• Published 15th Oct 2015
  • 13,679 Views, 1,462 Comments

Back To The Past - Onomonopia

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The Man They Call Jack


"Send me back!" Jack bellowed as he lunged towards Libra, sword flashing in the light as it swung towards the face of the deity. Yet with a flick of a scale Libra caused Jack to rocket into the ground, where he cried out in pain as he felt his body crumple.

"Remember what I said, Jack. I do not need to even bother with you right now," Libra replied with a cold tone as he waved a scale at Jack, the portal back to the past having nearly closed. "The sword or the mare. Those are the only two options available to you right now. So you must make a choice."

With agony wrenching his heart, Jack rose to his knees and held the sword in his hooves that was gifted to him from his family, remembering all they had sacrificed so that they could bestow it on him. He knew that it represented his destiny and was his only way to slay Aku...and it was his oldest friend, the one that had stood beside him through every battle and heartbreak.

But then he cast his gaze to Applejack, to the mare that had accepted him and helped him through Equestria despite him having done nothing to earn that loyalty. Images of her saving his life, offering him food and shelter...and simply being there for him in his darkest moments then swirled in his mind, along with ones of her accepting him into her family, of fighting alongside him no matter the obstacles...and being someone he could lean on. All the memories cascaded down into Jack's mind, reminding him of what it had been like to be loved by others so long ago...and why her smile caused his heart to burn with a fire that he had believed to have long since gone out. And he remembered he was willing to sacrifice everything to save her...even his closest friend.

With a sigh of acceptance Jack placed the sword back into its scabbard and slowly began to walk forward, not looking into Applejack's eyes as he walked by her. And because he did not glance, he did not see the expression that she wore on her face. One that would have chilled him to his core.

"Ah'll do it."

With sickening horror shredding his heart, Jack turned back to face the orange mare who stared ahead with acceptance blazing in her eyes. Even Libra tilted his head forward to indicate surprise, motioning for her to continue speaking.

"Jack...ah know that ya want to offer yer sword. Ah know that ya would rather do that then allow me to give up mah life," Applejack began, before an unholy laugh began to echo across the entire land of Equestria. Jack, AJ and even Libra (to an extent) shivered as the laugh chilled them all, and with fear-filled eyes the two ponies glanced towards the fissure, where a black shadow was beginning to make its way through. The shadow then began to grow until it towered over all of the land, casting a shadow that covered nearly all of Equestria as his green face smiled with delight.

"Aku..." Jack whispered with fear as the demon began to laugh, shooting laser-like beams from his eyes while he began to unleash hell upon the landscape. With the arrival of his greatest foe, Jack glanced down at his blade with fear filling up his soul. If he did not have the blade, could he ever hope to slay a demon like that?

"Hahaha! So this is the land that the samurai has fled to!" Aku said with a cackle as he gazed around, his eyes immediately locking onto the samurai that stood atop the mountain. With a blaze of speed Aku appeared before the samurai, towering over him while smiling with delight. "So samurai, you thought you could escape my gaze on another world, did you? But you should know by now that it is futile to escape Aku!"

"I have not come here to hide from you, monster! I have come to slay you!" Jack then lunged at Aku with a bellow, getting the master of darkness to move to the side as Jack slashed the air where he had been a moment before. Aku cackled as he began to shrink down to a smaller size, yet still remaining large enough to tower over him.

"No samurai, today is the day that you are finally slain once and for all!" Aku decreed before turning a gaze towards the orange mare behind him. "Ah, I see that you have another with you. I cannot wait to inflict the pain of a thousand suns upon them once I am finished with you." Jack answered with a howl of fury as he dove in-between the pair, his eyes flashing with a wrath that Aku had never seen within his oldest foe...and it made him smile.

"I see...you care for this one, do you not? As I have taken the rest of your family from you...I suppose that I must take her as well!" Jack bellowed as he lunged forward, yet before his blade could strike Aku, he was blindsided by a blur of motion that knocked him to the ground. He snarled while springing to his hooves, turning with a glare to see numerous black robots had surrounded the pair of them.

"Deal with him, my minions. I wish to see what makes this beast of burden so special to the samurai." Jack screamed as he cleaved through the first couple of Aku's minions, yet the others quickly bolted out of the samurai's way as he swung at them. Seeing his chance Jack lunged toward Aku, yet before he could reach chains burst forth from the robots and ensnared the samurai. He was dragged back down as Aku and Applejack faced off, the mare glaring at the demon while all Aku did was smile.

"So, you are what has kept the samurai here. I look forward to tearing you away from him!" Aku said before lunging towards the mare with claws extended. Yet a flash of rainbow light erupted from the mare and forced the demon back for a moment, allowing him to gaze upon her rainbow form.

"Ah'm glad yer here, Aku. Because now ah can tear ya apart with mah own hooves!" Applejack then bellowed before lunging for the demon, driving into his chest with all of her rainbow power. Yet to her surprise, she passed clean through the Master of Darkness without leaving a scratch. She wondered what had happened before a tendril of darkness struck her in the back and sent her hurtling into the mountain top once more.

"Did the fool not tell you? Only the sword can truly harm me!" Aku said with a laugh before lifting his fist over the mare. He then drove his closed fist onto the mare, yet in a flash of light and steel a blade sliced through Aku's hand. The demon cried out in pain as he clutched at his fist, glaring down at the samurai who skidded to a stop next to the mare.

"No Aku! Today your darkness ends! Today is your last!" Jack promised, yet all his words did was cause Aku to begin to laugh.

"End, samurai? No, today is only the beginning!" Aku said as he moved to the side, allowing both Jacks to see the devastation that was being wrought upon the land. Off in the distance they could see the princesses and the other members of harmony battling with Aku's forces, but for everyone they slayed, dozens more fell from the sky. "For today I add this land and all of its riches to my empire. And it will be the day that you die!"

Aku unleashed hundreds of tendrils upon the samurai all at once, who moved like lightning in order to deflect all the attacks. Yet one of the attacks slip past his guard...only to race by him and head straight for Applejack. The mare had only a moment to brace herself before the tendril impaled itself...upon the samurai.

"Jack..." she whispered with horror as Jack cried out in pain, slashing at the tendril to free himself before he collapsed to his knees. She raced to his side and tried to help him up as more tendrils lunged for the pair, but at that moment blasts of lunar and solar magic struck Aku from behind.

"Aku! Today is the day you answer for what you have done!" Luna roared as she and her sister unleashed their magic upon the monster. Aku laughed before he turned to look down at the samurai, a smile creeping across his face.

"I would love nothing more than to kill you here, samurai. But you are crafty. You are powerful. And even though you are wounded, I am in a stranger land and that edge may be enough for you to best me if we battle. Perhaps it would be wiser...if I conquered this world first, then dealt with you. After all," Aku began as he smiled down at Jack. "What would be sweeter than taking TWO worlds from you?" Aku turned towards the princesses and began to attack them, leaving Applejack to try and tend to Jack's wound as best she could.

"Prepare yourself Aku, for today you face the sun and moon," Celestia said with a snarl, but to her and Luna's surprise, all Aku did was smile in response.

"Yes, both of you posses great magic. Magic that may indeed be able to do battle with me," the demon laughed before he was swarmed by thousands of his insect droids. As the two princesses watched in horror, the robotic bugs formed into an armor that completely covered the demon, leaving only his eyes and his toothy smile to peek out from beneath. "But did you think I would arrive in this land without preparing myself to face your magic? The sword may be the one weapon that I cannot protect myself from, but all other forms of magic can be bested. Now come fools, and fall to me as well!"

Applejack watched with wide eyes as the princesses began to do battle with the armored monster, before gazing down at the wounded samurai who panted with pain.

"You know there is only one answer." Applejack gazed up at Libra, who extended one of the scales towards her. "Give me your magic and your life. If you do so, Jack will be returned to the past, returned to the very day that he failed. He will even be in his old body, so you do not need to worry about him being wounded. It is the only way." Applejack then gazed from the god to the demon, who had both Luna and Celestia in his clutches as he cackled to the heavens. Blasts of light then struck Aku, who turned to see the rest of the mane six had arrived in their Rainbow forms as well.

"No...Applejack...I will not...trade your life...to save mine," Jack begged of her. "I will...find another way...another way to stop Aku and save your world! Please...do not leave me alone."

"He cannot beat Aku here. He is wounded and tired. Besides, he has burdened this pain for so long, Applejack. But if you give me yourself, his burden will finally end," Libra promised. Applejack gazed between the two for a moment before she sighed in acceptance before helping Jack to his hooves once more.

"Jack...please let me do this for ya," Applejack pleaded with the samurai, who remained defiant despite the pain that tore apart his body. "After all yah've done...all it will take for yer quest to be at an end is mah life. Everything ya ever wanted-"

"No...I will not...lose you!" Jack spat weakly before glaring up at Libra. "Libra...then use your magic to slay Aku...and take my life in exchange!"

"Sorry Jack, but my power cannot slay Aku. Only your sword can," Libra said to Jack. "Besides, your life is worth far more than his will ever be. It would tip the scales."

"Then destroy his armies and allow me to deal with him!"

"Again Jack, what you ask is impossible. There is nothing you can give me that would balance the scales." Jack wracked his brain as he tried to think of another way, ignoring the battle that raged on above them as the other members of harmony battled with Aku. Yet the lack of blood made it hard for him to think, to even tease an idea of what to do.

"Then...if I give you my sword..."

"No, Jack. Ya need yer sword to stop Aku. It can stop him. Ah can't," Applejack told him, turning Jack's gaze towards her once more. "Jack...please."

"I have lost everyone else that I care for. I cannot lose you as well," he begged her weakly before the sounds of fighting made them look up, seeing that the rainbow powers weren't faring much better than the princesses. "I would rather die."

"Jack...ah know ya will understand," Applejack whispered softly to Jack before leaning over and kissing him lightly on the cheek. "After all, yah've risked yer life so many times fer those ya care about. What kind of pony would ah be if ah didn't sacrifice mah life fer the one ah loved? Please... you need to save all who suffer from Aku. Let me bear this burden."

With nothing left to say, the samurai was forced to watch as Applejack approached the deity. His eyes burned with agonizing pain as he saw the scale lower once more, watched as Applejack took in one last breath before taking a step forward...before closing his eyes as the scale began to suck the very life out of her. The portal began to grow once more as Applejack began to fade, leaving Jack helpless. He wished that there was an alternative, that he could offer something else up in her place.

But he knew. He knew that his sword was all that could slay Aku, so he could not give it up. He knew that if he were to fight Aku here in his wounded state, the demon would quickly overpower him with his massive army and dark magic. And he knew that the only way to save Equestria and be rid of Aku...was to return to the past. So with soul crushing agony bearing down upon him, he could only stare down at the ground with tears waterfalling from his face as Applejack allowed herself to die for him...so that he could return home. So that his wish...

As Jack shut his eyes he could feel the shadow of Aku consuming him in darkness, just as he felt the destiny of his father fall upon his shoulders once more. As agony clenched at his heart, he tried to convince himself that he was doing the right thing. By returning to the past...and losing one...he would be saving so many-

'There are things more important than returning to the past.'

"LIBRA!" Jack roared with fury, making the deity and Applejack both jump in surprise as a flash of light streaked by the pair...and sliced the scale Applejack was on to pieces. Applejack barely had time to yelp in surprise before she felt Jack catch her, holding her close as he held his sword in one hoof while glaring up at Libra with all the remaining strength he could muster. The deity looked from his shattered scale to the samurai, tilting his head slightly as he created a new one.

"We have been over this Jack," Libra said in an annoyed tone as he glanced down at the samurai, but when he gazed into the samurai's eyes he was able to look into Jack's soul...and what he saw made even the deity back away with shock. For Jack's soul blazed with the will of the warrior, the strength of the hero that could overcome any obstacle...and the desire of a man who would sacrifice all for the sake of others.

"Yes, we have discussed the wish that you put before me. But that is not my true wish. My true wish...is that I never came to Equestria!" Jack roared, getting a gasp from Applejack as Libra narrowed his eyes from behind his mask. They then widened slightly when he glanced into the samurai's mind and found that Jack's wish had not changed, but instead had been his true wish.

"That is your true wish?" Libra asked with pure confusion as he lifted his scale, watching as they began to balance each other out. "You have my curiosity samurai. Now I wish to know why."

"Jack...why? What about yer wish to get home?" Applejack asked the samurai, who stared ahead a long moment before gazing down at her.

"I cannot give Libra my sword. I will need it to slay Aku. But...I cannot give him you either. You...mean far too much to me. You helped me with my burden, you showed me your home and accepted me into it. But most of all...you helped me to truly smile once more," Jack admitted before glaring back up at the god, whose scales were precariously balanced. "So you deserve to be happy, deserve to live in a land free of Aku's tyranny. Deserve to live out your life with your family. Even if I am not there to be with you."

"What...are ya saying?"

"I'm saying that if my wish is granted and I never came to Equestria...then that would mean that Aku would have never come to Equestria either," Jack stated more for Libra than Applejack, glaring up at the god as he spoke. "Would that not balance everything out, Libra?"

Applejack felt her heart sink to levels she did not know it could as Jack spoke those words, freeing herself from his arm as the samurai glared up at the deity. She tried to muster something to say to Jack, but found that her voice had abandoned her.

"That...is curious. Yes, for if you never came to Equestria, then Aku would have never had any reason to come to Equestria either," Libra began to mutter, adding up everything in his head. "He would not remember Equestria and neither would you. Also, that would mean that you would not have wasted my time with this...yes..."

"I see samurai. You are going for a reset to all that has happened," Libra realized with the mask having a smile spread across its face. "That would indeed balance everything out...or rather, make it so nothing needed balancing in the first place. But I hope you realize that if I am to grant this wish...then everything that you have done here would be undone. Your adventures, the evil you slayed...meeting Applejack. And they will not remember you either. And no magic in either world can erase what my power will do. Are you certain this what you want? Do you not wish to return to the past?"

"I know well what this means. And while I wish to return to my time...my time has long since past. I am more concerned now with the present! So to protect Equestria...to protect her...this is my wish!" Jack decreed with no doubt or hesitation, making Libra raise his eyebrows beneath his mask as he heard these words.

"Jack..." Applejack whispered, getting Jack to turn his attention from the deity to the mare who gazed at him with despair in her eyes. "Ya can't...ya can't do this. This could be yer only chance to finally return to the past...to stop Aku...but instead ya want to...why?"

"Because it is as a zebra once said. Some things are more important than returning to the past. My family, my home...they are already gone. And for all the wishing in the world...perhaps it is time I learn I cannot relive the past," Jack admitted with a tearful smile as he walked over to Applejack, the pain in his chest far outweighed by the pain in his heart. "But you and your land shall not fall to the evil of Aku. And yes, this wish may come at the cost of my memories, of the feeling of happiness and joy that I felt while I was here...but it will not come at the cost of your life. For that cost is too high a price. And to avoid that cost, I would sacrifice everything I cherish. Because no matter what hardships the world casts on me, I will never sacrifice others for my own goals. I will protect all I care about, all that need me, no matter the pain. That is who the samurai they call Jack is."

The moment these words left his lips, a blinding flash of light began to shine from his flank. Both Jack and Applejack glanced back as an image appeared, one that made Applejack tear up and made Jack nod with understanding. For the mark on his flank was a shield in the shape of heart, one that was cracked, dented, and had been pierced by multiple weapons. But the shield still held strong and the heart still bled for those in need, telling Jack all he needed to know.

"Very well Jack, I have mused over it and your wish is fair. So I shall grant your last request," Libra decided as he slammed his two scales together, creating a wave of energy that caused all of Equestria to freeze. Then Equestria started to fade away, starting with Aku before moving to his army. Then the ponies and the burning land began to fade as well, until all that was left was Jack, Applejack and Libra.

"Jack!" Applejack called out to him before glancing down at herself, finding that she was starting to fade as well. "Jack, ya can't do this! Ya can't!"

A small smile crossed Jack's face as he walked forward up to what remained of Applejack, gently placing a hoof on her cheek with a kind smile. "It is the only way Applejack. The only way I could think of to save you and the rest of your home. Do not worry for me, for I am used to having ways home taken from me at the last moment. I thank you for trying to share my pain, for being there to aid me with my burden. I...it means so much to me. Yet this time...I will be able to bear this burden alone. By the thought of what I sacrifice it for. Because this way, I can protect you. And what kind of man would I be, if I did not sacrifice my everything for the one I love?"

Applejack's eyes slowly widened at Jack's words, tears streaking down her face as she shook her head at Jack with a sorrowful smile. "Of course...ya pick now of all times to finally admit that to me. Jack...ah..." Jack closed his eyes as Applejack faded away, leaving him alone with Libra in the whiteness of nothing.

"I am resetting their world, just as I will now do to yours," Libra said as he turned to face Jack, who continued to keep his eyes closed. "But I will admit Jack, that I have never met a being like you. One that is willing to go so far for the sake of others, one that will sacrifice all...even his one happiness. A shield that bleeds for others. It suits you."

"I am next," Jack said with understanding, before a question formed in his mind. "But what about Tirek? Would he not be-?"

"You're arrival here is what caused Applejack to be captured by him. Without you here, she will return home, her friends and she will hear of his deeds and they will defeat him once more."

"I see. Thank you," Jack said softly, not seeing Libra nod before the deity vanished as well. Jack then sat down and crossed his legs, resting his wrists on his knees as he waited for his knowledge of the events that happened to vanish as well, while doing everything he could to stay calm.

'I am proud of you, my son.' Jack's eyes almost opened at the sound of his father's voice, but instead of opening his eyes he kept them shut and allowed the voice to continue. 'You are so kind, so noble and so strong. I am honored to have a son like you.'

"Thank you, Father. I am honored to be your son," Jack replied into the nothingness, keeping his eyes closed as he felt his body begin to fade away.

'But I am also so sorry. Sorry for what my quest has caused you to experience,' the Samurai Lord said with regret and agony in his voice. 'For you have suffered so much because of the task I placed upon you. You have lost friends, endured hardships far greater than any should endure...and just now, were forced to give up the one you loved. I...am so sorry.'

"Do not be, Father," Jack replied with kindness in his tone as he realized he could no longer feel his body. "For while you may have placed this quest upon my shoulders, I am grateful for the journey that I have traveled. Though the constant loss and pain is hard to endure at times, helping those that need me...and meeting all those that I call friends...and love...has made it all worth it. I would not trade those memories for anything...except to save them."

'You are indeed a great man, my son. Far greater than I ever was,' the voice of the Samurai Lord softly said before it began to fade as well, leaving Jack in silence once more. As he sat, he recalled the happiest times of his life: Being held by his mother; being praised by his father...and sitting next to the mare that smelt of apples while watching the fireflies as they flew overhead. He knew that he would not remember the last one, so he chose to focus on that one the most. But even as those memories began to fade, along with what remained of him, he knew that she would be safe. That her home would not have to endure the same pain that his had. That she would be happy.

And with that knowledge, he was content.