• Published 11th May 2014
  • 5,097 Views, 271 Comments

A New World, A New Way - Swarm - Kingofsouls

A Sidestory for Zuesdemigod131's A New World A New way. X is a constructin worker. Nell is a merchant in training. Then Arceus got out of his dimesional prision.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - Bug Bite

Chapter 7 - Bug Bite

Day 1

Citel sighed as he sat on the couch in the living room, the tree within the house serving ahead of him. He had lost track of time as he simply gazed at a simple photograph, which stood on a small coffee table. The picture showed his loving wife standing next to him while their brood daughters, small and adorable at that age, sat in the front. The three were close to the others, smiles on their faces as they played together.

Citel wondered where Nell's energy went. The mare was almost as energetic, maybe even more so than her brood sisters at that age.

Judging by the time of day, she was most likely an hour away from the first fort to rest for the night.


"And then I charged at those Durant, firing Thunder after Thunder at 'em, showing them that I was the boss!"

With little Lady, whom was still riding X at this point, giving directions the ragtag group of Pokemon, they had left the market, and entered a high end residential district. The housing was rather high scale, and compared to what they had seen beforehand, there were actual yards.

Inti was too busy recounting her tale with vigor to notice, the electric lizard wrapped around one of X's shell spikes. "Then, I take Core and lead him out, but then a bunch of Durant swarm the tunnel we were using so we ran back and tried to find another way out."

"Sounds fun. What happened next?

"Well X, we entered this huge chamber, and there was a bunch if Durant waiting for us. And a couple of Venipede, but mostly Durant."

"That strikes me as odd, friend." Azisa put a hand in the bottom of her head in the sane manner a person would put a hand on their chin. "Venipede do not have type advantage against Durant. Why would Poison Bug pokemon be in a hive of Steel Bugs like Durant?"

"I was in the middle a Durant colony rescuing someone they kidnapped while they chased me with the intent of hurting me. Wondering why there were Venipede wasn't a pressing concern."

"Fair enough." X consented. "So, how did you manage to escape?"

"Well, they had a few holes in the ceiling to light the room up. I just used a few Thunders to widen the hole just a bit, then used Grass Knot to make a rope for Core here. He grabbed a hold while I climbed up the wall. Naturally, the Durant chased us once they figured out what I was doing. Ever see a Muk just spread out and climb up something? It was like that, only it was made of metal."

"I take it you made it to the hole?"

"Sure did. Once I got there, I fired a Thunder like a laser beam to drill our way out. Took me a while but we made it out, and that was the last thing I remember before fainting. Next thing I remember are you guys crowding over me."

"We're here!"

Nell fluttered off of X's back and gently landed on the ground as X looked at the house. It was a somewhat large house, the green crystalline substance mixed with brick, wood, and mortar. In the middle of the house was a thick and powerful tree rising from the middle of the house, almost as if the house was built around the tree. In the branches of the tree were several other houses made of a similar substance.

Surrounding the house was a yard, the large grassy terrain bearing the occasional flower patch. Sitting to the side of the yard was a Pokèmon, a green quadruped with leafy wings and Nabab berries for a beard. The Pokemon was currently napping, but judging by its expression, the Pokemon's rest was anything but restful.

"Please tell me we're going upstairs." X remarked. To his dismay, Nell had marched to the front door, dashing X's hope. He sighed.

"Maybe next time."

"Thanks Azisa."

The doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of someone Citel probably never seen before, and very likely wanted to sell him some obscure item that he had never heard of nor would ever likely need.

Slowly getting up after setting down the picture, Citel groaned as he approached the door. He really wasn't in the mood for this. Opening the door, Citel had prepared a small but scathing speech towards the changeling at the door. He hadn't expected a sheepish reply of "Hi Dad."

The response had caused him to take a closer look at whom was at the door. His eyes widened when he realised who it was. "Nell?"

Nell nodded her head. Her father then embraced his daughter, tears forming in his eyes. "I worried for you. Ever sence the marketplace was attacked and Kor was stolen from us I feared that those monsters were in the jungle. I feared that your fate would have been the same as Kor's."

A sudden impact told the father and daughter that their Kor had joined in the hug. No words were spoken as the three embraced. No sound, no words, only love.

The hug lasted for several moments, a sound from the creatures bringing Citel's attention towards them. He opened his eyes and studied what he saw. The tallest of them looked like a biped heavily armored hedgehog with a white beard and spikes in several places. Standing next to him was a strange one eyed tree with a strange, almost ghostly energy connecting the limbs to the tree. Beside the tree was a lizard like creature with a head as large as its body complete with comically small arms and strong legs. Compared to the other two, it looked like someone took a rock and carved a creature out of it.

Wrapped around one of the hedgehog's spikes was a familiar yellow lizard. "Come over here Frilly Face," He grinned towards Inti. "You're part of the family too."

"Frilly Face!?"

"Stop it."

"Frilly Face!?"

Inti shot a glare at Apocalypse, the Tyrunt trying not to laugh while X and Azisa stifled a laugh. "Seriously, Apocalypse. It's not that funny!"

"You're right. Its not funny, it's hilarious!" At this point Apocalypse broke into uncontrollable laughter, falling to the ground as he laughed.


"I think we'd better go inside, and inform your mother and siblings about your safety." Citel opened the door with a surge of magic, and beckoned the quests into the house with a motion of his hoof. "You're welcome to come in if you wish."

A cry of joy was Apocalypse's answer as he rushed past the three changelings and entered the house with vigor. The changelings, whom had at this point exited their hug followed him, a scowling Inti leaping off of X to follow. "And thus the torture session continues."

"Oh, it can't be that bad, can it?"

"Yes." Inti replied.

"Okay then...."

"She's probably is." Azisa commented on her friend's scathing response. She followed Inti, and was about to enter when X's voice stopped her. "Azisa, just control yourself. There are treehouses above us."

"I only dropped one treehouse on that Volcarona."

"But it was our treehouse!"

"Point taken..." Azisa conceded as she entered the home. X approached the door, and attempted to enter, but a sudden impact had stopped him from going any farther.

"Huh?" To X's dismay, his increased bulk had widened him, his now broad shoulders preventing him from going into the house. He grunted as he tried to get past the dreaded door frame, dull pounding sounds of his shoulders accompanying his attempts.

"Uh, guys? Little help here!"

X sat on the couch, taking up most of the space, scowling with his head in his hands. Several attempts to get through the door had ended in failure and aching shoulders. One of the attempts ended in the doorframe showing visible damage.

Eventually X had to take off his shell cloak, the cloak currently sitting just outside the house to warn intruders what lie within the walls of the house, and had to maneuver through the door that could best be described as an awkward attempt at interpretive dance.

"I feel naked."

"You are naked." Inti pointed out the obvious.

"Not exactly what I meant." X look a look around the living room. Inti and Apocalypse were sitting at the foot of the couch, while Azisa and Nell sat on a second couch next to the one X occupied.Kor had sat next to Azisa, resigning after two failed attempts to jump back into her stump. "I've only been a Chesnaught for a few hours. You'd think I would be happy to get the cloak off. Well I am, but it just feels weird to not be wearing it. Its almost like I'm trying to feel the cloaks weight despite knowing it's not there."

"Honestly, you humans and your thing with clothing." A smirk grew across Inti's face. "Most of the pokemon I know fell all stuffy and confined when they gotta wear the stuff. Except for Furfrou. Those things will do anything to look good."

Azisa had a ghost of a smile as she joined the conversation. "I can understand their point of view about clothing. It helps them adapt. That, and don't humans value self expression? With all of the available clothing available it's rather easy to express yourself."

"You tell me little miss Trevenant. I mean, aren't your species..."

"I am neither confirming nor denying what you are implying Inti."

Apocalypse turned to the tree, bearing a look of confusion. "So is that a yes?"

"It means that I'd rather not talk about it."

"...so is that a yes?"

All pokemon present laughed at Apocalypse's statement, lightening the mood.

"What? What did I say?"

Nell looked at her friends with confusion. She really hated being unable to join her friend's conversation.

Fortunately, she had six more immediate matter at hoof that just crashed into her.

"Nell! You're back!"

"Nall, please stop crushing me."

"Actually Koruk is doing that."

"Koruk, please stop crushing me."

Koruk loosened his grip as the siblings embraced their sister, their parents choosing now to appear. At this Nall had noticed a certain yellow lizard, whom immediately froze up, her muscles becoming rigid with fear. "Frilly Face! You came back!"

The rock lizard looked like it was struggling not to laugh, while Frilly Face's scowl widened. "I don't think Frilly Face likes being called that..."

"So Nell, spill!" Nalel deftly ignored her sisters question as she countered with her own question. "Why are back so early? Did you miss us? Oh! Oh! Did you change your mind and decide to take us with you?"

"No, nothing like that. I think its best to start from the beginning."

"So then, Chesnaught Naught, Treve Trev, and Tyrunt Runt Runt look me and my injured on sleds made from the ruins of my cart. It was going great, until we saw a lightning bolt shoot up from the ground.

"Obviously lightning doesn't do that so Treve Trev and I took a look. It was a hole and before we could take a closer look...Frilly Face...and Kor climbed out of the hole, and...Frilly Face passed out. Then these huge ants made of metal popped out of the hole and chased us!

"Thankfully we managed to escape thanks to my friends. Especially you Tyrunt runt runt really helped."

THe dinosaur grinned as the Tree pet his head.

“After that, we ran for our lives. And it was again Tyrunt Runt Runt who did the most, although…. Treve Trev and I lent a hoof with fire and ice. Then we just kept running until we reached Wall Maria. And well, here we are.” Nell finished with a sheepish shrug. Her family were as silent as they were during her tale, sitting in a semicircle around the couch Nell and her guests were occupying, listening intently.

Hira slowly replied with a slight quiver in her voice. “Wow. Your day was exciting.”

“See! You should have totally taken us with you! We would have had the same exciting day instead of two exciting days then! And that would have been awesome!”

“Seriously Nalel. I almost got eaten by ants and that’s what you have to say?” The changeling glared at her sisters, who tried to hide, their coats during the same shade as the walls they were by.

“Girls, show your sister some consideration….” Nall and Nalel said nothing as their coats returned to their original color.

“Well, honestly I’m not sure my day was any less exciting than yours. Would you like to share?”

“SURE! It started with me and Nalel having a talk about responsibility, then we found Mister Frilly Face in your stuffed animal collection. Don’t worry he didn’t nibble any of them.”

“Then the ants took Kor, and then we were like ‘oh noes we’re in trouble”. And then Mister Frilly Face just chased after them and then we were like ‘oh noes we’re in even more trouble. And then we went back home, got in trouble, and then you arrived home. And now were not in trouble!” At that, Both Nall and Nalel smiled, as if they were expecting a badge of honor. X had other things on his mind.


"Yes, X?"

"Why do they think you're a guy?"

"I honestly have no idea. I mean, I look nothing like a guy..."

At this point Apocalypse burst into obnoxious laughter. "They think you're a guy! A guy! Hahaha ha ha har har ha!"

At this point X felt something in his gut. Without warning he rose at the same time Inti let loose a horrid screech, and shot his arm out. It was too slow, as Inti's tail whipped out of his range at just the last moment as she dove towards Apocalypse, latching onto his face.

Needless to say, Apocalypse panicked. He got up, trying to shake his head to rid himself of the enraged lizard. Judging from the grip Inti had on his head, it was going to take something more than that to get her off. The duo began rolling around, crashing into walls as they rolled into the kitchen.







Suddenly the two’s struggle suddenly stopped as two strong arms suddenly tore them apart. Inti struggled as Azisa’s wooden claws gripped her while X was holding Apocalypse back.


“Not until you calm down Apocalypse!”


“That is a very good question. Inti, why can you make fun of Apocalypse yet not let Apocalypse make fun of you?”


“Because why?”

“Because! It’s not my fault he takes it too seriously!”

“Inti, you’ve always made fun of him, and you don’t stop even though everyone asks you too.” X then shot a glare at Apocalypse. “And attacking Inti is only going to make her go at it again, Apocalypse.”

“Oh come on X, It’s just a little teasing.”

‘No Inti, no it’s not. When everything calms down, you and I are going to have a chat about this.”


“Apocalypse, don’t start it up again. Look, we’re all a little stressed, and really confused, so here’s the deal: Azisa is going to make sure you two don’t kill each other while I clear my head. Azisa, do you mind?”

“Not at all friend.”


And with that, X marched towards the door. The three pokemon stared at their trainer, unsure of what exactly just happened. Behind them, the nine changelings simply watched them, crowding behind the corner, trying to hide from the strange beasts. Azisa closed her eye.

“...I don’t suppose they’re going to let us stay for the night….”

“The yellow ones might. They’re not exactly the brightest…”

The sun was inching below the trees, the last remnants of the day fading away. In the yard, X slid his cloak back on to this back, the weight of the cloak both familiar and foreign to the "human". He sighed as he thought back to what had transpired.

Inti and Apocalypse had never really gotten along, but at this point it was getting ridiculous.

He needed to do something to get the two out of his head for now. Deciding to take a walk around the property, X wandered into the backyard. Sitting near the edge of the yard, X noticed a large pile of lumber next to the Tropius.

Sweet beautiful lumber.

"That will do."

As he approached the lumber, a tired voice spoke to him. "I wouldn't."

X turned around, seeing only the Tropius, the pokémon turning its head towards X. "Uh....."

"Over here."

It took X a while to realise the Tropius was talking to him. "Oh, right, thats a thing now."

"What's a thing now?"

"The whole 'I can talk to pokèmon thing now." Tropius looked a X as if he had spontaneously grew a second head. "...I'm a human. Well, I used to be one, at least."


"It's true."

Awkward silence reigned, the Tropius giving X a strange look, one that said told people that they didn’t believe you. X chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. “In any case...mind if I use some of the wood.”

“Well, the girls are using some for a little hut for me, but but I think they wouldn't mind if you used those." X looked at the pike Banana Beard was pointing a leg at. It was several scrapped pieces of lumber, planks and blocks that clearly needed some TLC were strewn about the pile.

"Phew, that’s one heck of a reject pile," X commented as he inspected the reject piles contents. "Dare I ask what happened to these?"

"You don't want to know."

"That bad?"

"Well, uh, no not really. I just don't want to tell you."

"So...why tell me 'I don't want to know' then?"

"I dunno, It sounded more legitimate, I guess."

"Fair enough. Spot any carving knives around?"

Nell exited the house and entered the backyard, spying Chesnaught Naught. He was sitting on the ground, hunched over doing something. "Hey, Chesnaught Naught. Whatcha doin?"

Chesnaught Naught turned his head, noticing the little lady and motioned for her to come closer. She did so, and saw his little project.

The biped had a block of wood in his hand, a half-carved figure trapped in the wood. At his feet were several more figures, each of varying shapes. Among their numbers were a jellyfish with a face, a small robin, a dinosaur like creature with its eyes covered by hair, and a very tiny electric eel.

"Wow. Those are really good."



Wow, Nell. That was the most awkward way you could have ended a conversation.

Nell felt a nudge and looked up to her giant friend. In his hand was a block of wood, the one Chesnaught Naught was carving being set down, and the knife. Nell looked at the block of wood with a curious look and a raised eyebrow: the wood had clearly seen better days as it was warped while still in the form of a block (somehow), and was silently begging anyone listening to take it back to those better days.

"Wow. Nall and Nalel really did a number on this, didn't they? I mean, this has them all over it."

"Naught Ches Chesnaught Naught Naught Chesnaught Ches."

"So, uh, what do you want me to do with this?" Her answer was given in the form of Chesnaught Naught miming the motions, carving an invisible block of wood with an invisible knife. "You want me...to carve a figurine?"

A nod of creature’s head confirmed that her assumption was correct. "I dunno..."

"Ches Ches Naught?"

"Is that a yes Naught or a no Naught?"

A glare was her answer. "Right....look. I've never done anything like this. How will I know if I do it right?"

"Ches Naught Naught."

"...okay." Gripping the knife in her aura, the knife set itself gently against the grain. "No pressure right?"

With a shout of "Grah!" the figure was swiftly struck with an ice spell, then thrown at the ground. It soared towards the ground like a comet, and shattered on the ground. The figure split into three pieces, and toppled into a pile of other frozen/smashed figures.

"What is wrong with me!? Why can't I get this right!" Stomping a hoof down to emphasize her point, Nell glared at the knife, still in her aura, and with another shout, she hurled it at the wooden graveyard. The knife landed in the grass pointy side piercing the dirt.

"Naught Naught Na Ches Ches."

"You're right, Chesnaught Naught. I'm just not good at wood carving." A dejected Nall sighed as she hung her head, and turned to leave.


Nell halted, Chesnaught Naughts emotions swirling into her. She felt a small sour taste, one that came quickly and tended to linger the more you ate.

It was disappointment. Thankfully the taste was very light, the emotion very far from being dangerous. Her giant friend pointed at another pile, this one full of its own unfinished figures.

"Well, okay you made a few mistakes, but you know how to carve already. I don't."

Chesnaught Naught got up, picked up the knife and a new block of wood, this one relatively unwarped, and approached Nell. He then sat down with a thud, wincing in pain, as he as just sat on the end of his tail.

"Ches Naught Chesnaught Naught..." with a kind look, he handed the wood and knife to Nell, whom promptly shook her head.

"But I messed up."

Gently, Chesnaught Naught set the block down, and handed her the knife, expecting the aura to grip it again. When no aura came, Chesnaught Naught grasped her hoof, and was about to give her the knife, but stopped.

Chesnaught Naught realized she didn't have any fingers.

Thinking for a bit, Chesnaught Naught started sticking the handle into several of the changelings leg holes. Sadly, none of the holes were the right size, either being too large and the knife going through the hole, or were too small. "Uh, what are you doing?"

At this point, Chesnaught Naught held her hoof in his hand, the knife gripped between the two. He then gripped the wood, gently set the knife next to the wood. He then stayed to carve, the knife slicing the wood with each strike.

Nell certainly felt awkward as is was happening, her hoof being forced to move without her consent. "Uh...are you teaching me?"


"Is that a yes Naught or a yes Naught?"

Chesnaught sighed in exasperation. "Ches Ches Naught..." he stopped mid rant and spotted Nell's grin. "Naught Naught Naught Ches Naught Naught."

Treve Trev stared at Tyrunt Runt Runt as the two sat in Hira's study, the tree staring at the dinosaur intensely. Hira busied about, ignoring the two as she finished writing down a note. "Okay, that should do it. If this works, I should be able to understand you. Want to help me?"


"That's the spirit." Just as she sat down on her haunches, Nall and Nalel fluttered in, Frilly Face in their grp. "Hi mom!"

"Hello girls. Care to watch?"

"Honestly, we're not exactly fans of watching your research projects. We know you like teaching but we don't like school. Just not us."

"Oh, you wound me so." Their mother feigned hurt feelings, we hoof waving is a dramatic manner. "In any case, I thought you would enjoy listening to our friend talk in our language. I think I got it."

The two siblings looked at each other, then back to their mother, whom continued. "Well, by applying two translation spells, I should be able to get it right."


"I'm going to assume you're ready." With a flash of energy, Tyrunt Runt Runt glowed. "Okay, that should do it for the first spell. Do you feel okay?"


"So far, so good. Right, second spell." Her horn flashed again, this time causing a questioning look for the tree. Impressive, considering her only facial feature was her eye.

"So....anything you would like to say?"

Tyrant Runt Runt took a deep breath, and spoke: "Inti toDSaH jatlh vIneH. ghaH qlp vIneH 'ach tIn nach tiny DeS 'ej vIghaj.”

"Hey, isn't that that weird language those archeologists speak?"

Hira levitated a book, and slammed her face into it.

"uh, ghIq vay'?"

"Trev, Trev Nant Trev Trevenant Trevenant ."

The Shadows of the night had begun to emerge, the sun fully set and Little Lady carefully carving a new figure, the knife tied to her hoof with twine. Small torches surrounded the duo, the light dancing on their sticks as they provided light in the night. Little Lady’s eyes narrowed as she carefully stuck her chunk of wood, carving away the wood.

X looked at his student intently. SHe had a few confidence issues, something he had a minor struggle with in his past, but all she really needed was someone there just to be at her side, and assure her that she was doing just fine.


Having his thoughts interrupted, X looked at the finished product. It looked like a creature much like herself. However, the carving was very rough, the knife being quite unkind to the block of wood. Compared to the previous attempts, the rejects sitting in a pile of their own.

“Hmmmm….” X reached out, taking the figure into his hand (or was it a paw? X wasn’t sure), studying it. Little Lady stared at him intently, waiting his judgment. SHe sighed when he flashed her a smile. “Not bad. THis is your best yet, though it really needs some touch ups.”

“....paint?” X flashed a thumbs up, or at least the closest thing he could get to a thumbs up, considering he only had three fingers now. “Well, I think the market is still open. We could go and get some paint and paint them tonight.”

“Don’t worry X. I’ll keep an eye on everything.” X turned around, and sighed. Azisa stood next to the backdoor, almost blending in.

“Thanks Azisa.”

And with that, the two went on their way to the market.

“Thanks Toka!”

“Anytime Nell. You let your sisters and parents know I said hi, okay?”

With a large pack of paint cans, X and LIttle Lady marched from the home supply stall and marched home. But as they did, X looked around with worry. There was a good number of pokemon among the strange creatures that had taken him and his team in, but X had yet to see a single human among them.

Considering he was now a Chesnaught instead of a human….what if he wasn’t the only one this happened too? X shook his head. He really didn’t want to dwell on that.

“You okay?”

This thoughts interrupted yet again, he looked at his new friend, the changeling looking up at him. He shook his head.

“Well, at least it’s a nice night…”

A scream echoed into the night. Followed by another. Then another.

X didn’t hesitate as he dropped the paint and ran towards the screams. A stunned LIttle Lady flew after him.

X skidd to a stop as he approached several stalls. Changelings and pokemon alike were attempting to escape from six Durant, two of them gnashing their jaws at their victims while a third was tearing down stands and salvaging the wood. The remaining three were standing guard.

“That….explains a lot actually.” X moaned.

“Uh…..what do we do?”

“Well, I’m going to walk up to them, chat a bit…” X stopped when a young changeling tripped and fell. A Durant closeby marched to it, and grabbed the foal with it’s jaws, squeezing him tightly. “....and save the kid!”

He ran forward, rushing towards the victim with determination in his face. THen, the earth burs in an several explosions of dirt and dust, circling him as he skid to a stop. The dust settled, revealing several dozen angry Durant.

I really should have seen this coming.

Little Lady screamed as the Durant leapt on her friend, the larger one falling to the ground in pain.

Ever since X left the house, Inti had decided to hide on the roof of the house. It wasn’t like the roof of the treehouse, but it was pretty close.

“Thinking about today?”

“Hi Azisa.” Inti didn’t turn to face the Ghost, who had just approached from behind, the tree sitting down next to her. “Anything exciting happen with my captives and the others?”

“Well, X and the LIttle Lady went to the marketplace, while your captor’s mother is trying to translate our language…” Azisa added a chuckle. “It’s not working out as well as she hoped.”

“She’s still trying that?”

Azisa returned a look at the lizard. “I take it you are familiar with what she is trying to accomplish?”

“I was the test Tepig. The thing made me speak everything except their language. It was actually kinda funny, watching them try to figure out why it wasn’t working right.”

“Well before you get your hopes up, she doesn’t have it right yet. SHe used it on Apocalypse, and now he’s speaking some weird language with more g’s, v’s, and q’s than necessary.”

“Kinda sounds like that one language on TV. You know, the show that takes place in space.”

“I wouldn’t know. I’m not that big of a sci-fi fan. But that’s not why I’m here.”

“Look, it’s not my fault the Rock takes my jokes a bit too seriously. Naruto already had the chat with me. The problem is Apocalypse not me.”

“How so? You are the one who keeps the game going. How can you blame him for wanting to continuing the game in an attempt to win?”

“Of course. He thinks it’s a game.”

“And I think he’s trying to win at the cost of his feelings.”

“Geez, Azisa you know how to hit low.” Inti shrugged. “Look, honestly? I being mean, but there’s a difference in being mean and you know, being mean? Right?”

“Yes, but I don’t think you can hide behind that for much longer. Every action has a reaction, yes? And I’m pretty sure yours caused a few more problems than just an angry Fossil.”

“As their pet. They think I’m a guy.”

“You do make a point, but that’s not the point here. They could have kicked you out, thrown you away, but they wanted to be kind to you. They opened their doors for you. And you respond with complaints about their thoughts on your gender.”

“You ever see a guy with this physique?” Inti unfolded her frill, revealing her body. “No guy can compete with this. And before I forget, I haven't caused any trouble for the two ladies or their families. I usually just do that to Apocalypse because it’s easy. They’re not bright, but they are attentive. They have an eye for detail, I tell ya that. It would make it hard to mess with them. Now Apocalypse? Force and nothing more. That’s why I do it to…..”

Inti suddenly stopped. “You sneaky Ghost. You wanted me to admit that didn’t you. And here I thought I was the smart one.”

“Only when wires are involved friend, and I don’t think I see any nearby.”

“Yea, I’m gonna just go and clean up the kitchen.” And with that, Inti started to climb down the house. Azisa shook her head, choosing to remain and gaze at the marvel of the city, the buildings merging with the trees as naturally as nature itself.

Being raised by trainers, X understood quite well that Pokemon were forces of natures in the form of flesh and bone. And although they were cute and cuddly times, X’s parents never let him forget trainer rule number 1.

All pokemon are dangerous.

The dozens of Durant currently jumping on him proved this point quite clearly.

The Durant climbed on him, biting into him as they climbed, making room for more invaders as X stumped around. In a panic, he flailed his arms, shaking off the Durant biting his arms. Yet as he struggled to get one Durant off, two more replaced it and rewarded the Chesnaught with crushing jaws.

X grit his teeth as the Durant continued to bite at him, crawling over his shelled back. The powerful cloak did little to stop the ants’ attacks.


He struggled, slowly rising. He didn’t get far as three more Durant went for his legs, biting it with tremendous force. WIth another scream of pain X fell down again, landing on those three Durant.

Tears streamed down his eyes, his heart full of fear, fear for his life. The emotion flowed into Nell, the grimy taste of her friends emotions causing her to step back, her muscles turning rigid with each step.

All the while, Nell stood there, stunned as changelings ran around her, the girl a rock in the tide of escaping innocents. The ants had returned in force, one that could possibly kill her new friend.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a piercing scream of desperation from her friend. “LIttle Lady, run! Now!”

Nell didn’t know what to do. Hesitantly she took a step back as her friend roared in pain, the titan struggling to get off his knees as more ants crawled onto her friend, pinning him down as their friend continued to raid her city.



He’s telling you to run.”

Nell started to yell in surprise, the thoughts not her own as they continued. “Relax. I’m not going to hurt you. “I’m using my psychic powers to communicate with you. Think, don’t speak.”
“Who...who are you?” Nell asked the voice. The changeling noticed the voice sounded feminine with a hint of bitterness behind her words.
“I am a friend.”
“My actual friend is in the middle of being mauled by metal ants. I’m not in the mood to talk with someone I have never met calling me her friend.”
“You are a smart one. I can see that your friend is in danger. But I’m talking to you not him. The real question is what are you going to do?”
“Yes, you. The way I see it, the Durant do not see you as a threat. They will ignore you unless you give them a reason to notice you.”
“I…...I don’t know. I’m not good in these situations.”
“Battle is never calm, but in it you must be in control of yourself. Letting your thoughts guide you rather than your emotions can decide the battle.”
Nell yelped quietly as more ’Durant’ as the Voice called it surrounded Chesnaught Naught. Tears ran down his face, his eyes closed in pain. Reinforcements continued to raid the stalls, going for wood and other building supplies before disappearing into the dirt. “But I can’t just leave him!”
“Then fight.”
“Woah, hold your hippogriffs Voice. There’s one of me, and like, definitely more than one of them.
“Well, if you hurry and run now, they will not chase you. You can run away, and be safe, but then the death of your friend will forever haunt you. Or you can stay and fight, and try to save someone you care about, and gamble both your life, and your friends.
“The choice is yours, young Nell. Make it matter.”
“Why do I have to choose! Why can’t I just choose both instead of one!?” Her head was suddenly devoid of the second voice. “Voice? Voice? Are you there?”
The silence that remained told Nell she was alone. Alone to watch her friend be tortured by invaders. Her thoughts turned into a frenzied panic. “What do I do? I’m not good in a fight alone! But I can’t just run away. I need help, someone who can help me even the odds somehow….Oh which plan do I take? Run or fight? Run or fight? Run or fight?”
Her horn quickly flashed with a yellow light, a small ding audible as her eye’s widened. She turned to run, her hooves carrying her as fast as she could. “Hang in there Chesnaght Naught. I have a plan!””

With a grumble, Inti marched out of the house with Nall and Nalel behind her, a bag of trash in Inti’s arms. Inti and Apocalypse had caused a surprising amount of damage during their roughhousing. As punishment, Inti had been forced to clean up the mess as she was the one who attacked first.

“He’s a little powerhouse isn’t he?”

“Yea. You think it’s still a good idea to keep him?”

“I wouldn’t worry about it Nall.”

“Yea, but Frilly Face has lightning powers. He did a good amount of damage without shooting lighting to something that looks like it was actually carved from a rock.”

“Your point?”

“My point is maybe we should err on the side of caution. We really don’t want to blow the house up by angering our pet.”

“Oh, you worry too much. He’ll be fine right, Mister Frilly Face?”

Inti mumbled under her breath as they set the bag of trash outside on the side of the road.

“So….wanna finish making a place for Frilly Face and Banana Beard to sleep tonight?”

“Sure. We have plenty of wood. Maybe the big guy can help! Nell said that the big guy made sleds out of wreckage right? Well maybe he knows how to make a place for everyone.”

At this, Inti had a confused look on her face. “Wow….they’re smarter than they look.”
Before Inti could respond, the clamor of hooves announced the arrival of several guards clad in armor, racing towards their destination. The two changelings looked at the soldiers with worry. “Uh...hi.”

One guard stopped his advance and turned to the changelings, staring at Inti with a questioning look. “Stay here in your homes until further notice.”

The guard left the girls, rejoining his battalion as the girls looked at each other. “You wanna…”

“No Nalel. He said stay put. If the army is saying stay put, it might be a good idea. I mean, you have seen the strange creatures that just...appeared, right?”

“I’m curious!”

“Hey, we’ve already been to the marketplace today, now it just happens to be...where X and Little Lady are...right now…..”

It didn’t take much to get Inti running towards the house, screaming for Azisa and Apocalypse, leaving a confused Nall and Nalel in her dust.

Inti found Apocalypse and Azisa in the study. An exasperated Hira had her head in a book, her eyes darting across the book, desperate for an answer. “Azisa, Apocalypse, I think X and Little Lady are in it deep.”

“What makes you think that?” Azisa turned to her panicked friend. Apocalypse turned his head, ignoring his workmate.

‘A bunch of guards in armor just marched past two of the wonder triplets. It sounds like something big is happening at the marketplace.”


“And we gotta go now! We gotta save him!”

“Save him? But who nee….” Azisa’s gasp interrupted her statement, as she moved a claw to the bottom of her head. “...that’s where X and Little Lady are.”


“Apocalypse, X was a Human who is now a Pokemon.” A blank stare was Apocalypse’s response. Inti grew more and more frustrated as Azisa tried to explain. “What does X have the ability to do now, yet lacks the knowledge of how to use it?”

“The ability to walk around without clothes on?”

“No you idiot. Human’s can’t use Pokèmon attacks. And if X was a Human, but is now a Pokemon, that means he can use Pokemon attacks.” Inti counter.
Apocalypse restored with a glare. “Well, why is that a bad thing, Shorty?”

“The problem isn’t the fact that X can now use Pokemon attacks. The problem is that X doesn’t know what attacks he can use. Or how to use them. IF something got into a fight with him, his lack of skill in combat combined with the lack of knowledge we just discussed will not bode well for him.”

“Well then why are we standing around here then!” With a crash, Apocalypse ran past his teammates, running into a wall. He backed up, then continued his spirit towards the front door.

“Well, he is easy to excite I’ll give you that.”

“You do rile him quite often friend.”

“I see with nothing wrong with that.”

X screamed as the biting continued. The rather painful biting tearing into him. The weight of the Durant on his back pinning him down, the crushed Durant under him wriggling against his stomach.

“Of all the ways I imagined myself dying, this is gotta be somewhere in the top ten.”

“You have a top ten list of the ways you think you’re going to die?”

“I was six and really bored that day. But lets face it, Durant are pretty dangerous and in my defence I’m...wait. You’re not my thoughts.”

“A very observant observation. Congratulations on figuring that out.”

The pain of the attacks and their weight seemed to fade, present but sent to the back of his mind.

“That actually make me feel a little better. Man, I wish Inti was here. How did you manage to mind read me anyway.”

“You are part Fighting Type. The Type’s dedication to the psychical arts leave many with a weakness towards the mental arts, with a few exceptions. I believe your thoughts tell me you should have learned that during Mr. Heart’s Type 103 class during your Trainer School days.”
“Are we really doing this in the middle of me dying?” Because now I’m disappointed. Can you please not ready my mind anymore?”
“What do you fight for?”
“What do you fight for?”
“Nothing. I don’t like fighting.”
“Yet you train Pokemon.”
“Only because my parents made me. Since you’re reading my mind you probably know who they are.”
“I do. But the matter at hand is you, not them. What do you fight for.”
“I don’t like to fight. The situation I am in is because of fighting. Now I’m dying and having a chat with a mind reader.”
“You're not being completely honest.”
“....I don’t have a reason.”
“I mean, my parents are trainers, and their parents were also trainers, and so on and so on. Fighting's kinda in our blood. But me? I felt like I was the odd one out, the shiny Whimsicott who’s different. I‘m just not sure if deep down I am a Trainer or a construction worker. It’s pretty obvious which one I want to be, but I’m not sure which one I need to be. You understand right?”
“That doesn’t really answer the question, does it?”
“Silence. A answer purer than any yet more cryptic than any question. You might want to have an answer. It might be of more use than you know.”
X’s mind turned to a single voice as the other voice left his mind. The pain of the attackers returned to the forefront of his mind, X screaming again.



The two shouts heralded a bolt of thunder crashing into a group of Durant, launching them off of X. The attackers stopped for a moment to watch rocks hurled into their faces, causing a few of the surrounding Durant to stumble. The rest were taken by surprise when a second bolt flew into another group, launching them into the first group. Instinctually, X rose, causing the stragglers to tumble off of him. He opened his eyes as he retreated from the Durant. Before him was LIttle Lady, Inti, Apocalypse, and several armored changelings. His changeling friend flew into him, the human pokemon grabbed her, hugging his friend. “Did she…?”

“Well it went like this, X.” Inti had a smug look as she and Apocalypse glared at the DUrant, whom had recovered.

The three pokemon had joined the advancing guards, whom were at the moment uncaring of the three creatures that had just joined their ranks.

“Please tell me we are almost there…”

“Not sure Azisa. Just keep running.”

Azisa groaned as she tried to keep up with the others, and failed. “You try running with two extra pairs of legs. It’s not as easy as it looks.”

“I’ll keep that in mind when I reincarnated like you did.”

“Again, I am neither confirming nor denying that.”

“Calm down kid, and tell us everything.”
“Just…did...friend...dying. No time...to rest...come with me….”
The guards did not question her, and followed the tired and afraid Changeling with urgency.
In the meantime, Azisa moaned as she tried to catch up.

“And that’s why we’re here!” Apocalypse shouted.

“Thanks for coming for me.” X coughed. His body had bite marks everywhere. As he spoke Little Lady crawled onto his back, her horn glowing with frost. “Okay, lets get out of here!”

“And miss the fight? Hell no.” Lighting surged around Inti’s body and Apocalypse gnashed his jaws, jumping forward and joining the guards on the front line.

“I’m guessing diplomacy is out fo the question?"

“You could say that,” Inti remarked. The Durant had recovered from the sneak attacks, righting themselves and getting into a formation. The scavengers had dropped what they were carrying to join their brothers and sisters. They were eager for a fight, and no was not an answer for them.

“Guess we don’t have a choice.”

Both sides stared at each other, eager for the other to go first. As they waited, Azisa waded to the front line, out of breath. “Why am I out of breath? I have no lungs. Phew what did I miss?”

“Honestly? Not a thing slowpoke.” Inti taunted as the Durant charged.

Author's Note:

Finally, it's done! Hope you enjoy it!

ANd now a word from my editor

tdnpony - Glad to see the next chapter up, and glad that you got over your writers block. The plot is moving along nicely, and I look forward to the next chapter

Bubba was not here.