• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 665 Views, 7 Comments

DLairgkht World - Groupiegatalo

With the fall of one Tirek the ponies are once again at rest. But a new problem peeks its head in an unsual form.

  • ...

Supplies and wishes.

Morbiss strolls over a hill enjoying the warmth of the rising sun. In his field of vision lies the small town of Ponyville. A happy go lucky place just north of the eastern half of the everfree forest. A quaint place to raise your children and learn a lot about the world, Equestria, and the forest that lies nearby. A town molded by history most ponies would say.

There they live out their lives like any pony else would. In the morning, as it is now, the town hustles with merchants setting up their shops and friends stumbling through the streets after late night partying heading home laughing merrily. In the darker shadows ponies lie passed out from hitting the cider too hard, but that's a darker side of town. The side that usually never peeks it head if it can be helped.

As Morbiss strolls into town, a grin plastered on his face, he's greeted by two additions to the town. Two guards stand in his path their spears crossed in front of him. They're both earth ponies wearing the same dark armor with a giant star on both sides of their flanks. A star that looks very familiar, but it seems to be lacking a few things.

"State your business creature." The one on the right asks yellow mane peeking through his dragon shaped helmet.

Creature. Morbiss had expected the word monster to be used, but never-the-less. Creature fits as well.

"I'm here to do some early morning shopping. Mind letting me through?" Morbiss says his smile never wavering.

The guards look at each other through their dragon like helmets before pointing to a giant shinning tree that he's not quite sure how he missed on the way over. The one of the right speaks, "Go there and ask for Twilight first. Every creature that passes by or enters is recorded by her first. Just a little safety system."

At the naming of Twilight his smile wavers for a second turning into a bigger grin.

"Really? Twilight lives here." Morbiss asks fake curiosity in his voice and a genuine snicker escaping his grasp.

"Do you know of her?" The left one asks looking up to him being just a bit shorter than his pal.

"You can say that..." Morbiss says beginning his walk to the crystal tree on the horizon, "We've gotten to know each others a bit."

The guards let him pass and continue their patrol talking about the creature they had just seen.

As Morbiss walks down the Ponyville streets, residents slow down or stop what they're doing to examine him. Some seem fearful, other curious, and other just give a bored stare before continuing with their task at hand. His presence doesn't really disrupt their living. They've been through a lot over the years and one unknown creature isn't about to change anything. Not like the times of the Cerberus attack or half the town getting blow apart. At the time of the whole town getting warped and changed by chaos magic, well, you tend to not hold on to stuff dearly anymore.

Walking up to the castle he gets even more glares from the guards. They tense themselves as he draws closer unsure of his intent. Morbiss can only chuckle to himself at how many stories they'll tell to their children once this is all over. He looks the grand crystal like "castle" over. A grand tree that sparkles in the harsh sun blinding people who stare for too long.

He smiles considering it looks better than the old castle designs. He continues moving forward crossing over a draw bridge and moat. Once he enters he's greeted by a pegasus who's coat is so teal it can almost be mistaken as white. Even the way she approaches brings a chill down his spine from a cold wind that passes.

"Hello. My name is White Sonnet and what and who are you?" She says politely her voice making her appearance as cold mare broken.

"Morbiss, but, if I didn't tell you you would still hear it a lot later on. As for what I am. My dear mare do you believe in legends?" Morbiss asks kneeling down.

"No, now please tell me what you are so I can get you recorded for Princess Twilight." She says holding her gaze with his bringing back her cold demeanor.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that. Your fair princess already has me on file so to speak. Is there a chance that I might speak to her?" Morbiss says standing.

"Not at this moment or perhaps today. Twilight is currently sleeping and wishes to not be disturbed by anypony." She says defensively.

"Yes, I understand that. But I'm not a pony as you can see." Morbiss says a grin spreading across his face.

"Yes, I can see that. Now please leave if you don't have any other business here than that." She says bored with the conversation.

"Humph. Ponies are a lot colder than I remember them. Or it might just be you. Either way how about warm that cold heart of yours." He says clapping his hands together and spreads them apart forming two orbs.

He places the red orb on the unicorns head before she can say anything or call the guards. All the passerby stop to see this. White backs away and sits on her rump first touching her head where his hand was and than clutching her chest. She coughs up blood and looks the man in the eyes before falling to her side her entire body on fire.

Everyone screams out which makes Morbiss yells ceasing the panics of everypony. Guards march into the room spells and weapons ready to use.

"Now come on. You guys are making too much noise. After all your princess is trying to sleep, no? All I want to do it see her one more time before I set off." Morbiss says throwing the orb back and forth between his two hands.

"You're going no where buddy." One of the unicorns growls pushing his way through the crowd of guards and firing a spell right away.

With his now free hand he brings it up and form a barrier in front of the spell forcing it to return to sender. It connects with him and sends him flying backwards into his buddies.

"Now calm down there kids. Lets not jump to conclusions. You take me where I want to and I promise I won't wake her up. I've got time to kill anyway. I've got quite the journey ahead of me I can."

"Shut you mouth! You're only wasting your breath." A stallion says in all black armor with a purple band going around the entire body armor.

"General or captain I presume? You really need to get control of your men if you are."

"Quiet beast. I don't know who or what you are, but when you kill citizens." Morbiss scoffs loudly to interrupt the man.

"Kill is such a strong word. I prefer set free really. Plus I didn't kill either one of them. I they die its because either they deserve it or by their own mean. You'll find that she's perfectly fine and might even have a bit of a attitude adjustment." Morbiss says a devilish smirk on his face, "As for the beast comment you need to learn how to spot a gentleman when he appears."

"I could care less. Now come with me. I'm taking you to our holding cell." The captain says stepping forward.

"Now, if you aggress against me and try to put me in said holding cell I'm going to fight back. Trust me. You don't want me to fight back. In fact, I'm surprised I'm even talking to you guys right now. I feel more inclined to tie you all down with chains and watch you starve to death. Maybe even some drowning and death by fire. Yea... that sounds nice now doesn't it?" Morbiss says clutching the orb in his left hand while his right one glows with a spell ready to fire if need to.

"Are you sure you want to make that mistake buddy?" The stallion says standing on his hind leg and unsheathing his blade at his side.

"Mistake? No. Right choice? Yes. Plus the only mistake I see here is having so many in one room. Well now that I think about it the blood will only have to be cleaned out of one room. But we can avoid all of that if we just take a step back and."

The stallions runs forward putting the blade in his mouth and aiming low. Morbiss tosses the orb which is easily dodged and easily distracts him. As the orb is thrown his right hand comes up to where the stallion is jumping and a blast of energy is fired penetrating the armor and the stallion. He falls to the ground in a clump and the sword skitters across the floor.

"Now that was a mistake. Also dragon like armor with enchantments on it to protect the user. Very nice. Maybe in a few hundred years you'll be able to learn how to enchant metal so that it actually helps against ancient beings instead of modern ones." Morbiss says laughing lowering both of his hands and walking over to the now bleeding body, "Careless too don't you guys think so? Don't know the creature that your messing with, don't know its name, its powers, and how smart it is. Pretty carless and reckless. A mistake at its finest. Don't think that pretty armor can protect you from everything. I know the enchantments on it is suppose to repel magic so it can prevent stuff like this from happening, but when your as old as me you kind of don't give a fuck about stuff like that cause it means nothing.

"Now where is Twilight? It would best to have someone escort me incase another "accident" happens."

No guards move. They're either petrified in fear or simply don't wish to help him. This only makes him chuckle. He plays his next card.

Morbiss points at a particular pegasus in front. A red mare with a blue mane, "You there!"

The mare, shaking in fear, points to herself, "M-M-Me?"

"Yes you. Come on over you've been chosen! Unless you don't know where she resides than I'll just pick another one. Than again since you don't know I'll have to make an example of you to jog other people or rather ponies' memory. Though I doubt I'll have to right?"

"N-N-N-N-N." The mare says taking small steps towards him.

"Oh don't be nervous! Calm down and everyone else continue with your day as if nothing happened. I'll be gone before ya know it. Trust me." Morbiss says walking to the mare and kneeling down.

"Now tell me your name." He places he right hand on her shoulder and ease magic over her body to keep her calm.

He comments to himself that if he had his greater power he would just take the information from her. He figures just play it calm and he won't have to burn the place to the ground.

"Risky Blaze." She stammers out.

Speaking of burning.

"Good. Feeling a little bit better? You know, if he didn't attack me I wouldn't have killed him. Keep that in mind alright." Morbiss says a cool smile on his face before he stand up patting her on the shoulder, "Now show me where Twilight is residing."

"O-O-Okay." She says before turning around.

She does in fact lead him to where she sleeps. which is on the upper levels of the castle which kind of explains why she didn't come flying down to see what all the noise was all about. Along the way he gets stares from some of the other ponies running around cleaning things and bringing things to different areas of the castle. Seeing all the different type of ponies and seeing at how well they live together and handle their work makes him start to realize that society today has really upgraded itself from is once harsh livings before. It feels very much molded from the old days of humanity.

"Good for you guys..." He breathes out.

"Huh?" Risky asks looking back.

"Nothing just keep moving."

Take our lives and take our way of living. Nothing indeed...

"But we're already here." She says opening the door to see a sleeping form in the middle of a for two bed.

"Thank you. You've done a good deed today madam. You can stay if you'd like. Though you can just leave me and her alone. Than again if you want to make sure I do nothing to her." Morbiss says walking in and sitting on the floor to the right of the bed so if she wakes up he'll be the first thing she sees. In theory.

The mare says nothing as she closes the door, shaking a bit, behind them. She stands in front of the door pondering why she is still here and even if he did try to pull something how would she stop him. They stay like this watching and listening to the slumber of a young princess Twilight.

It takes hours, but Twilight finally awakens. She sits up in bed her head still hurting and her mind racing from different thoughts. She has learned a lot over a couple of days and now it all seems to be catching up to her. She looks at her hooves as her vision refocuses. She looks up to see a mare without her armor on sitting in front of the door staring at her. Her features blur into view and she recognizes the mare immediately.

"Blaze? What are you doing here?" Twilight asks about to get out of bed.

"You have a visitor ma'am." She says pointing to her right Twilight's left.

Twilight turns to see the one creature she'd never expect to see when she first wake up. Morbiss stands up and gives a bow, "You're highness."

"What are you here for!?" Twilight asks frantically getting out of the bed and standing her full height.

"I've come by to give you a little heads up. I need supplies for the road and this town has supplies. Now, I don't know what type of money you take, assuming I would pay you ponies, so I'm going to be taking a few things.

"What!? Do you think I'll stand by and watch you."

"Ma'am... He's already killed the general Dark Flare." Blaze says looking towards the ground.

"...What?" Twilight says looking at her.

"and incapacitated two including a civilian and a soldier."

"Morbiss... What is wrong with you?" Twilight yells.

"Ma'am. It would've been more if we didn't cooperate with him. He's very powerful.. probably even more powerful than Celestia and Luna. I don't think."

"Hush now. Twilight and I have a little truce. I don't hurt her and she lets me pursue my goals." Morbiss says waving a dismissive hand towards her, "Let's just leave the stuff we've talked about at rest."

"But hurting my little ponies wasn't part of that deal." Twilight growls lowly.

"Who said that wasn't? Anyway, when the citizens come complaining you best have come up with an excuse on why you didn't stop this. Oh yea. Speaking of stopping things have you sent a letter to Celestia and Luna telling them of my arrival?"

Blaze perks up her ears at the sound of this. During the wait they had gotten to talk just a little and he explained quite a bit. He's very wise with his words and very elusive when answering questions. She had asked whether Celestia and Luna knew of his presence and he only looked at Twilight and smiled that devilish smile of his. So now she was about to get her answer.

She hopes its the answer she wants to hear.

"No, I still haven't contacted them. I don't fear that they'll fall to you even if it is a surprise. I don't believe you'll be as powerful as them or even more powerful." Twilight says stiffening up a bit, "Now, Morbiss, I won't stand here and listen to you speak of taking from the ponies that have done nothing against you and live under me."

Morbiss laughs, "Than you'll just watch me if you won't listen than."

Morbiss turns and heads for the door, "Stop!"

Twilight lets some magic out to grab onto him, but when she does a backlash of pain shoots back into her horn. Her magical hold on him breaks. Twilight falls to her side shaking uncontrollably.

"Princess!?" Blaze says rushing to her side.

Twilight lifts up her head, "I thought you said."

"I know what I said. I didn't hurt you. You hurt yourself. Also you're very predictable" Morbiss says without stopping or looking back.

Twilight tries to stand, but finds a violent shock go through her body. She shakes her head, "Go get the nurse."

"Yes Ma'am." Blaze says running off.

Once outside, Morbiss begins to walk down the streets looking from one shop to the next looking for a place that'll give him what he needs. He comes across a shop that sells bags. Well, the pony version of bags which is saddles and pockets that that go along the hooves and sides. He walks into the shop and greets the shopkeeper who seems to be watching him nervously. He finds one of their bigger bags and throws it over his right shoulder. He walks to the front and heads out with the shopkeeper stammering about stealing.

"Alright now for some..." He looks around the area and spots somepony he doesn't want to see.

"Morbiss?" The yellow pegasus from before asks walking up to him.

He rolls his eyes, "and what other human do you know? Now excuse me I've got to."

"Wait... I thought about what you said... I really think there is kindness in you and I really don't think kindness is weak." She says blocking his path.

"You're talking to the wrong Morbiss... Now move out of the way before I move you myself." He says taking a step forward.

"I will stand by my friends by standing by you." She stays moving out of his way.

"Ha! And what is that suppose to mean? Are you going to tail me?" He asks walking towards a nearby food stand.

"Yes. I'll try to get you to stop."

"And if you don't succeed?"

"I will." She says watching as he walks up to the stand, "What are you doing?"

Morbiss opens the first saddle bag and begins taking different fruits and putting them in the bag.

"Hey! That's stealing what do you think!?"

"As I please Fluttershy. As I please." He says shifting the bags and filling up the other one.

"Put those back. They're not yours!" Fluttershy says flying into his face.

"Never. I need them to eat." He says taking an apple and biting into it, "Mmm. Juicy. Also He doesn't mind. Do ya fellow?"

The earth pony behind the stall shakes his head his entire red coated body shaking.

"See? No harm no foul. Now Fluttershy. If you really wish to tail me You'll have to let me do as I please. Now I think you should rethink your choices a bit." Morbiss says turning away and walking towards the edge of town he walked into from.

Fluttershy walks behind him the entire time, "So you're really going for it huh?"

She nods her head, "Yes."

Morbiss laughs and shakes his head, "You really want to show me kindness."

"It is my element." She says matter-a-fact like.

"Well, there are a few things about kindness you don't know I bet. I can teach a new type of kindness while we're on our travel than. I can't kill you even though I really want to so I'll settle with trying to get rid of you. Seems fair right? Or do you want to head back now before things go from this calmness to the calamity that awaits."

"I'm not going back until you change your mind." She says defiantly.

"Ah. Two stubborn creatures walking two different paths side by side. Let's see how long this will last." Morbiss says finishing his first apple.

He has to admit one thing. Though the world isn't to his liking, they sure make some nice produce. He hasn't had food this well in... well, a long time. He looks into the sky to see the sun already on midday. He shrugs and continues walking changing their course towards the castle in the distance with Fluttershy seeking out a way to convince him otherwise of not attempting to kill their leaders.

Twilight lays in bed once again looking out the window. The nurse and Blaze had helped her into bed and left her to recover from the sudden magic coursing across her skin. She said its nothing like she had seen and when Twilight cast a spell across her skin to detect magic her horn frizzed and sparks of yellow shot from it. From those sparks she felt a bit of Celestia from it. It felt like a cold warmth though not the warm warmth that Celestia brings.

She continues to stare out the window watching the sky as birds and the sun move across it. A beautiful scenery that gets interrupted by the occasional pegasi team that fly by on patrol. Either clearing the skies or patrolling the town.

Laying there makes Twilight think as well. She had always looked up to Celestia and Luna and how they make great leaders. They had told her she would make a great leader as well. But... She sighs and continues to watch the skies.

Today has proven she might not be ready for that responsibility. She's not even as strong as them. She tries to keep a calm demeanor and tries to betray herself as a Alicorn of power, but time and time again she finds herself not intimidating any creature. Even a frog won't be scared of her.

She sighs and shakes her head, "As long as I have my friends we'll be unbeatable. I don't need intimidation as long as I have..."

She looks towards her flowers given to her by Rarity to see some of them wilting. She stares transfixed at the flowers finding that they give off a very weird feeling. As if something is wrong with them, "Did I forget to water them?"

She shakes her head and goes back to watching the sky. She closes her eyes and falls into another slumber. Her dreams are filled with what it was before. Nightmares of her friends separating because of her decisions. Dreams of her teachers sending her way for her decision of not telling them of an enemy against them. Everypony calling her a trader and banishing her from below the Appaloosa range.

She's been hoping that her decisions have been right. She doesn't want it to be wrong in the end, but more and more she realizes that things seem to be going against her. Instead of finding something that'll be helpful she has come across something that wishes to destroy.

Yet something seems to edge her more than that. When ever she's around him she feels... awkward. Like something is driving her towards him. When he had asked about sending a letter to the princesses she first had wanted to say she will but her mouth worked faster than her brain. When the girls had asked why she did it happened again.

Lately she has begun to speak in her dreams. Spike had informed her of this and she only brushed it off as stress talk.

"Why..." She asks herself throwing the covers over her head blocking the view of the world outside and the light that reaches into the room.

For some reason the light hurts her on the inside even when she's asleep. It feels as though the sun judges her while she's awake and while she's asleep. The constant dreams of everyone.

The thought of Celestia and Luna dying lingers in her mind more often than not now. Even the dreams of them dying before her begging for their lives before a giant shadow overwhelms them and heads for her. She prays to the maker that they don't, but the chance that they will.

She, her dream self, shakes her head again trying to rid herself of such thoughts and awaken herself from this nightmare and tortures thoughts.

"No, No. They won't... Celestia has taught me a lot and I've seen a lot. I know she's powerful enough to take him on." She whispers to herself not trusting her thoughts of saying that.

She awakens later drenched in sweat. The sun is almost below the horizon. She had just gotten swallowed by Morbiss and all the spirits of her friends and teachers were around her yelling at her telling her how much bad she has done to them and the world. She looks around the room frightened and her eyes fall onto the vase. The yellow flower that was once healthy is now wilted completely. The others seem healthy though just a bit wilted. She gets up and takes the yellow flower out before placing it in the trash.

"Poor thing." She says shaking her head and taking the vase.

She places it in the window so it can absorb some more of the sun that is on the horizon. After, she walks out and heads downstairs to see what has happened while she was asleep. It never occurred to her that the effects of the magic is no longer on her, Mostly cause her mind is else where. Lingering on the thoughts that nothing good ever happens around her and everyone will die because of her.

She shakes her head before walking into the foyer, "I'll protect the ponies closest to me."

Sadly, Celestia and Luna aren't close enough.

Author's Note:

I think I'm doing good. Sorry about the waits in between chapters I hit a serious roadblock with this chapter for some reason. I'll try to get the chapters out more frequently if possible. If not well than it might be a long wait before the next chapter.