• Published 28th Jun 2014
  • 665 Views, 7 Comments

DLairgkht World - Groupiegatalo

With the fall of one Tirek the ponies are once again at rest. But a new problem peeks its head in an unsual form.

  • ...

Traveling and meetings.

Morbiss searches through the front bag and picks out an apple that he bites into savoring the taste of the juice that the fruit provides. He has to admit, food around here taste a lot better than he remembers. Looking at the horizon he can already see the sun starting to lower. He stops and watches the glorious ball of fiery death fall below the horizon and the jealous moon slowly rise right behind it. He sighs as he slips away and another takes control of the body known as Morbiss.

"Night again? It feels like it just ended..." Morbiss speaks out a little depressed his body changing to accommodate the swap in power.

"Oh well, at least you got a lot done today." He says taking another bite of the apple wondering just how these apples are so juicy.

He looks behind him at the far away town of Ponyville that has brought him good fortune. Because of them he now has food and a way to carry things. Unfortunately, he doubts they'll be too keen to letting him back in. Though he didn't kill anyone the fear that he hopes he put into them might make them think twice before letting him get too close to them again. Than again he also had to bring a guest along against his better judgment. So at least he'll have a bit of leeway if he brings her back unharmed.

He sits down and lets out a large sigh. Its been a long day so far and he fears.

"Finally..." He says taking the bag and placing it in front of him.

"Morbiss? Or I guess night Morbiss?" His guest says walking up slowly and cautious like.

"Yea? What can night Morbiss do for ya annoying one." He says looking at the bag in front of him.

"I was wondering um what is uh what's your plan for fighting them. They've lived a long time and."

"Don't worry about it. Just know that if you stick around long enough you'll see. Try not to get caught up in my fight or you'll die. Or if he can't finish off the job fast enough I'll die and you won't get to see. It all depends on him. Morning Morbiss I guess you would call him." He says looking from the bag to his yellow pegasus companion.

"N-N-No... I call him Light Morbiss... I'm starting to see the difference... Not that they're big or anything um..." She says shuffling her hooves.

Morbiss stands and spreads his hands taking in a deep breath. Over his body a dark aura can been seen rippling over his body. He lets out his held breath and collects power into his right hand. An orb forms before it starts changing into different shapes. First a square, a pyramid, a spear. sword, and eventually stops on a knife.

"Ha. Looks like I can still form it. Maybe I'll get to stab her again." He says to himself practicing a few stabs in the air.

"A-A-Again? Who did you S-S-S."

"Celestia. But that was a luck of the draw that day. They were escorting me one day from my cell to the investigation room when I managed to wiggle free from her grasp. At that time I didn't know how to control my power so I ended up forming something close to a knife with my power and stabbing the bitch right in the side." He laughs slowly remembering her face and the shock on it, "I went to stab her again but found a spear in both my arms and a rope around my neck that dragged me to the ground on my back. I thrashed about and released a bunch of pent up energy that day. I know none of you noticed it but there are a lot of burn marks caused by me in there."

"Speaking of which." He holds up his right arm and a beam shoots out from it making the aura around him shrink and press closer to his skin.

Even though Fluttershy isn't magical herself she can feel the power of dark energy flowing over her entire body. It's a cold and yet comforting at the same time. It passes over her and voices whisper in her ear. They tell her things. Things she can't remember as the feeling goes away.

"You know. If you want to die that badly you can just ask me."

Fluttershy is snapped out of her thoughts to find her grip tight around her throat and not a breath coming into her lungs. She brings down her hooves with a gasp which brings on a onslaught of coughs.

"Keep forgetting that you guys are probably not used to that anymore." Morbiss says, "Also don't call me Night Morbiss call me Dark Morbiss. Dark and light are two conflicting elements. They can't live in harmony no matter what people say."

"But Celestia and Luna..." Fluttershy manages to get out after catching her breath.

"Are perfect examples. You don't know the past as I do. They used to be at each others throats. Always. Pulling pranks and such was just the top layer. They challenged each other to duels and always sought out who could be stronger. They studied under their parents each one trying to outdo each other. Their parents paid them no mind as they had a country to run and enemies to bring down. The griffins oh man the griffins." Morbiss cracks a sympathetic smile, "They put up a good damn fight... We did better if I do say so. I used to wonder that if they had our power could they have..."

Morbiss sits down and raises his hands into air forming a big dark orb in his left and a smaller yellow orb in his right. He watches them both as they bob up and down slowly and out of rhythm of each other. The big one slowly rises and falls while the smaller one quickly bobs. He tries to bring them closer together but they simply repel each other.

He sighs and shakes his head, "Of course not. Maybe it would increase the chances but still..."

"Are you okay?" Fluttershy asks not really knowing much about neurological problems.

"Why do you care? Is it sympathy? Is it hatred? Do you wish to watch me fall or are you here for you own selfish needs? No, its none of it I know. You're here cause you wish to keep me from causing harm. You're here to show me kindness where no one else will. Yet the reason still remains why... I sometimes think you don't actually have a reason. You're just creating one. Am I hitting near the bull's-eye or am I still off a few yards?"

She keep quiet unsure on how to answer. He isn't lying when he says she's making up a reason, but also she wants to see for herself whether he can do it or not. She feels disgusted with herself at thinking of letting him try, but.

"I care for you. I don't want to see you get yourself hurt or worse." Her mouth always answers for her.

"Sure you do. Just like all the other ponies out there. Tell me. What made you care for other creatures? There has to be a reason."

"Well it has to do with my cutie mark." She says presenting her flank to him, "I got it when."

"No no no. Cutie marks mean nothing. They're there to tell you what your great at not what you're personality is. Not what truly shapes you. Do they not teach you guys that anymore? Or are they just so ignorant of themselves and their past that they just don't care any more." Morbiss says crushing both the orb away into his skin.

"What do you mean?" She asks sitting close by.

"I once met a pony who's cutie mark was a checkerboard. I played him in a game of checkers and chess to get him calm and talking while I opened his mind to myself. But his true talent I learned was not the game themselves but the strategy that goes behind them. I played him at other games that he hasn't played. He beat me each and every time cause I don't know the strategy to the game. He called himself just a regular soldier, but at the end of the investigation I got him to admit he's really a first level tactician that got left behind by his team." He turns towards her and looks her straight in the eye, "Now, what really makes you you. It's not the picture on your butt. I know that much. It's not the kindness that spills from your mouth. So, tell me what makes you you."

Fluttershy looks away giving a distant look. She had always lived far away from town cause she didn't like being near so many ponies. Her mother had always taught her to be kind to everypony she sees and she tried that. Her kindness got abused though. They beat her and called her names. Only when Rainbowdash came around did things change for her. Before she had no one and even now it feels that she has no one again since Rainbow isn't around as much because of her Wonderbolt training.


"You don't have to answer now. Answer later if you have to. Just let your thoughts run over it a little. I know what makes me me. I've always lived carefree and relaxed. Or at least that's what my thoughts tell me. I can only remember so much and yet slowly more thoughts come to mind. I don't remember if they were ever mine to begin with or not. But I know the violence I feel to your kind is there and is mine. It forms me.

I want to kill each and every one of you. And yet I know that'll solve nothing. So I'll strike a huge blow. That makes me a."

"Tactician..." Fluttershy whispers just audibly enough for him to catch it.

"Correct and wrong. It makes me that as well, but I am a one tracked minded person. I focus all my time into a plan and nothing more. I don't have a exit strategy and I don't have a plan for after even if I live. I'm suicidal mostly. A suicidal fool. But I'm not going to lay down and take my beating. Oh no. I'm going to stand up to the leader and fight." Morbiss clenches up his fists, "I'm not going to be their whipped bitch anymore. I'm going to show them the kindness I've been holding back all these years."

Fluttershy backs away a bit seeing the mad glare he's giving the ground, "W-W-What did they do to you?"

"Many things. Many many things. I've already told you a bit. If I told you more you'll only try to make me remember the past and reopen wounds." He relaxes a bit by taking in a deep breath, "Now eat something and go to sleep. If you're going to tail me you're going to need your strength. Or don't. Doesn't matter to me. I need something more to do than sleep. I've been sleeping for the past... millennium or so? Hard to tell time anymore..."

Fluttershy makes her way shyly to the bag of food and takes out a peach and bites into as she watches Morbiss rise and walk off a bit before playing with his dark powers. He forms weapons such as a spear, sword, knife, and even a great sword. He even wields the great sword with one hand as he swings it. He practices fighting against nothing moving with difficulty at first but slowly gets into the swing of things.

Fluttershy watches with an interested gaze. It's almost like watching a creature relearning how to walk or fly. Soon he's sweating and in mid swing or stab his weapon switches between so many things. She's not sure how long she sits there and watches him but she soon finds herself sitting with four big seeds from a peach in front of her.

Morbiss is down on one knee huffing from the stress he's put on himself and the fatigue that comes with forcing yourself past your limits. He coughs and sits down his head leaning back so he can see the starry skies. His hands go behind him keeping his body up.

"That was amazing..." Fluttershy says walking over, "I've never seen somepony do that with magic before."

"That's because... I'm not a pony." Morbiss says with an exhausted chuckle, "I'm a monster... or more accurate a human."

Fluttershy says nothing to this. She hasn't accepted the fact of what he is nor does she deny that he is some type of evil intended being. For now she considers him a misunderstood villain. She sits beside him and looks into the sky with him.

"Do the stars look different?" She asks after a minute of silence between them.

"Yes. Much. I can't even make out the old constellations anymore." He says shaking his head.

"I can teach you some." She says hoping to get closer to him.

"No. I don't care about what you ponies think nor will I ever. You can try to be a friend to me, but you're nothing more that just a spectator to me." He says never once glancing at her.

Fluttershy goes quiet again. They stay like this staring into the sky. Eventually Fluttershy yawns and falls asleep. Once she does Morbiss stands and begins practicing again on his spell casting. Relearning on controlling how much power he puts into it. On which spell needs certain words and how to use the lighter side if need be. He has to admit that learning to use the light side and pool the darkness around him are some of the hardest things.

Eventually he finds himself sitting on a nearby hill the earth around it scorched from darkness. He looks down at the sleeping pegasus. He knows he can simply leave her here and be on his way, but what fun would that be. He wants to see how dedicated she can be to the cause.

Twilight sits in her chair tapping a hoof against the crystal chair. She shakes her head hating to wait for so long. It always ticks her off.

"Don't worry Twilight they're."

"I know they're coming! Damnit Spike!" Twilight yells involuntary as she is both annoyed and tired.

During the events of Morbiss' visit ponies are complaining and asking for more protection. Her guards are whispering amongst themselves of the down fall of Twilight and what to do when that happens if at all it does. Some of them even speak treachery. They say if she can't protect herself or her guards with her magic what makes her suitable for leading an army let alone having one.

This has gnawed at her ever second on the second. She wants to make an example of herself to show she has true power but at the same time she knows that is not the way to go.

She had called a meeting with her friends of an urgency by carrier, but none of them have showed yet. It's already been eight minutes since the carrier came back saying they're on the way. She had come to expect Applejack and Rarity being late, but never Pinkie or Rainbowdash. She's not too sure about Fluttershy. She's probably looking for Rainbowdash to come get her or something. Either that or an animal just showed up injured.

Sometimes she wished her kingdom was an animal so at least she would arrive here early to see how hurt it is.

"Sorry Twilight..." Spike says slinking into her chair more.

"No, I'm sorry I lashed out like I did. That's not the proper attitude for a princes..." She says watching the door.

Finally, thank Celestia, her friends walk in one by one their heads lowered. Seeing their sober moods pulls Twilight a bit out of her madness.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asks hoping that it makes up for their tardiness.

"Fluttershy is gone and most of the town are arguing with the guards demanding an explanation for why that creature could take as he want without you doing anything. We tried to explain as best as we can but." Applejack states taking her seat, "I'm not much of a negotiator."

"Its a shame really..." Rarity says next, "I wish I was there to give him a what for for thinking he can take whatever he wants without consequence. And worse yet he even took Fluttershy."

"Fluttershy?" Twilight asks confused, "Why?"

They all look at each other wondering who'll give their theory first. Rainbowdash speaks up first.

"I think he wants to separate us so he can take us down one by one. He knows we'll all fight harder if we lose somepony close to us. So I think after he's done with the princess...." Rainbowdash closes her eyes to prevent tears to come from them.

He voices shakes even more, "He might kill her... Hoping to push us to be as strong as we can to fight him..."

Rainbowdash looks away hiding her face from the others. Twilight watches her before looking at the others and than at spike before sighing, "I guess I'll be going there than..."

"What do you mean?" Rarity asks thinking her theory might be the most accurate.

"I'm going to Canterlot to meet him. Whether he wins or lose at least I know I was there. He says he's going to kill me anyway so I might as well be there for the fight right? I might turn the tide of the fight. I have to go and be with Celestia and Luna even if they don't know what's coming. I know Morbiss won't be there soon so I'll wait. I want to make a plan if something happens." Twilight says looking away from her friends holding back her tears.

"Nothing will happen. We'll go with you and." Rainbow speaks up before getting cut off.

"No, Please don't... I trust you guys to run after we're all gone when we... if we lose." Twilight says finding her focus more on the outside of the room than the inside of the room.

Things look darker don't they.

"When you? What in tarnation makes ya say that?" Applejack says jumping out of her chair, "And why don't you let us fight by you?"

"Because you all have family that lives in this town and need you for their support." Twilight says looking at each one except Rainbowdash, "And Rainbow. You have a filly that would be very sad if the mare she looks up to went missing."

They sit there quietly. They know the risks and have been thinking it over if it came to that. Rarity came to the conclusion that if the princesses were to fall than fighting such a monster would be bad for the health. Applejack has made peace with herself and decided to put up as much as a fight she knows Rainbowdash will. Rainbowdash will forever stay loyal to her best friend and princess no matter what the cost.

"I want you guys to try your best to run in my... in all of our absence really... I doubt Morbiss will do more harm than he attends to do like he said. So if we all die than you guys will have to pick up from where we left off. Okay?" Twilight says not meeting any of their gazes as the reality of what she says crashes onto her.

Tears punch at all of their eyes. The first to cry is Spike as he grabs onto Twilight's forearm, "Please don't go..."

Seeing Spike like this breaks Twilight's heart. She hates herself for thinking of going and she hates herself for a lot of things. But her nightmares and thought have proved treacherous. If she is going to die she at least wants to die with a bit of peace on her mind.

"Twilight.... Please come back to all of us.." Rainbowdash says openly crying, tears running down her cyan fur.

She makes no attempts to hide them from the girls and stares Twilight down, "I won't ever forgive you if you die and I wasn't there to prevent it."

"Dash I-"

"Please, Please Twilight. Promise me. Promise me that you won't die." Rainbowdash says.

Twilight shakes her head and hangs her head down, "I'll do the best that I can Dash. For all of you."

She feels a tight hug go around her. Her vision is covered in pink, "Pinkie!?"

"Twilight... I heard everything... Fluttershy is... is..." she takes a big gulp, "And I don't want you too."

The breakdown in Pinkie's voices unbearable. The always happy mare is completely broken down. Marks of where she's been crying before are still there. Her hair is flat and lays limply towards the ground in its own depression. Her voice is broken and choppy. Soon she finds all the other girls crying and holding onto her. Even spike is in the middle of it crying into Twilight's foreleg.

"Oh girls..." Twilight says crying along with them.

In that moment she feels completely idiotic. She's led herself to this path. She can change it, but would it be fore better or worse?

A white pristine Alicorn walks down the halls of her and her sister's castle. Lately she has been doing this late at night. Walking the halls and greeting the night guards as they walk past while remembering the past events that have taken place that has formed this place into what it is. A capital for all of Ponydom.

But lately she has felt that it is in danger once again. Once again she feels a dark power emerging and rising in strength. This night she has felt it strongly in her body. Her magic even sparked a bit at the thought of having to fight such an opponent. But at the same time the power feels so familiar.

"Sister..." A dark Alicorn says walking in front of her at a cross path, "I feel it."

"Me as well sister." The white Alicorn says shaking.

She can only imagine that the others can feel it as well. Celestia looks out towards the garden on her right and into the sky. She wishes she still had the guidance of her parents to this day. Though she and her sister have been making it through lately things have happened beyond their true understanding.

"What will we do?" The black Alicorn asks standing beside her sister.

"We'll wait and see what will happen. If it truly is a great threat than we will deal with it when necessary. For now we must watch over our little ponies and make sure they are ignorant to what ever force is rising against us." Celestia says glancing over a few statues

"Of course." With that they separate already mentally preparing for a day that is soon to arrive.