Trev and Tyrunt Runt Runt followed. Confused, they simply told their parents and let it be.

Needless to say the two were very confused when what appeared to be Chesnaught Naught carrying an entire battalion on his back while the aforementioned trio lead the way to the house.

Nall and Nalel weren't the brightest changelings, but then again it didn't take a genius to figure out that they needed medical help. They sent word to the hospital and royal guard immediately, hoping that it was enough.

In the timespan of a few minutes after word had been sent to the hospital the yard had turned into a field hospital, wounded changelings lying on cots in quickly constructed tents as medical personnel began to arrive, Citel ushering them into his yard.

Thankfully for the family Nell was mostly unharmed as Citel had urged the doctors to give her a check up first as the price of admission for everychangeling using his home as an hospital. She rested on her bed as her family swarmed her, trying to calm her and urging her for details.

"Nalel, I already told you: we were attacked by those metal ants only this time there were dozens of them!"

"Well we didn't know that!" Nalel shouted. Nell winched at the volume while Nall lightly whacked her.

"First you almost die in the jungle, then you almost die in the marketplace." Citel murmured. "I'm concerned. This sounds like a pattern."

"Dad, I'm fine. Like I said I covered my self in ice and I used it to fight back."

"That's not the point honey." Citel walked up to his daughter, and put a hoof on her. "I assure you, you are not going to be attacked again. I will do everything in my power to make sure you're safe."


"Now, I want you to stay and rest. Nall, Nalel, can you keep her company?"

"Sure dad!" twin voices answered in unison as Citel smiled, turning to exit the bedroom. "Rest peacefully, Nell."

"I will Dad." The door closed, silence filling the room as the three sisters were alone.

That silence did not last.

"Nell, that was amazing! You're amazing!" Nalel began to perform the happy dance with a confused Nell watching.

"I'm not that awesome." Nell muttered.

"Nonsense sis! I mean, you were kicking some serious butt from what you told us! When did you even learn that Icy Armor thingy?"

Nell waited a moment before answering. "....I just made it up."

"Wait, what?"

"Remember that lesson about focus and willpower Mom taught us all those years ago? Well, it came to mind when I was being attacked. I thought about how I wanted my ice to protect me, and then I cast the spell and I did so.

"Maybe I'M not as bad at magic as I thought I was."

"...Is something the matter?" Nall asked her sister. Her voice was calm and soft, which contrasted her usual tone (loud and excited).

"Nothings wrong Nall."

"Nell, you're not a very good liar." Nall sighed. "Tell us. We're family. You can tell us anything"

"....I could have died today." Nell spoke with a worried tone. "In the jungle I could have died because I wanted to help Litleo Litleo, and I wasn't using my common sense. Then on the way back I was chased by metal ants. And when I make it back they attack my home.

"When I saw them up close...their eyes were so cold, so unflinchingly dedicated to trying to hurt me. Trying to kill me. Because I was in their way and nothing more. It was....cold simplicity."

"But why did you stay there?"

"Oh I wanted to run, but a voice talked to me. Told me that I could run, or I could fight. Then I ran to get help, so in a matter of speaking I chose both."


"I'm scared Nall. I'm Scared because I could have died by doing what was right. I don't know anymore. I just need some time to think."

Changelings could not eat the emotions of other changelings, they could still detect them. And sadness and guilt were coming from Nell like a hurricane. The taste of the two were two tastes avoided for good reason, as sadness tasted like a lime, sour and sharp that rolled off of the surface like slick rain while guilt bore a heavy taste akin to overly burnt bear meat.

The real danger of these emotional flavors is that they tended to influence the emotions of the consumer more than the other emotions in the world.

"...We'll go check up on the others. You stay, and rest." Nalel asked her sister whom responded with a nod. Nall however went over to the pile of stuffed animals and picked up a small stuffed butterfly. She gently put it down next to Nell before following her sister out of the room.

It had taken a while for the doctors to get to X, seeing as the changelings on a general whole tended to be far squishier than a Chesnaught. Thus, a creature as sturdy as him was low on the priority list. Two of them started to wrap bandaged around the arms and waist of a X whom was sitting up on his cot while a third took a look at his cloak.

Thankfully he was away from most of the changelings, who congregated in the front yard while he sat in the award part of the yard that transitioned between the front and back yards.

A head popped into view, nearly startling the doctors. It was Azisa, bearing what appeared to be a bowl of soup.

X sniffed the air, getting a small wiff. "Is that what I think it is?"

"Cheddar Cheese chowder with mushrooms and corn. Your favorite." She approached the patient, one of the doctors flying in front of her barring her from getting any closer. With a spell the soup was levitated away from the pokemon as the other doctors continued to examine him. "I suppose you get to eat when they are done."

"It smells delicious." X commented. "Was there any..."

"White wine? Bottles upon bottles." Azisa chuckled as she continued. "I found a bottle labeled as a brew from a place called Minos. I think it was called uh, White Warwine. I had Inti take a taste of the wine."

"Did she like it?"

"She explained how tasty yet dry it was and then went outside while she was screaming about skulls for a skull throne."

"That sounds like Inti. Once I'm done with being checked out, I'll take a taste." X grinned as he thought about the warm soup he was going to partake in. "You spoil me when you cook you do know that right?"

Azisa said nothing as the the final bandage was applied, the doctors leaving to check on the other wounded. The Ghost grasped the soup bowl as she matched to her wounded friend. "Well I don't like to brag as much as Inti would but I do have the skills that are mad."

She handed the bowl to X, gently taking it from her hand holding the bowl in both hands. The bowl was easily dwarfed by the size of them. He moved the bowl closer to him, intending to drink from it. Unfortunately, as he did, he somehow spill more than he managed to drink.

"UH, I think I need a bigger bowl." came the sheepish request.

"Coming right up friend."

As Azisa left her friend in a quest for more soup, two changelings (X assumed they were Little Lady's sisters) entered his vicinity and started to get uncomfortably close. They looked at him with admiration in their eyes.


The two suddenly hugged the Chesnaught, X wincing slightly due to the sudden hugs he had received. "THANK YOU!" They shouted.

This elected a strange look from the Chesnaught. "You saved our sister right? We need to thank you for saving her today. Twice!" Nall exclaimed.

"And we love our sister so if she died, well then we would each only have one sister to love instead of two. And that would make us sad."

"But she's not dead so we're not sad and its all thanks to you being big and tough!"

X began to look contemplative as the sisters continued to heap praise on him. Azisa returned, carrying a much bigger bowl with a wooden spoon in her hand, steam slowing rising from the chowder. She handed the bowl to X before shooing the sisters away so he could eat In peace. "Leave friends. My friend needs it."

"It's okay Azisa, they're not bothering me." X explained. He took the bowl in his hand, and the spoon in the other. Slowly, he took a sip, and smiled. The warmth of the food did wonders, calming him down slightly. "Thanks."

"X, is something the matter?" Azisa asked. Her eye focused on X, whom continued to eat the soup, Nall and Nalel riding on the Chesnaughts back like their sister.

Flashes of angry ants flashed in front of his eyes, the former human shuddering, trying to repress the fear that was rising. "....No Azisa. It's nothing."

"This was your first battle wasn't it?" Azisa asked picking up the subtle motion. "Not as a trainer whom commands, but a person in the thick of the fight."

"You know how I never really liked having you guys fight in battles? Well, if you win, that's great. You win. Prizes, fame, general awesomeness, that sort of thing. But if you lose? Nothing. You get nothing except wounds and shame.

"That's why I don't like to fight. Its not because I don't like to lose. It's because I don't want you guys getting hurt for no reason. "

"X, you know that we don't blame you for when we lose or get hurt right?"

"But I do Azisa. I blame me. Especially in this fight. I did nothing but get bit by Durant. Everyone else did more, did things that mattered, and the best I could do was be the Designated Target."

Azisa said no more as X continued his meal.

It didn't take long for the members of ShadowFox Construction to drift into sleep, their bodies calling for well deserved sleep. X slept where he ate, laying down after taking off his cloak. Azisa, Inti, and Apocalypse however slept outside, leaning up against the household of their new friends, just outside of their trainers tent.

Naruto was lead to a guest bedroom though,as he had been liberated from the dungeon. A guard was posted in front of his door to make sure the Emperors decision was not a foolhardy one. Naruto could hardly complain. The mattress in the room was comfortable, the fox slipping into sleep almost immediately.

And in sleep, they dreamed.

The Dreamscape.

As it was a place with no physical boundaries or corporeal form, the Dreamscape was a vast place whose size varied from moment to moment based on the number of dreamers and the intensity of those dreams.

As Princess of the Night, Princess Luna had a duty to guard dreams from the darkness of nightmares that afflicted all who slept, not just her little ponies. She flew through the vast darkness, points of light all around her representing a dream. Every now and again there was a chain connecting two or more points of light, signifying emotional bonds between sleepers.

It was an imposingly monumental duty, but it was one Luna cherished. She had missed it dearly during her time-out on the moon, justifying her recent increase in patrols around the Dreamscape.

Seeing as she could enter the dreamscape at essentially any time she wanted, and not just when she was sleeping as per the norm of others beings. It wasn't uncommon for her to excuse herself for a quick ten minute rest to check on a hundred thousand dreams.

Thanks to Arceus though she found herself taking these "Power Naps" as Rainbow Dash called them several times this day. She grumbled as the thought crossed her mind, the arrogant God 's actions making much more trouble than it was worth. The last one hundred and seventy two dreams were essentially the same: pokemon and transformed humans confused and scared as they had a hard time coming to grips that everything they knew was now wrong.

One dreamer had even declared that black was white, up was down, and short was long.

Thank Harmony that they are just dreams rather than nightmares...I dread what kind of a nightmare would come from a world with spirit possessed swords and tests of combat apparently being an everyday occurrence."

Her wings suddenly twitched, Luna halting her flight with a thought (as thought was much more influential in a world as abstract as the Dreamscape). With a quick glance she spotted her disturbance: A bright green flare of light that seemed to be convulsing, four chains of different colored light tethered to it.

Luna did not hesitate as she started to head towards her new destination.

"It seem I am about to answer that question."

The sky was calm and filled with clouds white and fluffy as X walked towards the job site with a spring in his step and a cart of wood he was pushing making the occasional sound of wood lightly hitting the carts walls. A toolbox, red and filled with tools, was on top of the stack.

"Alrighty, first day as a construction worker guys!" X shouted to this two Pokemon whom walked behind him, Naruto and Inti tailing him as they walked through the streets of Laverre City, the people whom were walking in the streets giving him a wide berth to walk past without hassle. The city was very rural, though there was a healthy urban environment for those who wanted the atmosphere of Luminose without actually living there. "So lets impress our first client with a smile and a good work ethic!"

"There's no need to be nervous X. We're going to do just fine." The Zoroark reassured him as the human chuckled.

"Nervous? Far from it Naruto. I am pumped up!" X shouted with a fist shot straight up into the air. "I mean, I ...ubh we waited years for this day to come! And the best part? Nobody here knows who I aM! My parents legacy has no hold over me anymore!"

Three girls unfurled a banner as he spoke, the words on it reading "Marry us Jacob Arrow. We love you!". The girls giggled as X noticed the banner,burying his head in his hand.

"It seems you have a fine selection of dates to chose from for tonight." Naruto lightly elbowed his trainer as the he groaned.

"Its probably just a phase. The number of challengers will go down after the first couple dozen of declines I give them."

In no time at all, the trio had arrived at their destination: A house in suburbia whom had requested a small shed to be built. X rolled up his sleeves as he stepped forward. "This the place?"

"It is."

"Well, time to say hi." X approached the front door, Naruto and Inti staying back as he rung the doorbell.

To his confusion no one answered. He rung the doorbell again, getting the same response.

That's weird" X thought. "I don't remember this happening."

"Is something the matter X?" Naruto called. X left the door, approaching his best friend as he returned to his cart and pokèmon. "Yea. I rang the door and got no answer."

"Maybe they just don't want to see you. Like how I'm not going to ever see you again."

"They're probably just getting lu....wait what?"

"That's right X. " Naruto replied in a manner that one would use to tell you what todays weather was. "I am never ever ever going to ever see you ever again ever in forever ever ever. Ever."

"Wait what?!"

And then he spontaneously combusted, X screaming as he jumped backwards, flailing his arms in a panic. The fire subsided, leaving behind confetti.

"At that, X shouted what sane person would if their best friend if not brother would if said best friend/brother suddenly died in front of them.


Inti gave him no answer, save for suddenly having smoke escape from under her feet, which had suddenly been garbed in tank tops for a sporting team. Then without warning she flew into the air, propelled by twin bursts of fire sending her skyward.

Before X could contemplate the utter insanity, two hands flew across the sky. They were giant, almost twice the size of a person, and they started to fade near where their wrists would be. X swore he could hear evil laughter come from them, the right hand laughing evilly while the left was laughing maniacally. They fist bumped each other twice, then appeared to grasp the sky with themselves, and pulled.

To X's amazement, the Hands had pulled the sky back as if it was a curtain, revealing a jungle in the sky above him.

Which started to get closer for some reason.

X screamed as he realized that he was falling up.

In a startling quick amount of time, X crashed into the jungle above head first, quickly managing to get up. The shift in weight told him that he was no longer human again and was back to being a Chesnaught.

As soon as he got up and got his bearings he wished he hadn't: a horde of eager Durant were waiting him, and wasted no time charging him. X took no time to wait as he ran away screaming his head off. "Nightmare, not a memory! Nightmare, not a memory! NIGHTMARE, NOT A MEMORY!!!"

The endless horde chased him for what seemed like an eternity, the city of Laverre up above him upside down as he continued to run for his life over the deepree of the jungle. To his relief the mighty Wall Maria stood in front of him, its wooden form beckoning the human towards her.

With a shout X leapt towards her gate, bashing it in with a mighty shoulder. He stopped for no longer, continuing to escape from the Durant. But as soon as he reached an intersection he skidded to a stop. Naruto was standing there, though it seemed he was as stiff as a plank of wood. he gazed at his trainer with an unnaturally large smile.

X slowed to a stop, panting and heaving for breath. "Naruto! Help me! Help me!"

Naruto did nothing, only retain his unnatural smile and stiffness as X looked at him worriedly. Then, to his surprise Naruto just stood there, slowly laughing like a mad man before increasing its speed and volume.


Without warning, Naruto's head because to slowly turn, speeding up as it seemed to rise. The unsettling thing was that it was only Naruto's head that was spinning: His hair was staying put. As if the head and hair were separate.

Like his head was a screw being removed.

Then there was a sickening pop, X screaming louder than an explosion. Naruto’s head had fallen towards, his nose landing on the ground. The head however continued to spin, as if nothing was any different. X couldn't tell which was more disturbing: His best friends head spinning like a top or the rest of his body standing like a mannequin with a hole similar to a cavern entrance where the head used to be.

Then eyes appeared in the cavern, chittering among them. X quickly decided it was the former as a stream of Durant burst from the Zoroark like a living Flash Cannon. The attack impacted X, impacting his shoulder as he tried to jump away from the attack.

Echoes of fire turned his attention to Inti, the Heliolisk flying from above. She stared straight up to the city in the sky, and unfrilled her frill, the pokemon looking like a lizard shape umbrella. Then with a crack of Thunder Durant fell from her, the ants falling like it was a metal rain. They even flowed out from their landing ground like they were a metal puddle flowing towards him.

To the third road Azisa appeared from the ground, and leaned forward. Then she knocked the back of her head with fist, forcing her eye out of her body. Then her eye shot up like it was a gaping maw, widening as more Durant marched out. Azisa then spun her head around, fireballs shaped like Volcarona's firing out of her eye socket at rapid intervals.

Hoping for it to end, X turned to face the last of the roads, which bore an approaching Apocalypse, the Rock Dragon skipping as he ran. He skid to a stop, grinning. Then, almost as if X KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, Apocalypse fell down, as he had suddenly turned into a cardboard cutout. revealing a massive horde of Durant, the number there significantly higher than one would expect there to be.

X gulped as he realized that he was surrounded. Nowhere to go, nowhere to run, an infinite number of the Bugs wanting him dead.


As if his cry was answered, X felt the ground buckle beneath his feet repeatedly. It didn't take X long to realize that the help he had requested had arrived in the form of a spiral staircase leading down. He started to descend, the Durant chasing him.

X descended into the darkness of the earth, the earthen stairs eventually shifting into white glass that seemed like it held a soft glow. The decent felt like his previous escape, one that continued on with no end. Then, to his joy he saw a grand platform floating in the middle of the inky black darkness. The circle was made of many colors of stained glass, with the eighteen type symbols circling the perimeter of the stained glass. However, the stairs did not reach the platform, creating the entrance to the bottomless pit that surrounded X.

With a shout X leapt into the air, landing on the platform. He got up, and to his surprise as soon as he turned around he faced a wall. He suddenly felt lighter, though he was more concerned with what was happening at the moment. He spun around, and quickly scanned the room for what he saw.

X quickly noted he was in a chamber.

The chamber was a bright golden white, radiant yet soft on the eyes. The platform he landed on served as a battlefield, one that exuded the energy of many battles throughout the ages. Four stained glass windows lined the walls, each depicting a pokeball while a statue of a woman stood between them in an alcove nestled next to each of the pillars.

Standing in the far end of the room was a famous white garbed figure. X slowly walked toward the figure, his footsteps producing a resounding clatter with each step. "Hello?" X asked the figure. His voice echoed through the chamber. "Are you like some dream version of Champion Dianthia?"

"Not exactly." The figure responded. X furrowed his eyebrows. The voice didn't sound anything like the Champion of Kalos. The figure turned around, X yelping again as he jumped back.

The figure wasn't Dianthia. It was X.

The human form of X grinned a vile grin as he watched the real X gasp in shock. "What....what are you?"

"I'm you. Jacob Arrow." 'Jacob' was garbed in clothing similar but not quite like Dianthia’s. It has as if someone had designed a male version of it: Long white slacks with a white tank top underneath A DUSTER Of the same color. White wings were attached to it and while boots finished the outfit.

"My name is X." X stated, his words straining as he spoke them.

"But my name is Jacob Arrow." 'Jacob' countered. "Actually, Champion Jacob Arrow."

"That explains the cosplay." taunted X. The fake chuckled.

"Its tradition. All Kalosean Champions wear this outfit. Its like our uniform." The fake began to circle the Chesnaught, many emotions swirling within, confusion being evident. "Oh, don't give me that look. It was a History lesson back in our school days. You should know that."

"How is that relevant?"

"Because, it's obvious. I'm you. What you should be. What you will be. What you are."

"I am not like you!" X shouted.

"Behind you."

X turned, a hesitant turn but turn he did. And he growled as what he saw. Behind him was a Gothitelle engaged in battle with Naruto. But Naruto was wounded, scars covering his body with several parts of his hair burnt. But what worried X the most was the bandages on Naruto's arms. They looked ready to give at any moment.

Fight on the Zoroark did, punching away the Gothitelle before firing a Dark Pulse. Before he could catch a breath, a Garbodor lept onto him, driving him to the ground.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Jacob replied. "The perks of being Champion are great aren't they?"

X did not say reply as Jacob pointed to anther section of the room. Inti, scratches all over her body as he battled with a Dugtrio. Next to her was Azisa being accosted by a Delphox, the mystical fox's fire leaving scorches over her body. The Ghost was on her metaphorical knees, a pleading look shot towards X and Jacob.

And little Apocalypse was being beaten, nay tortured by a flurry of ice from a Froslass, the Rock Dragon crying in pain amongst the Blizzard.

Tears welled up in his eyes as X did the same.

"Stop it. Stop the fight."

Jacob scoffed. "Why should I?"

"You're hurting them! They can't take much more!"

"Who cares? The fight because they want to. I just let them."

"No. I refuse to believe that!" X shouted. "You're making them fight!"

"So blind you are. Admit it. You like to battle. You keep repressing the core aspect of your self, your very being. And you know I am right.

"Deny it. I dare you."

X step back as the doppelganger grinned, an evil grin that showed teeth that were far sharper than any humans. He could take no more, turning and fleeing. With a mighty blow, X lept into one of the chambers walls, a large hole formed from where the impact was.

"Don't bother X!" Jacob called out as X ran into the darkness beyond the chambers walls. "You can run all you want, but you can never outrun yourself!

"Trust me. You will become me. And then you will be the dream."

X ran.

X ran as far as he could. The road under his feet were stained glass in the same manner as the Radiant Battlefield. The abyss around him was as black as night with vague cloud like shapes just above the horizon line. The road kept going toward, never turning, never changing. Only going forward.

It felt like an eternity, as if time was inching towards into infinity when it felt it was time to move, but the road finally ended: A bright white circle at the top of a grey colored cylinder that slowly faded away near its bottom, leaving no bottom, only a top.

X slowly stopped as he approached the center of the platform. He gasped for breather, leaning forward and placing his hands on his knees. He had no idea where he was, but on the bright side, at least he got away from 'Jacob'.

"Hello son."

X gulped as he turned around, noticing a man roughly 50 years in age. Despite his age he had a fair share of muscles. His face had a somewhat square face with hair that was messy and a familiar shade of black with narrowed emerald eyes glaring at X. His shirt was a bluish gray, with two silver straps across his chest resembling a X of sorts. His slacks were a silver barely covering yellow shoes. His hands were covered by fingerless gloves, the color the same as his shirt. "Enjoying your little run?"

X started to whimper, backing away from the man who had begun to advance on him. "Get away from me. You’re not really here."

"Of course you did. “ his ‘father’ continued, ignoring the pleas of his son. “You enjoy pointless activities, don’t you? Like denying your heritage and being a...construction worker". The man spat out the last two words like it was rotten meat.

"He's right Jacob....We're disappointed in you." A voice from behind spoke. X turned around, noticing who had just appeared. Standing in front of him was another person. She, like Silas, was in her 50's with a large black ponytail that went just under her shoulders. She dressed modestly, a sky blue sundress with gloves of the same color going up the entire length of her arm. She also wore knee high boots that were the same color. Six pokeballs adorned her silver belt. "We only wanted you to be like us."

Out of the corner of X’s eye he noticed Jacob, his look alike sitting in a throne of obsidian that hovered in the sky, glaring down at X from above.

"No....get away from me." X whimpered. "I'm real. I exist. You....You're a nightmare. You're not real. You're. Not. Real!"

"Oh I am real." Morgan replied. "Very real. You're the one who is a nightmare."

The mother and the father circled their son, the humans glaring at him like he was a Remoraid in Sharpedo infested waters. "Listen to your mother Jacob. Mother knows best and all that."

"Leave me alone!"

"We only want the best you after all. You're our little nightmare. Our little mistake." The acid of Silas’s words stung As X tried to block them out of his mind.

"And like a mistake, mistakes don't know what is best for themselves." Morgan taunted. "And we told you that you were to be a trainer. The best trainer."

"I didn't want to be a trainer!"

This halted the circling of the two humans, though they grinned as the began to step back. Before X would continue speaking he caught a glance at their shadows.

The shadows were lengthening, growing wider and longer as the humans began to crumple like rubber suits. The inky blackness of where the walls used to be turned into a starlit sky that gave any who looked into it hopelessness. The hopelessness seeped into X's soul as he looked at the piles of flesh his dream parents used to be.

A burst for the ground forming into a paper thin wall of shadow shot in front of him, another of the shadows doing the same but from behind. Hyperventilating X crawled away, no attempt to get up at the shadows formed into monstrous parodies of his parents, golden eyes glowing with malicious light echoing the utter hopelessness they sought.

"IT'S NOT ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT, JACOB." Silas's bellowed. His voice had become distorted, almost demonic as it echoed. "IT'S WHAT WE WANT."



"Shut up!"



"I don't want to!"




"OH, JACOB, DON'T YOU SEE...." The parents began to get closer to X, their shadowy forms surrounding him, cutting him off from everything but their demonic forms. "...WE DO THIS BECAUSE YOU....ARE NOTHING....TO ANYONE..."


Suddenly, Silas screamed as a bolt of light pierced his darkness. He twisted around unnaturally as Morgan turned her attention away from her son. "WHO DARES! WHO DARES TO STRIKE THE GREAT SILAS ARROW!"


The shadows and X looked up into the sky and saw a particular sight. Flying in the middle of the abyss was a Ponyta like creature, like the Little Lady and similar creatures he had seen all day. Unlike them she (X assumed it was a she) didn't have holes in her legs or mane, giving her a healthier appearance. Her coat was a midnight blue, with a black blot of night on her rump under a white crescent moon. The horn was straight, and her wings were feathered rather than insect like, the wings spread out and keeping her aloft with powerful flaps.

The odd thing was her mane and tail looked to be alive, or at least akin to flowing water. It was like a living constellation of stars compressed into a hairstyle


"Then I suggest you find a new manner of employment." The interloper spread her wings as a moon appeared behind her, the moon dwarfing all whom here present. Moonlight shone from the silver disk, the dreary sky becoming one of hope.

The shadows would disagree, the light anathema to them. They howled and twisted in an inhuman manner as a million points of light rained from the moon, striking the fiends. Holes burned where the light struck them, screaming in pain. In usion they pleaded to their attacker. "STOP THIS! STOP THIS NOW! WE COMMAND YOU! DO AS WE SAY FOR WE ARE ARE YOUR SUPERIORS!"

The pony narrowed her eyes as she spoke.


The moonlight intensified. The shadows writhed, holding their heads as their shadowy forms began to burn away faster into nonexistence.

Jacob growled at the interlopers attention turned to him. “You do not belong here, nor do you have the right to interfere.” he said with a hushed tone. The interloper only glared as her horn

Then with a predatory grin, he faced X, and spoke with anticipation: "See you tomorrow night X."

Jacob then faded from existence, throne and all.

With a heavy sigh of relief, X gazed as his savior gently flew towards him, landing on the stained glass platform that remained with a delicate chime. "Are you well?"

".....what are you?"

"Not what." she corrected. "Who. And who I am is Princess Luna of Equestria, princess of the night and mistress of the Dreamscape. A place you currently are in."

"So, I really am dreaming.I think." X replied. He then thought, and asked a question. "Uh....how much did you see?"

"All of it, in a manner of speaking." X raised an eyebrow as Luna continued. "You see, as I already mentioned I am the mistress of the Dreamscape. Thus here, my powers over dreams are vast. Though I entered your dream but a few moments ago, I was able to see your dream in its entirety.Thus, I saw everything.”

"What I am curious about is that your dream is much different than the other Pokemon whom's dreams I have visited. Many of them dreamed of the new world they were thrust into. Yours was not like theirs. Would you like to talk about it?"

"....It's kind of a touchy subject." X looked a little guarded as he got into a sitting position. He felt too tired to stand, the fact he was in a dream notwithstanding.

"Part of the healing process is being able to talk about it." Luna gave X a warm look as her moon shrunk to a smaller yet still large size as it moved into the cloudy horizon. "The choice is yours though."

Tense moments dragged on before X spoke. "...my parents are Silas and Morgan Arrow. Where I come from, they're famous pokemon trainers. They are among some of the stronger trainers to ever train pokemon. " X spoke softly as he told his tale.“ Their dream was to defeat the Pokemon Champion of Kalos, especially my dad. She was the person the other me was replacing in my memory before….that happened.

"But my choice in what I wanted to do with my life wasn't that my parents expected. They didn't like the fact that I didn't find the trainers life appealing and wanted to go into construction. I lost count of how many times they tried to convince me that they were right, that they knew what was best for me. "

Luna balked for a moment as X rushed to clarify. "Oh don't get me wrong. I love my family a lot, and they never actually forced me to do anything. But I never wanted their legacy to define mine. I wanted to get out of their shadow, create my own legacy, and live my own life, not theirs." He chuckled as he put a hand behind his head. "Sounds a little out of left field, doesn't it."

X noticed his guest hesitated for a moment before answering "Not at all. I too faced the shadow of family suffocating my own. But unlike you...." Luna waited for a moment before contuning. "...I took a more drastic course of action. It did not end well for either me or my sister, though eventually we were able to reconcile. But the damage had already been done. It is a wound that can never heal. No matter how much I tend to it."

"Well, would you like to talk about it?" X asked, his question echoing the Lunar Princesses'. She shook her head.

"I'm afraid I cannot. I have many more to check upon, to face the nightmares of others. Perhaps another time."

Luna started to take flight, slowly rising into the sky. "Take care young human. Do not lose heart as you find your way in this new world, and pay no heed to the words of a nightmare: They only twist the truth, never speak it."

Then, the pony disappeared, fading away while a confused X simply stared at where Luna was before she simply wasn't.

Author's Note:

I like to call this "The chapter of the shout out." There are quite a few in here.