• Published 15th Oct 2015
  • 13,696 Views, 1,462 Comments

Back To The Past - Onomonopia

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Blade of Justice

"Quite the turnout." The voice was as ancient as it was powerful and Jack could feel the power in it reverberate in his chest, making him feel slightly uneasy when he saw the centaur begin to look around the room. Fearing that his eyes would give him away, Jack stealthily pulled the pin from his hair and let it tumble into his eyes. He then followed the other ponies and stared up at the stage blankly as the centaur's gaze passed over him. For a quick moment he felt the being's eyes rest on him, before the centaur shrugged and moved on.

"Yes...this shall most certainly be a feast," the centaur chuckled with a nod before he waved a finger towards a pony in the crowd, who immediately walked up onto the stage. Jack narrowed his eyes beneath his hair while the centaur stared down at the pony, smiling slightly at the blank expression on his face. "This obedience spell of that wizard has really done wonders. I could not imagine how difficult this would be if these ponies had started to panic and called in Celestia and her fools. Perhaps I should have waited before sucking out his magic as well."

While Jack was preoccupied trying to blend in with the crowd, he did not notice that the centaur had moved its head close to the pony's and opened his mouth wide. Jack snapped out of his thoughts and spun his head towards the centaur in time to see a blue light escape from the pony's mouth and be absorbed by the centaur, causing the marks on the pony's flank to vanish. Then, the light changed into a far darker light and quickly the very color was being sucked out of the pony...as well as the light in its eyes.

Realizing what was about to happen, Jack reached down for his blade, but before he could draw it the pony fell to the floor without a sound, looking like the other ponies that Jack had discovered on his way here. Through his hair, Jack stared with horror and regret at the motionless being, shutting his eyes with grief before slightly looking away.

"Not bad, but you could hardly be called a meal," the centaur chuckled as he grew slightly, looking at his hands with a nod before his eyes turned back to the crowd. "But in order for me to grow as strong as I need to be, I not only need a pony with great magical strength...but also a great life force as well." Jack then felt the centaur's eyes rest upon him, forcing Jack to stare back at the being from beneath his hair.

'So be it, monster. If you wish to face me, then you shall-'

"Well, look who it is. I haven't seen you since you and your friends sent me back to Tartarus," the centaur said with a laugh before he motioned for the pony to join him on the stage...and to Jack's horror, Applejack then began to move towards the stage. Fearful of losing the element of surprise, Jack made the choice to stay in place and not go after her, but he kept his eye on her the entire time as she walked up on stage.

"Yes...you posses a great power. Why, after absorbing your magic and your life force I will be powerful enough to take on anypony that dares to stand in my way," the centaur laughed while he placed a finger under Applejack's chin and smiled into her eyes, before glancing out at the crowd once more. "But I loathe the taste of apples, so I will need another flavor to go with you...ah yes, you have a great magical power as well. Come."

Jack did everything in his power to not turn around to see the pony that had been chosen, but when the pony began to walk to the stage Jack heard how the hoofsteps were different than those that had come before. They were...softer, lighter and seemed much closer together. But all doubt was cast from Jack's mind when the pony joined the centaur on stage...allowing Jack to see that the pony that had been chosen was a small filly. And then his eyes narrowed into slits.

"Yes, you two shall go down well together," the centaur laughed before opening his maw wide, delight gleaming in his eyes as golden light began to shine off the ponies and be sucked into his mouth. For a brief moment he could taste the power, the power that would have allowed him to strike down Celestia and her pawns and finally give him control over the world.

And then he heard the scream.


The centaur turned just in time to see a pony in a white kimono hurtling through the air towards him with a sword held high, letting out a cry of rage so great that for a moment even the centaur was taken aback. Then the steel flashed and the centaur howled in pain, staggering to the side as he held a hand to his head. He pulled his hand away to see that there was no blood...and then he looked past his hand to see one of his horns lying on the stage beside him.

"Who dares?" he whispered while he turned towards the pony, who was standing between him and the two ponies that a moment ago he had nearly feasted upon, with a blade pointed at the centaur's chest. Steam blew out of the centaur's nose as he began to march towards the samurai, who held his ground while he glared up at the creature with eyes blazing with rage. "Who do you think you are pony, that you believe that you can strike at me and live?"

"They call me Jack. And I am here to put an end to your evil!" Jack roared while he lunged towards the centaur, who laughed as he slammed his hands into the flying samurai. Jack took the punch square in the gut and sailed to the other side of the stage, crashing into numerous props that rested off stage.

"I am Tirek, the future ruler of Equestria and all the world," Tirek introduced as Jack pushed himself back to his hooves, brushing his mane out of his face while he glared daggers at the centaur. "And my power makes me far stronger than any who seek to oppose me. And after I am done with you, I will have the power to make the world bow at the mere mention of my name."

"No. Your evil deeds shall be no more. This day is your last." Jack then sprinted across the stage as Tirek began to unleash blasts of magic towards the samurai, who was fast enough to avoid each blast before he tackled the two ponies in the sides, knocking all three of them off of the stage.

"If you can hear me, Applejack, then stay here. This shall not take long," he said to the pony before leaping back onto the stage, never noticing that she blinked once as her eyes began to focus on the fight.

Tirek roared with rage while he unleashed blast after magical blast after Jack, who even with his years of training barely managed to avoid each life ending blast. Then, a blast came at him that he knew he would not be able to avoid, so he took up a stance a moment before he swung his blade for all he was worth with a yell that could pierce the heavens. It was then Tirek's turn to be astounded while the blade cleaved clean through his magic and dispersed the spell, causing the centaur to warily narrow his eyes for the first time since the fight began.

"That...is not possible," Tirek snarled as Jack slowly raised himself back up and stared at Tirek from the side. "There is only one magical force in all of the world powerful enough to stop my magic like that, and you do not possess it. So how are you able to..."

"Because my blade holds within it all those who believe in me, those who fought against evil to the bitter end," Jack informed Tirek in a near whisper before he pointed his blade right at the centaur's heart. "And it is the bane of all who are evil and seek to harm the innocent. Now prepare to face justice for what you have done."

With another cry to the heavens Jack lunged at Tirek on all fours, gripping the sword in his teeth so he could move at his full speed. Tirek roared while he brought back a fist and swung at Jack, yet the nimble stallion leapt over the punch that shattered the stage before swinging his pure blade into Tirek's side.

"GRRRAAAHHH!!" Tirek roared in pain as he staggered back, clutching at his side and seething with pain while glaring at Jack. Jack narrowed his eyes towards Tirek's wound when he saw the golden light that he had been eating start to seep out, slightly shrinking the centaur. Yet, before they could fight again they both heard murmuring, causing both of them to glance at the crowd to see that some ponies were beginning to shake their heads, starting to break free of the spell.

"So, you cannot control them if you cannot focus," Jack deduced before moving his blade in front of his face, allowing Tirek to see Jack's eyes glaring at him above his reflection in the steel. "Now then Tirek, prepare to return to hell from whence you came."

"This doesn't make sense!" Tirek roared while he sent a blast of magic towards Jack, who flipped out of the way before racing towards Tirek once again. Tirek, who kept his eyes on the sword the entire time Jack charged towards him, did what he never though he would do. He backed away. "Curse you samurai! I did not return from Tartarus to be defeated by a single pony with a magic blade! You shall fall!"

Jack kicked off with his four powerful legs and hurtled across the air at Tirek, who once again threw a fist at the samurai to punch him out of the air. But Jack was a quick learner and right before the fist connected, he pointed his blade right at Tirek, causing the centaur to punch the magic sword. Tirek howled with pain as the blade sliced into his fist, retracting his hand as he snarled at Jack.

"I will kill you!" Tirek roared while he lifted both hands over his head and slammed them down onto Jack, but once again the samurai moved out of the way of the attack. However, this time both of Tirek's fists went through the stage, trapping the centaur there. And as he struggled to free himself, Jack lunged forward in a flash of light. Tirek looked up just in time to see Jack slice down...before roaring in agony while his right arm fell to the stage.

Jack landed behind Tirek as the centaur pulled his now only arm free and held it to his shoulder, which was now seeping a golden light that caused the centaur to shrink considerably, almost to the point where he was hardly taller than Jack.

"You...have not won!" Tirek roared through gritted teeth, yet the cold glare that Jack replied with caused the centaur to back away from the samurai slightly. "All I need to do is absorb the ponies magic once again! And once I am powerful, I will crush you and all who-"

"Your words are empty," Jack cut him off with a snarl, slowly advancing towards Tirek with his blade held between Jack's eyes. "And soon, so shall your seats be as well." Tirek snapped his head towards the crowd to see that a majority of the ponies were fleeing the theater, with Applejack helping to usher the ponies out of the room.

"It is hard to keep a mind control spell going when you cannot even control the battle, is it not?" Jack asked Tirek with a cold fire in his voice.

"But why weren't you affected?" Tirek asked Jack as the centaur took a few steps back, trying to figure out a way to win. "The spell was guaranteed to control the mind of any pony! How are you not affected?!"

"Perhaps it is because I am not a pony," Jack whispered just loud enough so that Tirek could hear, watching as the centaur's eyes slowly shrunk with fear.

"Then what are you?!" Tirek roared.

"I am here to stop you."

Tirek let out a snarl before he turned and raced off stage, with Jack roaring as he chased after the centaur. Tirek sprinted towards a rope that was holding a sandbag in the air, severing the rope as he gripped it tightly. He was pulled into the air as the bag fell, allowing him to quickly reach the catwalk that rested over the stage. He glanced over the side to see that the samurai wasn't there, giving him a moment to smile as he turned...to find that Jack was standing on the other end.

"I only have one question left," Jack whispered while he began to advance towards Tirek, dragging his blade on the catwalk as he stared at the ground below. "Why did you end the lives of those so young? What did you have to gain from hurting those who were only just beginning to experience life?"

"Fool. Foal magic is some of the most powerful in the land, be they unicorn or not," Tirek snarled as a pained smile crossed his face. "But magic was not enough, I needed another force to add to the magic to make me even stronger. And that's where I discovered that if I were to absorb a pony's life force along with their magic, I gained double the power. With foal magic being able to make me so powerful, adding their life force doubled that power! With that kind of power, I would be a god amongst ponies."

"And I will be still," Tirek snarled at Jack, hardly noticing that Jack was staring at the ground while his body trembled with rage, moving his blade beside him as he crouched down slightly. "For once I kill you I will capture those ponies again! I will steal their life and their magic to make myself far beyond even what rainbow power can do! And then I shall be-"

Tirek blinked and then realized that Jack was no longer standing before him. He turned his head to see that Jack was now behind him, crouched down as he held his blade before his eyes that flashed like thunder.

"No Tirek, it is as I said," Jack began as Tirek opened his mouth to say something...only for that thought to die as the centaur's head fell to one side before his body collapsed to the other. Jack then rose up and ran his blade along the top of his scabbard before sheathing it, never once looking back at Tirek. "Your evil ends here."

Jack then leapt off the catwalk and landed on the stage, looking out at the crowd to see that all of the seats were now empty...save for a single orange pony who stood in the front row with visible relief on her face when she saw Jack.

"Thank heavens Jack, yer alive!" Applejack cried out as she raced up on stage and tackled Jack, pulling him into a relieved hug. "When ah saw ya take on Tirek by yerself, ah didn't know what to expect. Ah'm glad to see that yer alive though," AJ sighed before she glanced up at the catwalk. "But what happened to...?"

"I made sure that he would never harm any of you again," Jack said as he then began to walk towards the exit alone.

AJ looked from him to the catwalk, able to see the body that lay motionless up there. For a brief moment she felt disgusted and horrified...before she glanced to the side of the stage to see the body of the pony that Tirek had eaten. Her heart hardened there and with one last glare at Tirek, she turned to chase after Jack, needing to know more about the mysterious samurai.