• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 665 Views, 7 Comments

DLairgkht World - Groupiegatalo

With the fall of one Tirek the ponies are once again at rest. But a new problem peeks its head in an unsual form.

  • ...

A Journey

Morbiss sits on the ground sucking the dark energy halberd back into his body to enjoy the last bit of the night. He looks down to the dimming fire glow and his ever growing followers. A griffin and pegasus who fears me. He snorts and wonders how many more odd annoyances he'll have to get through before he has to deal with the last one. He shakes his head as he lies on his back to only see the sky replaced by a certain creature's head.

"Well hello there my ambitious human." Discord says a grin spreading across his face.

"You again. Its been a while since we last talked." Morbiss says sitting up and turning around as Discord forms an easy chair and sits in it relaxing quite a bit.

"It has hasn't it." Discord says summoning forth a table with two glasses of wine on it.

Discord takes up his and taps the liquid inside as the reddish purple hut turns completely purple, "I prefer grape juice over grape wine. Grape juice has a certain zing to it."

"This is wine?" Morbiss asks walking up to it and sloshing it around, "The stuff only the older people and the nobles could get a hold of, right?"

"Indeed. I figured might as well take a little edge off of you. You look real tense. Are you sure you're ready for this Morbiss? I mean I thought I was and I ended up stoned! And not the fun stoned mind you." Discord says seriousness taking on into his voice as he sips from his wine glass.

Morbiss shakes his head as he has his first taste of wine finding it a bit bitter., "No. I don't think I am."

Discord shakes his head, "Than why go after her. You could live in secret and raise havoc here and there and never have to worry about anyone but yourself."

"Not like I don't already. But our people Discord."

"Are all dead. Are your memories that bad that you forget that?" Discord says placing down his glass and starting at him, "The best place for the dead is in our memories and in our hearts. That's what I tell myself every day."

"No, I remember. But I wish I hadn't. My memories are slowly coming back Discord." Morbiss says rubbing the side of his head.

"Than what about Flint?"

"I don't." Morbiss start shaking his head.

"What would Flint say." Discord interrupts taking another sip from his glass feeling content with himself.

"Its not about Flint Damn it!" Morbiss says slamming his glass down nearly breaking it in the process.

"Are you sure? He said he would stop at nothing as well. And look at what that got him. Do you think he wants you following him in his footsteps. Only a few of us made it out alive that day and the other races hunted us down like game. I detest Celestia and Luna for I watched my students die at their hands after that day. She changed me and many others. But I'm lucky enough that my chaotic powers managed to undo the spell and change me into this. I nearly took this world over. But only lost because of my foolishness.

Never think you're immortal and unbeatable. You may be able to live as long as us, but you are not unstoppable." Discord says replacing Morbiss' glass with another one with a snap of his fingers.

"But that's you discord. I won't be foolish. I know my limits." Morbiss says taking a bit of offense.

"Do you? Or do you know Morbiss' limits."

Morbiss drinks down his glass of wine without answering his question. He simply stares at the wooden table before him. He places the glass down and is immediately refilled again by Discord who waits for his answer. He's sure he knows the answer by the silence shared between the two.

"So. I'm sure you're here for other reasons." Morbiss says taking up his glass.

"I am."

"Well." Morbiss says drinking his glass getting drunker.

"They're aware of your presence. They're not sure who you are or probably even remember you. So you still have an element of surprise. I would've came sooner, but Celestia and Luna wanted to ask me a few questions with Cadence." Discord says as Morbiss places down his latest drained cup. Discord makes the cup disappear, "I think that's enough for you."

Morbiss nods his head, "I do feel a bit better..."

"You would feel a lot better if... hmmm. You'll figure that out on your own. But besides the point. Morbiss you need to look out for the ones around you and yourself. Or you might end up losing everything again." Discord says clapping his hands together making the table fold into itself till it disappears, "Everything has its price. You just need to find the right set for it."

"Discord... Are you sure there is no others left?" Morbiss asks rubbing his eyes.

"Yes. I've looked. But never in the dungeons. There could, might, be more down there. But I dare not search too deep for I might not come back. Even chaotic powers have their limits."

Morbiss shakes his head, "It must be lonely for you. Being alone for so long. You must have gotten over it by now right?"

"No, I can't say I have. It brings a light in my void of a heart to see that there is in fact one more human being out here." Discord says kicking his chair that flies straight into the air as if gravity has no effect on it, "You know. You're going to fill it too. After you have time to settle in."

"I already feel it Discord... And I've only been here for what? Three days. I guess I'm not really lonely. I have the lighter energy and the neutral. But they're not really there. I don't exist and neither does the lighter energy." Morbiss says sitting on the ground and staring at the ground in between his legs, "Its hard to accept that fact sometimes."

"Than why do you keep going?" Discord asks floating in the air.

"Because I've got nothing less. Other than ambition. Plus it feels right." Morbiss says looking at his hands, "Just the thought of having Celestia's or Luna's neck in my hands as I choke the last bit of life out of their eyes... It just seems so right."

"Sometimes it's best not to act on a whim."

"You should know that from experience huh..."

Discord nods his head and he sighs, "I'll be going. Having so much power together for too long always brings problems. Make sure you keep up your end of the deal."


Discord snaps his fingers and a small wood pile appears next to him, "Take the wood and stock the fire. I'm sure your guest are going to get colder as the night goes on."

Morbiss nods his head, "Thanks Discord. Especially for the drinks. I needed that."

Discords nods his head before twirling around and disappearing followed by sparkling particles falling to the ground.

"Very... flashy..." Morbiss comments shaking his head with a smile on his face.

With wood pile in hand he heads back to the camp, stocks the fire, and sits there thinking over things with his tipsy mind. He looks over the griffin and pegasus mare who accompany him. He shakes his head disagreeing with the thoughts that keep coming to his head. He has nothing in common with them other than being sentient. There's nothing at all that connects him and them. Though as he looks at them he starts to notice how human they are.

And that simply scares him.

Morning breaks and Light Morbiss finds himself sitting there watching the horizon and the castle of the sisters he wishes to meet very soon. The first to awake, noticed by the cute yawn emitted from her mouth, is Fluttershy. She raises her head and looks around before laying her head back down and shaking her body.

"Morning Fluttershy. I hope you slept well." Morbiss says stretching his back.

"Morning Morbiss." Fluttershy responds before looking at the awaking griffin, "Morning Nigel."

The griffin nods his head as he awakens sleepy eyed. Nigel shakes his head and cleans off his beak, "Morning already."

"Yep." Morbiss says shaking his head, "I'll never get used to how odd all of this is. Day and Night are suppose to last differently. Not even."

"Oh? Really? I heard tells of a land that was once like that. But they said it was lost in ancient times." Nigel says nodding his head.

"Yea... It was lost alright..." Morbiss says shaking his head, "Lost and destroyed. But balance will restore where order has overdone its job. Not everything deserves to be watched and used."

"So how were the night's and days." Fluttershy asks curious of the world that they have supposedly taken over.

Morbiss sits there and contemplates telling them. He thinks of Discord's words and shakes his head. He doesn't want to tell them, but he also knows that the neutral side of him, the real Morbiss, would do it just to please his teacher. And to please Nigel curiosity.

"Well, the days and night were always based on the position of the earth. If we were closer to the sun, longer days. Further away, longer nights. That also affected each other too. Longer days shorter nights. Longer nights shorter days. But what really mattered was time. Though all of that is probably messed up..." Morbiss says thinking about it.

"Really now? Nigel asks walking to the bag of apples and taking one out, "How did you guys measure time?"

Morbiss scoffs, "You don't want to go that deep so soon. They'll be a time for all of that. Maybe. Right now we got to keep moving forward. We got a whole forest to track through. If we all survive, well if you two survive, we'll have a nice lovely chat over biscuits and tea."

"Really?" Nigel asks excited.

"Don't bet on it." Morbiss says chuckling lowly as he gets up and walks over to the food bag and pulls out an apple for his enjoyment.

"Alright. Well the forest we're about to pass through is home to a race of archnosaipains and reptilian like creatures that have wings and don't have wings. Similar to dragon but smaller and dumber. The few fairies that live in there are very greedy and sometimes will lead travelers off to their death. Just for their valued, shiny goods." Nigel says bringing back some of his studies to his head.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy says, "Is there a way around? I think the forest might be a bit too-"

"Well yes, but we would reach our destination a lot faster if we went through." Nigel responds interrupting her in the process, "If we stay on path of course."

"Risky... I like it already." With a giant smile he closes the bag and puts it to his back, "If you don't like it Fluttershy you can-"

"I'm going." Fluttershy says interrupting with a hint of anger in it. She eeps and backs down, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

"It's alright Fluttershy. The longer you stay with me the more you'll fill the need to speak out of turn." Morbiss says stretching his legs, "Now lets get moving."

"Right." Nigel says throwing away his husk with Fluttershy's.

Nigel takes up his weapon and Fluttershy cleans up camp soon following after the two other creatures her thoughts upon the animals and creatures she might encounter in Bog's Forest.

Minutes upon entering the forest they've already ran into a problem. Though far from the presence of the Canterlot influence pegasi scouting teams fly over head and through the tree line usually followed by three unicorns in order to detect magic on the ground. Passing by one of the groups Nigel managed to pick up a bit of information. Now Morbiss sits poised in the middle of a small pathway, made by repeated traveling, waiting for the next group to pass.

"You sure about what you heard?" Morbiss asks fully confident in himself, just not in their plan.

"I'm sure I'm sure! If its one thing our bird like nature is good at is picking up quiet noises. That's how you catch the sneakiest of pray." Nigel says from somewhere nearby.

"And Fluttershy is okay with this?"

"After a bit of, "Nigel coughs a bit, "convincing."

"Right... I guess the sooner they get here the better huh?"

No reply which only means he has heard something or Fluttershy is having doubts... again. Either way Morbiss prepares himself lumbering a piece of the darkness into him for a bit.

No... stop... too bright...

"That's what you get for drinking too much buddy." Morbiss chides the darker voice known as dark Morbiss.

Damn you...

"Yea yea nice pleasantries and all that... Now we're going to have a bit of fun okay? I want you to-"

Kill you?

"If you could that would be humorous. Now I need you to put off an aura of darkness during our little talk. Strike some fear into them. I would do it myself, but I just don't feel like it."

No. Your face should be enough to do the job.

Morbiss sighs, "A prick as always..."

Coming from sir prick himself.

The fluttering of wings catches his ears as they come flying faster than he anticipated. Looking up he can see green pegasi dressed in different armor with different symbols on them. Three of them have suns, Celestia no doubt, and the two others crescent moon, Luna's definitely, and they seem completely intent on getting to Morbiss. Morbiss smiles and raises a hand up at them and leaves it there all the way till they land.

"Greetings ponies! How's it going?" Morbiss asks calmly.

"Shut it monster!" One of the pegasi, a pegasus with a light green coat and yellow mane on the right, yells getting closer.

"Monster? I assume you're talking about something behind me for I am no-"

"Quit it with your honeyed words." Morbiss simply chuckles and shakes his head at the violent words.

"But honeyed words are the best. The ears taste the sweetness of them and drinks and bathes within it." Morbiss says starting to get up.

One of the pegasi comes forward brandishing one of the blades on it's side, right side, with his mouth. He stands on his hind legs and takes his sword in hoof pointing it towards Morbiss.

"Stand. Down."

"Oh? But I haven't done anything yet! That's no fun is it? I though the way it works is I do something like this." At the end of his sentence a whip of light comes out and smacks into the air causing a burst of light making them all look away blinded, "And you guys respond with."

"Get him!" A pegasus yells.

"Righty-o! Except."

Two pegasi scream out as their eyes start regaining their sight. In the hands of Nigel are two dead pegasi held by their neck within his talons. Before any of them can give an order Morbiss strikes with his whip wrapping it around the nearest pegasus' head and yanking backward the rope turning into a circular blade easily slicing the head off and sending up a beacon of blood. The last two begin backing away in soundless mouth movements. They look at each other and try to run speaking silent words between each other.

The pegasus on the right quickly finds a spear through his gut pinning him to the ground during the run. The one on the left takes flight crying and yelling for help. Morbiss simply looks at Nigel and nods his head. Nigel nods his head and goes into the bushes and brings out his halberd then takes flight after the pegasus. Knowing that it won't get far Morbiss walks over to the pinned pegasus and grabs its mane after knocking it's blackish helmet off.

"Well that was quick and simple..." Morbiss muses to himself, "Though I would have had to use the whip if SOMEONE was a bit more cooperative."

No reply. He can still fill him there but no reply at all. Morbiss silently wonders to himself if the neutral will have a taste for alcohol because of the other's action.

Morbiss shakes his head while looking at the dying pegasus knowing that none of it was ever their fault. They joined because they believe that Celestia and Luna always now best. A shame really. A bunch of dead, brave bastards. Oh well. Forming a dagger Morbiss quickly slit the front part of its throat before dropping the head.

Speaking of bastards, his mind goes to Fluttershy wondering if she has done her job yet. If she hasn't than more blood shed. If she has... well let it burden her soul a bit. Morbiss starts walking down the road whistling a little tune that has come to mind. He can't really put a name too it, but it's comforting. In an odd sense really.

A sense of comfort...

"Maybe I am going to die..." Morbiss says chuckling to himself before returning to his wordless tune.

Morbiss stands beside Nigel as they stand above Fluttershy as lies on her stomach staring a dead purple unicorn in a black robe in the eyes. It's closed dead lifeless eyes seem to bury into her the most out of everything. She still has tears running down her face, but her sobs of sadness have ceased. To the thanks of Morbiss.

"See. He looks peaceful. No worries or anything. Using your kindness you've helped them escape to a better place. That's the true kindness. Helping others fine their happiness. Even if it means helping them leave this world so I can't get to them." Morbiss says while stroking her mane.

"Isn't that right Nigel?"

"Yea. They'll go to the place they deserve and soon we will too. Maybe." Nigel says walking over to the nearby path and checking, "I doubt they'll be coming this way for a while. Should we head out now?"

Fluttershy nods her head, "Please."

Fluttershy rises dropping the unicorn's head to the ground and starts walking away tears still falling. Morbiss shakes his head and looks at the cause of their death. Sharp vines hang from trees that have bodies of different creatures upon them. Including three unicorns that look fresher than the others that hang penetrated in different ways and dry blood clinging to their bodies.

A beautiful sight really. One that makes him think of Celestia and Luna. He wonders what beautiful art he can make with them. Their bodies tangled and mangled with each other. Bones askew with organs showering like a bloodied fountain. It sends a shiver down his spine. A shiver of bliss.

He chuckles and starts after Nigel and Fluttershy who are already a head of them on the path. Morbiss meets up with them and begin the walk down the path looking like the oddest group anybody has ever seen. A griffin, a still crying pegasus, and a mad human who's chuckling to himself. A group of groups really. A group of killers.

Nigel thinks they're growing on him, Fluttershy sometimes questions why she's doing this, and Morbiss wonders how long these two will last. All their thoughts are on each other and yet their so differently. Fluttershy's mind because emptier and emptier with what she thinks Twilight will say if she ever found out about this. Than a thought, a very dark thought, entered her mind. Morbiss seemed to pick up on it by watching as he face changes from sadness to disgust and fear. It simply makes him laugh more which catches the attention of Nigel.

"And what's so funny I might ask?" Nigel asks preening his wings a bit before continuing.

"Oh just a few thoughts of me being on my own really." Morbiss says chuckling, "So much blood..."

"Blood lust is a dangerous thing." Nigel replies.

"Only when it consumes you. The red hasn't been in my eyes for a long while so I should be good." Morbiss replies not really concerned with his warning, "I'm more worried about you guys really. At least you held your own Nigel. Maybe in the new world you could make a great assassin."

"I'd rather be a scholar." Nigel says shaking his head while chuckling, "But that's a second option."

"Got to leave some type of second option. That's where we kind of messed up. We left only one option and that was it. Our downfall." Morbiss says sighing, "Now we'll just keep doing the same thing. We're all one tracked people."

"I see." Nigel says nodding his head, "That can truly be a downfall..."

"Yes. But you guys won't have to worry about that. Everything is so peaceful. I wonder how long that'll last when I fuck things up."

"If you do..." Fluttershy reminds him, "Though you can always stop and-"

"You just committed murder! You don't talk to me about not killing!" Morbiss says laughing in ecstasy.

Fluttershy goes quiet and looks away with a small sobbing choke emitting from her throat. It would sadden normal people, but for Morbiss it's a delicious sound. A sound that he wishes for two other's to hear it come from. Only in do time he reminds himself. In do time.

On that note he looks at Nigel, "Have you made any plans for fighting and keeping the guards busy yet?"

"No, but I have an idea." Nigel says tapping a finger on the bottom part of his beak.

"Really now? You've thought up more than I thought you would've." Morbiss says patting the griffin on the back.

"Tsk. A joker as usual." Nigel says smiling a bit.

"Nah. I'm no joker buddy. If I remember him right you guys would be dealing with poisonous flower and acid spray bottles." Morbiss says chuckling as a memory of some funny looking guy comes to mind, "If I remember right he had a catch phrase... I think it was why not the ponies or something like that."

"Well than... It sounds like quite the colorful character."

"Yes, thought I have to say Flint was never eager to be around him. He kept saying something about a bomb. I don't know I was- well he was young at the time." He says scratching the back of his head, "Though that doesn't concern us. Right now we have company coming."

Morbiss picks up Fluttershy by the throat and makes a sword of light energy., "Good thing you've been crying this entire time. You'll only have to be an accessory of murder this time."