• Published 15th Oct 2015
  • 13,696 Views, 1,462 Comments

Back To The Past - Onomonopia

  • ...

Home Sweet Home

"...Well that's just unfair! Are ya seriously telling me that after ya solved the danged creature's riddle and it ate ya, it turned out to just be a sea serpent and not magic?!" AJ yelled with a rage that Jack mirrored himself after he had discovered the truth. The sudden outburst of the mare disturbed the wildlife in the grassy hills that the two passed through, telling stories to one another while they each basked in the golden light.

"That is remarkably close to the reaction that I had when I discovered the truth, except that I was more sad at first," Jack noticed. "And sadly I was not the first to discover the lie the hard way. There were many souls within the twin-headed beast's stomach that had fallen for their tale."

"So what did ya do after ya found out?" AJ sighed once she had calmed down enough.

"I escaped and helped the others to do so as well," Jack said with a small shrug. "Yet, while I had the strength to carry on my quest, most of the others within had been broken by the experience and simply returned to their homes, if they still had them. I cannot say I blame them. To had come so far and to solve the twins' riddle only to be eaten...it would crush the spirits of many."

"Ugh, ah still can't believe ya have to go through all of these struggles to go back in time and attempt to defeat Aku once again," Applejack said with a shake of her head. "Saving your family from Aku's wrath really must be your everything, if ya can constantly put up with trash like that."

"I am not just going back in time to save my home," Jack clarified for Applejack, getting him an eyebrow raise. "I am also doing this to save everyone in the past, present and future from the wrath of Aku. No one should have to live under his tyranny." Jack then glanced over at the orange mare to see that she had a strange look on her face, one that was both impressed and a bit full of pity.

"Yer a better pony than me, Jack. Ah'd fight Aku to save mah family and friends like yer doing, but ah don't know if ah'd want to save a future like the one ya wound up in," she admitted before increasing her stride and walking ahead of Jack. "Most of the creatures ya come across seem to be real jerks, and those are the ones that ain't trying to kill ya. The future of yer world doesn't seem like it's worth this painful journey of yers."

"It is not all bad. I have made numerous close friends that I would trust with my life," Jack continued on with a smile as he recalled his allies that had fought with him. "There is the Scotsman, for one. He may be loud and a bit crass, but he has the heart of a warrior and saved my life from a terrible fate on more than one occasion. He is a good soul."

"Okay, there's one worth saving. Now can ya name any others?" Applejack teased with a smile, forcing Jack to place a hoof to his chin as he recalled who else he had encountered.

"Well...there is also you." Applejack looked back at Jack after hearing his words, surprised to see that the samurai was smiling at her. "You helped me battle the vine creature despite not even knowing me. You then escorted me to a place where I could find a magic source that would have been able to take me home. And recently you saved my life when that dark warrior bested me on the bridge. You are a good friend, Applejack, and I am indebted to you."

"Oh, don't start with that again," Applejack sighed with frustration at Jack's debt talk, but her face did get slightly warmer when he bowed to her with a smile. "Besides, ah still think ah'm far more indebted to ya. But unless ya want me to bring out the list of things ya saved me for, ah suggest we just leave it at even."

"As you wish Applejack, I do not wish to cause conflict between the two of us," Jack resigned before lifting his nose to the air and inhaling a few times, an unmistakable scent on the tip of his nose that made him flash back to the days of his youth.

"Ah see that yer starting to smell them as well. Yep, we're getting pretty close to mah apple orchard," Applejack smiled as she followed Jack and sniffed the air as well. "And it seems like we'll be getting a good crop this year if the smell of those beauties is any indication."

"You continue to amaze me. You are able to tell the condition of your apples simply by smelling them?"

"Well, yeah. Ah've trained mahself to be able to tell how good mah apples are with each of mah senses. Kinda like the way ya seem to know yer blade even if ya aren't holding it," Applejack pointed out, getting Jack to look at his blade before looking back up at AJ. The pony was standing at the top of a hill with a large smile on her face, staring down at something below.

Jack joined her on the hilltop to find the pony looking down at a small town that was nestled comfortably amongst the hills, with buildings that gleamed brightly in the sunlight. Even from their distance, Jack could see numerous ponies walking, flying or using magic to move about their home. A smile crept across his face as memories of his own city came back to his mind, never noticing that Applejack was also smiling at his reaction.

"Ah figured ya think along those lines," she muttered to herself before pushing her hat back and resuming their rapidly ending journey. "Come on Jack, if we continue on now we're sure to make it before noon. And ah know ah'm itching to get back to work as soon as ah can."

Applejack had taken a few steps before she realized that Jack had yet to move, and when she glanced back at him she found him staring far off into the distance, thinking thoughts that even the Ambassador of Honesty couldn't read.

"You are...right, in some degree," Jack finally admitted after minutes of silence, perking the orange mare up. "My world...can be cold, merciless, and some days seem as if all the good that was once held in it is gone. That I am fighting for a world that no longer exists." Jack slowly moved over beside Applejack, softly staring down at the small town that rested before them.

"But here...I am reminded of my home, how my world used to be," Jack continued softly. "Where kindness, honor and laughter ruled the world instead of fear and evil. I have seen much evil during my journeys in your world, but I have also seen forgiveness, kindness and love. Emotions that my future has been devoid of for so long. But here, I finally feel like...I know where I am. It is strange I know, but..."

"Ah, yer just being silly, Jack. Of course that future of yers may seem bleak and evil, at least according to your stories, but yer forgetting that there is love and noble sacrifice in yer world," Applejack laughed with a smile, but when Jack's face remained confused she rolled her eyes before poking him in the chest. "You. Yer the most noble and selfless pony...no, being ah've ever met. To have such a tragic tale as yers and yet to never place yer own desires before others...but yer never resentful of yer actions or reminding everypony of what ya did. Yer just a kind pony, with no hidden agenda or desires. Ya just like to help."

"Of course. What kind of person would I be if I did not aid those who needed help, even complete strangers?" Jack asked AJ, whose eyes softened as she smiled at him.

"There it is. That...kind aura," she pointed out with a small chuckle. "And that's probably what ah'm gonna miss most when ya finally do return to yer past...how ya always can seem to turn a bad situation into something good. Ah feel like ya have a lot ya could teach the ponies of mah world...that kindness of yers. That's what ah like the most about ya. Of course, it doesn't hurt that that mage that sent ya here made ya cute as well," she teased with a wink before racing ahead with a laugh, getting Jack to chuckle at her words before he stared off into the distance again.

Applejack's words were what plagued his thoughts, her talk about him being able to teach the ponies of this world...just as the mare he had met had spoken along similar lines. And as Jack glanced down at his kimono, at the spot where he knew his flank was blank, he began to wonder if that may be his talent. His ability to teach those morals that his future had long since lost.

"Perhaps that is what my talent is?" Jack found himself asking. "Perhaps I am meant to teach those of what I have endured...so that evil like Aku's will never be able to surface once again." Jack's thoughts were interrupted when Applejack let out a whistle and waved Jack over to her. With wide eyes Jack found Applejack standing in front of a small arch that had the words, "Welcome to Ponyville" written on the wood.

"We've finally made it, Samurai Jack!" she exclaimed with a holler. "As the sign says, welcome to Ponyville, Jack. The town where the impossible happens."

"And the impossible happening is just what I require."


Flames billowed from the writhing pits below as thousands of souls cried out for something to end their suffering, but their cries fell upon ears that enjoyed every wail. Steeples of darkness towered, jutted and spiraled into a structure that drove fear into the hearts of all who glanced upon its majesty, leaving no head raised for any who dared to look up to demonic structure.

For within the tower that was far larger than any of the advanced buildings around it, was the master of evil, the ruler of the world that had stood unopposed for thousands of years. The demon that no one dared to even whisper of, for fear that he might be listening. For the tower was home of the shape-shifting master of darkness.


The solid black demon that was constructed nearly entirely of shadows stood motionless in his main chamber, his sinister eyes narrowed as they glared into a mirror that was supposed to be able to reveal all to him. His burning eyebrows, one of his few features that was not formed in the darkness, had been narrowed for weeks as he awaited any sign, like one of his armies being destroyed or a country he owned being freed.

"Yet, all that had happened these past few weeks has been nothing," the great demon lord spoke aloud with a frown as he turned towards a creature that had entered into his throne room, bowing at the demon's base. "Well?! Have you discovered where the samurai is?!"

"N-no, oh great Aku. We have been following his trail, but after crossing a desert he seems to have completely vanished," the being stammered while keeping his eyes glued to the ground. Aku narrowed his own eyes before twin blasts of fire erupted from them, burning the creature into ash within a matter of moments.

"Hmm, this is indeed troublesome," Aku muttered as he scratched at his beard, pondering what could have happened to his timeless foe. "He is far too skilled to have fallen to any except for me, and we both know that he will not rest until either he has slain me or I him." The demon then turned back to the mirror, which remained blank despite Aku's multiple attempts to worm information from it.

"But he never remains quiet for this long. A small injustice, a pitiful fool that needs help: sooner or later I hear word of the samurai. But this quiet is...unsettling." Aku then sensed motion in his room and with a demonic howl he spun, prepared fully to battle the samurai to the death. But to both his relief and disappointment, he found that it was not Jack that he was menacing over...but another.

"Who are you and why do you dare to come before the great Aku?" Aku asked the visitor as he regained his regal form.

"Because, your majesty, I have heard word that you have offered a large reward for any who can tell you the location of the samurai known as Jack." Aku could see little of the being's body, for nearly everything was covered in gray robes. But he could also sense a magical power coming from the being, that, while not great enough to worry Aku, did make him narrow his eyes.

"Do you mean to tell me that you know something that the great Aku does not?!" Aku bellowed with fury as he glared down at the robed man, who bowed humbly as Aku simmered down. "Speak. And if your words are pleasing to me, then you will not only leave with your life, but riches untold."

"Your excellency, the reason you cannot find Jack is because he is no longer on your world," the mage explained, getting the great demon to narrow his eyes. "I know this because I sent him to another reality, a reality where I told him there would be a magic to return him to his past. But in truth, that world has not had that magic in centuries. He is essentially trapped there with no way to return to either this world or his past. He has been dealt with."

"FOOL!" Aku roared the moment that mage finished speaking, getting the old man to cower slightly as Aku's burning gaze fixed on him. "As long as the samurai still draws breath, he will find a way not only to return to me, but possibly to also return to the past as well, despite what you think." Aku's eyes then narrowed slightly as an idea came to him and a wicked smile began to creep across his face.

"But I may be able to make the most of this most fortuitous situation. This world that you have sent him to, do they pose any threat to me?"

"No, my lord. They are capable of magic, but nothing like the blade that can hurt you," the mage informed Aku, whose smile grew even wider at the news of not only where Jack was...but a possible new world that he could make his.

"Then prepare your magic once more. For I wish to send a...gift to this world."