• Published 11th May 2014
  • 5,097 Views, 271 Comments

A New World, A New Way - Swarm - Kingofsouls

A Sidestory for Zuesdemigod131's A New World A New way. X is a constructin worker. Nell is a merchant in training. Then Arceus got out of his dimesional prision.

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chapter 8 - Big Buzz

chapter 8 - Big Buzz

Night 1

"FOR THE HIVE!" The Changeling guards’ screams reverberated through the air as they charged at the metal ants. The ants responded in kind, mirroring the guards’ advance. As the two forces advanced on the others, battle plans soared through X's head.

Many of them involved getting the hell out of there. Images of gnashing, gnawing ants still flashed before his eyes. He shuddered as the thoughts took hold. Everything slowed down to a claw, the changelings and Durant freezing in place as they charged.

It was a fear similar and strange to the young man as a memory took hold.

X sat in a dingy room, the light above being the only source of illumination. Before him were three figures. Two of them were the same: twin females with khaki brown uniforms and hats covering their blue hair, identical in style. A badge was on each of them, identifying themselves as Kalosean Police Officers. They stood between the third of their number, a man with casual clothes that suggested he was a rock climber. Colored things that could be described as fake rocks adorned the dark skinned man's hair.

He sat in front of X, a table between the two parties with papers and envelopes on it. On his face was a scowl, and narrowed eyes that hid behind clasped hands."Where are they Arrow?''

"I don't know what you're talking about." was X's reply. It was obvious he was frightened, the quivver in his voice doing nothing to hide that. The Leader before him was going to capitalize on that, if Pokemon Training 103 was to believed.

"You know exactly what you did. We have proof. And to be honest I really expected better from a person of your standing. I mean, returning to the scene of the crime? I honestly thought only badly written TV drama villains did that."

"It's kinda hard to return to the scene of a crime you never committed. I told you this three times already: The only reason why I came to Cylage City is because of that letter you sent me Grant." X nodded to the afromented letter, confiscated and currently in front of Grant sat in front of the Gym Leader. The Leader paid it no mind as he unclasped his hands, X seeing the full angry face of the leader for the first time since the interrogation started.

"Bluff all you want Arrow. You're parents can't help you get out of the little mess
you're in."

"So my proof is a bluff and yours isn't? Prove it."

Grant reached for a folder, calmly opening it and taking out it's contents, which appeared to be photographs. Wordlessly, he slid them to X, who carefully picked them up and gasped when he gazed at them.

Inside his gut he felt fear rising. His world came crashing down around him through no fault of his own, the sounds of the world fading into the background of his mind as he tried to comprehend what he was looking at. It couldn't be true. Every part of him was telling him it couldn't be true. Yet in front of him was a truth that turned his own truth into a lie.

His life was over.

Grants question pierced the silence in X's mind, the sound echoing loudly in the silence. "Where are they?"

"X? X? Yo, X!"

X snapped out of his flashback, his eyes blurry as everything seemed to return to its normal speed. He was greeted with the sight of battle. The Durant easily outnumbered the Changelings two to one, the Ants viciously taking advantage of this as much as they could. At least two Durant ganged up on a guard, the land bound pony bugs using their spears as best they could to prod at the metal beasts but to no avail. The remaining guards took to the air and fired spell after spell ranging from lightning bolts to pure magical forces. The attacks that landed seemed to just annoy the ants, knocking them down for just a moment before getting right up again to continue the ground battle.

"Sorry. Zoned out of it for a moment. Did I miss anything?"

"Not really friend."

"Please tell me you have a plan." Inti's quip was more of a statement than a question. X sighed as the pressure was being put on him. "I really want to hear those words X."

"Well, its kinda obvious we need Fire, but I don't think they can learn any." X lamented as he motioned towards the guards. "If they did know any they might have used them by now."

"Might? Why might? If I knew a Fire attack I'd use it right now." Apocalypse pawed the ground as he stared down the Durant. Thankfully the Steel Bugs ignored the pokemon, their focus occupied by the Changeling guard.

"Apocalypse, look at how many trees there are in this city. Fire is probably discouraged here. One stray Ember and several blocks go up in smoke." Inti sighed.

"I didn't think of that."

"In any case we need to even the odds and weaken them before we make a break for it. I have a plan." X replied with a slight quiver in his voice. "You three charge in and drive them back into their hole and make them run away. Apocalypse, only use earthquake in emergencies, and only when I tell you."


"Well, we wouldn't want to cause even more damage." As if on cue, one stand that was cannibalized of all useful materials simply fell apart, the strain of the holding it together with only half of it's supports remaining too much for it.

Inti wasn't convinced. "I don't think we need to worry about that actually X."

"Inti, no attacking Apocalypse. Same goes for you Apocalypse. Friendly fire isn't friendly. Anything else goes."

"I'll restrain myself."

"Azisa, Leech Seed and Will-O-Wisp everything. The more you drain them, the less willing to fight they will be. How's your Sitrus Berry stash?"

Azisa reached into herself and revealed her stash. "I'm afraid I have only one. I need that to make more. What do you plan on doing?"

"I'll stay here and keep an eye on everything and direct things from here. My orders take priority, but use your best judgment when you don't hear any of my commands. Little Lady can Ice Beam for a distance, if she thinks of it. Azisa, can you mime it for me?"

With a hand motion, Azisa did as she was asked. Nell looked puzzled for a moment. "uh..... what?"

That elected a groan from X. "Never mind. We'll just stay back. Go for it guys!"

With a roar, Inti and Apocalypse ran to the aid of the guards, wit Azisa limping along at a Shelmet's pace.

A young mare screamed as one of the accursed ants lunged at her, biting her with terrifying force. She lunged her spear at the beast in retaliation, the weapon shattering as it struck the metal skin. Hissing, she then punched it in the face, shouting in pain as hoof met head. She was surprised to feel steel. Not skin like steel, but actual steel for skin.

Just what was that thing?

A screech interrupted her thought as her attackers friend decided to join in. It's mandibles opened wide, eager to strike.


A bolt of lightning struck the ant, stunning it and halting its assault. Before anyone could react, a wave of lighting heralded by a shout stuck the other ant. The attackers grip loosened as his muscles turned rigid. With spite, the guard slammed her hoof into it’s face again, the strike managing to make it back off.

The mare shook her hoof vigorously as she turned to the origin of the lightning bolt. To her shock, one of the strange creatures that had joined the guards en route was her hero of the moment. The lizard gave her a thumbs up, an act of positive reinforcement if her time with that minotaur motivational speaker taught her anything. The mare nodded, picking up the pieces of her spear as the bulkier rock-like lizard and the walking tree joined the fray' with her savior of the moment speeding past them screaming a battle cry.

The mare fluttered her wings and took to the air, joining her airborne comrades and observed the battle. To her horror, many more ants were emerging from a giant hole in the ground, many going into battle while a small number simply scouted around.

The mare didn't have to think twice as her scream heralded her dive into the horde's heart.

"Apocalypse Rock Slide! Azisa Will-O-Wisp! Mix the two together!"

Apocalypse roared as he slammed his head into the ground, launching several rocks into the air which he proceeded to ram his head into. Ghost fire was launched at the same time, the two attacks flowing through the air in unison. Several Durant bunched together were hit, dents showing in half of them while heated steel marked the other half.

"Again, but this time Azisa use Leech Seed!"

Another storm of stones rose to the air, and as Apocalypse rammed his head into the stone, small seeds joined them as they soared into the Durant again. Several of the seeds that landed on their marks sprouted, doing their best to burrow into the metal skin.

Words weren't wasted when the ants launched towards the duo. Apocalypse dived while Azisa faded into the ground, purple energy echoing from her disappearance. Confused, the ants turned their attention to Apocalypse, one zealous ant leading the assault.

"Dragon tail them!"

"Dragon tail!" Dragonic energy surrounded the Tyrunt's tail, forming the shape of a dragon's head. With no pause, the Rock Dragon spun it's tail into the charging foe, launching him into an ally, the guard tumbling from the weight off the Durant. The two Durant the guard was fighting crawled over his prone form, striking the guard while he was down. The guard angry shouted "Hey, watch where you're aiming!

Apocalypse weakly chuckled as he noticed what he had done. "Eheh. Whoops."

A metal scream sent shivers racing up the spine of the tiny tyrant turned his attention to a second charging Durant. As the attacker Approached, the familiar form of Azisa faded into view, her fist raised high. "Phantom Force!"

The attack was true to it's name as the phantom punched the Durant with enough downward force, the Durant seemed to be slightly embedded into the ground.

"Thanks Azisa!"

Before thanks could be returned, two Durant raced up to Azisa and plunged their jaws into her, the bites crunching her. The Tyrunt attempted to intercept, but was sent tumbling into the chaos of battle, as the very same guard who he was launched a Durant into was launched into him, mirroring what had happened earlier.

Azisa growled as he raised her hands, the fingers glowing green with nature's power. A cry of "Horn Leech!" heralded her plugging it into a Durant, the energy being sapped from him.

"No good. Those Crunch attacks are Super 'Effective. I'm not sure I can drain enough of their energy to keep up with the damage."

"X! Help!"

"I'm thinking!" X observed the battlefield. Azisa was pinned down by obvious Crunch attacks, while Apocalypse had fallen and was having trouble getting up. Inti on the other hand was doing well. Five Durant were currently surrounding her, charing as one. The Thunder Lizard was doing her best to control the situation, using two Grass Knot whips to keep them back. Her expression was a determined one, her battle cry an exuberant "Back! Back I tell you!"

Inside X worried. "Okay, gotta think. Azisa is probably okay due to how good she is at not being KOed. Inti And Apocalypse are powerful but have a hard time taking hits. Man, I hate this. Too little of us and too many of them."

"Uh, Chesnaught Naught?"

"I could probably have Apocalypse use Earthquake. But then again it would hit a lot of the grounded guards assuming they can't fly out of the way in time, and Inti is half Electric."

"Uh, Chesnaught Naught? Ants!"

"There's no water nearby, so no Surfing for Inti....geez I hate not having a plan. Makes me feel naked."

A whack to his head jolted him out of his thoughts. "Chesnaught Naught! Ants! Glowing head! Glowing Ant Heads!"

The warning came too late as A Durant lept into X's chest, it's Iron Head striking with terrible force. X stumbled back, his passenger tightening her grip. More Durant burst from the ground, them being obvious reinforcements. They stared at him with a hungry glare.

The fear within built up inside of him again, X stepping back slowly. Then, as sudden as a flood the Durant charged him as one. At this, X broke into a run, attempting to escape. It was not to be, as two Durant bit his leg, causing him to fall. Nell screamed as she was thrown off of her friend, landing in the dirt with a thud. The Durant ignored her, choosing to go after the Chesnaught, the ants surrounding him with little effort.

Several bolts of magical force struck the ground, the Durant assaulting Inti confused for a moment as to where it was coming from. With frightening speed Inti fired a Thunder into a Durant, knocking him out. Inti made a break for it, lumping over the unconscious Bug and fire a Thunder Wave followed by a rather large THunder Wave into the other four. Aerial magic from above resumed it's assault, striking the helpless ants with it's power.

Inti looked up and flashed a smile towards the three flying Changelings that had saved her hide. She ran into the chaos of battle while the changelings charged their magic again, seeking new targets.

"Gotta thank them later...."

Apocalypse was quickly hating being pushed into everything. As soon as he got up with help from that guard, they were separated by the Durant. His assaulters were ramming him into several of his new allies, whom in turn gave the Tyrunt dirty looks.

"Stop pushing me into things! Its not fair!" Apocalypse whined. Tears started to well up in his eyes, which gained no sympathy from his attackers whom continued to press the assault, Lunging at him. "Fine then. CRUNCH!"

Apocalypse opened his maw and bit down on an attacker, lifting his victim into the air and violently shook the ant. The Durants ally roared and attempted to save his friend, only for a Thunder to fly into the ant, knocking him out. Apocalypse then threw the ant through air and into a Durant that was being chased by an guard. The flying ant crashed into his freind, causing the two to stumble around.Naturally, the pursuing guard could not stop in time, stumbling over the ants.

Apocalypse turned to see Inti standing there, her frill unfurled and crackling with thunder. "We're even."

"Eh, okay. Wanna jump on some Durant?"

Inti's grin could almost be considered criminal. Almost.

"I do not like being Crunched!" Azisa howled as she was Crunched. The Durant continued to Crunch her as she retaliated with Horn Leech. The energy flowed from attacked to attacker the best it could, the metal skin of her foes interfering with the Grass type attack.

Thankfully the Leech Seed was more effective, their parasitic roots able to cling far better than her attack. As of that moment the only reason why she wasn't unconscious was the mass energy theft she was orchestrating.

One Durant suddenly fell off of the tree, his eyes closed in pain as two more climbed their way to the now vacant spot.

She needed help, and needed it now. A barrage of attacks from the airborne warriors, Apocalypse, a Volcarona (as Azisa hopped to Arceus himself that such a thing would never happen. Inti would never let her hear the end of it.)

"If only I had a stronger Horn Leech..." At that moment, Azisa wished she had a proper mouth as she dug her legs into the soil. She would have smiled deviously.

The Durant gazed at the Chesnaught intently, the Grass Fighting Titan sweating bullets. Then without warning they charged, X closing his eyes and raising his arms.


The command was forceful yet controlled, causing the ants to immediately cease their advance. After a moment of not being attacked, X lowered his arms and opened his eyes. A lone Durant stepped in front of the others, who backed away from X until they were behind him.

X didn't really know how to go from there. "Uh, Thanks?"

"Do not thank me." Came the reply. THe voice reverbed slightly with a metallic twang.The ant whom spoke had several scars on his metal carapace, signs of battle no doubt. "I remember you. You are the Chesnaught that ran from me in that jungle. I can tell whom you are because I see the same weakness as that Chesnaught."

"Beg pardon?"

"You are weak Chesnaught." The Durant insulted. "Your kind has great power, one I have seen with my eyes. You do not use it. You stand behind allied lines, commanding pokemon like cowardly humans. You like them so much, those cowardly creatures who rather dirty mandibles other than their own, you act just much like them!"

"Hey, my species doesn't suck that much!" X shouted. "Take that back!"

"You even think you are a human! Power you wield is wasted on you, scum of the Chesnaught!"

"But I am a human. I woke up to suddenly being a Chesnaught! And let me tell you, today has been very confusing, so maybe if we all calmed down...."

"You are a coward. We will not stop. But you are not worthy of fighting the full power of the colony! You there!" The Durants eyes darted over to Nell’s prone form. "Take her to Iron Shell while we handle the coward! Pray to Arceus both we are merciful Chesnaught!"

Nell screamed as a Durant burst from the ground startling her. It quickly grabbed her hoof painfully as she tried to back away, the metal bug quickly overpowering her. It started to drag her into the hole it crawled out of, a second ant widening it.

At this X's eyes narrowed without his consent. "STAY AWAY FROM HER!" He started to run towards his friend, but a sharp pain in his tail stopped him.

He didn't need to turn around to know it was the same Durant who called him a coward that had holding him back. With a powerful tug, X was dragged away, panicking as he tried to shake him off, eventually succeeding. Then in a bellow of rage, X charged his attacker, and slammed his first into the ground, barely missing him. He bellowed again when the Durant crawled over him again, fear building up within X's heart.

Today had been a bad day for Nell.

For starters she was chased by a rocky lizard in the deep Hoofrican jungle. If the rock lizard didn't kill her, whatever else was in there would have happily killed her for it.

Then, after escorting a lion to its pride and finding the mammalian oddity that was Chesnaught Naught, she was attacked by a cycloptian tree.

The kicker being that the mammal, tree, and lizard all somehow knew each other. So she was stuck with them before being convinced by their actions that there was something lost in translation.

Throw in her escorts and more importantly her wagon being trashed by these metal ants, and you get very narrowing escape from them.

The very same kind of ant that not only are attacking right now, attacked the same area in town earlier today.

And right now she was being dragged to the Hive-knows-where. Nel screamed she continued to try and fly away, the attempt failing. The hole was dangerously close, the deep darkness of the hole wanting to consume her.

In desperation, she turned her head and fired her ice magic at her foe. To her shame the attack missed,the attack covering the hole with ice. The Durant slipped as it walked on the newly formed ice, losening its grip.At that moment' Nell flew to the air, out of the range of her attackers.

Observing the battle, Nell released a held breath. Things had quickly gone from bad to worse. The ants were numerous and many of the guards that were still conscious took to the air. It became very clear the ground battle was lost.

The fear that Chesnaught Naught was experiencing was almost paralyzing her. It was a testament to Nell's inner strength that she hadn't just fallen down in despair. Now she just needed a way to fight back.

Before she could think another thought, a horrible din was heard throughout the battle. Her mind felt like it as chalkboard being scratched at as she tried to think through the noise. She felt herself falling towards the ground, unable to focus on flying, and to her horror so were the flying guards. As soon as they landed, the ants stuck without mercy, the warriors of the Hive struggling to get back into the air.

"At least they have armor. I'm wearing nothing! I'm a...."Her horn glowed yellow and dang again as a thought appeared again. "Well, I've got nothing to lose. Might as well!"

With a shout, a ball of ice fired out of her horn, bursting into an icy dry mist when it shattered on the ground. The ants stopped their din, confused as their vision was interfered with. Unbeknownst to them, Nell took to the air again, and landed on the top of a stand.

She was surprised to see several of the bird like creatures that had appeared this day, these small creatures that looked like pigeons simply observed the fight. Nell could taste the sickening fear they felt, with sounds of a bickering argument being spoken between them.

Placing them out of her mind. Her horn focused as lessons from her past emerged.

"Mom, why are you good at magic?"

Hira looked down at her little girl, the young Nell gazing up at her mother with the most adorable eyes. "Well honey, magic has several factors, but for me, it is about focus and will."

"What are those?"

"We'll, focus is about concentration, doing something without being distracted by something else. And will is trying to do what you want to, even though you may feel like you can't do it."

Nell looked at her mother with confusion. "So is that why me and my sisters are not good at magic?"

"My sisters and I honey." Hira corrected, her teacher self emerging at that single moment. "And it is one reason, though not the sole reason. Your sisters lack focus, but they do have great willpower because I've never seen them back away from anything. They're always willing to try something even if they know they might not succeed.

"Magic is complex, a being that isn't fully understood. And while magical talent and skill at using magic take precedence, in a tight spot all you need is focus and will.

"When you're back against the wall and you need something done, unshakable focus and overwhelming will can let even the weakest of mages perform great wonders. You just need to find it."

Nell braced herself as the fog dissipated, her attackers looking around before quickly spying her on the stands roof. They moved as one, seeking their prey. With a deep breath, Nell closed her eyes as her horn glowed. Images of she wanted to do were clear, the magic building slowly.


The ants reached the stand, Nells pidgeon friends flying away from the changeling.


The ants started to climb quickly.

"3!" Her horned fired a beam of frost as her front leg, encasing it in block of ice. To her amazement she could still feel the leg, the ice not immediately freezing it. With a smile she fired another ice beam, followed by another, then another, and another, and another.

With a roar, a Durant had finished his climb, only to be knocked off with a terrible force. He fell off, landing with a thud. This caused his allies to halt for a moment once they finished their climbs. To their confusion, Nell had covered her legs and her tail in columns of ice, the frozen water glittering in the moonlight. She jumped off of her perch, and glided into the falled Durant, stunning it with the weight of the impact. The other ants charged after the frozen changeling, eager to avenge their ally.

Nell charged with a scream, uncharacteristic of her. With a leap, she slammed one of her legs into her enemy, the ice cracking alongside the clang of ice striking metal. The ant looked incredibly annoyed before Nell punched it again, following up with a spin, the ice covered tail slamming into the ant and sending it away with a Tumble.

"I...I did it. Hey, that infiltrator lesson really did come in handy."

Nells celebration was short lived. The Durant behind her target lowered its head, the metal glowing brightly. Nell raised a hoof to block, but the force of the Steel attack shattered the Ice, the limb now exposed.

"AH!" Nell screamed as she punched her new attacker still glowing head with the other frozen limb. It did nothing as the impact shattered most of the ice. The ant banged it's mandibles together, almost as if it was mocking her. It lunged again, Nell barely avoiding an attack as she covered her legs in ice again.

"You really are noisy aren't you?" Azisa asked. She got no answer from the increasingly large pile of metal that was crawling over her. The added weight made it hard for her to move. But move she did, and she continued to move until she got close to a rather large tree, tall with a large trunk.

"Last chance, enemy. Get off of me, now."

"You are weak! We will continue to strike you until you fall, you weak Grass type."

"You know not who I am. I am Azisa, the vampire of Laverre City, and you will now face the fury of the forrest!" Azisa shouted as she plunged her legs into the dirt again. For a minute, nothing happened and the Durant continued to Crunch her. Then, three roots, as large as the tree and as sharp as spears emerged from the dirt they called home. Before the Durant could react, the roots slammed into them, sending them off of her one attack at a time. Screams echoed as the Durant lost their advantage, many of them backing away from the Ghost Tree.

One of the few who had a hard time getting up looked at his approaching attacker. Her eye could almost pierce the metal skin he bore. "How?"

"I am more than what you think you can see." With that, Azisa faded from view, the roots returning to their earthen home.

Nell screamed again, the Durant ramming into her icy armor, shattering it. It was clear that the ants were stronger and more numerous. But she made it clear that whatever they planned to do with her, she wasn't going peacefully.

She was just worried she might not be able to rescue her friend as the titan swarmed by ants again. Judging by his emotions, he was at his emotional limit, the fear threatening to overwhelm him.

With conviction Nell made another swing, striking the foe. A sharp jolt of pain was her reward as the ice fell off her hoof. She struggled to make her horn glow to fire another ice beam and get her advantage back...

Those hopes were dashed when a duo of durant, their heads glowing, slammed into her sides, the wind forced out of her breath. She crumpled to the ground, the pain in her barrel and wings overwhelming her. A third of their number charged at her again, the glowing head an indication of her soon to be defeat.

As if the heavens decreed it to be, the strange tree creature levitated out of the ground, and was struck with the blow meant for Nell. The tree stared at the Durant with a terrifying glare. "Tevenant Trev Nant Nant Trevenant. TREVENANT!"

Treve Trev bent over and backhanded the attacker away from her, the Durant collapsing from exhaustion. Before any other action could be made the ghost fire formed in Treve Trev's hand, quickly seeking the other Durant. They were struck with the fire, their strength disappearing into the burning embrace of their burns. With her other arm, Treve Trev took Nell into her grip, and faded away just as the Durant leapt at her. They crashed into each other, leaving small scratches in their heads.

X had never screamed as loud, or as often, before in his life. The Durant wouldn't stop attacking, repeatedly biting him to no end. Every attempt to get up ended in failure as the attacks kept coming.

Salvation came in the form of Azisa appearing in front of the attackers, a shivering Little Lady in her grip, the girl wided eyed in shock and mild horror. With a Ghostly blow, Azisa punched two of the Durant while the still shocked Nell stuck two more. The reduced weight allowed X to get up, the remaining Durant still attached to him arms. With a shout X swung his arm backwards into the nearest solid object, the blow loosening the grip of the now unconscious attackers.

With extreme prejudice, X stomped the two Durant, knocking them out before he turned to his Ghostly Pokemon. "You have no idea now frightening these things are!"

"I can imagine." Azisa replied with confidence. X raised an eyebrow as he saw Nell, the girl still shivering. "...I take it you took her of a Phantom Force trip."

"It was the only option for getting her out of danger."

"...Azisa you know what happens when you do that to a non-Ghost."

"Azisa, humor me for a moment, but what exactly did you do to X?"

"I assure you it just was a journey through the world of intangibility." Azisa replied to Naruto's question, the Dark Fox leaning up against the walls of X's room. The house in question was their brick and mortar home they had for when they weren't staying at their treehouse. Naruto glared at Azisa with a questioning look on his face. "I assure you, he's fine. I do it all the time. Nothing to worry about."

Naruto simply opened the door, revealing a traumatized X rocking back and forth on his bed, wide eyed and sleep deprived. He was chanting as he rocked. "All these squares make a circle. All These squares make a circle. All These squares make a circle. All these squares make a circle."


That elicited a groan from Naruto. "I have a lot of things to worry about now thanks to this."

Azisa huffed as she crossed her arms. "It's not my fault you scare easy."

"Azisa, I had nightmares for two weeks because of that."

"oh look, Inti needs our help." Azisa then faded away from view as a sigh escaped X. "We're not done talking about this Azisa!"

"I was having a good day, then this all happens." Nell moaned as she stumbled to Chesnaught Naught. Her words were slightly slurred, and Nell could swear she was hearing the color green talk with a German accent. "You have scary friends you do know that right? I mean, wow that thing Treve Trev just did? That tops growing fruit of your own body."

Chesnaught Naught simply knelt down, clawing at the ground as a wounded guard crawled to Nell. "You....get out...now."

"Sorry, little woozy. Can you repeat that?"

The guard gave Nell that look. "Kid, run. "Theres too many.....save yourself."

"Eh." Nell moaned. Honestly, after what that tree did to her, anything sounded like a good idea just as long as it got rid of the headache she manifested. Before she could obey the soldier, Chesnaught Naught grabbed the soldier, and deftly placed him upon his back. "Hey, whats up Chesnaught Naught?"

Chesnaugth naught pointed to the doodles on the ground, and as Nell looked at them, she smiled. "That's a good plan."

The Durant found themselves in an awkward position facing the Storming Thunder Breaker. Word had traversed through the colony about her escapades earlier that day, how she followed the scouting party into the colony, rescued their captive, and got out in one piece with the captive in question.

One of the Durant the Storming Thunder Breaker had beaten joined the attacking Durant in this assault, hoping to enact revenge against her for bringing shame to the colony, especially to Iron Shell, and restore the colonies respect for him.


Considering how the Storming Thunder Breaker was now using him as a ride while he tried to buck her off of him like he was some poor substitute for a Tauros, the lizard shooing Thunders at his comrades to keep them at bay, getting that respect back was going to be a monumental journey.

A fellow Durant charged at the "Storming Thunder Breaker, the lizard jumping off of her ride at the last minute, the attacking Durant striking her impromptu mount.

A monumental journey indeed.

"WHO'S NEXT!" Inti shouted. The Durant charged as on as Inti launched a Thunder Wave hitting one after the other, slowing them down before she Thundered them.

Inti pumped her fists into the air as she sought more to fight. "Man,I feel good!"Inti thought. " I haven't fought like this in a long time!

As Inti ran, another though pooper in her mind as she saw fallen warrior after fallen warrior. She looked up, noticing a significantly more empty spy. "....that explains why they haven't been giving me air support. That Metal Sound earlier must have made them fall out of the air, and they got ganged up on before they make it back up in the air.

"I guess I could help a few out. To be nice, i guess.

Inti turned around to find those in need of aid, and smiled at what she had found.

"Over there Chesnaught Naught!" Nell shouted, the mare shed of her ice armor and was now clinging for dear life to one of X's spikes. Two groaning wounded guards goaned in pain as the titan marched towards them. With a practiced motion X grasped the wounded, and lifted them behind him. Managing to bring the last of their energy to the surface the duo fluttered to the stack of wounded currently clinging to X's back.

X's plan was simple: He would run around finding the wounded and simply carry as many of them away from battle and to Little Lady's house. With each changeling in need he would find, he could drape them across his back, the wounded clinging on as best they could. Hopefully the wounded wouldn't mind being stacked on top of each other as was the case. To X they weighed less than paper.

He hoped that the same was true was the same for the changelings.

"X! Over here!" X turned to face the shooter, who was Inti. She ran to her trainer, and gazed at the stack of changelings on his back. "....you've been busy."

"Inti! How are you?"

"I'm good. Super good. But the real question is you and your numerous friends are doing?" Inti swayed to the left as she said this. She wasn't looking as good as she said she was.

"You need to ask?" X almost shouted. "We gotta get out of here, and now! Tell Azisa and Apocalypse we're leaving!"

"I don't run X!"

"Inti, we're outnumbered. Any longer and we're seeing stars if we're lucky!"

"Fine, whatever, you're the boss. But I have no idea where they are and even if we do find them and then run, we won't run far. We gotta get them to run, or at least stop them from their reinforcements!"

A Durant attempted to charge at them, but didn't get far as Azis emerged from hiding, her Phantom Force sticking it hard. "She’s right X!"

"I know I know. If we stay, we're dead, and if we run, they'll chase us down, and then we're dead. Yea that's...wait." X snapped his fingers as he gasped in realization. "Damnit, I'm such an idiot! They know Dig!"

Inti blinked before realizing what X meant. "Earthquake does more damage to Digging opponents!"

"You got it Inti. We can do a lot of damage , especially to the tunnels. By the time they recoup, we'll be long gone. Apocaly..."

Inti panicked as she whacked him. "You want them to know right now? The closer to the entry point, the better! He's gotta get closer!"

"You sure?"

Inti stared at her trainer. "I lived on Route 9 for years before you appeared. Trust me, I've seen many an Earthquake and Magnitude there. They work best near the hole."

Z stared at the chaos of the battlefield. Durant were swarming everywhere. Unless Apocalypse had a clear path, he wouldn't get anywhere close to the hole. And Apocalypse may not be the bright one, but if told to do something in battle, he usually did it. The decision to ban earthquakes unless told to do so was now a bad idea.

"Get ready." X commanded as he took a deep breath.

"What are you...."

Before Inti could ask X shouted as loud as he could while stomping the ground. "AZISA USE HIDDEN POWER - FIRE!"

"One by one, the Durant skid to a stop as they stopped what they were doing. All action among their number stopped as they turned to face X like a single entity. They roared and less than half their number charged At him, the metal tide of Durant flowing towards them.

Azisa gulped. "X, I don't know that move!"

"I know that, but they don't!"

"Please tell me you thought this plan through all the way?"

"Uh, no."

Inti was incredibly shocked. "You usually think it though! You never do anything without thinking it through!"

"I'm having a off day Inti!" X shouted as the tide got closer. "Thunder Wave them Inti! Azisa, Will-o-wisp!"

Just a few minutes beforehand

Apocalypse was pushed into another comrade, the guard cursing as she was hit. Apocalypse got up and brushed himself off, a feat difficult with his tiny arms. He roared and Crunched the attacker in his jaws. Another Durant picked up the slack, and Stuck him with Iron Head, the blow forcing Apocalypse to release his captive.

"Quit picking on me!" Apocalypse shouted. it was to no avail as the two Durant stuck him again, sending him to the ground. Apocalypse moaned as he tried to get up, watching the two Durant approach him.

A shout rang out through the battlefield. One by one, the attackers stopped, and turned to the offending sound. THis confused Apocalypse, and was confused even more then they started to march away from him, ignoring him after several minute of trying to attack him.

"Pick on me! Pick on me!"

X ran for his life as he sought out more injured to pick up as Azisa, Inti, and LIttle Lady covered him. They were doing great but it was only a matter of time before the entirety of the attackers swarmed them.

"X, I think now would be a great time to do something!" inti shouted. She fended off two attackers, while more approached.

"I think we got enough attention. Apocalypse! Head for the hole and use Earthquake!"

Apocalypse grinned as he charged towards his target. He was not alone, as several of the "Durant broke from the pack to charge at the Dinosaur. Thankfully for Apocalypse, the gap was one the ants could not close.

To his shock, several of the durnt that had stayed behind had made a perimeter, blocking access from the hole. They gnashed their mandibles at him, angry as he approached.

With a favored shout, Apocalypse continued his charge, and as one of the durant made an attack Apocalypse jumped and landed on the ant, and used him as a springboard, jumping just high enough.


His head slammed into the ground, the vibrations causing the earth to shatter from underneath. The nearby Durant struggled to keep their footing as the attack ripped through the ground, striking all present.

The tunnels from under the ground started to rumble as the metal reinforcements halted their approach. Without warning, the tunnel collapsed, burying the attackers from underneath.

The ground caved in from under their feet, many of the Durant losing their footing while X and his team managed to avoid the worst parts. X sighed a sigh of relief. " Okay apocalypse, reel it in! We're getting out of here!"

Apocalypse cheered as he ran past the struggling Durant, the metal bugs deciding that enough was enough, letting him pass without trouble. He quickly caught up with X and the others, the Human carrying the vast majority of the injured guard on his back while the few that were healthy enough to walk or fly did so. "Did I do good!"

"You did Apocalypse." X replied. "You all did."

Naruto stirred, groaning as he opened his eyes. What laid before him was a dingy cell made with cobblestone walls. He tried to move his arms, which he couldn't to his surprise. He took a look, and noticed each arm and leg bound in a shackle with a short chain to the wall. His right arm was wrapped in hard medical tape. A iron gate served as the door with two guards in front of it. Currently their backs were turned.

For added embarrassment he was wearing a muzzle.

"A muzzle? How embarrassing."

Naruto tried to release himself from his bonds, the rattling of the chains the only sound to be heard. One of the guards turned to face Naruto, and whispered to his partner. The partner left the fox and the changeling.

Minutes passed and the guards returned, two more changelings identifying themselves as Silver Heart and Rizen.

Curiously Silver was lacking his armor.

"Good evening Naruto," Silver told the fox. Naruto simply narrowed his eyes, choosing not to speak. "The Emperor wishes to speak to you."

Naruto gave no reply. At that, Silver looked a little sheepish. "Oh right. The muzzle." His horn glowed, and a key flew from a key ring, and entered the muzzles lock. The lock was unlocked, then it fell to the ground with a clatter. The muzzle followed next. "You'll have to pardon the muzzle. We wanted to be careful. "

"I'll keep my exuberance in check. Feel like explaining why I am in prison?"

"The Emperor wanted to be sure you wouldn't try to escape." Rizen was the one to reply this time. "Considering what you're capable of with that fire and dark magic, we hope you understand why we're being careful."

"It's not Dark magic, its a dark attack," Naruto corrected with a hint of irritation in his voice. "and, I do understand why you imprisoned me, but it doesn't change the fact that you imprisoned me for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Let's have this conversation elsewhere, shall we? The Emperor is waiting." With that, the door opened as another key magically flew towards the other locks.

Aside from the Squirtles, the dungeon (which Naruto was assuming it was) was surprisingly empty. The moonlight danced through the few windows as he marched towards wherever the Emperor was, his four guards leading the way.

"...Just how long was I out?"

"A few hours at the least." came Rizen's reply. "You took a lot during that fight. The Emperor carried you on his back after you and the turtle disappeared. He had some doctors give a quick check while you were out. You're fine, but the doc was worried about your right arm."

The answer came quick and sharp. "A persistent injury from when I was younger. I assure you I am fine."

"That's not the only reason why you're jumpy isn't it?"

Naruto looked at Rizen intently, the guard returning the look. "Was it obvious?"
` "Understanding body language is something we changelings try to be good at. Right Silver?" Silver grumbled as Rizen continued. "Feel like elaborating?"

Naruto replied with only a shake of the head. All conversation ended until they reached an interrogation room, the door opening with an ominous moan.

As Naruto entered the room, lead to the far end, Emperor Carapace sat in front of the table on a cushion, a stern expression his face. Silver and Rizen took seats next to their emperor, Silver on the left and Rizen on the right, while the other two guards escorted Naruto to the other side of the table. A horn glowed, and the door was shut.

"I trust you were treated gently Naruto." Carapace gently welcomed the fox.

"Yes, because I do enjoy waking up in a prison cell." Naruto curtly replied as he sat down. "I don't like prisons. "Can we go somewhere else"?"

"Feel like elaborating?"


"Fine by me. It's irrelevant anyway. Lets start with why you were in my castle today."


".....I'm not earning any brownie points am I?"

"Your highness, with all due respect, I'm a little reluctant to talk after I woke up in prison after defeating an antagonistic foe that a good number of your guards were reluctant to even approach."

"Hey, you made it worse by showing up,” Silver pointed an accusatory hoof at the Pokemon. "That Blastoise thing became more violent when he saw you!"

"It's not my fault that Blastoise was typist."

"Typist?" Rizen was the one to pipe up this time. "Why would he have a thing against typewriters?"

"No you....gah, I hate explaining simple things." Naruto put a paw to his head. "Look, I'm a Dark Type, and most Dark Types are shady. Not evil mind you, just shady."

"I'd say destroying infiltrating the guard and my garden fits that description quite handily." Carapace muttered.

"Which, again, is not entirely my fault." Anger started to boil within the fox. "Battles get messy and destructive. Remember who was trying to steal that garden in the first place? It wasn't me."

"It could have." Silver countered. This earned the changeling five glares. "I'm just pointing it out."

Naruto's reply had the same amount of exuberance one displayed when they were assigned jury duty. "What?"

"Magic takes a lot of forms right? I'm just saying that we changelings aren't the only shapeshifters in the world."

"It's not shapeshifting, its Illusion! " Naruto scoffed. "Do I look like a Ditto to you?"

"A Ditto?"

"Lets change the subject. Explain what you were doing in my castle."

"I'm not telling. Information is power, and I intend to keep as much as it as I can."

Carapace was impressed how stubborn Naruto was, yet at the same time being somewhat civil. "Naruto, I'm only charging you with the destruction of my garden. I just answers."

"So do I. Tell me Emperor, the penalty for damaging your garden is quite steep from what I hear. Steep enough to almost cause a war against an offending country, due to the actions of one diplomat. Did I hear correctly?"

"Carapace steeled his gaze. "You did."

"Due to my actions and your own rules, what's preventing you from simply keeping me here forever?"

"Several factors that I really don't want to answer at this time, as it would detract from my questioning. Which, as it stands, was 'Why were you in my castle?'"

"He' persistant."Naruto thought. He then spoke with resolution "I refuse to answer."

"Fine then. Stay in here." The Emperor prepared to get up, but Rizen coughed, drawing attention to himself. "Emperor, if I may?"

A nod gave him the go ahead as he sat down again, Rizen clearing his throat. "Would you like to explain why you're being uncooperative?"

"I'm lost, hungry, wounded, and more importantly, I'm unfairly arrested for what is quite honestly a load of Tauros." Naruto exclaimed. "I just want to go home."

"Says you." Naruto's eyes darted to Silver Heart.

"I'm sorry but what was that?" Naruto’s tone turned bitter as Rizen buries his head into his hooves.

"You are the reason the garden is ruined and you want to get off scot free?" Silver scoffed. "You're hiding something. You've never actually answered our questions. I mean, you've responded but not actually answered them."

"Silver, let me handle this." Rizen started at Silver, the same kind of stare a mother used to disable her family. Silver grumbled. "Naruto, he is correct. We ask questions, and you refuse to answer yet expect us for you to simply leave. It can't be done."

"Yet you can arrest someone for stepping on flowers. Hardly seems fair, now does it?" Naruto hoped that it would break the emperors resolve.

"To be fair, it's my empire, thus my rules. And the one rule I actively enforce is 'Don't touch my garden'. So yes, it is fair."

"And that's not the point here Naruto." Rizen continued. "You're an outsider and you expect special treatment for being an outsider, one who has done in his eyes, a favor."

"How did you...?"

"...know? I used to be a psychiatrist before joining the guard. It's come in handy. And you're a fox. It's obvious you're from out of town. But it's not the topic. You think you're better than us."

At this Naruto took offence. "No I don't"

"You swoop in from out of nowhere, and being to single handedly fight a foe we ourselves had problems simply standing up to. Ergo your attitude. You did something we could better.

"And even then you had trouble and Silver resorted to breaking rule number one in order to save you once your foe grew to be more than a challenge."

"Which need I mind you cost me my job, which will placed in effect after we're done here, and put everychangeling in my battalion on probation, Rizen included!" Silver shouted. "So what gives!? Why do you think you're better than us?"

"I don't!"

"I sacrificed my job for you!"

"That was your idea, not mine!"

"That's ENOUGH!" The shout sent shivers down all spines in the room, even managing to outrace them. Carapace glared at the fox. "We're done here. It's obvious that you have no intention of cooperating. Until you want to talk, you stay here. No exceptions. " The door opened, the intent to leave clear.

"Yea, lets leave the obviously superior fox to his own devices," Muttered Silver "Unthankful freak expects the world on a silver platter for being different."






No One spoke, Naruto still string with violent intent. The Emperor didn't move, his gaze still steel. "I do actually."

At that Naruto calmed down slightly, as the Emperor continued. "I am an old stallion Naruto. Do you know how old I am?"


"Try Eleven Hundred. At the least."

The Emperor sighed, a heavy sigh one who has been more time than one could remember and forget would sigh. "I am unique among changelings for my lifespan. And with it I've seen many things. My kind have been hated for our powers to transform and our diet of emotions. I am one of the few who remember the years my subjects ancestors went through.

"It was over four hundred and twelve years ago. I was with a group of young gatherers sent to gather love for the hive. But I had another mission, and it was to make contact with another group of gatherers who had gone dark as the term is today. Everything went swimmingly until we actually made it to the location in question, a large village deep in Equestria.

Carapace's soft voice became filled with sorrow as he continued. "We learned that those gatherers were found out by accident. Before the gatherers could explain what they were and why there were there, the ponies there assaulted them. Viciously. The gatherers were dragged by their wings in front of all to see, and executed in a graphic manner.

"I will not lie. It was not an easy thought to comprehend. The first thought that went through my mind was finding out exactly how my people were slaughtered, then exact that punishment tenfold. As my party approached the village, we noticed there was a gathering.

"The village elders had gathered several ponies. Pegasus, Unicorn, Earth pony. Adult and child. It didn't take us long to figure out what was happening at that gathering.

"It was a changeling hunt. The elders became paranoid, and were worried that the great horrid monsters that were my people were still in the village. Anyone even suspected of being different was thought to be a changeling was beaten and killed, the truth thrown out in exchange for worthless lies that rewarded the innocent with death.

"A witch hunt." Naruto gasped. Carapace did not acknowledge that statement as he continued.

"I was disgusted. My gatherers only wanted food to feed their families and country. Instead they were rewarded with death because ignorance reigned instead of compassion, from a nation whom can be said to be the Origin of Harmony herself

"Needless to say we took action. I failed my people by not investigating sooner, and I would not fail these innocents by standing by when I can do something important. I lead the charge, giving everypony a shock. Our merry little band managed to spook the locals long enough to save the innocent, and get out. We didn't let them out of our sight.

"I let Celestia know what her little ponies were doing, and my personal thoughts. She was disgusted as much as I was and I let her know that I was planning on annihilating that village once I returned home with my army. But as I started to leave to prepare the drums of war, it was one of the victims that convinced me otherwise."

"What do you mean?" came the fox's question. It was slow and hesitant.

"A young pegasus we had rescued had caught wind of my plan and stood in my way, telling me that if I wanted to harm her country, I would have to go through her first. At the time I almost flew into a fury. The mare I had risked my chitin to save was defending the monsters I saved her from. I had heard from the rescued that her loyalty was iron clad. I told her that her loyalty was misplaced and she had one last chance to change her mind. Do you know what her reply was?

"She told me 'I could never be loyal to a village that cannot trust itself. But I believe in an Equestria of kindness. One that respects others for who, or what, they are. We are not the same, and that is not as bad as everyone pretends it is. I may not be loyal to my village, or even my country with the words I speak right now, but I am loyal to what my country stands for, and that is what I stand behind. That is what I believe in.'"

"Needless to say I was moved. I was reminded that for every monster in the world, there is one to prove that monster wrong."

Silence hung in the air as Naruto turned silent. "If I may Emperor?" "Silver asked his emperor, whom replied with a nod. The former soldier narrowed his eyes as he focused on Naruto. "We're trying to help you. And I may not show it like everychangeling else, but the last thing I want is you to feel like is like no one understands. You think you have it rough? My dad is an earth pony. I'm a hybrid. Because of that, I was stronger physically thanks to my dad's Earth Pony aspects. I got a lot of grief from the other foals and fillies my age. Told me I was a freak, that I wasn't a real changeling, only half of one. I was angry. I wanted to even the scales and show them my power. Do something and get them to back off.

"My mom told me that I shouldn't. She told me my deeds made me who I was, not what my body was. It didn't make sense to me at the time. I wanted to just ignore her, and do it anyway. One day I was near Wall Almos, and some of those bullies cornered me. I was about to make a run for it when a cascade of building supplies fell down. It fell on some of my tormentors, pinning them down. Thankfully they weren't killed.

"I really wanted to laugh and leave them. But then I remember what Mom said. I used my strength to lift the goods off of them. If I hadn't, they would have died.

"After that, they warmed up to me. I wasn't a freak then: I was a hero."

At that, Naruto's eyes turned downcast. ....I was wrong. I leapt to conclusions and....this. This is not how an Informant like myself should be.

Images of his trainer flashing before his eyes. His trainer, treated him like a pokemon, not just a Dark type. But thats what trainers did: They cared for their pokemon.

But X went above and beyond. X cared for the team, but X always cared for him in different ways. Memories of a young X and a young Zorua danced in his mind.

Memories of X playing frisbee with Naruto.

Memories of A baby girl riding Naruto, her grip tight for a baby, with X rushing to supervise.

Memories of Naruto singing (horribly) to his favorite music while X tried to bury himself in the bed.

Memories of X wearing a green justacorps and an overly large pirate hat, swinging a pirate sword while a dour Zorua in a Froakie costume stood outside a door.

Memories of a X leading him reluctantly into battle against a Vivilon against a backdrop of trees inside a gym.

Memories of a Aurous beating the fox, with words of hope from his trainer.

Memories of a burst of energy, power flowing from the core of his being into his fiber of existence.

Memories of a powerful Zoroark fighting to not let his best friend down.

Memories of a scared, wounded Zorua fearfully looking up at a boy parting the bush he was in and looking with wonder. Words echoed from what seemed to be afar, their sound familiar to the Dark Fox.

"Hey little guy. Hold on, I'll help you. You don't need to worry anymore."


This got Carapace's attention. "Beg pardon?"

"You win," Naruto sighed, sitting back down. "I'll talk."

Author's Note:

Another chapter down! Stay tuned!