• Published 11th May 2014
  • 5,097 Views, 271 Comments

A New World, A New Way - Swarm - Kingofsouls

A Sidestory for Zuesdemigod131's A New World A New way. X is a constructin worker. Nell is a merchant in training. Then Arceus got out of his dimesional prision.

  • ...

Chapter 5 - Calm Mind

Chapter 5

Calm Mind

Day 1

As Naruto and Carapace were fighting the incredibly irate (and possibly insane) Blastoise, we must turn back the clock, to just a few minutes beforehand, and check up on Nell and her lion like companion.

“Geez, who knew the jungle was this dense?” Nell asked her companion. Litleo Litleo sighed again. They had lost track of time, though thankfully the trees were not as thick as Nell thought, as she was able to simply walk a pseudo path in the jungle.

Though to be honest, she did feel like she passed the same rock four times. And one tree six times. At least.

Thankfully she was marking the path, but it didn't help relieve the hopelessness of the situation.

“Well, hopefully we can find your family, and then I can get back on my way to trade my goodies. Hopefully I can do a good job, make Dad proud, maybe get my sisters to let up a bit. Don't get me wrong, I love my sisters but they can be a little overwhelming at times. Do you have any siblings?”


“Is that a yes 'li' or a no 'li'?”

“I gotta stop asking questions I can't translate the answers to.” Nell sighed, the lion chuckling slightly. “Well in any case, you're a good buddy to talk....oh no.” Nell suddenly stopped, groaning. The little lion then clambered up her head, standing on her back and putting his paws on her head. He growled too when he saw what Nell saw.

A smiley face carved into a tree.

The same smiley face they carved 30 minutes ago.

“We've been going around in circles!” Nell shouted.

“I can't believe that I thought this was a good idea.” the changeling lamented. Litleo Litleo dangled his paw over Nell's back, and sighed. “What do you think?”

What Litleo Litleo thought was how mind numbingly bored he was. And he was going to let his friend know it.

“Lit! Litleo Litleo leo-leo-leo! Litleo! Lit Litleo Litleo!”

“I really gotta stop asking questions I can't translate....oh no.”

Litleo was puzzled at that statement, and clambered onto Nell's head so he could see in front of her, and growled.

The lion growled at the infernal evil of the language barrier, prepared to give a rebuttal. Then he stopped.

He heard something, that something sounding like a roar.

Like someone had found something in a hunt.

“Litli! Lit Leo Litleo!” he shouted, clambering onto of Nell's head, his bandaged paw covering an eye.

“Hey, what's up?”

Litleo then pointed in the direction of the sound, uncovering Nell's eye in the process. She looked in that direction, and narrowed her eyes. “You..want me to go there?”


“Is that a yes “li” or a no 'li' ?” she said. The cub just whacked her head, clearly no longer finding that line funny. “Okay, I'm going to assume that's a yes 'li'.” She said as she marched towards uncertainty.

After a good minute of running in the direction Litleo Litleo urged her to go in, Nell burst through some foliage, she and Litleo Litleo burst from the plants into a small meadow, and Nell gasped.

In the meadow were easily a dozen lions circling their prey. Half of the lions were almost identical to Litleo Litleo, while the other half were larger and were similar but different to Litleo Litleo. They stood almost five feet tall, their paws the same cream color as Litleo Litleo's, the hind legs having the cream color meet the brown main body in a manner similar to boots. Five of the lions had a long flowing lock of red hair with a gold stripe in the middle, while the other one had an impressive mane, also red, with six gold stripes coming out of it.

Nell assumed that the lion with the very impressive mane was the leader, and a guy while the pony tailed lions had a feminine grace to them.

Spread across the ground was yet another strange creature the lions were circling. The creature was wearing a shell that looked like a cloak that was mostly a creamy yellow with a red and green trim. The cloak had four spikes coming out of it, two spikes per side. It's arms, legs and tail were spread out every which way (Nell assumed the creature was a biped). The arms were green on top with two small spikes, white on the bottom with three brown claw-like fingers while the legs were the same cream yellow with three brown feet, and the tail had a cream yellow bottom with green on top. The head of the creature was white with an impressive spiky beard made of white fur, and his head as what could be described as a cream yellow helmet ending in brown and red.

The eyes were shut, so Nell assumed it was out like a light.

Or dead.

“Please tell me that's your family, Litleo Litleo.” Nell said, the annoying feeling of fear yet again rising. Litleo Litleo leapt from his equine perch and ran towards the pride of lions, shouting in joy. The circling lions turned to hear the shouts, and gasped when they saw who it was. One of the females and two of the Litleo Litleo ran to it, the little ones tackling Nell's friend in joy while the older simply watched.

“I told you we would find them.” Nell said as she trotted towards her fiend. Some of the lions in the pride did the same, yet the leader did not. The leader leader approached the creature, then sniffed the creature, sniffed again, then recoiled in disgust. Apparently the prey was either not good enough to eat or not dead enough to eat, as the leader barked some orders, and at his command the pride converged around him. Litleo Litleo looked at his pride, then back at Nell. “Go on.” She urged. “I'll be fine. Go.”
The lion didn't look convinced, and hugged her leg. “Trust me Litleo Litleo. I have a family too. They're waiting for me back at home. And as cute you are, your family was probably worried about you, just as mine is worried about me. And like my family, your family was waiting for you. “

Then, with a smile, the lion rejoined his pride as they faded into the jungle.

“Well, lets see how I can help you.” Nell said to the possible corpse. She started prodding at the creating, hoping that it was just unconscious.

And friendly.

X groaned. His head felt like a thousand Tauros had decided to tap dance on his skull while a small legion of Miltank did the can-can, with a Bouffalant square dance just for good measure.

Not a good thing to wake up with.

X groaned as he opened his eyes, the sunlight bright and obtrusive. And everything was blurry, a consequence of his eyes being closed for who know how long.
Okay, the hell just happened? I fall asleep then wake up....here. I swear if that Rick guy came back and did this to me just to be a dick...actually, I'd rather not finish that though.

Finally, his eyesight unblurred, and he was treated to a strange sight: A black skinned, golden haired, golden tailed, golden winged, golden eyed Blitzle with a horn. To add to the disturbing image there were holes in her legs, hair, tail, and wings.

Judging by her expression, (the creature had what appeared to be curves, so until proven otherwise X assumed it was a her), she was just as surprised as he was.

“You are one weird looking Pokémon.” X announced to the lady.

“Uh, Hi. I think. I'm not sure if you said hi, but I think you did.”

This surprised X. “Wait, you can talk?”

“Uh....I agree. I like my hair too.” it spoke apprehensively.

“Okay, how did you get 'I like your hair' out of that?”

“Oh no, not you too.” the creature then face hoofed, X not liking what that implied.

“I'm a little lost here.” X sighed. “What do you mean, 'not you too'?”

“Well, in the meantime I'm going to call your Chesnaught Naught, since you say that a lot. Do you like that?”

X's reply was very droll and flat. “No.”

“Is that a yes 'Naught' or a no 'Naught'?”

X simple started to get up, as he was spread flat on the ground and he did not like being spread flat on the ground. It was struggle to get up though: It felt like he had put on fifty pounds. “Okay, let's start over again. I'm X.” he said, pounding his chest twice. Oddly, it felt like his skin felt a little tougher, and rougher, than what his chest should feel like.

The bug like creature just stared at him. “Uh, that's nice Chesnaught Naught, but I should probably get going.” Then, to X's dismay, the creature turned around, and started to leave.

“No no no, you can't go!” Running in front of the creature, though it felt like he both faster and more clumsy, he cut off the Bug's retreat.

“Look, I want to help you, but I really need to get back to my group. It's been a while, and they probably are really worried about me. If I brought you back with me, they might make me put you back.”

“Seriously, we're speaking the same language.” X sighed, gripping his forehead with his fingers, feeling the headache intensify. “I'm honestly not sure how a Pokémon like you can even speak English, but then again Naruto can speak it as well, so it's not that farfetched. It still doesn't answer the question though.”

The creature giggled. “It's funny how saying Naught so much sounds so funny.”

“Well, I'm glad I was able to make one of us smile.” X sighed. Then he noticed his arm.

His arms were not that thick. Nor where they yellow and green.

“Uhhhhh.........” Quickly he felt his head and face. He didn't remember having a beard.

It felt glorious though.

“You don't look so well. Do you need a mirror so you can look at yourself?” the creature asked X. He slowly nodded, and the creatures horn then started to glow, frost forming around it. Then as quickly as it formed, she shot a beam of ice at the ground, then raised the beam, forming a slab of ice as the beam rose.

“There. Instant mirror. Not as good as the one back home, but sometimes you need one.”

“Yeah, I can see the benefits.” X answered, knowing she would not understand. He then turned to see his reflection in the mirror.

He wished he hadn't.

The mirror showed a Chesnaught. He blinked. The Chesnaught blinked back at the same time. Then X lifted his left arm. The mirror showed the reflection doing the same.

X had turned into a Chesnaught, and was in a jungle somewhere. There was only one logical thing X could do at this point in time.

X screamed. Loudly.

“Hey, did you hear that?”

“We are not investigating that.” Anteater commanded. “Our orders are to get to the fort, and wait for Nell.” His teammate just grumbled, and continued pulling the cart. Anteater didn't like it either, but there was a fire in Nell. Saying no would not have stopped her from going to find that lion's family.

Suddenly, more rustling in the nearby bushes interrupted his thoughts. “Great. Another lion.” Anteater remarked. “Ignore it!”

Suddenly, one of his teammates screamed. Anteater turned around to look in the direction of the scream, but as he did, he never noticed the creature burst out of the bushes from behind him and attack him.

“I'M A CHESNAUGHT! I TURNED TO A CHESNAUGHT! WHY AM I CHESNAUGHT!” X screamed repeatedly. “WHY GOD WHY!?” He then turned to the creature as he was walking around the creature, whom was currently sitting on her haunches. Somehow the creature shrugged, though X did not know if it was because she was answering the question or if she just did it to make him feel like he was having a conversation with her.

“Okay, lets recap. I was in the treehouse, I was doing the finances, then I fall asleep, and then......this happens.” X finished his recap off with a dramatic switch of the arms. “Though considering I live with a Ghost...I could just be dreaming.” Then, with hesitation, he slammed his fist into his stomach with a fair amount of force. Naturally, he felt to the ground, one knee on the ground groaning in pain. “Okay, not at dream. Not a dream. Oh god, that was stronger than I thought that was going to be!”

Looking around X took in his surroundings, standing back up again. The trees were more wild and free than the trees back home, which were tall and majestic. “So, definitely not in Laverre anymore. Doesn't actually answer anything.”

The, turning to the sitting Bug, he asked “Any ideas?”

“Uh, Naught Naught Naught?” The Bug replied.


Then the Bug sighed. “Well, I really need to get going. You can come with if you want to find your family.”

“Eh, isn't wandering off in the middle of nowhere once you wake up in the middle of nowhere a bad idea?” X shrugged. Then again her idea had merit...he didn't want to be attacked by a Flying Type, to which Chestnaught’s were doubly weak to. But X was a man who liked to at least know something about whom he gallivanted with. This Bug, well he knew nothing about her, so going with her was a risk in and of itself.

“Gonna need a minute to think about this.” He muttered, putting a hand (or was it a claw) on his chin, which was a little difficult to do due to the beard, and the other on his hip.

Observing through the foliage, a hand made of bark reached forward. With a twitch of the three fingers, purple orbs appeared , heat radiating from the orbs. With another silent flick of the finger, the orbs raced towards the Changeling and Chesnaught at an alarming pace.

To X's surprise, he heard something rustle in the nearby trees. The sound was soft and he almost missed hearing it. The turned to look in the direction of the noise.

Then purple orbs of fire raced out of the treeline, making a beeline for the creature.

X didn't need to think twice about what to do next.

GET DOWN!” He shouted, instinct and his personal code commanding him. He rushed past his Bug friend and swung his left arm swinging towards the fire, just barely grazing the top of the Bug's horn. The creature screamed and ducked in desperation as the fire crashed into X's arm, the boy screaming in pain.

X had been touched fire once when he was using the Flamethrower TM to teach Naruto Flamethrower. Thankfully they had gotten aid from a passerby who just happened to carry Burn Heals, medicine specifically designed to heal heat related damage, and to quickly heal Burns.

The scorch marks left by the ghostly fire had left only burns. But to X, the burns were more intense than any fire Naruto, or any Fire Type, could ever breathe.
Okay, that had to be Will-O-Wisp! Crap, this burn is gonna do me in if I don't act fast. X though as he gripped his burned arm with his good arm.

“What in Tartarus what that? What's going on? Is the dinosaur back!?' Nell shouted, fluttering up onto X's mighty shell cape, hanging on to a spike for dear life.
Gotta figure out what's going on, and fast! “I have no idea.” X moaned as he started turning around, trying to see his attacker. It was a good thing he did such a thing: More purple flames shot out, this time striking his other arm. X screamed again, the scream strained.

“Do not resist and give me the Bug.” a voice spoke. X assumed the speaker was a female, though he thought he had heard a voice similar to it before.

“So, you can speak.” X taunted. “Lets see if you have a face.”

“I like it here in trees, where you cannot find me.” Another volley of flame shot from the right. X saw the fire just out of the corner of his eye and leaped backwards to avoid his feet getting burned. “Especially since I have the range advantage.”

“You gotta get close to me to beat me.”

“A problem neither of us will have to solve if you give me the Bug.” the voice demanded

“Why do you want it?” X replied. “She doesn't seem that harmless to me.”

“She threatened my family. And no one threatens my family. True, he may be a little brat but he's my brat, so to speak.” The voice continued. “Besides, you cannot hope to defeat me. You are Fighting and I am Ghost.”

“Eh, never really cared about type match ups.”

The, X felt something on his head. A hoof dangled just out of the corner of his eye, X assuming that the Bug was sitting his head. “Hey, maybe I can help us survive this.” the changeling spoke. Frost covered her horn, and her Ice Beam shot from it, striking one of the trees. Frost covered the tree, and X swore he saw movement.

“Okay, you fight, I move my head and then we get some answers, okay?”

“Whatever you just said, I agree!” the creature shouted.

“Close enough!” More fire shot out of the treeline, this time behind them. Thankfully, X's hearing, enhanced slightly due to him now being a Chesnaught, heard the rustling of the bushes behind him, and was warned of the surprise attack. Nell then shot her Ice Beam, the ice causing the ball of ghost fire it hit to explode in a burst of frost and flame.

X then screamed again. He looked down: more Will-O-Wisps had been fired while they were distracted and struck his leg, the burn marks proving that was the truth.

“Oh no, it got you again!” Nell shouted.

“Just get ready for the next one!” X commanded.

“Well, since you asked. Phantom Force!” X's eyes narrowed. He knew what the move was: ghostly powers allowing the user to strike the target from behind. Okay, this is weird. Whatever is attacking us is focusing on burning me. But if I remember my Trainer lessons, Will-o-Wisp can't actually hurt me, just burn me. And eventually the burns are gonna make me too weak to even stand.
It's probably the only thing she can do. Grass Type pokémon are resistant to their own type, which for some reason I am one, somehow, and as a bonus they can't be Leech Seeded.

Several moments passed, X thinking that the threat had simply left them. Okay, what's my opponent's plan?

Then the Bug screamed, the weight of the mystery attacker causing X to fall to his knees. The attack then leapt of of X, revealing herself to be a Trevenant. Nell in her wooden claw.

“LITTLE LADY!” X screamed. He tried to get up, be the burn in his leg flared up, stopping him from advancing. Nell struggled in her grip, trying and failing to get out of the tree's grip.

Them, the tree raised her free claw, several Will-o-Wisps forming in her hand. “This is for hurting Apocalypse!”

“Wait, you know Apocalypse?” X shouted.

“Yes I do. I work with him. I live with him. I hatched him!”

“And he's a Tyrunt, right?”

The Trevenant did not answer, her grip loosening. Then X got a good look at the Trevenant. “Azisa? Is that you?”

“You clearly know my name. But what I want to know is how you know that.”

“That's because I named you.” X then rose to his feet. “Azisa, it's me. It's X.”

Azisa's eye widened, then immediately narrowed. “Impossible. You must be delusional for believe you are my trainer. X is a human.”

“Look, I know it sounds weird but it's true! I'm X!” X pleaded. “My real name is Jacob Arrow! I met you in Laverre City! You joined ShadowFox Construction after I showed kindness to you! And I'm not your trainer! I don't train Pokémon, I just live and work with them!”

“This is unreal. You could just be a crafty Ditto or a Psychic!” the tree tightened her grip. “I am done playing around Chesnaught! Anyone could know those things about X! He is well known where I come from!”

X sighed as he started to slowly march towards Azisa. “Need I remind you about what happened on March 12, 2009 at 1:32 P.M in the North District of Laverre City?”

The Trevenant released her grip on Nell, the changeling falling to the ground and running behind X. “The Volcarona Incident.” Then she clambered towards her burned friend, taking a good look at his eyes.

They were the exact same shade of emerald as X's eyes.

“Oh my. You are X.”

“The one and only.”

Suddenly, the lizard that chased Nell earlier rushed out of the jungle, rapidly chanting “X! X! X! X! X! X! X! X! X! X! X! X! X! X! X! X! X! X!” He jumped towards X, the human turned pokémon catching the Tyrunt, the weight of Apocalypse and the burns causing him to strain under the weight. “You got bigger X!”

“Yea, I noticed that too buddy!' X laughed, falling flat on his ass. “Wow, it's weird understanding you without Naruto translating. Speaking off, where is he? And for that matter, where's Inti?”

“No idea!” Apocalypse cheerfully shouted.

“Well, I'm not sure about Inti, but Naruto can handle himself. We won't find him, he'll find us.”

Inti viewed herself as a warrior, always ready for a fight. It angered her to no end being treated like some damsel in distress. And the fact that somehow these Bugs though she was a guy was just adding salt to the wound. True the males of her species looked a lot like the females, but it was easy for other Pokémon to tell what gender a Pokémon was.

As her captors sat at the table eating breakfast, Inti simply growled at her breakfast, consisting of fruit and pancakes with a strange pink stone of to the side. The strange bugs happily ate their meal, some of them apparently draining some form of energy from the pink stones they had.

While she could easily just attack and run away, Inti didn't like to fight on anyone eles's terms. She set them. That, and even if she did manage to get out, she had no idea where to go next.

“So can we keep Mister Frilly Face?” Nall and Nalel spoke in unison, their voices merging into one.

“What do you think Hira?” Citel asked.

“Well, taking care of a pet is a large responsibility. Mister Frilly Face will need you to take care of him, so you just can't have a pet and call it a day.”

“Hey, I am no one's pet lady.” Inti mumbled.

Citel chuckled. “I think he agrees.” Inti groaned. It was going to be a long day.

“In any case, I think they're ready for the responsibility. You’ll need to decided who does what in regards to Mister Frilly Face's care.”

“About that.” Nalel interjected. “I was thinking about having a pet of my own instead of sharing Mister Frilly Face with Nall.”

“Oh? How come?” asked their mother. “Nell rubbing off of you a bit more than you thought?”

“It's not that. It's just that Nall found him first.” Nalel replied. “And...I found something better.”

“She just wants Banana Beard all to herself.” mumbled Nall. “He's way cooler than Mister Frilly Face.”

“Speak for yourself.” Inti commented through a mouthful of pancake, knowing her response would fall on deaf ears.

“Well, I see no problem in both you having a pet of your own.” Citel replied. “Though I do want to see this Banana Beard.”

“As do I.” Hira agreed. “I do not know what this Banana Beard is, but he sounds lazy.”

Hira and Citel were mildly shocked at how big Banana Beard was. Thankfully, he hadn't left his spot. “Well?” Nalel asked.

“He's definitely not coming in the house, that's for sure.”

Without hesitation, Nall and Nalel fluttered in front of their parents, Nall holding a disinterested Inti in her front legs and practically shoving her into their faces. “Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeeee?”

“Well, the beard of fruit is a good selling point.” Citel answered. “I'm not sure though.”

“We can sell the fruit from his beard as an exotic product.”

“I'm sold.” Hira groaned at her husband's quick reply.

“Okay, I'm fine with it was well. But you must take care of him. Promise?”

“Promise” Nalel replied as she flew towards her new friend.

“So, X, the Grass and Fighting Types look great on you.”

“I dunno. I'm not used to the extra weight.”

X, Azisa, Apocalypse, and Nell, who was riding X, marched through the jungle, Azisa leading the group. The large wooden cloak was surprisingly comfy for the Changeling, and she decided to ride X, holding on to one of the spikes on the cloak. X didn't mind though, as his thoughts were directed elsewhere.

The most prominent being what the hell was going on.

The bigger priority, at the moment, was getting the little Bug back to her wagon. However, the task was both made harder and easier at the same time. Azisa, being a Trevenant, was adept at traveling through forested areas, and rarely got lost in them.

“So, just so I know what was going on while I was out like a light. Little Lady here was with a Litleo, and while she was trying to do something, you...” X recapped, pointing a clawed hand at Apocalypse, who alongside Azisa had taken point.. “..had decided to roar at her. Repeatedly.”

“I was playing 'Roar at the Litleo' and 'Roar at the Bug'. “

X sighed. “What?”

“Its a game were I find a Litleo and roar at it! And my other game is where I find a bug and I roar at it. And the best part is I can play these games at. The. Same. Time.”

X's left eyebrow raised itself higher than it's right aligned brother, “Did it occur to you that a Rock Dragon running straight at her would probably want to eat her instead of play with her? Honestly, I'm pretty sure nothing you do surprises me anymore.”

Apocalypse grumbles and he kicked the ground, mumbling something about how he wasn't trying hard enough. Ignoring this, X continued. “So then after she scared you away with Ice Beam, you found him Azisa, and decide to play with Little Lady in your own way.”

In response, Azisa dug her six legs into the ground. By her command, several of the nearby trees began to move slightly, several vines flinging themselves across the canopy, creating a lattice of vines above the groups heads.

“Impressive.” Nell remarked. “I'm guessing that you got me and Litleo Litleo lost by moving the trees.”

Azisa nodded, thankful that some visual cues were universal no matter where you go. “I would agree. These trees are old and stubborn though. I'm surprised I was able to manipulate them enough to get you lost for that long.”

“And then you found me. Unconscious. As a Chesnaught.”

“That is as it is.” Azisa withdrew her roots, surrendering control of the trees. “You DO have a plan, right X?”

“Right now it's getting Little Lady back where she started and then move on from there.” X sighed. “I'm not used to not having a plan.”

“I don't have a plan and it works out for me!”

X laughed at the simple mindedness of Apocalypse. “Right you are buddy. Okay Azisa, lead the way.”

The group continued to march in silence as Azisa led the way, knowing the general area of the cart.

“Admit it Azisa, you don't know where we're going.” Apocalypse grumbled, the young Pokémon beginning to get testy. Nell looked at the tiny Rock Dragon, sure he was saying something that wasn't flattering to the Changeling.

“I do know where I am going. It's just that these tree's are harder to manipulate than I thought.” Azisa shrugged. Travel was slow, as Azisa needed to bend the thickest trees to allow easier passage. Considering how large X was now, it wasn't that easy, though it was doable.

“Well, go faster! I wanna go home!”

“We all do Apocalypse, but Lumiose wasn't built in a day, remember?” X trudged ahead, the Changeling on his back. “He does make a point, though. Are you sure you know where we're going?”

“Trust me, I used to live in a forest. I know how to navigate them.” Azisa sighed. She released her control over a tree, the branches she controls reverting to their uncontrolled state, flinging into X and striking his arm.

“OW! Azisa, a little caution please.”

“Sorry friend.” Before X could respond with anything else, Azisa delved into the trees, vanishing from sight.

“I still think she doesn't know where she's going.” Apocalypse reaffirmed his opinion,

“Well, she is the best navigator we have. We have to trust her.”

Suddenly, Azisa's head emerged from the trees. “X, Apocalypse, Little Lady, I found a road, and there are tire tracks in them!”

“See. Told ya.”

“Lucky call.” the Tyrunt moaned, plunging into the treeline. X followed suit, emerging from the trees to find a road, Azisa standing in the middle of it. Nell was ecstatic. “Oh thank the Hive, the road. I thought we were going to be lost in the jungle forever!”

X gazed at Azisa, a grin on his face so smug and wide that looking at it gaze you a chill. “What?”

“So now what?” Apocalypse asked, his attention focused on a small trail of ants. As if on cue, the party heard a chorus of rumbles. Collectively, the all looked down, realizing the rumbles came from their stomachs.

“Well, now is a good time to take a lunch break. “ X observed. He eyes quickly gazed towards a old rotting tree, obviously past it's prime. He smiled, and marched towards it, limbering up as he did so.


“Let me try something. I'm a Chesnaught right? I gotta be stronger now. That and the wood looks pretty old.” X grasped the tree with a hug, his arms easily encompassing the tree. With a grunt, he took a step back, easily freeing the tree from the dirt. However, he quickly lost balance, and fell on his back, the tree still in his death grip. His two comrades and Nell laughed as his undignified fall. “Real funny, lets all laugh at the Chesnaught.” Tossing the log to the side, he quickly got up into a sitting position, his tail making it feel a little uncomfortable.

“Well that was impressive, friend.”

'Eh, not really.” X responded. Azisa's eye narrowed. Something about how he responded made it sound like he didn't feel like what he did was a great accomplishment. And in reality that would not have been. But considering how X was a human turned Chesnaught, and was still getting used to being a Chesnaught, to Azisa that was impressive.

“You still have those sitrus berries, right?” X asked his friend. With a nod of her head Azisa reached into her self, revealing a handful of yellow berries in her hand. “I always do. You know I always have enough sitrus berries for a Harvest.”

Nell stuck her tongue out in disgust. “You keep fruit inside of you? Weird.”


“Azisa, you're looking at me. And in the weird way.”

Azisa's looked a little surprised as X addressed her. Thankfully there was enough Sitrus berries to go around. There wasn't enough to get everyone full but it was enough to keep them from starving. Nell had been a little weary of the yellow fruit, but one bite was enough to convince her to enjoy it. She sat on the log next to Apocalypse, still weary of the lizard but not afraid of it anymore.

“Well, my trainer just turned into a Pokémon. Forgive me for being unused to your new form.”

”It's okay.” X took a bite of berry, fumbling a bit due to the different size of his hands. “It feels weird though, like I just visited the gym for a week straight. I dependently feel stronger.”

“You definably look the part.” Azisa reached into her branches, pulling another Sitrus berry out, and tossed to Apocalypse, leaping up and engulfing the berry in a single bite.

“I'm just worried about how this happened. And why.”

“I'm sure we'll find the answers soon.”

“Well, patience is a virtue.” A sigh. “I just wish we had the answers now.”

“Who knows, maybe Naruto is out and about finding that answer. You know how he is. Always has to go looking for jobs and juicy news.”

“I'm pretty sure he's trying to find us. Me and him are like brothers.”

“You think Naruto will believe that you are his trainer?” Azisa munched a berry as she said that, reaching in her branches to find a replacement.

“Hey, you believed me, and it wasn't that hard. All it took was a few Will-O-Wisps to the leg and a Phantom Force. And mentioning the Volcarona Incident.”

“Well, to be honest, I was expecting a human. Not an incredibly handsome Chesnaught.”

X's eyes narrowed, a nerve clearly touched at. “What was that?”

The ghost stammered. “I mean, you were attractive then but now? Well you have a glorious beard for starters, and...”

“Azisa, you know how I feel about Pokèphilia.”

“X, that is not what I meant.”

“Then what did you mean?” X narrowed his eyes, his gaze piercing Azisa while he waited for an answer. Azisa's single eye looked around nervously, looking at X in silence, the moments passing by slowly, the tension in the air building in pressure. Just as Azisa was about to answer, she was interrupted by Apocalypse whom ran up to Azisa and reached his tiny arms into the tree. “Apocalypse, out!” she commanded. “I'm in the middle of something here!”

“But I wanna berry!”

“Then ask! It's rude to reach into other peoples bodies!”
Nell tried to stifle a laugh, out of respect for her party. X did not, and laughed out loud, the humor clearing the tension.

“You have very interesting companions.” Nell told X. X turned his head towards the changeling, putting the awkward conversation on hold for now. “Reminds me of my sisters. They're very hyper, rushing into situations without thinking.”

“Sounds like a fun set of siblings to have.” X replied. “His answer went on deaf ears, the changeling still subjected to the evils of the language barrier.

Ignoring X's unintelligible language, Nell continued. “Sometimes I wonder if I really am their sister though. I'm pretty different from them. Makes me feel a little out of place.”

I understand the feeling.” X's thought, the visages of his parents appearing in his mind's eye. Nell continued. “I just hope our differences don't drive us apart.”

As this was happening, Azisa had managed to push Apocalypse away from her, a single berry his prize. He quickly consumed the berry, Azisa sighing as she got up to chase him. The Rock Dragon ran in playful fear.

“He is kinda cute.” Nell mentioned. “Scary though.”

X's smile was all he needed to use to convey his thanks to the changeling.

Several minutes had passed since their lunch break, and Nell had gone back to riding X, Apocalypse and Azisa behind them. “All we have to do if follow these wagon wheel tracks, and then we'll find my wagon, and Anteater.”

“Chesnaugth Naught?” Chesnaught Naught asked, pointing towards something in the distance. Nell narrowed her eyes, trying to see it better. “Hey, I think that's them Chesnaught Naught. Thanks!” She beamed as she said that, joyful that we was able to get back on track.

As the team approached them however, joy turned to dread.

The wagon was a mess. No, scratch that, it was a disaster, considering it was torn asunder. Wood and wheels were scattered across the road, and several of the wagon's contents were scattered around and broken.

Among the wreckage was Anteater and his team, wounded and on the ground in pain. Without a moment of hesitation, Nell and Azisa rushed to their aid while X and Apocalypse simple stared at the ruined cart.


Anteater opened his eye, this entire body bruised and weakened by something. “Nell?” he groaned, his voice weak and hoarse.

“It's me Anteater. What happened?”

“Attacked.” he coughed. “By...creatures.”

“What kind of creatures?”

“They attacked quickly. Couldn’t get a good look, but they glinted like light does when it's reflected off of metal. ” Anteater coughed again. “They ambushed us. Thought it was you. Used strange attacks. Almost like magic, yet at the same time it wasn't. They took us out like we were nothing, then went after the wagon. Took almost everything.”

Nell's eye went wide. “Not only did something trash my wagon but they took my goods!? Oh no Dad's gonna kill me!”

“Really? You're worried about that?”


Without a word, Azisa dug through her branches and leaves, searching for more berries. Her search only yielded three berries, the tree cursing as she split two of the berries in half and stuck the third back in her leaves, Anteater eying the fruit wearily as Azisa handed one of the slices to him.

Nell quickly caught on to his body language. “I was weirded out at first, but they're pretty tasty. Helped energize me as well.”

Reluctantly, Anteater took the offered food, and smiled as he ate. It did taste good, and he did feel his energy be restored by a small amount.

“Ant Ant. Treven Trev Trevenant. Ant Trevenant Ant Ant Treve.”

“I'm scared too.”

The tree just sighed. “Treve Nant Treven.”

With a cough, Anteater tried to get up, but it proved to be a bad idea, for just as quickly as he got up, he felt to the ground, his injuries making it hard for him to get his balance. Using her magic, Nell used her levitation magic to help Anteater get up, and leaned up next to him, giving him stability as he stood.


“You were hired to protect me, but I don't think it has to be like that. I can protect you, or in this case, help you. I'm not much of a soldier or warrior like you.”

“Not every soldier needs to fight to be a good soldier.”

“Thanks, but if I can change the subject, something seems off.”

“My team was almost killed by something in there that I don't recall ever being in this jungle in the first place. We didn't even sense them via magical detection. That does seem odd.”

“That's not what I meant. It looks like they just went after my goods, and not you. Considering what lives here in the jungle, most monsters would try to kill you and either leave the wagon alone, right?”

“Right you are.”

Nell looked down at the ground, her eyes narrowed in worry.“So what kind of a jungle creature would attack you, then just leave you alive and raid the wagon?”

X knelt as he took at look at the other three wounded creatures. Like Little Lady they were black furred and had holes in their legs, tail, mane, and wings. “What do you think Apocalypse?”

“Serious Apocalypse says that these Bugs shouldn't know Ice Beam.”

“We can question that later. I'm talking about right now, Serious Apocalypse.” X said with a slight laugh.

“Honestly, I don't know.” Apocalypse sighed. “I'm not good at using my brain. I'm not sure if I even have one.”

“Let me guess, Inti told you you didn't have a brain?”

“Yeah, and I think she's right.”

“What makes you say that?”

'Well, even if I had a brain, I wouldn't know where to put it.”

“You know Inti likes picking on you, and so most of the things she says are just so she can get a reaction out of you. You do have a brain, and a place to put it.”

“But why doesn't she like me?”

“That I do not know, buddy. Sometimes people just don't like other people.”

Sighing, Apocalypse sat down at looked at one of the wounded. Like the other ones, he had holes everywhere. But something was off....

“X, I think I have an thought.”

Walking over to his friend, X addressed the Rock Dragon. “What's up?”

“Well, I got thinking. Whatever attacked them used biting attacks.”

“Biting attacks? Like Bite or Crunch?”

“Yeah, bites. You know, like this.” Apocalypse then gnashed his large jaws, biting the air to demonstrate. X then took a closer look at the wounds of the strange Bug.

“They definitely look like bite marks, Apocalypse.”

“But if I was biting someone, I wouldn't bite them like this. The bites aren’t that deep. Like someone wanted to hurt them, but not actually hurt them.”

“The bite marks also look pretty thin, like a rubber band. Like it wasn't a regular jaw that did the biting.” X added. “So what could have done it?”

“You think it was that Hitmonchan?”

X laughed a the out-of-left field answer. “No Apocalypse it wasn't the Hitmonchan.”

“They have teeth!”

“X, find anything?” X turned his head and saw Azisa and Nell, and the wounded Anteater, leaning up on Nell, walk towards the two.

“Bite marks. Right here.” X answered, pointing to the marks.
“We found the same on this one as well.” Azisa motioned towards the bite marks on Anteater, which were indeed the same as the marks on the other three.

“So, something attacked them, but what?” X pondered.

A moment of silence passed before Nell spoke up. “If I can say something, whatever did this wanted the wagon. They only attacked Anteater and his team because they were probably in the way.”

X's eyes wandered towards the wagon, the few remaining goods that were there scattered among the corpse of wood that used to be a wagon. “I'm beginning to see what your saying. Whatever attacked them wanted the wagon. They only attacked those four Bugs in order to weaken them enough so that when they did steal the stuff, the four would be too weak to stop them.”

“Is that a yes Naught or a no Naught?”

“I miss Naruto.” Apocalypse piped up, Azisa nodding in agreement.

“In any case, they need medical attention. They must have come from a town from somewhere. We gotta get back there and get these guys doctors.”

“I don't think they wanna move right now.” Apocalypse then lightly kicked the neared Bug, resulting in a painful groan emerging from the wounded. “See?”

“Apocalypse, don't kick the wounded.” Azisa moaned.

“Yes, mom.

X's eyes narrowed as he wandered over to the wreckage, Azisa mothering Apocalypse as he did so. The wagon was broken, the many planks of wood that used to form it now broken, though a good number of the planks were intact enough to be usable. “X? What are you doing?”

“Give me a minute. I'm looking for something.” X dug through the wreckage, lightly throwing whatever he found that was not of use or interesting his shoulder. Paper, empty cans, broken dolls....

“Chesnaught Naught, what are you doing?”

Ignoring Nell, X's continued his search. He found broken planks, more broken planks, another empty can....


In his hand was a hammer. The hammer was just large enough to be gripped in X's hand and still be uncomfortable, as it wasn't that large of a hammer. It was made to accommodate something of a smaller stature, like a changeling or something with smaller hands.

“A hammer?” Nell remarked. “I remember that. Dad got that from some minotaur a few years back during his travels. How is that going to help us?.”

“Hey, a tool is a gateway to a finished product.” X smiled, the first real smile, one that radiated warmth and kindness, he smiled all day. “Guys, I have a plan.”

“And all is right in the world!” Apocalypse shouted, his faith in normalities dominion over the randomness of the day reasserting itself.

“Azisa, I need vines. Lots of strong, thick vines that I can use as a rope. Apocalypse, break the pieces that are too large into smaller pieces while Azisa is doing that. While you two do that, I'm going to use this hammer and try to get some of the nails that are sticking out of the wood out of the wood, maybe use them in other parts of the plan.”

“What are we making? Another wagon, only instead it's a super wagon?”

“No Apocalypse, We're going to make two sleds, and put two of the wounded on each of them, and drag them to a doctor.” As he was saying that, he was drawing in the ground using a broken piece of wood as a pencil of sorts to draw the plan into the ground, so Nell could be included in the conversation. She gazed at the picture as Azisa brought up a valid point.

“It's the middle of the jungle. We need ice for a sled to even work, X.”

“Little Lady can use Ice Beam. She can freeze the ground and make some ice if we need it, but honestly I think that's unnecessary. Apocalypse and I will pull the sleds as we're probably the strongest psychically of everyone here. I mean, he's a Rock Dragon and I'm part Fighting, so we have to the power to drag it through the rough terrain. If we need the ice, great. If we don't, also great.”

“Well, your plans usually are pretty good X.”

“Glad you think so Azisa. Now how about those vines?”

“On it.” Digging her legs into the ground, Azisa began her search for vines, several of them beginning to move on their own towards the team. Meanwhile, X and Apocalypse dug through the wreckage to find planks suitable for their purposes. Nell had finished gazing at the pictures. They depicted figures of X, Apocalypse, Azisa, and herself building something, then the four dragging that something towards a giant circle.

Honestly, Nell thought the quality of the pictures looked like stick figures having seizures.

“Okay, the second sled is ready to go!”

“Then lets go!”

The sleds had taken longer to make, but made they were. The twin sleds were held to together quite shoddily. Two planks placed underneath the rest of the planks ran perpendicular to the planks that made up the sleds, nails hammered into them to prevent the sled from coming undone. Vines were tied through holes in the front of the sled, allowing the vines to be tied to them. Apocalypse stood in front of one sled, vines tied to his body tightly to prevent any mishaps.

“Okay Little Lady, lead the way.” X commanded, the changeling in question currently loading the last of the passengers. Like Apocalypse, vines were wrapped around his chest, which was not as easy as one would think seeing as there was a cloak of wood that was on X's back.

The ambient sounds of the jungle was all that answered X. Realizing that Nell was ignoring him, X called to her again. “Hey, uh Little Lady. Kinda need directions.”

“Oh, wait, are you talking to me?” Nell replied innocently as she fluttered on top of X's cloak, which was apparently turning into a seat for her to sit on.


“Is that a yes 'Naught' or a no 'Naught'?”

Apocalypse stifled a laugh as X and Azisa sighed. “I think that was a yes “Naught'. Turn around and then follow the road.”

With an exuberant yell of “Charge!” Apocalypse was the first to turn around, and run in the direction Nell told them to go. In his exuberance, the sled 's bouncing movements had bounced the two wounded passengers off of the sled, the two changelings shouting in pain as they tumbled in the ground.

“Dammit Apocalypse.” X yelled. “Be gentle!”

“And the nightmare continues.” Azisa sighed. “I love him like a son but he really needs to use that brain of his.”

“He's convinced he doesn't have a place to put one. Right now I'm beginning to agree with him.”

“So, you got a trainer?”

“No I do not. Do you?”

“On a technical level? Yes. But he prefers to be called a construction worker.”

“You mean one of those humans who build things with those whatachathingers?”

“We're more of a small scale organization, so if we use whatachamthingers, they are small whatachathingers.”

“Sounds hard.”

“Gee, never would have thought you would ever say that.” Inti taunted, lounging like the lizard she was on the ground leaning up on Banana Beard, the Tropius liking his name and apparent new owners in stride. The terrible twins had thankfully given the two Pokémon a moments rest, doing something somewhere where she wasn't.

Readjusting her position, she got a good look around. The sheer number of trees in the town (she wasn't sure if it was large enough for it to be called a city) were packed in densely, several of the trees used for housing seeming more like apartments built into trees rather than regular treehouses her team was used to living.

In the immediate area, the house of her captors was built into a tree, the dwelling a house built on the ground and with a yard, a commodity Inti guessed was rare in these parts. The yard was decent sized, enough for Banana Beard to live comfortably in without being packed into a tight space.

Out of the house came her two tormentors, both bearing mile wide grins. Inti felt a shiver run up her spine. She did not like that feeling.

“Come on Mister Frilly Face, lets go shopping for a bed and other pet stuff for you.” Nalel shouted. “You too Banana Beard.”

Inti was very tempted to shock her captors and just make a break for it. But the Bugs managed to hover up to her and grab her in a hug, making resistance futile. Besides, there would be more opportunities later on in the day.


“Nall, Nalel, a moment.” the two changelings turned to see their mother, a book levitating near her head. “I want to try something before you go.”

“Sure thing Mom. What do you want to try?”

“Well I noticed that Mister Frilly face may be trying to talk to us in a strange unique language that his kind use as their primary language. So I took a look inside my advanced spellbooks and found a translation spell. It should be able to translate whatever Frilly Face is saying.”

“Wait, Frilly Face can talk?”

“Well, every animal can, but just because they can talk doesn't always mean we can understand them. Animals are every different from equinoids, and other species such as the Diamond Dogs and Minotaurs, so naturally their languages are as well. I'm hoping this spell can let Frilly Face talk to us.”

“Well, fire it up Mom!” Nall flew into the air to punctuate this, a leg raised into the sky for extra emphasis. Hira smiled and her horn glowed, the aura covering Inti, the lizard beginning to panic. The aura quickly subsided, and the three changelings inched closer to Inti.

“So, did it work?”

'Not sure. Mister Frilly Face, did the spell work?”

“Du sagst es mir“

“Oh. That was odd. Here, let me try again.” The aura covered Inti again, and the Pokémon sighed. “How about now.”

“Én nagyon kezd hiányozni Apokalipszis. Ne mondd meg neki, hogy ezt mondtam.”

“What is wrong with this spell?” The aura flashed again, Inti looking really annoyed. “Allvarligt, sluta med det! Det kittlar. Jag tycker inte om det.“ the lizard hissed. Banana Beard took the moment to laugh at the anguish of the Heliolisk, who hissed at him.

“I don't think it's working Mom.” Nalel sighed.

“Maybe I need to tweak the spell a bit.” Hira sighed as the aura covered Inti yet again. “This probably removed the spells effects.”

“You tell me.” Inti moaned.

“It worked, well kinda. He's speaking normally.” This got a glare from the lizard, angry at the persistence of the language barrier, causing Nall to laugh. “Can we go now Mom?”

“Well, at the very least, at least I'll have time to figure out what is causing my spell to not work right.”

“You might want to take these little guys with you.” With the opening of the backdoor, the five young male changelings rushed out the door, heading towards a ball laying alone in the large, and started playing with it, sending another terrifying shiver up Inti's spine. “The Hordelings would probably make it harder for you to concentrate honey.”

“We will Dad. We'll keep an eye on them.” Nalel then hovered on top of Banana Beard's head. “Lets go! Everychangling aboard!” At their sister's command, the Hordelings as they were collectively called rushed the plant animal, jumping onto his back. Inti grumbled and climbed aboard, hoping the five rambunctious young changelings would leave her be.

“Oh, and if you run into Firequake tell him I said hi!”

“We will Dad!”

(Korruk, Kyo, Roku, Aang, Kor)
“Look at all the animals! Maybe Mom and Dad will let the Hordelings have one each.”

“Why do I get a bad feeling about that?”

“Heli Heli Li Heliolisk Helio Helio”

“Sure feels like Nell got home early.” Nall complained.

The odd group had just made their way to the marketplace, and to the non-pokemon in the group, it was an invasion of strange creatures that looked like they belonged in a children's story book.

The marketplace itself was imbedded in the tree scape, some stands littering the ground and many more stands built into the trees above, creating a tiered look. Near the middle of the marketplace was a fountain made of stone, water flowing from the ordinate statue of a Changeling built in a way that caused water to flow from the statue's mouth. A field of grass, bright green in contrast to the browns of grass normally found in Hoofrica, surrounded the fountain

Among the creatures were a trio of crocodiles, brown with black stripes with one set of stripes surrounding their eyes apparently begging for fruit from a nearby fruit stand in a adorable way that could melt ice. The stand owner was making a valiant effort to not give in and give them free fruit, but it was clear that it a fight we was losing.

On top of the stands were what appeared to be birds. They bore brown feathers with white feathers on their chests, and bore pinkish gray talons and beaks. Several of them were shooed away by the stall owners, only for more to arrive.

“Wonder why all these animals are here?”

“Who cares? I don't! Look at all the cute little guys!” Nall shouted. She pointed at a group of six oval shaped creatures with eyes, many of them having cracks on their bodies that resembled a facial scar. One of the ovals having a large crack in it's head, revealing what looked like an egg yolk. Whether they are eggs or seeds was hard to tell, though this did little to deter Nall. The bunch looked up at the travelers, and in unison shouted “Exeggcute!”

“I'm not sure Nall. Eggs are not cute. “

“Yes they are.”


“See? Eggs are cute. The eggs say so.” Nall countered.

Nalel sighed and smiled as they approached one of the more permanent stands, though it was more of a building than a stand. The building was a forge, racks of hammers, swords, spears, small scythes, machetes, armor, and other metal objects lining the walls of the building.

Inside the building, near a small anvil was a small biped. It was black with red legs and arms, and a black helmet with red on the top. What surprised the two sisters was the blades on the creature's body: the largest were the four blades on the chest, two acting as its hands and one on the helmet. The creature gazed in wonder at the owner of the building: a old changeling with scars on his body, and parts of his dull red name and tail burnt away. A hammer was gripped in his red magical aura, and it was currently pounding a slab of metal into the shape of a blade.

" Hiya Firequake!" The two shouted in unison, the changeling looking up from his work.

"Well, if it isn't Citel's brood. A pleasure seeing you two out and about." Firequake responded, his voice tired and raspy. His eyes wandering towards the Hordelings. "I see you're letting your little monsters out for a walk."

"Mister Frilly Face sure is small, but she isn't a monster, nor is Banana Beard. Isn't that right BB?" Nalel flew in front on her Tropius, and started to scratch his head, the Pokémon sighing in content.

"I was referring to you brothers." the forgemaster chuckled. One of the Horde immediately ran up Banana Beard's neck, hovered by his beard, and grabbed one of the fruit. As Banana Beard was wondering what the little changeling was doing, he threw the fruit at the forgemaster. The throw however was a little short, the projectile simply landing with a splat at the feet of the forgemaster.


“It's okay. No harm no foul, right?” The forgemaster chuckled as Bana Beard sighed. “Well, mostly no harm. How can I help you?”

“We're just off to find some wood for Frilly Face and Banana Beard's homes.”

'I think we might need a tarp for Banana Beard.”

“Well, I have some scraps of metal. Might help stabilize whatever you plan on making.”

“Thanks, but first we need a wagon to put the metal and wood and other things in.”

“Didn't think this through did ya?” The girls shook their heads, Frilly Face hissing in a way that sounded like evil laughter. “Should have asked Nell if you could have borrowed that wagon of hers.”

“It's kinda hard to borrow something that is currently somewhere in the great wide yonder of the jungle just outside the walls.”

“And she didn't bring us along for the ride!”

“Was that today? Honestly, when you get to be my age, the days just blur together. Hopefully she's staying safe .”

“Oh, she's fine. Mom made her bring some guards for protection.”

“That's good. I'm afraid those strange creatures are also in the wilds, and considering what these strange creatures can do.”

“Oh, they're harmless, aren’t you Mister Frilly Face?” Nall tightly hugged her pet, the lizard struggling to breathe.


“oh, right. Pressure. Sorry Mister Frilly Face.” she apologized as she let the lizard go, Frilly Face gasping for air. “So, what were you saying?”

“I was saying that these creatures may be more than they seem.” He turned around, and pointed towards a pair of creatures deeper inside the forge. The creatures had yellow fox like faces, with triangle like ears and mustaches, one of the creatures having a shorter mustache than the other and two bracelets on it's arms. Both creatures were bipedal, their chests brown, giving the appearance that they were wearing armor. Currently, the creatures were sitting on the ground with their legs folded meditating, their eyes closed, two spoons at each of their feet.

“They don't look that scary.”

“Oh trust me, they are. They appeared right out of the blue, just like all of those other creatures. Walked right up to me, then some voice started speaking in my head. Told me that they were lost and confused, and needed a place to think. So I let them in. Since then, they've just kept to themselves.”


“Yes indeed. Then this little guy walked up, noticed me working on some spear blades. Since then he's been observing me hard at work.”

“I still don't think these guys are dangerous, right Frilly Face?” Nall asked her pet. Frilly Face wasn't paying attention, as at that moment had gotten off of Banana Beard, and walked up to the two fox creatures. “Lisk! Helio Helio Helio Lisk!” she spoke. The creatures ignored her, continuing their meditation.

“Li! Helio! Lisk! Lisk!” helio Helio Helio heliolisk-isk-isk-isk!” Again, the creatures paid no attention to the lizard, causing the her to sigh. Then, with a smirk the Lizard spoke again. “Heliolisk lisk lisk”.

Both pairs of eyes shot open, their eyes pools of white energy. An aura covered Frilly Face, the lizard panicking. Then, without a moment to speak, Frilly Face was launched away, the lizard slamming into Banana Beard, the force of the impact managing to cause banana Beard to stumble a few step back.

Wide eyed, the seven changelings gazed at the two foxes. Their eyes had ceased glowing, revealing their pupils. Nall wasn't paying attention, the changeling quickly grabbing the currently unconscious Frilly Face and dragged her up on Banana Beard. “Well, it was nice seeing you Firequake. Gotta go. Lots to do. Totally not afraid of the foxes you have behind you. Dad says hi. Nalel, get on!” her sister complied, and Banana beard slowly marched away.

The forgemaster sighed as he resumed his work, the hammer rose above his head, a dull red aura covering it yet again.

Nalel sat atop Banana Beard, the Tropius lounging next to the fountain. A half hour had passed since they had talked to Firequake, a wagon tied to Banana Beard's back leg. The wagon was piled with large stacks of wooden planks,several metal poles, and a tarp.

The group had taken the time to simply sit and relax, giving the Horde and Nall an opportunity to play with Frilly Face, the lizard enjoying the roughhousing they usually engaged in. Nalel, whom sat on Banana Beard's head, took the opportunity to levitate their new hoofball in her aura.

She also took the opportunity to go crowd spotting. Many of the strange animals flittered around the marketplace, most of them simply observing the Changelings.

“Hey, Nall, Nalel!”

Thinking along the lines of his owner, Banana Beard turned his head towards the sound of the voice, Nalel jumping out of her trance. Gazing down, she saw four other changelings, all of them female. Each of their colorings were different, the leader's being blue and her associates being orange, yellow, and azure. With them were two more strange creatures. One of them looked like a flying blue furball with bat wings, a single pink circle with a heart that vaguely looked like a nose. The creature was hovering around the head of the lead changeling. Also next to the leader was a creature that looked like a purplish blob of slime with two green circles for cheeks.

“Hi Victoria! What's up?”

“I just came to the marketplace, hoping to find something for these two little girls.” the blue named changeling responded. Her charges had just gotten a good look at the ball of playful violence known as Nall and her siblings, and had decided to join in, the bat being the most weary while the blob jumped in.

“Ooooooh. They're so cute! Are you gonna keep them? “

“Oh course. The bat's name is Batty and the blob is name Sticky.”

“Well, they're names are not as good as Banana Beard...” The Tropius let loose a tired sigh of incredible indifference. “...and Mister Frilly Face!” At the mention of the name, Frilly Face was launched out of the havoc of the Horde and Nall. With a huff, Frilly Face ran towards the Tropius, running up the neck and jumping off of Banana Beard as if he was a diving board, screaming a lizardy war cry as she dove back into the chaos.

“Frilly Face?”

“Well it was just a placeholder name, but I'm beginning to like it.”

At this moment, the three crocodiles they noticed earlier had emerged from the crowd, several baskets of fruit on top of themselves, and a rather peeved stand owner pursuing them in the air. Nalel and the four other changeling girls observed the chase with a smile, finding the situation comical.

Then, as the trio of crocodiles got closer to Nall and Nalel's group, a burst of dirt shot up from the ground, the action surprising the crocodiles and Banana Beard, causing him to rear in surprise. This action caused Nalel to tumble of of his head, but was caught in one of the giant leaves on Banana Beards back.

All action ceased when the dust settled, revealing who caused the halt in the action...

Inti narrowed her eyes as the dust settled, revealing the uninvited guest. The guest was a giant metal ant when compared to other ants. It's eyes were red, and it snapped its jaws menacingly at the three crocodiles it faced. Without hesitation, the ant charged the crocodiles, the trio quickly attempting to get out of the way, their fruit falling to the ground as they did so. One of them failed to dodge, and the ant clamped its jaws on the poor crocodile, the creature screaming in pain.

Nall gasped in horror as the ant tossed the crocodile back a fair distance, the croc crying in pain. “Hey! That's not nice! Leave him alone!”

The ant turned to Nall, and charged at her. The changeling panicked, attempting to hide behind her mane. Then, to her surprise, the sound of thunder soared past her ears, striking the ant and stopping it's charge. Nall turned around to look behind her, and her jaw dropped when she was Inti's frill, extended and sparking with electricity.

“Finally. Something fun to do. ” Inti taunted. The ant fell for the taunt, and charged again. “Thunder!” A giant bolt of thunder shot from the lizard striking the ant again, this time causing it to roll over. “HA! That all you got!”

Inti's question was answered with a dozen more ants burst from the ground in all places. By now the crowd had begun to notice, and naturally the crowd begun to distance themselves from the ants.

“I had to say it.”

Half the ants then charged Banana Beard, Inti charging towards them yelling loudly. She then jumped into the fountain, and the water then began to swirl around her with a light current. “You guys could use a little water for a hot day like today! SURF!” At her command,a Wave of water rose from the fountain, crashing into the attackers and washing them away.

Then, a scream of “KOR!” was heard, and Inti turned to see the other half of the attacking party. One of them had the Hordeling in it's grip, while three more had the baskets of fruit, and were going back into the holes they made. Kor struggled to get out, but the grip of the ant was too strong, and he was dragged into the earth. Nall was distraught, and ran to the hole, screaming for her little brother. Inti sighed.

“Might as well play hero....even if I don't like her.” Inti charged towards the hole, and dove in, leaving a surprised Nall in her wake.

Author's Note:

Oh boy what a long chapter. I jsut add more and more tryig to get this to be just right.
Also i made a small edit to Chapter 2.